Are you QAnon?

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Bolded some parts to help some of you move through this quicker.

In short, do you believe in the theories that Mueller is helping Trump to smoke out the pedophiles? That Barack and Clinton were part of some criminal cabal?

As an aside, thinking the recent white supremacist rallies in the west, where really, we should be ignoring them like usual, and not confronting them, these things together (white rallies and the antifa, are exactly what certain groups need in order to promote the rewriting of the US constitution. Freedom of speech will become more limited, and the antifa will cheer. Maybe the 17th amendment will get rescinded, like some idiots think.

What I would like to see, moving forward, is for people to recognize the issues at stake. That in order for America to be destroyed, as a nation of freedom and democracy, the Constitution needs to come down, and all those other Kremlin talking points that Trump parrots about Nato and europe, those will follow.

Trump supporters wearing QAnon T-shirts appeared at a Florida rally on Tuesday. NPR's Don Gonyea unpacks the QAnon conspiracy theory with journalist Alex Goldman of the Reply All podcast.


If you saw TV coverage of President Trump's rally this week in Florida, you may have noticed some people in the crowd wearing T-shirts and carrying signs with the message, we are Q. That letter signified allegiance to QAnon, a pro-Trump conspiracy theory about the president supposedly battling a cabal of liberal elites. One of the people who's been following the QAnon phenomenon is Alex Goldman, host of "Reply All," a podcast about the Internet. And Alex Goldman joins me now to help us understand what this represents. Welcome, sir.

ALEX GOLDMAN: Thank you for having me.

GONYEA: So, first, what or who is QAnon? And what do QAnon's followers believe?

GOLDMAN: Q is a person who started posting on the website Fortune last fall and had posted mostly in rhetorical questions about current events. And, through those rhetorical questions, people who were following their posts started to develop something of a worldview. And the biggest belief that that worldview turns on is that the Mueller investigation is not, in fact, a investigation into collusion with the Russian government by Donald Trump. Rather, it is an investigation into nefarious activities, including child molestation and a variety of other crimes, perpetrated by the Clintons, Barack Obama and a variety of people who work in the deep state. So, essentially, it's all a big canard.

GONYEA: OK. And are these the same people who propagated the Comet Ping Pong pizza conspiracy? That one claimed that top Democrats were running a child trafficking and sex ring out of a D.C. pizzeria.

GOLDMAN: It's definitely within the same orbit of people. I would say that the Venn diagram of those two groups of people is close to a circle.

GONYEA: So we're talking about it because of the T-shirts and signs that showed up on camera at the Donald Trump rally in the past week. What is the relationship between QAnon and Donald Trump?

GOLDMAN: I don't know that there is a relationship. Donald Trump has never commented on QAnon directly. And when Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked at a press briefing the other day about QAnon, she basically deflected and said, we don't condone anybody who supports violence, which doesn't really have much to do with QAnon. However, everything that Donald Trump says is interpreted by members of this conspiracy theory or believers in this conspiracy theory as proof that QAnon exists and is real.

For example, a couple days ago, he was talking about how, before he became president, he had visited Washington, D.C. at most 17 times. Well, the 17th letter of the alphabet is Q. So him repeating the phrase 17 times over and over again was proof to the conspiracy theorists that he was just signaling to them, hey, look. I'm saying 17 times over and over again because Q is real, and this conspiracy is all true.

GONYEA: Since President Trump's election, several conspiracies have popped up within at least a segment of Trump's supporters. It's not just the Comet pizza story but also that groundless story that DNC staffer Seth Rich was murdered because he leaked DNC emails - the ones our intelligence community says were hacked by Russians. Why do you think we're seeing so much of this kind of thinking now?

GOLDMAN: I think that there's a certain wish fulfillment component to it, certainly. More than that, I think that there is a real fear on the part of Donald Trump supporters that this victory that they had in 2016 is going to be taken away from them. Donald Trump didn't win the popular vote. So the conspiracy theory is, oh, well, there is massive voter fraud. And then the Mueller investigation seems like this thing that could seriously derail his presidency, and, like, this is a huge victory. That might be taken away. So the idea that the very investigations into Donald Trump are actually not about him at all I think is very seductive

GONYEA: And it justifies attacks on the media or whatever because it all plays into part of that line of thinking.

GOLDMAN: Well, the president himself has a really antagonistic relationship with the media. And if the media is telling you this conspiracy theory you believe in is false, and the president's telling you, do not trust the media, and you're a supporter of the president, it is a confirmation of the conspiracy itself.

GONYEA: Alex Goldman is the host of "Reply All."

Alex, thanks for talking with us and shedding some light on this.

GOLDMAN: Thanks so much.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
I would be so happy if media stopped reporting on Trump rallies all together.

It's what got us in this mess in the first place.


I asked for a, Custom Rank and, Learned My Lesson.
15 Year Member
I would be so happy if media stopped reporting on Trump rallies all together.

