Asura Zanmaden FAQ by wasabi

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Revision as of 01:32, 29 May 2008 by Wasabi (talk | contribs)
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Samurai Spirits: Asura Zanmaden
AKA The Warrior's Rage
AKA Samurai Spirits 64 II
SNK 1998
For the Hyper Neo Geo
Authored by: wasabi
5/28/2008 (only formatting)

Samurai Spirits 64 II, The Warrior's Rage, Asura Zanmaden, Samurai Tamashi, Samurai Spirits 64 I
and Hyper Neo Geo are all sole copyright of SNK, as well as any character names and story
events, and are used without permission.  All other aspects of this faq are Copyright of Mehdi

Neither this faq nor any part within may be reproduced on any media, including but not limited
to CDRoms, strategy guides, your own faq, etc.  This faq may be distributed as long as it is
free and not manipulated in any way.  Any realization of failure on these terms will result in
rigid and merciless reaction on the part of the author.

Revision History

  • 3/17/2002

It's been a while. I recently found a big mistake with Hanzo, that other people ahd complained about. You know his MozoOtoshi, and the stuff I said you have to do after it... Well, I was wrong. You can add the mozo otoshi to the end of another throw sequence. Go check it out. PS: this game still rocks!

  • 4/17/2001

Thought I might enter the descriptions for a few moves here and there. Edited my thoughts on playing against Gandara. Realized that Ukyo's QCB+A does a substantial amount of damage, maybe worth 5 blocks of damage on the life bar. It's a head hit... Never put much thought to that. From now on, aim for the head. Aiming for the feet doesn't do much damage. Knees maybe, but not the feet. I find myself playing this daily; on the other hand, playing Black and White once or twice a week... (on the bwgame website, I am kazuki, just in case you see me)

  • 2/28/2001

After a stint without a hyper - too lazy to work, had to sell hyper for cash - I managed to buy one again, from vektorlogic, for a lot cheaper than I bought or sold the initial hyper. I have been messing around with Hanzo more, and updated descriptions, and some actual corrections to character quotes. Small update, but basically, a warmup before I find the last couple of moves that I have been waiting to figure out (Hanzo's anti-air throw sequences for example).

  • 3/27/2000

More movies made from this game using my tv tuner card. This time, I deciphered the text that flies across the screen during the intro. It's in the miscelleneous section.

  • 3/26/2000

I have played a little more since the last time. Ok, a lot more.. heh heh. By the way, Culinary arts is not for me, but I'm doing okay trying to find my passion (game writing of course). This revision includes more info here and there with regard to Kazuki's moves and fighting against Yuga, as well as a few miscelleneous secrets. :) Also, if you go to my homepage, at , and disregard the blantant ripoff of a site design (retrogames can't sue me, it's a personal web page with no commercial activity) you'll find three movies from SS 64 2. I include desperations for Bust Kazuki (one of his many) and Slash Hanzo's desperation, as well as a Shiki and Asura desperation move movie.

  • 1/18/2000 So much has happened, loyal readers... All I can say from myself is to follow what YOU want,

and tell people who are trying to influence you to screw off. I spent too long in school trying to act like a computer science major. Now that I tell my family that I really wanted to study culinary arts, they act all weird around me. But in other news, I got an email this morning from a fellow Asura Zanmaden freak, who found some juicey move info with regard to Kazuki (Bust) That everyone who plays this game should try out.

  • 12/20/1999 Well, I found some goodies and they will be in the misc section. Go check them out. Really

sexy stuff!!! Maybe I should also list all the things you can do with Sogetsu and Kazuki in their possessed stances... Weeelll? Do you want to know this stuff? Ok!

  • 11/29/99 After having played the game into the ground and back many times, and fleshing out the faq

quite a lot, I am ready to give it to the public. My major issues in the faq are the quotes and poses, as well as endings. Any help on these will be greatly appreciated. Also have no clue about the sudden death duel at the end of a tie...

  • 11/22/99 I have just started the faq. I have presently completed only a few characters while leaving

others with just the motions to the moves but no move names. My Japanese reading comprehension, which was ealier non-existent, is now not too bad, but some of the print for the katakana and hiragana are so small, and I have no magnifying glass yet. Actually, this is already a hefty faq, even though it is just a movelist right now... Scary to think how big it might get when I add descriptions for the moves and the cancellation charts.

