Search results

  1. Vernon

    NeoGeo Museum

    Per l'anniversario dei 20 anni del Neo•Geo la SNK Playmore ha lanciato un sito speciale dedicato al "Mostro nero". Il sito è disponibile in giapponese e in inglese. Ancora devo guardarlo per bene, ma ad una prima occhiata sembra un'iniziativa davvero interessante.
  2. Vernon

    NeoGeo AES JAP da risorgere = rivendica la nuova vita, ai posteri l'ardua sentenza

    Stanotte ho rimesso su il mio neo-gheo che non ha mai funzionato, ovviamente anche questa notte non ha funzionato. il problema è questo: quando lo accendo con cartuccia inserita lo schermo è completamente andato quando lo accendo senza cartuccia inserita: ho provato di tutto: - ho...
  3. Vernon


    Volevo chiedere a Gemant che cosa sia la nuova sezione apparsa su AIVA, ho visto che si viene reindirizzati su un nuovo forum dove al momento non ci sono più di 4 utenti registrati. Se clicco su REGISTER mi compare una pagina errore dove mi dice che la board non accetta nuovi utenti, volevo...
  4. Vernon

    Ban this idiot______________

    Please ban this idiot thx.
  5. Vernon

    Remove it!!

    My fuckin' custom rank has pissed me off, u've give me unjustly :shame: it's time to remove it and back to normal rank. :chimp:
  6. Vernon

    PM box is too little

    Boost up the pm box message up to 100, 100 is too little, boost to 200 or +
  7. Vernon

    DoDonPachi Highscores & Best Combo

    What's your best highscore and combo in ddp??
  8. Vernon

    Visualization problems with Mozilla

    I use Mozilla browser but when I post messages I don't correctly visualize the box of the smilies, I see only a part of it..... holy shit......
  9. Vernon

    A new kof's dedicated site

    to all KOF fans: one of my friend recently make a site of kof, is really beautiful! There are a lot of sections among which: combos, gallery, download and, the most interesting thing: a forum :smirk: here is the link enjoy ;)
  10. Vernon

    Dr.NeoGeo, it's a trusted person???

    Dr.Neogeo Has nobody ever had business with he?? I have bought kof'98 and I have made the payment with moneygram more than a week ago, I have sent more e-mails but he has not answered me more... can someone tell me something?? thanks
  11. Vernon

    Nobody sells KOF'97??

    I am looking for a copy of kof '97 to buy to reasonable price, I don't care any quality of the cartridge, but it has to be good or greater. thanks
  12. Vernon

    ckchan please read this!!

    Your PM box is full! I have sent you some message to your e-mail, but I think you not read them.. however I confirm the purchase of the neo-geo, you must to send me your information and I will make the payment, contact me by PM. Later.
  13. Vernon

    KOF2k2 Combos

    I have opened this thread so that every user that plays to kof2k2 has the possibility to write the own combos, naturally I start: ---------------------->8---cut here----------------------- -K Dash: [MAX] jf+A, A, A, QCF+C, C, dp (with C) cancel with QCB+D this is a good combo with a...
  14. Vernon

    Wanted Aes Jap

    Hi all, I want buy a Neo Geo system JAP with two controller also. Secondarily, I want purchase Fatal Fury Special Price: My highest price point is 200 US for the system and the two controllers. I'll pay 20 for Fatal Fury Special Please contact me with a regular reply...
  15. Vernon

    Which is your favorite kof music (year) ?

    Which is your preferred KOF OST? You can also point out a specific song that you are liked a lot. KOF '94 KOF '95 KOF '96 KOF '97 KOF '98 KOF '99 KOF 2k KOF 2k1 KOF 2k2 KOF 2k3 (How is?) Would I say that the best OSTs are of '96 and the '99, some title? Esaka, KD-0079, Fatal Fury Team '99...