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  1. M

    KOF C1 to C8 eproms.

    You have to use romwak to Join the two files you dumped. Read the instructions that I posted again. But since you used the chips in another know working board I think it's either a bad 273 like you said or a cut trace somewhere.
  2. M

    KOF C1 to C8 eproms.

    Here's how you properly dump the 8mb roms (the info is from Buffi from AP forums): It's supposed to work with a TOP3000 programmer. To my knowledge there's no equivalent 8mb eprom that you can buy to replace the bad ones. But there is an adapter that someone here made that you can use. You...
  3. M

    Irritating Maze Cart Bad Sound

    I don't think it's a bad PCM because you still have some music going on. Generally with a bad a PCM the entire game would sound like it was possessed by demons. Do you have a programmer to dump the v-roms? I would just replace them.
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    Neo Geo AES 161 in 1 Multicart Questions

    If you don't want to spent too much money MVS is always the better option.
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    mv1a not saving

    Hello. I had a similar problem with a mv1b and here is what I did: -Unibios settings would not save after power off -Used the diag bios and no errors -Put a stock bios back and now I got a "calendar error" -Put the diag bios back and used the main menu -Calendar/IO test specifically -The...
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    Neo Diagnostics ROMs

    I have a MV1FZ and I'm getting the following error: YM2610 TIMER TIMING (FLAG). It has no sound aside from a loud static buzz sound. I tried swapping the ym2610 with another one but the error and the problem persist.
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    Neo Geo Monitor Test Tool (homebrewed)

    Hi. Does it use 75% or 100% color bars?
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    Savage Reign home cart problems

    The Neo Geo Logo on the intro is stored in C1 so it's probably the culprit. I had a similar problem with a Samurai Shodown 2.
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    MV1C weird behavior: games with protection not working

    I'm having a weird problem with this MV1C. Some games refuse to work with it, specialy games with copy protection, Like Kof 2000, MEtal Slug X, Kof 98, etc. Multcarts like the 161 in 1 won't work either, it gets stuck on a black screen. Normal games without the protection works fine, like...
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    KOF 95 graphical glitches

    I got this KOf 95 and some graphics were glitched out. Graphics like impact effects, fire, blood, rain, some Characters in the intro, the little monkey on the Italy stage, the girls at the background on the Woman's Team stage, etc, were affected. All those graphics are stored in c7 and c8, so...
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    Backup Ram Error: Unwritable

    I have a Mv1c with a backup ram error, whem I use the Unibios I can bypass the error but I can't use it in MVS mode. Using the Neo Diagnostic Bios, i got a screen telling me that the upper Bram Is Unwritable. Should I replace the backup ram? I assume it's the upper Winbound chip (RAM2), right?
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    Help with Cps2 desuicide

    I'm trying to revive this Marvel vs Street Fighter (Hispanic version) with no succes, using the Arduino method by Eduardo. The board is getting 5.05v, I've re-checked the pinouts and nothing seems wrong. I've already revive some boards with conector 9 in them and even one revision 4 orange...
  13. M

    Neo Geo CMVS RGB with THS7374

    I'm using this RGB PCB with impedance matching signals by noob in my CMVS: The colors are good but the picture is too dim if compared to the image i got with just using resistors in the RGB lines. I'm using a Scart to YUV converter in a Sony CRT...
  14. M

    AM29F400BT as bios replacement - MV1C

    I was watching a Youtube video about those chinese CMVS and i noticed that it uses an AM29F400BT as a Bios instead of a normal Bios or a NeoBiosMasta adapter. Is it safe to use one of those? Is it a direct swap? In the video in question you can see that the first and second pins were lifted...