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  1. S

    Neo Geo AES - Black screen rolling static

    Finally got my NeoSD in yesterday. Got the sd card setup like I should, with the .neo files in the proper place. I don't have any other "games" to test, but my Japanese Neo Geo AES doesn't seem to want to boot. I know I'm using the correct PSU. All I get is a black screen with some buzzing...
  2. S

    NEOSD PRO - The New Terranonion Neo Geo Product March 2018.

    Welp. Anyone need to get rid of a regular NeoSD, haha. Seriously though, depending on price, this is VERY tempting. I can't believe how the community went from cheap chinese multicarts to the NeoSD and now to this Pro unit in such a short amount of time. Great work, blows my mind.
  3. S

    Post Your Recent Purchases!

    Hopefully that counts.
  4. S

    Site typing delay issue?

    Not sure where to post this. Site runs just fine in every aspect, but if I'm actually making a post (writing it out) or editing one, it's as if my PC is going in ultra slow motion. All typing is delayed at least 5-10 seconds. In order to write a post, I have to write it out in word, then paste...
  5. S

    Time for an AES

    I’ve had every other Neo Geo system in the past (including an MVS), but never would dare brave the storm of the uphill price battle for an AES. Well, thanks to Stone Age Gamer releasing their NeoSD, it’s convinced me to buy an AES. I’ve actually already found a system and controller in great...