New Doom/Doom II update launches, including 16 new official maps


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
I think it’s a bad shooter and a mediocre survival horror

I liked the atmosphere and the storytelling.

Therefore, I suck my own butt.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
I think it’s a bad shooter and a mediocre survival horror

I liked the atmosphere and the storytelling.

Therefore, I suck my own butt.
It's not survival horror at all, though, because there's a ridiculously plentiful supply of ammo, health, and armor and none of the enemies are actually a threat. They're just a nuisance that takes too long to get rid of.

It's just a really shit shooter that they tried to say was survival horror because they realized it wasn't fun. The only "horror" is that you can't see. That's it.

And the storytelling was literally, "Doomguy reads HR emails one dead NPC sent to another dead NPC"


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Can’t wait for the remake.
No need, they fired all the retards responsible for Doom 3 and Rage and started making video games again as of 2016.

Rage is pretty much how Doom 3 would be remembered if they didn't have the audacity to call it a Doom game. ie, not at all.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Rage is pretty much how Doom 3 would be remembered if they didn't have the audacity to call it a Doom game. ie, not at all.

I think that’s fair and/or accurate statement.

Although Rage got a sequel :keke:

I never played the first Rage but the second one was pretty boring. Some of the aspects of the gameplay were fun but on the whole, snooze fest. Terrible, pointless open world design.


margarine sandwich
15 Year Member
Oct 25, 2007
No need, they fired all the retards responsible for Doom 3 and Rage and started making video games again as of 2016.

Rage is pretty much how Doom 3 would be remembered if they didn't have the audacity to call it a Doom game. ie, not at all.

Doom 3 is a decent game (as a one-player game). But whether you can really call it a Doom game (in the same vein as Doom & Doom II) is another question.
The developers intended it to be a different game than the first two.
They were turning it into a horror/thriller movie (like the Alien movies). They wanted to scare people. But not many people found the first two Doom games scary.
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Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
I think that’s fair and/or accurate statement.

Although Rage got a sequel :keke:

I never played the first Rage but the second one was pretty boring. Some of the aspects of the gameplay were fun but on the whole, snooze fest. Terrible, pointless open world design.
Rage got a sequel, but they farmed it out to Avalanche Software while id themselves were doing Doom VFR and Doom Eternal. Wise decision.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Doom 3 is a decent game (as a one-player game). But whether you can really call it a Doom game (in the same vein as Doom & Doom II) is another question.
The developers intended it to be a different game than the first two.
No, the developers intended it as a remake of Doom. Literally, Carmack pitched it as, "I'm remaking Doom and you'll have to fire me to stop me."

And it sucked. And you suck your own butt.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Doom 64 is on sale again for 2 bucks on GOG if anybody doesn't have it. Comes with The Lost Levels expansion pack (7 new maps).

The whole Wolfenstein and Quake series are also on sale.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
These look awesome, i wonder if i can get them onto steamdeck somehow

Looks like a bit of a headache.

Some of them are mods for the official Steam/GOG remaster of Doom 64. Some are for GZDoom, some are for Zandorum, some are for Doom 64 EX Plus. So if you want to play them all you need to install the base game and at least three sourceports.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
First major patch is out for the new port, y'all.


  • Added 21:9 resolution graphics for DOOM, DOOM II, The Plutonia Experiment, and TNT: Evilution
  • Left turn, right turn, and strafe keys added to keyboard bindings, allowing playing with old-school keyboard-only tank controls
  • Added 3D sound option in Sound Menu, allowing more than 2 speaker setups to be used – this allows individual sound effect levels to be taken into account compared to the original DOOM sound system
  • Cheats can now be activated from the pause menu. Entering the original game’s cheat codes will unlock them for future use. You can also unlock all cheats from the Gameplay Settings menu

  • The multiplayer match browser can now be filtered and sorted
  • Added timer and frag limit added to the multiplayer scoreboard

  • Players can now search for mods by name in the Mod Browser
  • Release notes for mods are now visible in the Mod Details screen
  • Checking for Mod updates can now be manually done from the Play Menu
  • Added a link in the Play Menu to the Mod’s details page to allow quicker access to unsubscribe, like, and report
  • The current page and last selection are kept when backing out from a Mod’s details screen
  • Play Mods menu now shows locally installed Mods
  • Added a menu option to pop up the folder where you can drop new WAD files
  • Added “wad” console command to quickly load a WAD file and restart the game


  • When a save game is incompatible due to a map update, you will now restart the level from the beginning, with the inventory you had at the time of the save
  • Globally reduced input latency by at least one frame at 60hz
  • Various audio issues fixed, including ones around playing looping sounds, positioning, and limits on simultaneous voices
  • Loading saves no longer causes enemies to attack other map objects
  • Loading saves will correctly restore enemy infighting and tracking of Arch-Vile and Revenant targets
  • The correct DOOMguy expression is now displayed on the HUD when being damaged with more than 120 HP
  • Progress on the “Until It Is Done” achievement can now be made when playing DOOM & SIGIL
  • All difficulty modifiers will restore correctly when loading a save game
  • Weapon lowers properly when dying when turning view bobbing off

