MAME script to visualize sprites/fix layer


Zantetsu's Blade Sharpener
10 Year Member
Dec 27, 2010
This is kinda fun to play with, It will visualize the sprites and the fix layer as the game is playing:


The long lines are sprites:
- grey: not in use
- red: in use, how long the red line shows how tall the sprite is. The giant chunks of red are the background
- green: in use and recently changed. If you look closely there's a bunch of short green lines, which are the players and such

The fix layer is the rectangle down at the very bottom.

The script is here:

To use, you need to launch MAME on the command line: "mame -autoboot_script vram.lua bstars2"

You might want to set more flags, I usually do: "mame -w -nofilter -nomouse -autoboot_script vram.lua bstars2"

The script doesn't totally work correctly with samurai shodown 2 and I have no idea why


Zantetsu's Blade Sharpener
10 Year Member
Dec 27, 2010
I have gathered these scripts into a proper MAME plugin. Details in the README

So far this plugin only works on Linux for sure, and likely on MacOS but never tested. It will not work on Windows. Adding support for more OSes is on the todo list.