  • -> Got to clear up: Hanma, Hanzo and Rimururu, as well as some translational stuff, such as "dameji." Also need to add charts for cancellable attacks. Also, there is some kind of funky sudden death for the fourth round (if you get there) don't know what to do yet... Also... Ahhhh so much more left to do.... Oh yeah, I do own this game :)!!! I also have the first SS 64. Both are underspoken, and really do deserve a second look. When you get to the final stage in Asura Zanmaden and face off against the puppetmaster.... phew... I should try to record it into a movie. So fricking gorgeous.


This faq is a detailed manual for Samurai Spirits Asura Zanmaden.  I first played this game
during the winter of 1998 in Japan, while travelling with my girlfriend.  Whenever I came across
an arcade, I would find either Asura Zanmaden or Last Blade 2 (or both!).  I was very excited by
these games, and after returning to the US, I knew that I would one day have to own these games.

Last Blade 2 was easy (although already being a rare cartridge).  However,obtaining Asura
Zanmaden was an expensive endeavor.  In truth, I am not regretful of it.  Yeah, word on the
street is that this game is going to be ported to the PSX.  Well, you get what you pay for, and
a port is always a "port" (Piece Of Reprogrammed Trash), so do the game some justice by playing
on the original format.  Actually, I hope that SNK will take care to release a decent port,
because I'll end up getting it regardless. :) This game is one of the most beautiful games I
have ever played, and I am very excited about this faq.  Some parts of the faq may contain
incongruences, such as I might use Slash/Bust instead of Shura/Rasetsu.  Just bear with it.
I also adopted a format for displaying the motion for special moves that is pretty intuitive.
Just imagine your character is facing right, and you should be set.

I hope that you enjoy Asura Zanmaden as much as I did.  Okay, at least half as much :)

*I believe that if you pay attention ot Rurouni Kenshin, there are many character design
similarities.  Especially if you look at the Enishi chapters.  In the author's "freetalk"
sections, he mentions doing design for a certain Samurai Spirits game, I wonder if it was this.
He didn't say it was Gekka no Kenshi (Last Blade), and Asura Zanmaden characters, such as Enja
Kazuki, Gandara, and even Asura have counterparts in the Kenshin series (a series which is
heaven's gift to humankind IMHO)...

* The PSX release actually sucked by most accounts.  It wasn't even Asura Zanmaden, but a sequel
to it.  Please don't be confused.  Anyhow, I liked a lot of the character design, but it proved
that SNK is going to have to make major changes if it ever wants to make another good game. BTW,
KoF99 characters such as K' and Maxima... don't they look a little too much like those from
Daraku Tenshi - Fallen Angels (Psikyo), which came out a year earlier...  SNK is having probs.


The days of Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, Mizuki, and Zankuro have long passed.
Things were peaceful until the bodies of dead babies began to disappear.
At the same time, a traveling puppeteer was noticed entertaining children.
A young assassin girl, Shiki, with one red eye and one blue eye sought for Haohmaru
as the body that will host her master.  Of course, this didn't work, and so Shiki
tried to escape.  The master sent his best slave, Asura, to reclaim her.  All the
other warriors were somehow affected in this, but the main story is about the
master's slave, Asura, and his romance with Shiki.

Game Intro(translation, as is everything):
  We all saw the skies are shadowed, the moons hiding, as well as the sun hiding.  Darkness
comes down, encompassing everything, and becomes a spear falling on today's world. And the
corrupting beast once again shows its appearance to our world.

S-C-S Combo System (In progress)

Press forward and CD then
AABBCCABC (this one charges the meter for your character if completed)
or AAA
or BBB
of course, the possibilities are much greater, but these are standard for each character.


