Laserdisc Collecting


water damaged
20 Year Member
Jan 8, 2001
I have The Cameraman's Revenge & other fantastic tales as well as Disney's 1973 Animated classic Robin Hood. Also an ashita no joe (Tomorrow's Joe) double box set packed away somewhere.
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Crossed Swords 2 Bootleg Artist.,
Mar 8, 2004
I've only just spotted this reply. Glad they found a good home, Fakk. Good luck finding the rest, when I bought these I just missed out on the World Heroes disc which I really wanted at the time.

Back to laserdiscs, I haven't really bought much in a while. Partly due to having a lot of the discs I wanted and partly because I just haven't seen anything good around recently. I don't think I've bought a single disc so far this year :(

Thanks bro, I have not bought much LDs in a while either, other than being on the hunt for Neo-Geo discs, and I managed to scoop up some beautiful ones of the KOF series, Samurai Shodown, and World Heroes 2 Jet + World Heroes Perfect. I simply LOVE watching these on my CLD-R7G and DVL-H9 LD players. It looks amazing, even though I think that they captured the video from the Neo via composite. Yes, I know that the LDs are composite anyway, but you can always tell if the source material was from a bad source or not. Either way, buying these from you was a great start for these discs and it sorta kicked me into gear into looking for them again after many years of looking for them and just opting out, now every single time I find one that I don't have, I just grab it. There is something about having it on LD that just feels special. I can't thank you enough for them, I really do love them so much! :)

I think once I am done with my NeoGeo AES and MVS hunting, I will go after a bunch more old school horror classics on LD, as I still cherish my Special Editions of the 1998/1999 releases of Lucio Fulcis House by the Cemetery (Gatefold) (Gates of Hell Trilogy in general), Zombi, along with lesser known ones like The New York Ripper and a few others. I also really love the old classics from Steven King and stuff like Tommyknockers, The Langoliers, and the rest of his flicks were great on LD. Also to this day my favorite Anime's are only on LaserDisc like Akira Criterion, 3x3 Eyes, Vampire Hunter D, and all the Macross/Robotech flicks, I have them all even the rare Japanese ones like Clash of the Bionoids/Macross the Movie in English in minty shape and Macross The Movie Perfect Edition etc.. they are amazing. I am STILL also trying to gather all the rare Penthouse editions of every Urotsukidoji made on LaserDisc if not for anything else, the rarity of the movies. I just love my LaserDisc collection, and I can't help but keep it going year after year. Good stuff!


Psycho Soldier
20 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
I have never owned a laserdisc player, but have always considered it for the uncensored Tom & Jerry cartoons. Does anyone know if this is still the only way to watch them uncensored? And how do I find the uncensored laserdiscs on eBay?


Crossed Swords 2 Bootleg Artist.,
Mar 8, 2004
I have never owned a laserdisc player, but have always considered it for the uncensored Tom & Jerry cartoons. Does anyone know if this is still the only way to watch them uncensored? And how do I find the uncensored laserdiscs on eBay?

I wish I could help you with this, but I had no idea that they were censored on DVD. What I would recommend is just buying up the cartoons your looking for on ebay, watch them, and see if they are what your looking for. If you get them cheap enough, and you end up not liking them, you can always resell them as there are still a LOT of people that love LD's and collect them. When I go to the Good Will and Thrift Stores that get LD's they sell them so fast that if I don't get there on THE DAY that the LDs arrive they are sold the next day. Just a thought. ;)

Oh yes I got into it a few years ago. Amassed a bit over 500 discs and four players before I called it quits. There you go if you want to see what I have.

I remember when I used to visit the LDDB websiote all the time, and I actually began one day adding my LDs to their website and stuff, but I just gave up because it's too much work, I have too many discs, and I seem to have ones that I cannot even find on that website, so I just quit messing about with it. Now this was a long time ago, and I'm sure that they probably have everything listed these days, so I might go back there and make my account again. I still do love how they have the place set up, and I dig how much effort they put into showing every aspect of each disc on there. It's extremely detailed, and basically shows you not only every disc made, but also everything each disc has to provide. It's good stuff!

Your list of LD's is impressive, and it's a shame you gave it up, but with the BluRays out and the quality of Digital Discs finally getting to the point that they have sound quality that not only rivals LD's but surpasses them, and video quality that does not look so compressed as they did ages ago, that it is making me want to begin buying them instead soon. I think that once the next format of BluRay is finally here with 4K discs and 128GB per disc, I will begin buying up those, and have those combined with my LD's for entertainment. I just hope that they begin making 4K 3D movies as I find the 3D format discs to be so much more enjoyable than regular discs that it finally feels like your really there. I see how much effort they put into the older flicks to bring them to life like Predator, and Jurassic Park, that I am hoping deep down they do this to all movies one day.

Anyway, thanks for showing us your list of movies, I really enjoyed checking it out. :)


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
I'm a massive Laserdisc fan, and have had a player since the mid-90's. I only have a modest collection of discs (I was an early adoptor of DVD and quickly abandoned LD at the time), but I still pick up discs even now. The jackets are fantastic and anime really does still look excellent.

You do need the right set up to get the most out of it though and a lot will depend on how well the disc has been mastered. Even with a high end set up and VP, a poorly mastered disc will look like shit compared to DVD and even worse next to blu-ray.
Yet, while no LD will match BD, with the right disc (CAV THX ususally) and set up, you can get DVD quality (or pretty damn near imo).

