Your Three Most-Played NES Games


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
No shit? Didn't even know it got a release on the SMS, I'll have to check out a video.

Paperboy is an 80s national treasure. One of the few games that manages to make me laugh just from the absurdity of it all.
My wife isn't much of a gamer outside of puzzle books, or puzzle phone games. But even SHE had a PaperBoy tiger hand held.


Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
A very inspiring thread, thanks again, gents.

Currently my most-played games are:

Gun Nac - Good old Compile, didn't realize that the game was made by them at first but it gave me a nice Aleste vibe, then I noticed the Compile logo. Brought a smile to my face. Grrrrrreat shmup with a nice difficulty curve and a more than generous amount of powerups that get thrown your way.

Contra and Super C - Well, duh. What can I say, fucking amazing and still a blast to play. Some of the newer versions and adaptions of the original concept are nice and all but they're nothing like the real thing.

Gun Smoke - Another arcade fave of mine, excellent port. The button setup works very well. Mowing enemies down with the machine gun feels great.

Batman (Sunsoft) - Wow, what a game. Kicks yer ass left and right but gameplay is absolutely spot-on.

Guerilla War - Nonstop action, just what I need. It's amazing how vast the game is, loads of levels, tons of enemies and installations to wreck, love using the tank.

Rush'n Attack - The C64 port of the game (called Green Beret) was my #1 choice for a long while (together with the great Speccy port, go figure). The NES port is superior because it's way more playable. It's considered a difficult game but I find the C64 version wayyy more difficult.

Mega Man, Castlevania and Ninja Gaiden - The big three, going to tackle the games one after another which will probably take me quite a while. The first Mega Man and Castlevania are almost finished but Ninja Gaiden is a tough nut to crack. Can't blame anyone but me for it, tho, gameplay is tops and immensely fun.

Spelunker - Played it a lot on MSX, the NES version is great because it's a bit more forgiving in terms of jumps.

Ghosts'n Goblins - I've been a fan of the game from day one ever since it appeared in a pub I used to frequent back in the day. The home port to play at that time was the C64 version and its developers did a stellar job considering the hardware limitations but of course it was lacking in many ways so I hoped it would come out on Genny that I bought later on. Too bad it didn't, although Ghouls'n Ghosts was excellent as well. I consider the NES version the best of the 8bit era, there were a lot of really horrible GnG ports on various home systems at that time so I never got why some people heaped so much critizism on it. The scrolling could be smoother and the difficulty is just downright evil but it's all there, plays very well and music and sound effects are just great. I'll beat it one day.

1942 - And another arcade fav of mine, the NES port is really good IMO.

Shatterhand - So much fun to play, looks and sounds great as well. Would love to see how this could have worked out on Master System.

There's more to try out for me thanks to your suggestions so the list is only a temporary one, may look different next month.

Pretty Amy

Loyal Neo-Disciple
10 Year Member
Sep 15, 2013
Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA)
Disney's Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers

Neither are my favorite platformer on the system, but they're both comfort food. I can blow through either in 15 minutes and have a great time.

Super Spike V'Ball
Recently discovered this one with a group of friends. 4-player is a blast and it's now on permanent rotation for get togethers moving forward.


15 Year Member
Jul 14, 2005
Double Dragon 2
Best double dragon ever!!! I still get so much pleasure from watching the Mysterious Warrior die. Great soundtrack also
Ninja Gaiden 2
Awesome game and those cutscenes keep me repeatedly playing this. This series always had the best villains. Ashtar running his mouth during the intro. Jaquio coming back to get slaughtered again.
Mike Tyson Punchout
Damn the nostalgia or recapturing your childhood. This game is just fun working your way up from weakest opponent in gaming history. Until you can finally throw hands with Digital Black Jesus !!!! 007-373-5963


Land of the Rising Bling:,
20 Year Member
Jan 17, 2002
Rescue: The Embassy Mission: parts of it feels almost like an early Rainbow Six. I used to play this all the time at my friend's house and tried it again 10 years ago and it held up really well.

Other than that the games already mentioned: Double Dragon 2, Final Fantasy


Three 6 Mafia
10 Year Member
Mar 1, 2012
I have not played NES since the 90s so from back then I think it would be a list like this:
- SMB3
- Castlevania III
- Tecmo Super Bowl


J. Max's Chauffeur,
20 Year Member
Jul 9, 2001
I am 100% certain that the top two of all time are the following in order:
Super Tecmo Bowl

For the third, I'm guessing that it is Super C although It may be Stinger (Twinbee Sequel)

I played so much MLB baseball that I learned how to break the physics of the game... Like catching foul balls in the stands.
MLB Baseball was a blast for sure, but when RBI 2 came out that was my most played baseball title in the end.

Ever all time, so most of this is as a kid

Super Mario Bros
Mike Tyson’s Punchout
Tecmo Bowl

I called Toys R Us everyday until they told me they had Mike Tyson’s Punchout in stock.
Last edited:

Black IcE

Earl's Long Lost Brother,
15 Year Member
Jun 29, 2005
Castlevania 1-3
Super Mario 1-3
Ninja Gaiden 1-3

Technically more then three games, so I tried to limit it to 3 line items. I switch between playing on a mister and a nes/famicom.


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
4 pages in, and no one mentioned RC Pro Am? 🤯

-RC Pro Am
-Double Dribble

Out of all the games mentioned so far by others, Nintendo’s Ice Hockey gets the most play at my house.

Black IcE

Earl's Long Lost Brother,
15 Year Member
Jun 29, 2005
I need to go beyond what is comfortable and try some new stuff on the NES. Lots of good suggestions on here. It is all to easy to get stuck in a rut. I was a Master System kid growing up, so I have been playing catch-up on learning about the better NES games.


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
Me too. It was TransBot and Ghost House at every sleepover for the 1st 6 mos I had my Master System. 🤣

Black IcE

Earl's Long Lost Brother,
15 Year Member
Jun 29, 2005
My first SMS games were Missile Defense 3D, Shooting Gallery, and I think Monopoly. Once I got in 8th grade and found out my neighbor had a Master System, that is when I learned about the better games like Kenseiden, Golvellius, and others. My early gaming education had a slow start. That same friend introduced me to video game magazines, the TG16, and much more video game wise at the time.,