Basic Motions :
Please read these first before getting lost in the faq...

f      : forward
b      : back
d      : down
u      : up
uf     : up-forward
df     : down-forward
db     : down-back
ub     : up-back
c      : crouching
j      : jumping
n      : near
!      : can be done with AB at Pow MAX
@      : cancellable
#      : guard cancel
Button actions
A      : weak attack
B      : medium attack
C      : hard attack
D      : plane shift (or hop if pressing f or b)

Character Specific Movelist


Probably one of the best character designs of 1998.  I'd push to say that as far as 3D
characters are concerned, this guy whips them all.  He is clad in black, and bound in chains
and straps.  He wields the seven ancient weapons (actually one weapon that transforms into a
bunch of others as he wants).  Each "weapon" in Shura mode has the name of a demon, or fallen
angel on it.  Like his sword has Lucifer inscribed on it.
Attack Chart |
command      | where | Cancels |
A            | Hi    | O       |
B            | Hi    | O       |
C            | Mid   | X       |
cA           | Low   | X       |
cB           | Low   | O       |
cC           | Low   | X       |
jA           | Mid   | X       |
jB           | Mid   | X       |
jC           | Mid   | X       |
nA           | Hi    | O       |
nB           | Hi    | O       |
nC           | Mid   | X       |
ncA          | Low   | O       |
ncB          | Hi    | O       |
ncC          | Low   | X       |
f + A        | Hi    | O       |
f + B        | Hi    | X       |
f + C        | Hi    | X       |
df + B       | Mid   | X       |
df + C       | Hi    | X       |
d + C        | Low   | X       |
f,f + A      | Hi,Hi | X       |
f,f + B      |Mid,Mid| X       |
f,f + C      |Mid,Hi | X       |

Routes: |
|Karakuri|Morosumi|Genjuro |Kazuki  |Nakoruru|Sogetsu |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Rasetsu |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |
|Morosumi|Genjuro |Karakuri|Kazuki  |Nakoruru|Sogetsu |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |

**SHURA | Move names read in reverse are biblical fallen angels
Entrance pose: Has back to opponent and draws out sword from thin air
Ending Pose 1:
Ending Pose 2:
A Pattern: All black (note: at Pow max, Blond hair, red eyes for both patterns)
B Pattern: All white
Refishul (Lucifer)    |@
----------------------+ Asura bi-locates temporarily.  If used with A, we will stay close, B far
                      | C is a fake.
   -O \  |  / O- + A/B|
       O O O          |
    during hit, A/B   |
    (fake)            |
   -O \  |  / O- + C  |
       O O O          |
    (move around)     |
   -O \  |  / O- + D  |
       O O O          |
Shedomusa (Asmodeus)  |!@#
----------------------+ Asura shoots out a spear
  | \ -O +A/B         |
  O  O                |
Nahaivel (Leviathan)  |@
----------------------+ Asura summons the Leviathan scythe and will either perform a
                      | A: Straight swipe (1 hit)
O- |  / + A/B         | B: Uppercut (2 hits if catches on the way down)
   O O                |
Rojereb (Belphezor?)  |!@#
----------------------+ Asura points at the ground, a spike shoots up.
  -O | \  + A/B       |
     O  O             |
Bubezuleib (Beelzebub)|
----------------------+ Asura summons Beelzebub and slams it (the axe) on the opponent.
    O-/|\-O + C       |
     O O O            |
Momamu (Mammon)       |@
----------------------+ Summons the Mammon shield.  If opponent attacks in first few frams of
                      | Mammon, the shield will lash back with six spikes.
O- |  / + C           |
   O O                |
Eresu                 |@
----------------------+ Turns around and and slams sword into opponent (unblockable)
  | \ -O + C          |
  O  O                |
Desperation           |@
Sanatasu (Satanas)    | Summons "walking stick" weapon and slams it in ground.  If it catches
----------------------+ opponent, he'll summon three more weapons: Belphegor, Beelzebub, and
                      | finally Leviathan.
    O-/|\-O + BC      |
     O O O            |
**RASETSU | Kamen no Asura - move names read backwards are angels
Entrance pose:
Ending Pose 1: Plugs sword into ground perpendicular and crosses arms over it.
Ending Pose 2: Floats up in air and laughs.
A Pattern: Black hair and a red shirt sleave.
B Pattern: Blond hair and a blue shirt sleave.
Le Ilbagu (Gabriel)   |!@#
----------------------+ Asura fires a laser.
  | \ -O + A/B        |
  O  O                |
Le Uguaru             |!@
----------------------+ Air laser
    in air            |
  | \ -O + A/B        |
  O  O                |
Lei Maru              |@#
----------------------+ Summons lightning.
                      | A: Close
  -O | \  + A/B       | B: One body width away
     O  O             |
Leashima (Michael)    |@
----------------------+ Stabs ground and a shadow runs out after opponent.  If catches, will
                      | drag opponent into ground.  Can easily combo in Lei Maru afterwards.
   -O \  |  / O- +A/B |
       O O O          |
No Latemu             |@
----------------------+ Black electricity circles Asura, moves are powered up.
                      | But! he will gradually lose life, so don't leave the lights on :)
O- |  / + D           |
   O O                |
Lei Hai               |@
----------------------+ Fires a shadow, much like the shadow from Rasetsu Asura's desperation.
(during noa latem)    | unblockable? yeah
O- |  / + A/B/C       |
   O O                |
Lei Kasu              |@
----------------------+ Floats up.  Can fly and perform special moves that can't be don on
                      | ground.
  -O | \  + D         |
     O  O             |
Mi Buliku  (Cherubim) |
----------------------+ Sword grows length of screen as he sweeps it across
(during lei kasu)     |
O- |  / + A/B/C       |
   O O                |
Lue Lesu              |
    a/b/c/d repeatedly|
Retagu Ragu           |@
----------------------+ Rears sword back and lunges forward with an unblockable attack.
O-/|\-O + C           |
 O O O                |
Desperation           |
Rinu Eck              | 6 bolts of energy shoot down at opponent
(during lei kasu)     |
  | \ -O + BC         |
  O  O                |
Desperation           |@
Lei Fa Lasu           | Turns into a shadow and floats over to opponent.  If catches, screen
----------------------+ turns black and Asura will phase in and out of visibility as he attacks
                      | opponent (a la raging demon sort of).
    O-/|\-O + BC      |
     O O O            |
Reasons for playing as Asura:
1. You like bondage and torture.
2. You think it's really cool to hold the "seven ancient weapons"
3. You don't comb your hair.  Unless in Rasetsu mode :)


