In a band? Tell us about it here...


Camel Slug,
20 Year Member
Jul 29, 2003
I'm sure more of you than me are in a band here.

We have some live recordings we want to compile for a CD, but we don't know what kind of quality people will settle for...listen to the top 2 songs on our myspace page and tell me what you think about them. do they sound like something you'd pay for?

The bottom two songs are from our EP form back in November. But the top two songs are the ones in question.

I'm warning you, it's psychadelic, experimental, and loud and noisy punk. So if you're jaded about those things, don't waste your time going.

Tung Fu ru

Actual Musician,
20 Year Member
Aug 17, 2002
I checked out your songs on myspace and about the first or top two songs. They aren't exactly my cup of tea, and the quality isn't very good. I think it would be hard to sell a CD with those songs, and others of the same recording quality. It's hard for any band starting out that plays all original music to sell albums, but it helps if the recording quality is deceint. Many music fans are so used to hearing albums that were produced with lots of money that they can't get past bad recording quality.

The song, "Surface Quota" I thought was pretty cool. Interesting song, and the recording sounds better than the first two. Although IMO the last song, "instant Incision" has pretty poor recording quality as well, not as bad as the first two, but not great. I think I like the last song a little better than the top two btw. How did you record the other two songs? Was it live, on a four or eight track?

Well, I'm in a band too here in MN, we're called Taste Like Burning. If you want to check out our some of our stuff check out or page at:

Let me know what you think.


Land of the Rising Bling:,
20 Year Member
Jan 17, 2002
My band and here's my my solo stuff.

All the songs and stuff on there are rough and not finished... the band page has a song we wrote about beat em' ups called "Billy Lee". There are some samples from King of Fighters 95 in it.

My internet will be down for the next four days, when it's back up I'll add y'all to my myspaces. Listened to your bands, they are very cool. Lot's of ROCK!!!! which is cool.

Tastes like Burning (Did you get your name from the simpsons? cool!) reminded me a little bit of Sunny Day Realestate, who I love a lot. Cool production, where did you record?

I think there are a fuck load of musicians on this site (something about being a gaming nerd makes you a musician too, must be all the time spent in your room alone or something....)

Just came back from a gig here in Tokyo, a band played dub music and took off their clothes, it was amazing.

Tung Fu ru

Actual Musician,
20 Year Member
Aug 17, 2002

Checked out both your band's and your solo stuff. Not sure how much I like the Billy Lee song. Not really my taste. Demons Door is pretty cool though. What kind of drum machine(s) do U use? How is it being an American living in Japan? Do U speak Japanese, or just enought to get by? I've never been to Japan, but would definitely like to check it out sometime. How well is your band recieved over there?

And yes we did get our name from Simpsons.


20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
yeah I have a band, things are on standby right now, but we should be jamming as of next week. nothing recorded yet that's worth presenting but soon surely.
I've been singing (or screaming) in bands for the past 10 years and it's this last outfit that I feel the most confortable with by far. I find that I need to be jamming atleast 2 times a week or I start to get moody. it's been 2 months since we've played so you can imagine how much of a queen I'v been to everyone around me lately (I'm better now though).
anyway I'm hopeful that I'll have something for people to listen to in a couple of months. I'm quite exited about having people listen to our music actually - not because it's necessarily good, but because I enjoy it so much. I wrote all of the material we have, we threw out the guitarist so all his songs where binned. looking for guitarist and keyboard player as of now.


Land of the Rising Bling:,
20 Year Member
Jan 17, 2002
Tang Fu Ru- Thanks man!

Everything was recorded on my mini-mac. It comes packaged with this cool Garage Band program. The program has keyboard and drum sounds. Also I have this drum software called iDrum, which is alright, and I use a drum machine from one of my guitar zoom petals. I've done several projects and things, right now I'm trying to do music without guitars (which is the instrument I'm best with.)

On my band's website here you can check out a song we did called Dr. Joe, and if you click solo a mini-album is there last year I did about the JFK assissnation, it was mostly a test of my equipment and recording on my mini-mac, has some funny stuff though.


Being in Japan in cool, I love Tokyo. We play with a lot of Tokyo underground bands, which are usually just REALLY fast hardcore punk, or noise. It's a lot of fun. We always change our set list and write new songs all the time and stuff, try to piss the other bands off. The reaction is good sometimes..... depends on how much alcohal we've had, or the audience.

Living Japan is great. I came over here as an exchange student originally so I can speak the language. If your not Japanese you definately get treated differently... but I don't think it's such a bad thing (I'm secretly an attention whore.)