  • Resolved soft-locks in MAP03 in Legacy of Rust and TNT: Evilution MAP06 (at the lift near the start of the map)
  • Fixed an issue in which some enemies were getting stuck in TNT: Evilution MAP31

  • Fixed an issue in which all platforms could not see each other in the Match Browser
  • Fixed an issue in which wall textures would sometime not scroll correctly for multiplayer clients

  • The game will no longer force quit when attempting to load incompatible Mods, sending you back to the Menu instead
  • Fixed an issue in which saves made from certain Mods would not load
  • Automap will render correctly for large maps in Mods
  • Extended Boom feature compatibility to support a broader range of Mods. If your Boom or MBF21 Mods were having issues prior to this update, please try them again, and thanks everyone for all the reports so far!


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
More details:
Legacy of Rust stuff:
  • Incinerator damage buffed (technically a bugfix: A_RadiusDamage wasn't being calculated properly)
  • Incinerator self-damage halved
  • Calamity Blade sprites polished up a bit (bye bye seam!)
  • E1M3: fixed broken monster closet teleporters at the end fight; you can now get 100% kills
  • E1M6: remove funky floaty hanging body (there's a band name idea for y'all, btw)
  • E1M6: add a couple of lifts out of the lava pit in the narrow-walkway area; all lava is escapable now (if you've got the HP to reach it in time :P )
  • E1M7: fixed the really-obvious sequence break with the blursphere secret (note: you can still sequence break, it's just much harder to do by accident )
  • E2M3: chaingun/bfg secret near the start of the map no longer requires you to be Usain Bolt to reach it in time :P
  • E2M6: removed a couple of archviles near the blue key (they had a tendency of spotting the player early if you ran to the wrong spot)
  • E2M6: Central nukage "pits" in the final cyb fight are no longer inescapable (the outer zone is still deadly AF though).
  • Various gameplay tweaks to a few maps (E1M4, E1M5, E1M7, E2M1, E2M3). Might be some sneaky new monster ambushes here and there. :P

Other stuff:
  • SR50 is back. Have fun. :P
  • DOOMWADDIR and DOOMWADPATH environment variables are now supported on PC; should make loading mods with -file much easier for us diehards
  • Added a new "Self damage factor" DEHACKED field to the ID24 feature spec.
  • Added a menu option for swapping left/right sticks on controller
  • Added ability to cycle between images in the Vault while in the image viewer
  • Loading saves or dying no longer restarts the current music track (though we also added a menu option to swap it back in case folks preferred it that way)
  • Fixed several MBF21 weapon codepointers not respecting the SILENT flag
  • STBAR and fullscreen graphics like TITLEPIC/CREDIT/etc now extend out to 21:9 -- Scuba's extended graphics in their full glory. :P
  • Black Tower in Master Levels now uses Doom2 E3's sky -- this is the one case where the original looks better than the starscape :P
They also said they fixed a ton of preexisting bugs (too many to list) from some of the sourceport standards that their port was built to incorporate (Boom, MBF21, etc) and eliminated network ghosting caused by disconnecting and improved the netcode in general.

And this won't be the last update.


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
I’ve got it on Switch but for that price might as well get it on Steam as well. I love this port.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
'nother GOG sale
Doom I + II is 4 bucks
Doom 64 is 2 bucks
Quake 1-4 are 4-6 bucks each
Wolfenstein 3D is $1.50


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
it's a piece of shit. ai generated art in places, shit ripped wholesale from other games, weird ass characters to choose from, shit level design, and the mod is like 4 GB because the retard used the least compressed FLAC audio and 4K PNG textures for no reason. Levels are generic ass 1994 style mazes with a bunch of Brutal Doom style visual effects everywhere.

it's a megawad by a guy who had never designed or released a single map nor gotten any feedback from anybody. no idea what he's doing.

He originally marketed this as "The sequel to Doom II we never got" and "the Doom III we all deserved" so he got shit on relentlessly when he posted this to the Doomworld forums.

He's like their version of our iconic camel bitch with his Final Fight romhack
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Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
I saw a video of a dude trying to play the wad and it was a mess.
That this guy had the nerve to market this shit as the Doom II sequel we never got when stuff like Final Doom, Doom 64, No Rest for the Living, and Legacy of Rust exist is pretty hilarious.

Hell, he even stole the "No Rest for the Living" name for the title of the first chapter of his mod.

max 330 megafartz

The Almighty Bunghole
20 Year Member
Dec 14, 2004
That this guy had the nerve to market this shit as the Doom II sequel we never got when stuff like Final Doom, Doom 64, No Rest for the Living, and Legacy of Rust exist is pretty hilarious.

Hell, he even stole the "No Rest for the Living" name for the title of the first chapter of his mod.
I was excited when i saw the youtube promo. Now i am just jaded


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
so that Doom III mod situation just got even weirder.

someone went through the files and it includes a .pk3 full of unused sprites that are all real images of impaled and tortured women.