(prefight) Orenikakawarutowa -- "I can't believe you're tryin to deal with me."

kakuhan -- "Shatter."

(next three said during desperation)
Kakugoshiro -- "Make your f**king mind."
Mezawarida -- "You annoy me by your existence!"
Shine -- "Die!"

Mudada -- "Not worth the time!"

(Win line) Omaega waruinoda -- "It's because you are stupid..."


(beginning of 9th Stage) Yuga-sama ni sakaran orokamonoyo --  "You rebels, against Yuga, the
master, you're stupid!"

mamore --  "Protect"

(win line 1) huh... mijimena. -- "You pathetic thing."

(win line 2) Lakunishiteyarou -- "I'll let you feel better."

Ochiro! -- "Fall!"

Yamiyo -- "Darkness."



A calligrapher with a huge brush.  Supposedly, his family was slaughtered, and he has
gone somewhat insane.  He seeks to destroy the evil that took his wife and child from him.
Attack Chart |
command      | where | Cancels |
A            | Hi    | O       |
B            | Hi    | O       |
C            | Mid   | X       |
cA           | Low   | X       |
cB           | Low   | O       |
cC           | Low   | X       |
jA           | Mid   | X       |
jB           | Mid   | X       |
jC           | Mid   | X       |
nA           | Hi    | O       |
nB           | Hi    | O       |
nC           | Mid   | X       |
ncA          | Low   | O       |
ncB          | Low   | O       |
ncC          | Low   | X       |
f + A        | Hi    | O       |
f + B        | Hi    | X       |
f + C        | Hi    | X       |
df + A       | Mid   | X       |
df + C       | Mid   | X       |
d + B        | Low   | X       |
uf + B(Bust) | Mid   | X       |
uf + C(Slash)| Mid   | X       |
f,f + B      | Mid   | X       |
f,f + C      | Mid   | X       |
df,df + B    | Hi    | X       |

Routes: |
|Genjuro |Karakuri|Galford |Asura   |Nakoruru|Hanzo   |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |
|Galford |Karakuri|Genjuro |Kazuki  |Nakoruru|Hanzo   |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |

