Scammer Alert Michel Lam AKA Neo Satellite


Crossed Swords 2 Bootleg Artist.,
Mar 8, 2004
So, like I thought, no answers from Michael Lam about this, not a single word, which pretty much shows his part that he took in all of this. Very nice fella we have here folks. Even if he were 1% innocent about this shit, he would post something about it. Either way, I have paid off a little over $500 to G_D for this mess selling off my Doubles of English Neo-Geo CD's, and I am now selling my Metal Slug 3 English AES that I bought from BRANDI for 1k Euros to make up for the rest. Many thanks go to NeoSatellite, (aka Michael Lam), for being douche of the month.

Ace Ghost Pilot
15 Year Member
Jun 21, 2004
So, like I thought, no answers from Michael Lam about this, not a single word, which pretty much shows his part that he took in all of this. Very nice fella we have here folks. Even if he were 1% innocent about this shit, he would post something about it. Either way, I have paid off a little over $500 to G_D for this mess selling off my Doubles of English Neo-Geo CD's, and I am now selling my Metal Slug 3 English AES that I bought from BRANDI for 1k Euros to make up for the rest. Many thanks go to NeoSatellite, (aka Michael Lam), for being douche of the month.

Do you have his paypal email and mailing address? We used to have a thread listing all the information of known scammers.


Crossed Swords 2 Bootleg Artist.,
Mar 8, 2004
Do you have his paypal email and mailing address? We used to have a thread listing all the information of known scammers.

The only info I can gather from him, since he used someone else to mail his package for him that resides in Florida, is his real name and his email that he uses on PayPal which I am sure he is changing right now as I type this.

His real name is Michael Lam, and his eBay username is Broussmuche (for now anyway). His PayPal email account that I used to pay him is:

PayPal says that he is a NON U.S. PayPal Member Verified.

Do you think there is a way to get PayPal involved in this, or a way for them to expose his real address or Verified information? PM me and let me know if you know of anything I can do about this, thanks kitkit.

EDIT: I would like to just add here, that my debt to gum_drops has now been paid off as per our agreement as of 3:06PM PST. I sold off my English Neo-Geo CD library doubles to give him first payment, and I just sold off my English Metal Slug 3 AES cart, (that I bought from Brandi), to forums member "systmdfect", to make the second payment to gum_drops, so my debt to him is cleared out. Now, I just need to finish this with NeoSatellite aka Michael Lam, if he would just post up in here and explain himself, and at least offer some kind of partial refund, and make an apology for his blatant actions, that would go a long way in comparison to just vanishing. Gum_drops please PM me back and let me know if everything is cool now between us, and clear out your PM box as it is full. :D ;)
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King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
LOL, bootleg RB costs 2x original RB.


General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Feb 25, 2004
This hobby is fucked. Thanks to Atomikwave and his associates.

You're right. But half the problem is the morons who support them. If these guys didn't have a league of faithful supporters buying up their fakes they'd go bust and disappear.

I'm not not preaching anything new, I know. Unfortunately it doesn't look like this shit is ever going to end.

Thieves and morons fucking it up for the good guys.


a.k.a. Mother Teresa
Staff member
Dec 10, 2001
Remember that confession he made trying to justify his actions when he got caught selling counterfeits? He tried to make us believe that he was young and stupid at the time, that he changed since then. Well, he's in his 40s now and still sell counterfeits on the internet with "2nd run" or "100% SNK original product" in the descriptions :keke:

Christophe Ratel said:
There, I think that it's time for me also to explain the current situation and I allow myself to post this message.
First of all, on the conversions, as already explained Laurent, I have sold a few copies.
At the time, my business did not exist and my earnings were often inadequate, which led me to commit this crime, I admit.
Nevertheless, I want to present my apologies for the trouble I have caused during these few years.
Then I want to apologize for the stupid expressions used in my public records mails including one entitled 'neogeofans, noel pigeons' (excuse me again of terms).
I must say frankly that when you told me about this email recently, I have not managed to put in order the elements of the context of the time that could make me say that.
But the fact is, I assume. Honestly, as stupid as it sounds, I do not understand, it was completely stupid of me.
However, especially at the time, I relied heavily on my neogeo sales with the forum members.
At least, you have to press the facts on which you summers free to give you an opinion.
I again apologize for all the embarrassment that you could be caused, I deserve a discontent but not such a large scale for such past events.