The food here is EXCELLENT, the games are superb, the ladies are wonderful (YES, I'm the stereotypical white guy who moves to Japan, suddenly gets popular with the ladies, and then doesn't move back.) (sorry for the long reply)

YES though... Definately come check out Japan, esp. Tokyo (Beelze! Tsukaesugi and I are still waiting for you.... in a homo kinda way :drool_2: )

Tung Fu ru

Actual Musician,
20 Year Member
Aug 17, 2002
I'll have to check out Japan. It sounds pretty fun. I wish I knew the language though. I took a little Japanese in highschool, and it confused the hell out of me. TOo much to take in at one time. But either way it sounds like it would be cool to see the sites and maybe pick up a few games and consoles.


Camel Slug,
20 Year Member
Jul 29, 2003
Well our band is a DIY(do it yourself) band and I've been in bands in the past with professional recordings, but doing what I'm doing now is so much more close to what I envisioned music in the first place (revolutionary communication). So, the song is actually called Surface Coda, and you know, Coda is the point in an orchestration where everything hits the climax.

The guitarist and I were in an indie rock band originally, a lot like the "Strokes/Hives/Vines/Stripes" spectrum of music, then we had a four piece math rock type of band, I quit and went to a hardcore/screamo type thing, mainly because I hated it but wanted to prove the reasons why I hated that, and shortly after I rejoined with the original guitarist of the first band to form this one.

So what we're going for is a nonprofit noisy band with a music genre split between 60's psychadelic acid rock (i.e. King Crimson) with a touch of Fugazi-esque punk.(with Fugazi principles). We're compiling a CD to build funds to do a midwest tour and spread what we have. Recordings don't really show you the band, but what we've been known to be in our area is a ridiculously loud and intense show.

Two weeks ago I passed out screaming the words of Instant Incision(a censorship protest song) in the middle of the crowd. To give you an idea. (without exaggeration)


Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
LOL... Jake, how many Neo Geo game titles did you work into that song?


20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
NeoEsZ said:
Well our band is a DIY(do it yourself) band and I've been in bands in the past with professional recordings, but doing what I'm doing now is so much more close to what I envisioned music in the first place (revolutionary communication). So, the song is actually called Surface Coda, and you know, Coda is the point in an orchestration where everything hits the climax.

The guitarist and I were in an indie rock band originally, a lot like the "Strokes/Hives/Vines/Stripes" spectrum of music, then we had a four piece math rock type of band, I quit and went to a hardcore/screamo type thing, mainly because I hated it but wanted to prove the reasons why I hated that, and shortly after I rejoined with the original guitarist of the first band to form this one.

So what we're going for is a nonprofit noisy band with a music genre split between 60's psychadelic acid rock (i.e. King Crimson) with a touch of Fugazi-esque punk.(with Fugazi principles). We're compiling a CD to build funds to do a midwest tour and spread what we have. Recordings don't really show you the band, but what we've been known to be in our area is a ridiculously loud and intense show.

Two weeks ago I passed out screaming the words of Instant Incision(a censorship protest song) in the middle of the crowd. To give you an idea. (without exaggeration)

sounds damn interesting I must say. I'd love to hear what you're all about.

Tung Fu ru

Actual Musician,
20 Year Member
Aug 17, 2002

I like your style. You should send us links to what U guys sound like. Sounds interesting.... Although to be honest I'm not a huge King Crimson fan (from what I've heard) but many bands and songwriters I like/love are huge fans. Fugazi rocks IMO. But please let me know what you guys sound like.

Igniz v2

whinny little kid, why r teens so angry, needs sec
Jul 26, 2004
NeoEsZ is alive?

good to see you, it's been forever since we've talked on MSN.


Another Striker
Apr 19, 2001
I'm er... kind of in a band. I have this idea called the VariableProject.

I've been making music for years, mostly into electronic/industrial stuff. My problem is that I never finish songs. I have literally hundreds of sketches of songs, but until yesterday, none finished.

I used to DJ and decided it was much more fufilling to make the music from the ground up. Ultimately putting together a live show.

On April 28'th, I've finally got my chance. I've got a 45 minute slot at a benefit show that's being held at the Madison Theater (in Covington, near Cincinnati). So now I've got two weeks left to write my songs, finish them, and be able sing/play them. I'm feeling a little pressure, heh.

The plan is to write all of the music, finish the tracks, then break them down onto my sequencers so that two of my friends can run them on the fly. They would also do some live synth/theremin/D-beam stuff. I'd run around on stage and belt out my lyrics, maybe play some of the synth lines as well.

I just finished the flyer for the show which can be found at:

I should have some video footage of the event that I'll post... wish me luck!