It's what got us in this mess in the first place.


No, we're all going to sit right here and watch. We're going to look at what we did, and see every detail of the ensuing nightmare, and hopefully come out the other side with a nice civics lesson. There's no secret cabal, there's no criminal underworld, there's just the decrepit broken system that we've allowed.

We voted to allow unlimited, untraceable political spending. When an avalanche of dark money results, we don't get to complain. We vote, over and over, for extremist candidates who embrace slogans at the expense of reality. When they continue to pander in their policies, we don't get to complain. We voted to elect someone with no experience who doesn't even understand his job. When he's struggling to accomplish his nonsensical platform, we don't get to complain.

Donald Trump is mired in scandals because his whole life is a tabloid cover. The government of the United States does not align precisely with his policy objectives because he is a chief executive, not a dictator. The news covers him negatively because he gives them endless opportunities to do so. Sometimes it's really that simple.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member

No, we're all going to sit right here and watch. We're going to look at what we did, and see every detail of the ensuing nightmare, and hopefully come out the other side with a nice civics lesson. There's no secret cabal, there's no criminal underworld, there's just the decrepit broken system that we've allowed.

We voted to allow unlimited, untraceable political spending. When an avalanche of dark money results, we don't get to complain. We vote, over and over, for extremist candidates who embrace slogans at the expense of reality. When they continue to pander in their policies, we don't get to complain. We voted to elect someone with no experience who doesn't even understand his job. When he's struggling to accomplish his nonsensical platform, we don't get to complain.

Donald Trump is mired in scandals because his whole life is a tabloid cover. The government of the United States does not align precisely with his policy objectives because he is a chief executive, not a dictator. The news covers him negatively because he gives them endless opportunities to do so. Sometimes it's really that simple.

I meant Trump rallies, not whatever Trump himself does.

And you know what else sucks?

This whole Mueller thing, every day for the past year it's seemed something new has come up..."Trump says ____" whatever, you get the idea.

And for a lot of people, I can't help but think for him to get impeached at this point is a deus ex machina. The other party in America's two-party system has aligned itself with Trump because of money and reasons. They have gone full retard and nothing can be done no matter whatever Trump says, or tweets.

At this point, Trump isn't getting impeached.

I respect Mueller and his team immensely for what they're doing, but what is the end result?
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Gandalf Of Gibberish,
10 Year Member
l, there's no criminal underworld, there's just the decrepit broken system that we've allowed.
really? We have allowed? Thats why when someone reasonably decent would get elected._.Just like a police officer... All that good that one little shit was going to do... Thats why only billionaires are candidates? Because knowing politics vs representing the people? Sorry for politikking It really is something I am pretty sure is not worth paying attention to what you are told._. Watched some bob and doug last night, strangely solidyfying my view that creating division over fake shit is the motive._.Did the super rich get poorer or less rich for eight years or was it just not news for awhile? The president is never doing anything, It Is Not Their Job. Oooh 2 4 year terms possible, sure.../ sorry spam and the money not spent on hookers at the state level err I mean making the elections safer a quarter billion. Bah politics


Long Dong Silver.,
10 Year Member
Got my fingers crossed that the Patriot Prayer dipshit makes it past the primaries so I can vote against him twice.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member

No, we're all going to sit right here and watch. We're going to look at what we did, and see every detail of the ensuing nightmare, and hopefully come out the other side with a nice civics lesson. There's no secret cabal, there's no criminal underworld, there's just the decrepit broken system that we've allowed.

We voted to allow unlimited, untraceable political spending. When an avalanche of dark money results, we don't get to complain. We vote, over and over, for extremist candidates who embrace slogans at the expense of reality. When they continue to pander in their policies, we don't get to complain. We voted to elect someone with no experience who doesn't even understand his job. When he's struggling to accomplish his nonsensical platform, we don't get to complain.

Donald Trump is mired in scandals because his whole life is a tabloid cover. The government of the United States does not align precisely with his policy objectives because he is a chief executive, not a dictator. The news covers him negatively because he gives them endless opportunities to do so. Sometimes it's really that simple.

When people say they are tired of this debate and nothing will change, it’s clear that they have been beaten.

They have bought the party line, fed to them by China, or the Koch Bros. or RT and the FSB/GRU.

But don’t stop fighting them, fighting the urge to relax and give in. This is a battle of attrition.


Three 6 Mafia
10 Year Member
There will be no official investigation into the Clinton dealings with the pedofile stuff as long as affected people still have a purpose. The entire reason why it wasn't followed up on during the campaign, because taking down Bill/Hillary would take down Trump also. Would have been nice. But I think this won't get any actual traction until Trump is no longer useful. Like it or not, Trump is extremely useful to be President right now, because The State (what the casuals call the Deep State) can get away with anything right now and Trump will get blamed. Heck Trump gets blamed for things he as nothing to do with.

