Joe Average Work Story Thread Index

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Tesse's Maintainence Man
15 Year Member
Dec 16, 2004
Every Manager Gets One

The Fat Guy gets hired.

Revenge of the Fat Guy, and Urban Chiggers

The Fat Guy misses out on cake; the truck gets infested.

May the Fat Guy be With You

Joe gets a promotion, but has staffing issues.

In Management, No One Can Hear You Scream

The Fat Guy improves, Rodney fucks things up for Joe, and Joe classifies Home Depot managers.

the Biggest Loser

the Fat Guy faces a possible cancer diagnosis; Grandma talks shit about Black Guy.

the Tao of the Fat Man

the Black Guy gets fired, Joe has a bad week, and the Fat Guy gets laid.

When You're Big in Japan

The Fat Guy considers becoming a sumo wrestler; Joe considers firing him.

Gluttony is a Dish Best Served Cold

The Fat Guy takes gluttony to new extremes.

Too Cool (or Fat) to Run

The Fat Guy gets caught in the rain.

the Fat Guy Abhors a Vacuum, and the Stubbley Pair of Hotdogs

The Fat Guy has more bathroom issues, and the one-armed man quits.

the Word of the Day is...

Grandma makes up new words.

Zipper Explosion!

The Fat Guy's zipper gives up.

The Big Picture; or, Photo of a Fat Guy

A picture of the Fat Guy (Photobucket has since deleted. Anyone save it?)

Work Woes; or, the Fat Guy's Equal Rights

The Fat Guy gets the same hours as everyone else; Joe plays pranks with orange air freshener.

The Fat Guy Loves Helium; Steroids Make You Poop

The Fat Guy inhales a balloon; the Fat Guy and the Lumber Guy have digestive problems.

The Fat Guy, or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Ass Bomb

The Fat Guy tries to make changes in his life.

Coworker Conversations

World of Warcraft versus arcade gaming.

Dr. Mario and the Naked Woman

Joe falls for a hot-yet-dumb coworker.

THD Acid Trip, A Good Measure, and I'm with Stupid

A collection of stories about dim customers/coworkers.

I Got Bit Today

A female coworker bites Joe.

Loads of Fun

Customers attempt projects/hauls they are incapable of doing.

One Night at Work

A photo thread with nipple shots.

There is this Guy...

Joe explores gender issues in the workplace.

End of the Year Assholes

Various assholes try to get away with things.

One of My Team at Work Died

The Fat Guy dies.

Another Guy From Work

A funny guy from work makes funny videos.

Joe's Thread of Work Hate

A female employee gets away with poor performance via accusations of sexism.

the Smart Guy at Work

A coworker returns some pants.

Fun at Work

A co-worker is threatened by the Spanish Mafia; someone who got fired is now running for Congress.
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