Search results

  1. Coleridge

    3 free steam keys for Insurgency

    No idea if the game is any good, but I was given 3 free steam keys for Inurgency in the last humble bundle to share. The link is below. Please feel free to claim. If you do, just post so other folks know. There are only 3 copies available. Enjoy...
  2. Coleridge

    Gray Retron 5 -- $125 shipped

    Since the one in the other thread is now sold, I figured it was ok to list mine now and not compete with that thread. Gray Retron 5, in box, etc, with everything. $125 shipped in the US via PP gift or add 4% I hooked it up once and played for a bit. I just don't need it since I recently picked...
  3. Coleridge

    Portland Retrogaming Expo Oct 18-19, 2014

    Anybody from the NG gang going? I'll be there. Been wanting to check out Portland for awhile.
  4. Coleridge

    Atlantean -- New TurboGrafx Homebrew

    Anyone have it? Is it good?
  5. Coleridge

    A few free Steam keys

    What up dudes? I have spare steam keys for the following games. Let me know if anyone wants them. Terraria Legend of Grimrock (this game is tits) PixelJunk Eden The Rules: 1. Have at least 50 posts 2. Only ask for 1 code 3. Don't be a jerk Thanks, C
  6. Coleridge

    WTB -- RGB modded NES

    I see that the boards are back in stock. Anybody currently doing the mod? I could go to Yurkie at Atariage but I'd rather grab one from an NG member that respects the mighty PVM I'm going to hook it up to. Gracias, C
  7. Coleridge

    Mystery TV or Monitor

    Does anyone know what this is? It appears to be a TV, but it has an RGB input and looks an awful lot like a PVM. Strangely, its logo says JCPenny, which is a department store around here. Thoughts? Thanks guys
  8. Coleridge

    Comic Book Themed Equivalent of NeoGeo Forums?

    Hi guys, I've been really impressed by the community here and having the ability to chat and trade with collectors with similar interests. All of my experiences here have been great. One of my other interests is comics, and I'd like to find a forum with a community as good as this one to chat...
  9. Coleridge

    Anyone familiar with this cabinet offered through welink?

    Seems like it could be a sexy JAMMA machine if you can't find a Candy...
  10. Coleridge

    WTB: French SCART Atari 7800

    Yes, I know I'm a dork but I want a French Atari 7800 for its SCART ability. If you have one that you are willing to ship to the US, Please let me know. Gracias.
  11. Coleridge

    NTSC Gamecube SCART cable?

    Hey guys, I have a couple PVMs I use for gaming with SCART connections. I've read conflicting information about whether a US Gamecube supports RGB. I thought it didn't, but I saw this online...