NEO·GEO ALL ABOUT SOFT LIST, the definitive document. Free download.


Jul 6, 2001
Good morning everyone,

I would like to inform you that the complete restoration of the neo · geo all about soft list has been made, a document similar to the neo · geo master list that contains much more information and most of these are unpublished for the western public.

Neo · Geo All About Soft List is the software price list including the hardware produced by the Japanese company SNK, with every possible commercial detail.

Download File: [Neo-Geo All About Soft List.pdf]

This document was born at the hands of Gemant Zbl-Fiscuda already in September 1992, for a personal need to know all the data relating to the games released for the SNK system. Originally the work was generically entitled "List of games neo · geo" and was a hand written document with a collage of photographs deriving from the images on the special neo · geo of the Italian magazine Game Power treated in the number 9 of September 1992. However with The advent of computer technology, in 1998 the document first became a Excel file and then a Word file with images.

The document has been updated over the years multiple times, in particular in October 2010 for the twenty years of the launch of the SNK system and still in 2015, in which 6 months of work were dedicated for a massive revision made with great accuracy. The following year, in 2016, what has been done the previous year was used in collaboration and severe revision with the SNK, on the occasion of the publication of the book with an official SNK Neo · Geo License: A Visual History.

Following the publication of various original material on the Internet Archive over the past few years, I have decided to put her hand once again to this work and practice a new and definitive restoration. Everything took about 10 months, from mid -February to the end of September 2024, and is the synthesis of 32 years of work.

All information contained in the document was revised and verified through the Japanese specialized press, through a patient work of comparison and translation with all the paper publications that can now be recoverable:

- Gamest;
- Micom Basic Magazine;
- Neo Geo Freak;
- Coin Journal;
- Game Machine;
- Arcadia;
- Neo Geo Club;
- SNK Supporters Club;
- Various official books, in addition to Flyer and advertising material of various kinds, including official archival sites that have been disappeared from the network for over twenty years ago.

Reconstructing precise dates, places and prices has been extremely difficult, also because using the data on the net is useless, as the continuous transcription and copying errors have bounced on the net on the various sites for over 25 years, making it impossible to trace the original data correct. The data more and several times have been compared, based on all the sources used. I state that never before had been used by such a massive deployment of forces and demonstrating this, the final result (for completeness and quality) also greatly exceeds the professional works published in the magazines Neo Geo Freak and Arcadia, as well as on Scarno official SNK website. I can guarantee that no one had ever done such a job before, but this was already valid for the work performed in 2015 and even earlier in 2010, and I believe that no one will try for the future.

For this restoration, many innovations have been proposed.

All data refer to the Japanese version of the software.

The games are listed according to the professional method adopted by all official documents, or by order of release.

The software developer and the distributor are accurately indicated. The mega are the correct ones, verified according to a complex calculation procedure described in the legend. The official mega declared by the manufacturer (not always correct) are indicated small in brackets.

The official prices of all the software in the three versions existing at the time of release were indicated, with the addition of the percentage of taxes in use in Japan upon release of the product. All dates have been verified, as had already been done on Neo Geo Visual History.

Compared to previous documents, the price of Maze irritating in its only form of dedicated cabinet has been discovered. The release date of Minnasan no okagecesamadesu was clarified, a game whose launch date has always represented a mystery given by the discrepancies between the sources. Finally, Zupapa's release date was discovered, indicated on all sources always with a generic "September 2001".

For the first time outside Japan, in addition to the neo · geo software, all the hardware products of the Osaka house with related prices and various details of minor importance (such as weight and measures of the products) have also been offered. Among these, in addition to the Candy cabinets, the semi -unknown prize machines have also been inserted, the coins exchange and other entertainment products. The software produced by other software house and distributed by SNK on Japanese territory are also in the list.

Finally, the most important novelty of this 2024 restoration consists in the recessed and popularity index of the Neo Geo software, or the actual monetary success that was found in the game center of Japan and the United States just after the launch of the products.

The data collection requested about 20 days of work quantified approximately in at least 8 hours a day. Everything has been repeated two more times to ensure the correctness of the archived values. Thanks to Gaming Alexandria for obtaining the scans of American magazines Replay Magazine never published online on my express request, where data for the American market reside.

These are the only existing data that detect the actual proceeds of arcade software and consequently their success or failure. And it is from these data that SNK or other software house decided if and what to produce for the future. A direct comparison has also been made between the popularity value obtained from the SNK games and that found by the major arcade successes of other software house, in order to clearly understand the actual success of these products. It is underlined that the Japanese market has always been much more competitive than the American one. In fact, many more products came out and there was also a great margin of success on the Mahjong and Quiz category, games non -existent in the United States, but above all the number of games rooms and cabinets installed in Japan was far greater. Therefore there is a significant difference between the surveys operated in the respective two markets.

At the end of the document, the prizes obtained by the Neo Geo software are also indicated, through surveys and votes promoted by the Japanese sector magazines (Game Machine, Gamest, Neo Geo Freak). Nobody had ever discussed such data and it is the first time that they are proposed in a western document.

Furthermore, the Neo Geo Land have been reconstructed and localized, providing the data of the SessageSimal Numeric System which allow to identify on Google Maps with absolute precision the location of the fun places created by SNK. The size of the premises and the number of gaming machines installed were indicated, where it was possible to trace the data.

Not all parts of the document are translated into English, of this I apologize, but if there are questions and curiosities about how the data must be interpreted, you can ask here and I will answer according to my free time.

Eventually I can translate parts and insert them here separately, such as the part concerning the MFX2000 virtual machines and MFX3000 (the latter cost about $ 275,000 of the time).

Neo Alec

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000

Why isn't the English title for The Irritating Maze listed?

Neo Alec

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
The English title is, it is written in small under the Japanese title.
Ah, sorry. I see how this works now. I went straight to that title to check if you fixed the typo from the master list, and you did, so thanks.


Bewbs! Z'OMG, Teh BEWBS!,
20 Year Member
Apr 21, 2001
Really awesome list, thanks!

I wonder why SNK skipped the 100s and went to the 200s for their numbering system.