Rotterdam Nation Resident,
20 Year Member
Jan 12, 2001
NeoEsZ said:
I'm sure more of you than me are in a band here.

We have some live recordings we want to compile for a CD, but we don't know what kind of quality people will settle for...listen to the top 2 songs on our myspace page and tell me what you think about them. do they sound like something you'd pay for?

The bottom two songs are from our EP form back in November. But the top two songs are the ones in question.

I'm warning you, it's psychadelic, experimental, and loud and noisy punk. So if you're jaded about those things, don't waste your time going.

i like your stuff.
the recording is pretty rough, hope that's just because it's live.
check out transmography, bobbie, and fin del mar.
some local experimental bands here in SA and austin.
Last edited:


20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
RBjakeSpecial said:
My band and here's my my solo stuff.

All the songs and stuff on there are rough and not finished... the band page has a song we wrote about beat em' ups called "Billy Lee". There are some samples from King of Fighters 95 in it.

My internet will be down for the next four days, when it's back up I'll add y'all to my myspaces. Listened to your bands, they are very cool. Lot's of ROCK!!!! which is cool.

Tastes like Burning (Did you get your name from the simpsons? cool!) reminded me a little bit of Sunny Day Realestate, who I love a lot. Cool production, where did you record?

I think there are a fuck load of musicians on this site (something about being a gaming nerd makes you a musician too, must be all the time spent in your room alone or something....)

Just came back from a gig here in Tokyo, a band played dub music and took off their clothes, it was amazing.
great stuff! seriously. I dug that. I'm really dying to experiment with electronica. done a couple of tracks some years back using a guitar, mic and PC and really enjoyed it. I find you can get very indulgant when using machines to make music.
you don't even need to show anyone.
anyway, liked what I herd man.


Camel Slug,
20 Year Member
Jul 29, 2003
rarehero. You know any of those three bands you listed? We're leaving town in late July, and Austin may be a good idea for us to go. The cities we plan to hit so far...
Chicago, IL
Cinncinatti, OH
Grand Rapids, MI
Kansas City, MO
Louisville, KT
Nashville, TN


Rotterdam Nation Resident,
20 Year Member
Jan 12, 2001
NeoEsZ said:
rarehero. You know any of those three bands you listed? We're leaving town in late July, and Austin may be a good idea for us to go. The cities we plan to hit so far...
Chicago, IL
Cinncinatti, OH
Grand Rapids, MI
Kansas City, MO
Louisville, KT
Nashville, TN

not really, i got to see transmography and bobbie in austin at sxsw,
i just happened to walk in on their shows and was glad i stayed for a drink.
they are austin bands though, fin del mar is an san antonio band though
but i only got to see them once.
if you drop down to austin let me know, i'll try to get the night off.


Another Striker
Apr 19, 2001
NeoEsZ said:
rarehero. You know any of those three bands you listed? We're leaving town in late July, and Austin may be a good idea for us to go. The cities we plan to hit so far...
Chicago, IL
Cinncinatti, OH
Grand Rapids, MI
Kansas City, MO
Louisville, KT
Nashville, TN

Cincinnati town, nice! Give me a heads up for when your coming and I'll gather the soldiers.

Timorous Scott

Raiden's Valet
May 26, 2005
NeoEsZ said:
rarehero. You know any of those three bands you listed? We're leaving town in late July, and Austin may be a good idea for us to go. The cities we plan to hit so far...
Chicago, IL
Cinncinatti, OH
Grand Rapids, MI
Kansas City, MO
Louisville, KT
Nashville, TN

why not detroit? i am from michigan but at school in texas right now, if i am back in time for your show i'll check you guys out.


Land of the Rising Bling:,
20 Year Member
Jan 17, 2002
DevilRedeemed- Thank you man! Look forward to hearing your stuff when you post it. Making music on a computer is very fun. Getting it into a live setting is difficult (Recenlty saw a guy do it with 2 CDjs and a shamisen, it was INSANE.)

Bobak- Unfortunately there are only 4 references directly.... wish I could have put more in, but was trying to focus on the Beat em' up genre.

NeoEsZ- HELL YES! DIY and Fugazi way of distributing and doing music is 100 percent the way to go. LOVE your philosophy. King Crimson and YES ROCK THE SHIT!!!!! WORD! Your band is hella cool man!


Camel Slug,
20 Year Member
Jul 29, 2003
Kristoff, ever heard of/go to Art Damage up there in should be in your city, it's a sister DIY venue to the Lemp Arts Center down here in St. Louis.

Thanks for all the comments guys. I'm glad a bit of you caught our references quickly. We're working on a Live EP right now and we're throwing around ideas on how to do it. It's making some progress.