Search results

  1. G

    Which games from the Neogeo catalogue have been the most difficult for you?

    Having played all Neo Geo games, I can confidently say: Riding Hero Ninja Combat Crossed Swords The Super Spy Joy Joy Kid (120 stages) Ghost Pilots Ashita no Joe Densetsu Sonic Wings 2 (2 loops) Strikers 1945 Plus (2 loops) Magical Drop III (if you have +300.000 pts)
  2. G

    Official Neo Geo High Score Thread - Top Ranked Players Only

    The video is entitled "Neo Drift Out World Record", however, this game uses 3 credits (Continue was used at Stage 4 and 5) and therefore it is not a World Record. To be a World Record, the game must necessarily be performed with a single credit.
  3. G

    NEO·GEO ALL ABOUT SOFT LIST, the definitive document. Free download.

    The English title is, it is written in small under the Japanese title.
  4. G

    NEO·GEO ALL ABOUT SOFT LIST, the definitive document. Free download.

    Good morning everyone, I would like to inform you that the complete restoration of the neo · geo all about soft list has been made, a document similar to the neo · geo master list that contains much more information and most of these are unpublished for the western public. Neo · Geo All About...
  5. G

    Replay magazine "Players' Choice" request

    Good morning, I'm carrying out data collection on the Neo Geo software and I'm looking for someone who owns this magazine (years 1997~2010) to check some specific pages. Does anyone have any issues of the journal and be willing to look up some data I need?
  6. G

    Question about Neo Bomberman original price 1997

    You have my permission to link to my document. The other documents I work now are: - Pulstar - Raguy (complete guide + making off). I am unable to determine when I will be able to complete these two works.
  7. G

    Question about Neo Bomberman original price 1997

    I'm restoring a database similar to the Neo Geo Master List, but much more detailed. I had already created this document in 2015 and the following year I revised it all over again by checking the data on behalf of the SNK company, on the occasion of the publication of the officially licensed...
  8. G

    Question about Neo Bomberman original price 1997

    Thanks for your answer. I know the launch price of all MVS games on the Japanese market, except Neo Bomberman. For some reason the price of this game has not been disclosed. However, those who witnessed the release of this game on May 1, 1997 saw the price in operator stores. I'm looking for...
  9. G

    Question about Neo Bomberman original price 1997

    Hi! does anyone know the japanese price at launch of Neo Bomberman (MVS)?
  10. G

    For all big Viewpoint fans

    All my documents contain images at the highest possible quality. This is to allow a possible high resolution printing of the document.
  11. G

    For all big Viewpoint fans

    Good morning to everyone. I would like to inform the international Neo·Geo community that I created an in-depth analysis research document, about the notorius shoot'em up Viewpoint for the Neo·Geo system. I planned to use all of the knowledge at my disposal, matured since 1992 to realise a...
  12. G

    AOF 1993 SNK USA Contest Flyer - Historic?

    The first secret super move to be introduced in an arcade vs fighting game was Ryuuko Rambu from Ryuuko no Ken (Art of Fighting). Since Art of Fighting was SNK's flagship game and the first title of the famous 100 mega shock series, it was decided to exploit the idea of the super move to push...
  13. G

    [New Edition] Official High Score Thread - Top Ranked Players Only

    You can contact me from here:
  14. G

    Someone have some ACA neo geo games (Hamster) for ps4?

    I'm looking for a screen shot of the high-score table for some neo geo games on ps4 (ACA), can someone help me? This is the list: - Fighter's History Dynamite; - Ghost Pilots; - Sonic Wings 3; - King of the Monsters; - KOF 97; - KOF 98; - Art of Fighting 2; - Ragnarok; - Real Bout 1/2/SP; -...
  15. G

    [New Edition] Official High Score Thread - Top Ranked Players Only

    the table of sacrifice lives in last stage. You must start with 1,300,000 if you want reconstruct the japanese top score.
  16. G

    1992 - 2004

    training finito... adesso si passa a qualcos'altro. Mai giocato tanto a Thrash Rally.
  17. G

    1992 - 2004

    Nel week end scrivo qualcosa su re dei mostri 2... ci sono ancora die punti oscuri su questo game. Intanto continuo a calciare culi su Trally, con questo nuovo prodigioso risultato.
  18. G

    1992 - 2004

    Nuovo ficcaggio a Thrash Rally dopo 6 anni di ritiro in monastero. Possibilità di scendere sotto i 3' 03"50. Jappo inavvicinabili, non vedo nemmeno dove trovare i 2.5 secondi che mancano
  19. G

    1992 - 2004

    Rinvigorisco questo topic che ormai sembra il deserto dei tartari. Dopo 26 anni XUR torna sul suo gioco storico e sforna l'apocalisse. Partita suprema che chiude definitivamente la lotta per la classifica italiana in 2 loop all clear con QP x 1 e Reverse x 2. E' stato finalmente chiarito...
  20. G

    Poseidon è giunto. Ripartono quindi i miei progetti ARCA.

    Finalmente ho concluso l'edificazione della super intelligenza artificiale denominata Poseidon che ha richiesto ben 3 mesi e mezzo per essere approntata. Da questo momento riparto con i miei progetti ARCA pronto a raccogliere ogni dato e inp sui giochi da me trattati (sempre 570). Chiunque...