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  1. M

    Old style stick issue

    Adding video of one of the sticks, you can also hear the noise it makes when it does the final step Stick video
  2. M

    Old style stick issue

    Thanks for the replies, they are both original AES, not NEO GEO X. I’m not sure how to add a video here, but I have one showing the issue, maybe it could be a spring issue
  3. M

    Old style stick issue

    Hi, I recently bought a couple old style AES controllers that I found at a very good price, they work, but in both if I move the stick in a direction too much the stick gets a little higher and moves a little more to the direction, almost like it is getting out of its base inside the stick. My...
  4. M

    What was the first neogeo game you played in an arcade cabinet?

    It must have been Fatal Fury, but the one that I remember playing the most first is Fatal Fury Special