Search results

  1. EvilMike

    Southeast PA, November 9, 2024

    Awww fuuucckkk. Wife has an art sale that she needs help with that day. Have a blast everyone.
  2. EvilMike

    Southeast PA, November 11, 2023

    I'll bring Kraut Buster in case anyone wants to check it out. I've only played it like three times. :P
  3. EvilMike

    Southeast PA, November 11, 2023

    Wife has a sale that day but I think I can get out of it.
  4. EvilMike

    The all new 'What's it worth' thread

    Is there anywhere to check UK NGPC values? Outside of completed ebay auctions?
  5. EvilMike

    IC: PGM Carts

    Interested in Demon Front if it has good label. Maybe SvG and Gladiator depending on the price.
  6. EvilMike

    NitD MVS Conversion - SOLD

    Nightare in the Dark MVS Eprom Conversion - $150 shipped
  7. EvilMike

    Ketsui and DDP DOJ PGM Conversions - SOLD

    SOLD! Conversions purchased from Sheep Nova on ebay. Ketsui - $100 DDP DOJ - $100 Free shipping in the US if you buy both.
  8. EvilMike

    Southeast PA, November 12, 2022

    Why are you so mean to me? :'(
  9. EvilMike

    Sengoku 3 and Kabuki Klash MVS

    Paypal gift or add 4%. Sengoku 3 MVS - $200 shipped in the US Kabuki Klash MVS - $90 shipped in the US
  10. EvilMike

    Dead Home System Troubleshooting

    I have what seems to be a dead Home System. I don't get any audio or video output. I have another system that works with the same power supply so that can be ruled out. I guess I should start by looking at internal power issues? I'm not super savvy. Any ideas on where to start?
  11. EvilMike

    WTB Nanao 2931 Chassis

    Looking for a Nanao 2931 chassis. Really just need the neck board if someone randomly has that on its own.
  12. EvilMike

    Darksoft MVS Flashcart FS

    Have one of these for sale. $450 via Paypal gift with free delivery in the US.
  13. EvilMike

    WTB: One slot with Stereo and Unibios installed

    Looking for a one slot MVS with stereo audio. Doesn't matter if it is native or one that was modded. Would like Unibios already installed as well. I'm very lazy if you couldn't tell. ;)
  14. EvilMike

    I fucked up my Sigma. Looking to hire someone to clean up my mess.

    So I decided to try and fix my Supergun. How hard could soldering be right? Hard for me at least. As you can see I made a mess of things. Looking for someone that is less of a hack to get her back in working order. Happy to pay for the time. Respond or PM me if you'd be interested.
  15. EvilMike

    WTB Euro NGPC Games

    WTB complete Euro NGPC games. Metal Slug Metal Slug 2 Dark Arms Turf Masters
  16. EvilMike

    WTB Sigma Super Pro Sticks

    Dug out the ol' Sigma 7000. Would like to get 1-2 of the sticks.
  17. EvilMike

    Monitor Recommendation for a Kraylix

    Thinking about getting a Kraylix. I want to be sure I get a good monitor for competitive fighters. This seems to be my best bet at 32" for low input lag. Anyone have...
  18. EvilMike

    WTB - Darksoft CPS2

    WTB - Darksoft CPS2 :mr_t:
  19. EvilMike

    Vertical Limit Adjustment Literally Snapped Off....

    Vertical Linearity adjustment on my Egret II monitor just snapped off tonight. Image is now crushed into half the screen. Any guidance or recommendations? EDIT: (V. Lin not Vertical Limit) EDIT: Anyone able to give me the ohm value for the V. Lin pot on a Nanao MS9-29T??