Search results

  1. _rm_

    Happy Birthday, Atro

    Damn!!! I missed this :uhoh: The fucker went to my place during the weekend and said nothing :mad:
  2. _rm_

    October SotM

    Sorry for the late reply dude, i've been a bit away from games and on top of that, i was out last week. Glad it is already taken care of ;)
  3. _rm_

    I received today...

    :love::love::love: Respect dear Sir!
  4. _rm_

    I received today...

    Absolutely stunning cab. Congrats! But you mounted the screen with the wrong orientation :ROFLMAO:
  5. _rm_

    Happy birthday, Atro

    HBD Muppet, have a great one!
  6. _rm_

    Playing shooters as an old man with bad hands

    I use this one: It must be a "simple circuit" like this and not an actual "auto fire device PCB" to allow you to simple duplicate the buttons as i explained. I've been using this for years.
  7. _rm_

    Playing shooters as an old man with bad hands

    If you play a PCB on a Jamma cabinet you can do as i do: You can simply connect the same wire from button "A" to button "C" (for example, and "B" is for bombing) and add a small autofire device only to the ground of button "A". Now you have Button "A" and "C" to fire but only "A" is autofire...
  8. _rm_

    Vote on the worst shooter for Neo Geo

    I can understand most of the people arguments, but include Zed Blade??? C'mon. The game isn't terrible and Manabu Namiki's OST alone makes it almost instantly better than all other titles on the list
  9. _rm_

    MARTIAL MASTERS Chinese label set to US region 450 USD shipped.NOW will include a motherboard & extra game<SOLD.THANK TOU>

    I might be bothered to do the same with mine and have a question: Can you solder a socket in u9 position and still be able to close the shell? Or you must solder the eprom directly to the PCB? Thanks PS - By the way, could you be so kind and give me a link to the best file version to burn? :D :D
  10. _rm_

    Batsugan Saturn Tribute Boosted

    We already know the Switch versions (from city connection) always have horrible amounts of input lag, but sometimes the PS4 version is decent in that regard. Any feedback from this particular PS4 version? Already bought it :poop:
  11. _rm_

    SotM April 2023: Shienryu

    That's a wrap! Congrats to Neodogg and thanks to all the participants.
  12. _rm_

    SotM April 2023: Shienryu

    Scores updated. Got to get back to this...
  13. _rm_

    PolyGame Master (PGM) games are coming to the Nintendo Switch!

    Seems like it has horrible lag (like the vast majority of ports on the switch) and a forced stretched aspect ratio. Unfortunately seems like an easy pass for me.
  14. _rm_

    SotM April 2023: Shienryu

    Scores updated
  15. _rm_

    SotM April 2023: Shienryu

    I'm not sure either, but the influence is 100% there. And what about the soundtrack? What you guys think? It's solid alround but the one at stage 5 boss kicks ass, wish i could reach it,lol lol.
  16. _rm_

    SotM April 2023: Shienryu

    _rm_ - 4-6 - 3.349,990 - PCB
  17. _rm_

    SotM April 2023: Shienryu

    @Atro I know you always start soon, show us what you got...
  18. _rm_

    SotM April 2023: Shienryu

    Me and Atro were careful to look up the recent history before making any suggestions, and decided not to nominate games that have beed played in less than 2 years. Seemed reasonable. Score table updated
  19. _rm_

    SotM April 2023: Shienryu

    Here we go with this month's winner: Vertical action from Warashi with a lot of Toaplan vibes for you to enjoy. Great action, awesome bosses and known to be a great avatar provider :D :D :D 1 - Dogg - 5-9 - 4,487,140 - PCB 2 - Kuze - 5-7 - 4,255,780 - PCB 3 - Atro - 4-6 - 3,535,030 -...
  20. _rm_

    SOTM April 2023 Vote

    Consider this poll closed!!! And after a final minute turn of events, looks like the winner is Shienryu. Will open the score thread in a minute.