I'd love to buy NG Dev teams games. I own all of them on Dream Cast as they had a good deal for them all when Gun Lord game out. Granted my Gun Lord posters came in after the initial games, and they were not protected at all (like in a tub) and damaged beyond my liking. Which I thought ..okay I'll email NG Dev and ask for a replacement. I never got a reply even.
With that said, what if they sold just the boards for the games and the gam label? For those of us who want a AES or MVS copy? I say this because I have a MVS or two where the cartridge is the only thing of worth. Or I could buy a easy to find MVS/AES for the cart itself for 20 or so bucks to house the game in. Has anyone ever thought of this? I know for example "Stone age gamer" does this you can buy their PBC boards for their various ever drive games and you supply your own cart at less then half the price usually.