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  1. yagamikun

    Happy Birthday Tung Fu ru

    Have a good one, man.
  2. yagamikun

    Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves

    I don't mind Joe's glasses - the main cast is in their late 30's in the COTW timeline. Makes sense at least one of them would need glasses at some point. Maybe Preacha has glasses to make Joe not feel so bad for being old. 🤷‍♂️ I mean, we could have gotten "Stuck in a Full-Body Cast Joe"...
  3. yagamikun

    The all new 'What's it worth' thread

    Seconded - just work with a good Proxy rather than Suru direct. You get MUCH cheaper prices on the Japanese Suru site (the US site has inflated prices to match the US market), and you can also order from Suru's sister stores all across Japan in their network rather than from their main warehouse...
  4. yagamikun

    Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves

    To be fair, the only "returning" character in MOTW was Terry. The rest of the cast was brand new.
  5. yagamikun

    Happy Burday - Neodogg

    I'll pop your birthday cherry this year. Have a good one, man!
  6. yagamikun

    Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves

    Woah, Mr. Big is for sure a surprise - never thought I'd see him pop up again after KOF 96. I know an AOF game is in the works, but I don't think it's been 100% confirmed it's a fighting game, ya? I could see SNK doing what Capcom did with Street Fighter and Final Fight - same universe...
  7. yagamikun

    FS: Stuff I Don't Have Time to Deal With

    Prices include shipping to US with payment via PayPal F&F or Venmo. Happy to do buyer protection, but that'll be 5% extra. International +$30 USD to cover addition shipping expenses. PENDING $100 Sigma Super Pro Stick - 15-pin Neo style out. Comes with cable, but I think it's an incorrect...
  8. yagamikun

    SVC's greatest failure is how depressing it is

    Honestly, that's my favorite part about 2K - all the cameos from past SNK properties and other fighting games. KOF 2K was a swansong kind of experience for "classic" SNK that tied everything up into a neat little bow before imploding as a company. Not the tightest KOF, but the game overall is...
  9. yagamikun

    SVC's greatest failure is how depressing it is

    I really like Ash - it's not often SNK made compelling charge characters. I've never been a huge fan of his design, but his tool kit is much fun in KOF XI and subsequent games. This is coming from an almost exclusively charge character player in Capcom fighters, though, so I always felt his...
  10. yagamikun

    SVC's greatest failure is how depressing it is

    I've always felt 2K2 was a bit of a missed opportunity - The game is fine, great even. But unlike 98 which was like a greatest hits celebration of all prior KOFs to that point, 2K2 played it safe by ditching the core mechanic that defined the games that led up to it, the striker system. Would...
  11. yagamikun

    SVC's greatest failure is how depressing it is

    I'm a bit of a 2K1 apologist, myself. It's got plenty of issues, but it's also the only KOF with a "ratio" system and that makes it not only unique, but really fun way to mix things up. Always had a soft spot for this one. More than anything, it's the abysmal OST that brings down the game more...
  12. yagamikun

    Your PlayStation is an Xbox

    Agreed - A "console" for the last two generations has been, more or less, an unupgradable, closed-system PC. That said, Sony does have quite a robust cloud service that has been active for years that's included with the top tier PS Plus subscriptions or stand-alone. I've heard it works well so...
  13. yagamikun

    SOLD: Vampire Killer - Mega Drive - Authentic/Loose Cart with Repro Case

    Dude, I ALMOST sent you a PM about it, but thought you'd want it CIB. You've got some heavy hitters recently.
  14. yagamikun

    Which games from the Neogeo catalogue have been the most difficult for you?

    If you're playing SW3 on European difficulty, it's tuned differently than US or JPN. On US or JPN region, even on difficulty level 8, SW3 is very much in line with the second game in terms of overall difficulty. This might be the issue you're running into. If you're playing on a console/MVS with...
  15. yagamikun

    All gone

    I've seen a bunch of Mister set ups for sale recently across various forums. Sometimes the market is flooded with good things out of coincidence, but curious for you Mister owners, what gives? I thought this was the second coming of Retro gaming for many of you. Serious question, not at all...
  16. yagamikun

    Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves

    Couldn't the same be said these days for the PS5, though? Despite having many excellent exclusives, third-party publishers like Square aren't seeing an ROI for keeping their biggest titles locked to PS5 either in the short or long term and even Sony has been trickling out their exclusive games...
  17. yagamikun

    Happy Birthday, skate323k137

    Happy belated, man! Hope you had an excellent one.
  18. yagamikun

    Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves

    Anyone notice that in the poster included with the deluxe set that the back side looks like a Relationships Chart? Cool idea - I've always felt Fatal Fury was the best when you understood the interplay between the characters. I do also like the sticker set that includes the old game logos. Not...
  19. yagamikun

    WTB: Taito Vewlix and CRT Candy Cab(Impress, Astro, Blast…) In New England

    Keep your eyes peeled here They are a couple US imports to Japan and they opened up what is more or less a container shipping proxy. Super nice dudes and they also offer to service the cab for a fee - I paid $100 extra for a complete recap of the monitor chassis for the...