Power Spikes II Dog Tag and Euro Homecarts Discovered!

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
Because he wasn't the one who started it right charlie?

I have nothing against you guys but focusing on FTL is only making this game and AF appear even more fake. And if these games are fake, then promoting them here is harmful to the site.


Volatile Memory Construct - SN://0467839
Staff member
Apr 26, 2002

I removed from your post the images of the recap of the sales, those are confidential and now put on another url.
Nothing secret or weird, just confidential and not intended to be posted on a public forum for obvious reasons.

I did you a favor by removing your screen caps.

Now that you know and were explained they are confidential, I hope you will understand.

Have no fear, the google cache is still there so we can all embarass ourselves in the future by referencing that.

You also might not want to mention that they're on a different URL and still out there.... that means they're still available and are able to be found.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
The way Shawn handled himself as a skeptic was perfect. Not so much from FTL.


Volatile Memory Construct - SN://0467839
Staff member
Apr 26, 2002
I've gotta say, suspending Tonk because he posted PUBLIC information that was made available by STAFF of this site on the INTERNET is pretty fucking weak.

If you're taking action, slap the idiot who posted it with a ban.

You guys are upset because he exposed you. It's your right and it's Shawn's site, but it's clear what the real reason for this ban is.


Franco's Trainer
20 Year Member
Apr 29, 2001
So, given Tonk's suspension and unless the source himself will register here to continue the discussion, this mean no more news/info about PSII.. it's a shame :annoyed:
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Art of Typing Wiz, , ,
20 Year Member
Aug 15, 2000
Probably so brandi, and lol @ banning tonk for posting public information.


Angel's Love Slave
20 Year Member
Sep 29, 2000
I've gotta say, suspending Tonk because he posted PUBLIC information that was made available by STAFF of this site on the INTERNET is pretty fucking weak.

If you're taking action, slap the idiot who posted it with a ban.

You guys are upset because he exposed you. It's your right and it's Shawn's site, but it's clear what the real reason for this ban is.

This is looking more like a red herring with every page--and not worthy against the legitimacy of $90,000+ worth of neo geo video games.


Franco's Trainer
20 Year Member
Apr 29, 2001
Probably so brandi, and lol @ banning tonk for posting public information.
Even though i consider Mike as a friend, i can understand why Shawn and Simone are upset with him

Anyway you can see it, those were private dealings infos not meant to be made public

As i said, even though i sympathize with Mike, doing that wasn't definitely a smart move

It's funny when we argue with each other but privacy shouldn't be broken
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Known Scammer and One Deluded Individual, NeoGeoFr
20 Year Member
Nov 2, 2000
I am still hoping for that phone call today at 10am as requested.

In the mean time, I say ban vanilla and bonus, they are nothing but troublemakers anyway.

If I had time, I would be a mod myself as requested.

A new dawn for the neo geo. Maybe we can just now get back to the games - after this PS2/AF3 thing is settled.


Art of Typing Wiz, , ,
20 Year Member
Aug 15, 2000
Even though i consider Mike as a friend, i can understand why Shawn and Simone are upset with him

Anyway you can see it, those were private dealings infos not meant to be made public

As i said, even though i sympathize with Mike, doing that wasn't definitely a smart move

All it did was open the door to what a lot of people suspected all along. Even worse FTL even looks way more shady for this ban because now he's acting like he's got something to hide. Want to make sure people don't know you're pissing in the pot, Get a better lock on the door instead of one that opens both ways.


Art of Typing Wiz, , ,
20 Year Member
Aug 15, 2000
I am still hoping for that phone call today at 10am as requested.

In the mean time, I say ban vanilla and bonus, they are nothing but troublemakers anyway.

If I had time, I would be a mod myself as requested.

A new dawn for the neo geo. Maybe we can just now get back to the games - after this PS2/AF3 thing is settled.

Why don't you go hock some more fake corrected inserts again. lol


Volatile Memory Construct - SN://0467839
Staff member
Apr 26, 2002
This is looking more like a red herring with every page--and not worthy against the legitimacy of $90,000+ worth of neo geo video games.

Hah, I know. Did't I say that a few pages ago? That this ISN'T about a rare game's legitimacy?

Hey, it's shawn's right to do whatever they want.

I have NO ties to this game, I'm was an interested observer... as much as the next person. I found out about this one when you did.

None of this arguing has settled anything and is now about sniping and railbirding.


