I have never owned a laserdisc player, but have always considered it for the uncensored Tom & Jerry cartoons. Does anyone know if this is still the only way to watch them uncensored? And how do I find the uncensored laserdiscs on eBay?
I wish I could help you with this, but I had no idea that they were censored on DVD. What I would recommend is just buying up the cartoons your looking for on ebay, watch them, and see if they are what your looking for. If you get them cheap enough, and you end up not liking them, you can always resell them as there are still a LOT of people that love LD's and collect them. When I go to the Good Will and Thrift Stores that get LD's they sell them so fast that if I don't get there on THE DAY that the LDs arrive they are sold the next day. Just a thought.
Oh yes I got into it a few years ago. Amassed a bit over 500 discs and four players before I called it quits.
http://www.lddb.com/collection.php?action=list&user=pingu&cat=size&key=1&max=600 There you go if you want to see what I have.
I remember when I used to visit the LDDB websiote all the time, and I actually began one day adding my LDs to their website and stuff, but I just gave up because it's too much work, I have too many discs, and I seem to have ones that I cannot even find on that website, so I just quit messing about with it. Now this was a long time ago, and I'm sure that they probably have everything listed these days, so I might go back there and make my account again. I still do love how they have the place set up, and I dig how much effort they put into showing every aspect of each disc on there. It's extremely detailed, and basically shows you not only every disc made, but also everything each disc has to provide. It's good stuff!
Your list of LD's is impressive, and it's a shame you gave it up, but with the BluRays out and the quality of Digital Discs finally getting to the point that they have sound quality that not only rivals LD's but surpasses them, and video quality that does not look so compressed as they did ages ago, that it is making me want to begin buying them instead soon. I think that once the next format of BluRay is finally here with 4K discs and 128GB per disc, I will begin buying up those, and have those combined with my LD's for entertainment. I just hope that they begin making 4K 3D movies as I find the 3D format discs to be so much more enjoyable than regular discs that it finally feels like your really there. I see how much effort they put into the older flicks to bring them to life like Predator, and Jurassic Park, that I am hoping deep down they do this to all movies one day.
Anyway, thanks for showing us your list of movies, I really enjoyed checking it out.