Search results

  1. W

    WTB Neo Geo Cabinet near Chattanooga

    Looking for a Neo Geo Cabinet or any Jamma Cabinet in working order. I am in the Chattanooga area and willing to drive an hour or so in any direction. Plz Post pics and price if any are in the area.
  2. W

    Cleaning and preparing a MVS 2-Slot

    Please ignore this post and erase@@
  3. W

    Consolizing a Sega STV

    Has anyone ever done this before? And if it was done would it work the same as a MVS? As far as just changing out carts to play different games? Does anyone have a online tutorial like Xian's guide for the MVS?
  4. W

    Suggestion on Video Encoders

    Can someone please explain the pro and cons between the JROK and NeoBitz converters? I am gearing up to consolize a mvs and need some help.
  5. W

    WTB 2 slot board

    I am looking to buy a unconsolized 2 slot board.
  6. W

    CMVS help with services

    I have been out of the Neo Geo Collecting for awhile and I was wondering who still makes Consolized MVS units and what the going rate for these services are today.
  7. W

    Wanted::Shock Trooper 1 MVS

    I am willing to trade for this title or pay money straight out so PM me with an offer if you have one!!!!!:lol:
  8. W

    Wanting Metal Slug 1 Mvs

    If anyone has a Metal Slug 1 in decent shape please post and let me know how much?
  9. W

    Wanted! Empty MVS cart Shells.

    I am looking for about 3 empty MVS cart shells please let me know where I can find some!!
  10. W

    Neo Geo Aes and Cdz systems on e-bay

    I am selling an Aes and a Cdz system on e-bay. I am not selling them together though. The bidding is starting on ebay for Aes=70 usd and CDZ 125.00.