General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Feb 25, 2004
Frengrish rants are so pathetic and drawn out.

No offense Cory ;)


a.k.a. Mother Teresa
Staff member
Dec 10, 2001
You're right. But half the problem is the morons who support them. If these guys didn't have a league of faithful supporters buying up their fakes they'd go bust and disappear.

I'm not not preaching anything new, I know. Unfortunately it doesn't look like this shit is ever going to end.

Thieves and morons fucking it up for the good guys.

Oh I know, I've been saying that for years. I include a lot of his cutomers in "associates". You should see the support he gets on some french forums. They literally couldn't care less about his past, present and future victims, all they want is to put a new fake US KOF 2000 on their shelves. They're on Atomikwave's dick 24/7. This is insane.


General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Feb 25, 2004
It should be laughably pathetic, but... Actually it is. These dumbasses appreciate bootlegs over original releases? Let them have them.

Kid Panda

The Chinese Kid
Jun 13, 2010
All jokes aside, what is the big deal with French and NEO? It's pretty disturbing how much of a hard on they have for the system and games. Or maybe just shelf decoration rather.


a.k.a. Mother Teresa
Staff member
Dec 10, 2001
It should be laughably pathetic, but... Actually it is. These dumbasses appreciate bootlegs over original releases? Let them have them.

I'd agree with you if those noobs would keep their boots forever. Problem is, they don't. Most of these games end up getting listed on ebay at some point or another.


a.k.a. Mother Teresa
Staff member
Dec 10, 2001
All jokes aside, what is the big deal with French and NEO? It's pretty disturbing how much of a hard on they have for the system and games. Or maybe just shelf decoration rather.

They call it the Rolls Royce of videogames. I guess they have a thing for luxury stuff.


General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Feb 25, 2004
I'd agree with you if those noobs would keep their boots forever. Problem is, they don't. Most of these games end up getting listed on ebay at some point or another.

And then they can get flogged as the real deal, I get you. I feel anyone getting into Neo these days, especially AES needs to be doing a great deal of due diligence. If they buy a boot, unlucky, but it's on them. I can't really sympathise for it anymore.

The bootleggers, sellers and buyers all make up the same cancer.


Thou Shalt Not, Question Rot.,
Jan 17, 2013
All jokes aside, what is the big deal with French and NEO?
Childhood memories? I played Neo for the first time on vacation in France in 1998... they had small arcades in a lot of places back then, most that I remember featured a Neo.


General Morden's Aide
Feb 3, 2013
You're right. But half the problem is the morons who support them.

Right, like that James W. support. BTW, the RB is just an overpriced, yet original, GWS version. There are also versions of AoF3 & NM with/without the sticker, so: #justhype


Hardened Shock Trooper
Mar 24, 2016
The '2nd run' BS in the auction title really seems to bundle this one in the same bootleg territory, but can it really be? I mean, really? Why in the world would you bootleg a title that remains plentiful and hasn't gone completely off the rails in pricing? (auction in question excluded, what a terrible price).

Also, Jesus Christ at that 'confession' that Cory posted. If you have to express regret at literally having called NEO GEO fans suckers. I mean, I don't even. ...

EDIT: Wait, I think I get it. It's a stupider, less ambitious scam than a bootleg. Slap a reproduction gold warning sticker on this, and now it's suddenly a rare second, later run of this game.
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Baseball Star Hitter
10 Year Member
Apr 24, 2012
If he had any skills, I would like to see him actually do a homebrew game instead of making additional fakes. Did he do his own PCB boards or did someone make them for him? I know various titles had custom PCB boards.