Regarding that interview, credibility goes out the window as soon as numerology is used in a serious fashion.

Antifa is not operating as per their name, they are not an Anti-fascist organization. They do not understand cause and effect. Even if they are, in fact, an organic organization and not some creation (or agent provacateur) as some say, their actions will directly cause them to lose what they are fighting for. The reason being is that they are targeting not those with any sort of power, but citizenry. The citizens will call for help, and the government will send the Arm of The State to dispense and rescue them.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
10 Year Member
When people say they are tired of this debate and nothing will change, it’s clear that they have been beaten.

They have bought the party line, fed to them by China, or the Koch Bros. or RT and the FSB/GRU.

But don’t stop fighting them, fighting the urge to relax and give in. This is a battle of attrition.

The left has plenty of conspiracy theories and theorists as well, albeit not near as batshit. Michael Moore was on Bill Maher's show recently and they were getting a bit carried away with the hyperbole. Every election cycle, extremists from both sides try to frame it as the most important election in history. Maher gave $1 million to Obama's campaign because he was terrified of Mitt Romney. I mean, that's patently absurd, right? Trump is alternately a buffoon and an evil genius, much like Mexicans are simultaneously lazy and taking all our jobs.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Regarding that interview, credibility goes out the window as soon as numerology is used in a serious fashion.

You mean the credibility of QAnon, right?

Because the numerology example was about what the QAnon people cite to argue their integrity.


Whilst Drunk., I Found God., Booze = Bad.,
20 Year Member
I think it was someone here who said "Qanon was Sudoku for conspiratards" - and I think that nails it. BUT! There is definitely something going on. Shreds of truth in a lot of the theories. But they are also creating sooooo much disinfo that there is no way the unwashed masses such as ourselves know what the fuck is really going on. But whatever it is, it's way more disgusting than we think.


20 Year Member
There's a weird thing about "benevolent" conspiracy theories.

If #QAnon is true, aren't the people promoting and publicizing the theory undermining it?

Aren't they fighting on the side of the pedophiles?


Three 6 Mafia
10 Year Member
You mean the credibility of QAnon, right?

Because the numerology example was about what the QAnon people cite to argue their integrity.

Qanon is troll town. The people who fall for it are a mixed bunch. If you need numerology to prove something, then it can't stand on its own. That is their fault for bringing that into it in the first place.

IDK about credibility, from what I've read Qanon has as much credibility as a tarot reader.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Qanon is troll town. The people who fall for it are a mixed bunch. If you need numerology to prove something, then it can't stand on its own. That is their fault for bringing that into it in the first place.

IDK about credibility, from what I've read Qanon has as much credibility as a tarot reader.

Just checking. Your previous post left some room for interpretation.


General Morden's Aide
But don’t stop fighting them, fighting the urge to relax and give in. This is a battle of attrition.

It's a damn shame, that something as ridiculous as this can't just be ignored. But you're right, one can't stop fighting. So, here's for the record: This whole Q "conspiracy" will produce stultification at best, or another Edgar Welsh at worst, and is borderline idiocy. Wait a second, how do they call themselves, those Trump/QAnon supporters? The Storm, right? As in Der Stürmer? It's a damn shame... but yeah, one just can't stop fighting. Tilting at windmills sucks, though.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
The truth of all of this is probably stranger than anything QAnon can come up with.

I'm skeptical of everything I read about current politics absent the smoking gun. And sometimes, even then.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
10 Year Member
The truth of all of this is probably stranger than anything QAnon can come up with.

I'm skeptical of everything I read about current politics absent the smoking gun. And sometimes, even then.

The truth is usually quite boring. People have far too much time on their hands and overactive imaginations. Humans believe in god and all kinds of superstitious stuff without any real evidence. QAnon is just the latest in an endless line of pseudo-intellectual nonsense being parroted by those with an aversion to critical thought.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
The truth is usually quite boring. People have far too much time on their hands and overactive imaginations. Humans believe in god and all kinds of superstitious stuff without any real evidence. QAnon is just the latest in an endless line of pseudo-intellectual nonsense being parroted by those with an aversion to critical thought.

I used to think that the truth was boring.

Then I actually started getting into history.

Most of history's cornerstone moments are things that people would mistake for fiction if you omitted the names and faces.

I'm sure it would be stranger than all of these theories.


Volatile Memory Construct - SN://0467839
Staff member
What you guys are missing is that it doesn't matter what the message is.. the only thing that matters is that it's appealing.

Window dressing your idea is the easy part, a crowd will do just about anything if they identify with the person pushing the idea.

Psychologically pushing the right buttons is the "secret sauce" to all of this. The only innovation we have is that pushing the message/propaganda can be done from anywhere in the world, to whomever you want.

It took until the last few years for the power of it all to really be harnessed and even that was rudimentary compared what the real capabilities can be.

Hint: It's not going to get any better.