Currently running two players - Pioneer S9 and CLD-925, Pioneer AC3 demodulator, Omega One video processor, and displayed through a THX certified Panasonic Ultra-HD Premium LED. :)


Hardened Shock Trooper
May 27, 2003
Fakk, I stopped collecting LDs because it took up too much of my income back then. :(

There are still reasons to buy laserdiscs.
I mean I have Dawn of the dead, cut by Dario Argento on laserdisc (aaand after checking it out that's available on dvd so not much to this point) which I think is superior to the original one. Well, there are still quite a few cuts or versions of laser discs that didn't get a new release but they are getting fewer.

As for my players well I got two cld-a100 laseractie players (with genny, megadrive and pc-engine modules), a pioneer elite cld-99 and a sony one which I can't remember the model number for.


There can be only one.
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2009
Decided to bump this thread since the trading thread is having non trade talk (I'm guilty too).

Just watched Dead Alive and plan on watching The Wall. I have a pretty solid library I've been ignoring for too long.

Mr Bakaboy

Beast Buster
Aug 27, 2006
I have never owned a laserdisc player, but have always considered it for the uncensored Tom & Jerry cartoons. Does anyone know if this is still the only way to watch them uncensored? And how do I find the uncensored laserdiscs on eBay?

The Tom and Jerry isn't censored on DVD. At least the version I got. It comes with a warning about it being from a different time and everything. Miss Mami is in there as well. Same goes with Looney Tunes.

Been meaning to watch my copy of Demolition Man and Aliens since I watched my LD copy of Predator recently.
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Kula's Candy
May 7, 2012
I have a large LD collection. There were a lot of NASA LDs that were never released on DVD e.g. moon landings (50,000 still photos per LD) and Voyager and other probe stuff. I bought them all from NASA CORE (now closed). Even now, my collection contains much stuff that was never released in other formats.

I remember when DVD was introduced in 1996 and LD died. I took the opportunity to buy a lot of cost reduced LDs :-) I still have all of them.

I even bought LDROM players back in the day. CDROM was so lame, man!


Baseball Star Hitter
Sep 18, 2010
I've been neglecting my Laserdisc collection for VHS recently, but I do have Tremors, Exorcist 3 and a couple of Jackie Chan discs on the way from Japan at the moment.

Mr Bakaboy

Beast Buster
Aug 27, 2006
I wishI had more Jackie Chan on laserdisc. Only got to pickup Rumble in the Bronx and Dragons Forever


Hair Group,
Apr 25, 2002
Are any of you guys members of Laserdisc Forever on FB, it's real neat if you're a fan. Subscribe to Culturedog on Youtube he does some great LD vids, ive even done some myself under Baseley09 on YT.


Baseball Star Hitter
Sep 18, 2010
I wishI had more Jackie Chan on laserdisc. Only got to pickup Rumble in the Bronx and Dragons Forever

Mine are mostly Japanese, so I can't actually watch them in English. I bought a few and then it just became a bit of an addiction and I have ended up with loads of them. The cover art makes them worth owning though.

Are any of you guys members of Laserdisc Forever on FB, it's real neat if you're a fan. Subscribe to Culturedog on Youtube he does some great LD vids, ive even done some myself under Baseley09 on YT.

Yeah, I am on there, although I don't say much. If you're a horror fan there is a good small group on Facebook called The Union.


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
I'm on there, part of the Aspect Ratio Police :cool:


There can be only one.
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2009
Heavy Metal should arrive today! I can't wait to play it, such an awesome soundtrack.


There can be only one.
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2009
It sounded sweet on my setup! I can see myself watching HM regularly.

I already have a pretty good rock musical selection and I'm expecting Tommy soon. I love The Who so Quadrophenia is on my wishlist.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
never even thought about getting heavy metal. that's a great idea.


There can be only one.
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2009
I'm pretty friendly with the mailmen delivering in my area and most are around my age. I've bought a number of laserdiscs lately so some have asked if I'm buying albums? I tell them they're laserdiscs. What's a laserdisc? I tell them and they don't remember them. I explain they were really expensive bitd and a couple people give me a slightly dirty look, like I'm implying they were poor. At least that's what it kinda felt like.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
Still better than when people try to charge you $5 for a CED and call it a laserdisc.


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
I'm pretty friendly with the mailmen delivering in my area and most are around my age. I've bought a number of laserdiscs lately so some have asked if I'm buying albums? I tell them they're laserdiscs. What's a laserdisc? I tell them and they don't remember them. I explain they were really expensive bitd and a couple people give me a slightly dirty look, like I'm implying they were poor. At least that's what it kinda felt like.


To be fair, I hadn't seen a real LD player until I bought one off the internet a couple of years ago.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
I'm pretty friendly with the mailmen delivering in my area and most are around my age. I've bought a number of laserdiscs lately so some have asked if I'm buying albums? I tell them they're laserdiscs. What's a laserdisc? I tell them and they don't remember them. I explain they were really expensive bitd and a couple people give me a slightly dirty look, like I'm implying they were poor. At least that's what it kinda felt like.

I would lie and say it's vinyl. It's a much easier conversation.


Three 6 Mafia
10 Year Member
Mar 1, 2012
Still better than when people try to charge you $5 for a CED and call it a laserdisc.

A local store had some CEDs. I asked how much they were because they were mixed with the records and the records were priced as marked but the CEDs weren't marked. They then looked them up on Ebay. NO THANKS.

Mr Bakaboy

Beast Buster
Aug 27, 2006
So, anybody ever find porn on laserdisc? I ended up inheriting a Playboy LD when my dad passed and have Showgirls (aka Saved by the Bell the porn years), but never ran into a true porn on LD.