King of Typists,
20 Year Member
Jan 4, 2002
I seriously think anyone even vaguely believing such a cart to be real actually knows nothing, and I would emphasize the word 'nothing', about NeoGeo. This thread is full of delusion and fail, with a nice icing of scamming on top, and of course a lot of drama inside. It really seems quality drama is now the ultimate tool for quality scam here. Sooo sad to see Tonk reduced to this. He used to be a cool guy, seriously. Once I ranted against Trieuminator being a drama queen and and attention whore, just like a NFG-wannabe egotic persona, and Tonk seconded that post of mine saying it was the 'best Shito post ever''. Indeed Trieu used to be a drama queen and an attention whore back in the days, but hell if I ever saw him scamming anyone with blatant fake products. Isn't now Tonk during all the same and all the worse? Yes. But since he used to be such a good fella, everyone's blindly taking his part even if what he says it's just ridiculous. So sad in my eyes.
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1cc my ASS!,
20 Year Member
Jun 12, 2001
wait, TonK got suspended for posting a link to a page that was publically available to anyone who could do a Google search? Fucking seriously? It's not like he was hacking password-protected sites/accounts or something, jesus christ.


Franco's Trainer
20 Year Member
Apr 29, 2001
I seriously think anyone even vaguely believing such a cart to be real actually knowns nothing, and I would emphasize the world 'nothing', about NeoGeo. This thread is full of delusion and fail, with a nice icing of scamming on top, and of course a lot of drama inside. It really seems quality drama is now the ultimate tool for quality scamming here. Sooo sad to see Tonk reduced to this. He used to be a cool guy, seriously. Once I ranted against Trieuminator being a drama queen and and attention whore, just like a NFG-wannabe egotic persona, and Tonk seconded that post of mine saying it was the 'best Shito post ever''. Indeed Trieu used to be a drama queen and an attention whore back in the days, but hell if I ever saw him scamming anyone with blatant fake products. Isn't now Tonk during all the same and all the worse? Yes. But since he used to be such a good fella, everyone's blindly taking his part even if what he says it's just ridiculous. So sad in my eyes.
Gualtiero, care to elaborate why you state for sure those "pre-production" carts are 100% fake?


Art of Typing Wiz, , ,
20 Year Member
Aug 15, 2000
wait, TonK got suspended for posting a link to a page that was publically available to anyone who could do a Google search? Fucking seriously? It's not like he was hacking password-protected sites/accounts or something, jesus christ.

You got it. Apparently posting public information is a bannable offense now when the person's info that is posted is making them look like a total scumbag. :)


King of Typists,
20 Year Member
Jan 4, 2002
Brandi: are you serious, my friend?

We are talking about a Japanese company, and we know as they work: domestic is first, overseas is optional. That's 100% true all-around for any Japanese company in the '90 at least. Particularly, SNK has proved so many times, in so many ways, that's tru *particularly* for the NeoGeo Home market, for which the whole West has always been treated pretty much as a stock dump. And you know I went my way down to Esaka more than once, and I personally knew mr Koyama even before that (he was the Overseas Sales Director since 1991), and you know I've been working with Japanese entertainment companies since almost 20 years now. Torrance, NGF, NeoStore, fishy traders in Italy (and they were!), or small distributors in any local European country: SNK could not care less. As a matter of fact, now everyone will consider 'legit' or 'unlegit' any western NeoGeo product according to his own logic: IE is a piece of paper from a US court something to be considered when discussing about a NeoGeo product being legit or not? If you say 'yes', then all NGF conversions are legit NeoGeo products. Or, are we all in full right to decide WHAT makes a product legit or not? As if adding a distributor URL on an insert of a legally licensed product makes it unlegit? Or, are we all to speculated the World regions were paper materials has to be printed in order for a product to be legit? To me, this is all ridiculous per se and to begin with, but hell, even just imagining SNK producing an offset insert print run for a supposed Western only AES release test run is beyond that I'm not even laughing, it's just mind-blowing. This is just the proof of how self-delusion may be deep and strong in human mind as long as it may please an individual's desires and aspirations.
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Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
I've gotta say, suspending Tonk because he posted PUBLIC information that was made available by STAFF of this site on the INTERNET is pretty fucking weak.

I thought you were a security advisor?! As someone working in the security biz you should know that the simplicity of laying your hands on certain private information does not give you the right to publish it.

The suspension is one thing, we're discussing the matter in the mod forum as we speak, but please let's not get too silly here.

Lee Gray

Better Than Krauser
20 Year Member
Sep 21, 2001
I have never seen such a thread full of shit and bitterness in the ten years I have been here.


Volatile Memory Construct - SN://0467839
Staff member
Apr 26, 2002
I thought you were a security advisor?! As someone working in the security biz you should know that the simplicity of laying your hands on certain private information does not give you the right to publish it.

That standard does NOT apply in this case. Stating something is "confidential" doesn't make it illegal to disclose. We can get into the details or circumstances if you'd like, but there was no privileged, private or otherwise legally protected data in that file. It's just a list of transactions... Now, if Simone had a legal document obligating Shawn to keep those transactions confidential....

Look it up, I can give you some places to start, if you'd like.