Search results

  1. groundzero

    NES BitBox opinion

    Was looking into Buying 50 of these for my collection. I have very few CIB. Anybody have them? What's the verdict? How is quality vs NEO GEO SNK MVS shock boxes.
  2. groundzero

    Who loves pinball? (moved)

    Start them young and teach them well
  3. groundzero

    TMNT Home Console in shell

    the lcd would be a small dot matrix like below. It would go in between the controller ports I know this is extravagant. But we are talking about a forum were people display AES Cart Boxes over a Gold DeLorean
  4. groundzero

    TMNT Home Console in shell

    Here is a picture of the shell. $14 at Walmart. It has holders for the weapons, sold separately LOL. Got to pic up the weapons, either Mike or Raf, i think there weapons should have smaller footprint. Put a NES cart next to the shell to show how large it is. I dont have the TMNT PCB yet, that...
  5. groundzero

    TMNT Home Console in shell

    I wanted to Consolize a PGM to go with my Omega. Since it gives you the same feeling of carts and boxes to go on shelves. Now I'm thinking differently. I would like to make a console out of one of my favorite childhood boards. TMNT 4 player. Was going to mold a plastic shell but with the new...
  6. groundzero

    WTB: dungeons and dragons saturn import

    D&D Sega Saturn wanted. Just checking if anybody is willing to let go of there copy Thanks
  7. groundzero

    WTB: twin stick

    Looking for dreamcast twin stick for some virtual on action
  8. groundzero

    Mr backup Z64 repair

    Years ago I had a Z64 backup unit. After two years of use it suddenly stopped working. 10 years later I'm looking at fixing it. When you turn the power on the LCD screen flashed on and off. The zip drive has no power. I've taken apart and checked board. Everything looks good. Could be the...
  9. groundzero

    WTB Magician lord MVS!

    Bought an Omega CMVS to save on carts but can't find magician lord.