"Speed of light is masculine?"


Kabuki Klasher
Jan 23, 2012
French feminist and social theorist Luce Irigaray has issues with Einstein’s theory of relativity:
Is E=Mc² a sexed equation? Perhaps it is. Let us make the hypothesis that it is insofar as it privileges the speed of light over other speeds that are vitally necessary to us. What seems to me to indicate the possible sexed nature of the equation is not directly its uses by nuclear weapons, rather it is having privileged that which goes faster.1

When, exactly, was it determined that speed is inherently masculine? Did I miss that bulletin? Somebody better hurry up and tell those female Pakistani fighter pilots.

As a result of the random and opportunistic application of scientific theories in her work, Irigaray earnt for herself a chapter-long drubbing in Sokal and Bricmont’s recommended science-based attack on French postmodernism Intellectual Impostures.

That what some feminists actually believes! :lol:

Zero Satori

Jaguar Ninja
Sep 21, 2006
Absolutely full of shit, not for the least reason that the French word for "speed" is "vitesse"--an inherently feminine word. If Msle. Irigaray needs more argument than that, perhaps she studied too much science and not enough linguistics in school.