**SHURA  |
Entrance pose:
Ending Pose 1:
Ending Pose 2:
A Pattern: Blue shirt/bandana, green pants (with print on them)
B Pattern: Red shirt/bandana, yellow pants
fuji no ho en         |!@#
(fire)                | Swipe brush in an upward arching motion.  Lifts opponent, who falls back
----------------------+ onto the kanji for fire.
  | \ -O + A/B        |
  O  O                |
fuji no ho fu         |!@
(wind)                | Shoots out a tornado with his brush
   -O \  |  / O- +A/B |
       O O O          |
fuji no ho kaminari   |@#
(lightning)           | Jumps at opponent and slams brush into ground, lightning strikes brush
  -O | \  + A/B       |
     O  O             |
fuji no ho ki(??)     |@
(slash)               | Charges back and forth, hitting twice
O- |  / + A/B         |
   O O                |
Desperation           |@
fuji no ho kinjite    | Does a series of hits on opponent with brush which eventually launch
dohatsushoten         | opponent.  While falling, Kanji symbols appear.
(really upsetting and |
going up in the sky)  |
(close)               |
O-/|\-O +  BC         |
 O O O                |

Entrance pose:
Ending Pose 1:Spins brush above head and slams it down
Ending Pose 2:
A Pattern: Green top, black pants
B Pattern: Light pink clothes, tanned skin.
fuji no ho en         |!@#
(fire)                | Swipe brush in an upward arching motion.  Lifts opponent, who falls back
----------------------+ onto the kanji for fire.
  | \ -O + A/B        |
  O  O                |
fuji no ho fu'n       |!@#
(anger)               | Slams brush on ground, a geyser burst somewhere on screen depending on
----------------------+ button
                      | A: Near
   -O \  |  / O- +A/B | B: Middle
       O O O       /C | C: Far
fuji no ho fuin       |
(conceal)             | Catches opponent and writes a mark on him.  That mark floats above
----------------------+ opponent for a few seconds.
  | \ -O + C          |
  O  O                |
fuji no ho lan        |
(chaos)               |
|  / O- + C           |
O O                   |
fuji no ho in ga      |
(cause and effect)    | Catches opponent with brush and lifts him up, spins and tosses down.
O- |  / + C           |
   O O                |
Desperation           |@
fuji no ho kinjite    | Performs fuji no ho en, if connects...
kaenbaku (bomb)       |
O-/|\-O +  BC         |
 O O O                |
Reasons for playing as Morosumi
1. You like people who wear pijamas into battle
2. You enjoy "writing" people off
3. four eyes are better than 2? (ok, I've gone to far I think...)



The main character of the entire series has a nice new outfit in rasetsu mode.  He is now a
mid-boss for most characters.
Attack Chart |
command      | Where | Cancels |
A            | Hi    | O       |
B            | Hi    | O       |
B,B          | Hi-Hi | X       |
C            | Mid   | X       |
cA           | Low   | X       |
cB           | Hi    | O       |
cB,B         | Hi,Hi | X       |
cC           | Low   | X       |
jA           | Mid   | X       |
jB           | Mid   | X       |
jC           | Mid   | X       |
nA           | Hi    | O       |
nB           | Hi    | O       |
nB,B         |Hi, Hi | X       |
nC           | Mid   | X       |
ncA          | Low   | O       |
ncB          | Low   | O       |
ncB,B        |Low,Hi | X       |
ncC          | Low   | X       |
f + A        | Hi    | O       |
f + B        | Hi    | X       |
f + C        | Hi    | X       |
df + A       | Mid   | O       |
df + B       | Mid   | X       |
df + B,B     |Mid,Hi | X       |
df + C       | Mid   | X       |
d + A        | Low   | X       |
f,f + A      | Low   | X       |
f,f + B,B    |Hi, Hi | X       |

Routes: |
|Karakuri|Morosumi|Genjuro |Kazuki  |Nakoruru|Sogetsu |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Rasetsu |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |
|Morosumi|Genjuro |Karakuri|Kazuki  |Nakoruru|Sogetsu |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |

**SHURA  |
Entrance pose:
Ending Pose 1:
Ending Pose 2:
A Pattern: White suit with black and red trim.
B Pattern:
Kogetsuzan            |!@#
(arc moon cutting)    |
----------------------+ Haohmaru spins sword around in an arc as he jumps
  -O | \  + A/B       |
     O  O             |
senpuretzusan         |!@#
(wind tearing slice)  |
----------------------+ Haohmaru slashes air sending out a small tornado.
  | \ -O + A/B        |
  O  O                |
Resshinzan            |@
(big quake slash)     |
----------------------+ Haohmaru jumps hign up and slams his sword flat on ground or opponent :)
O- |  / + A/B         |
   O O                |
Sakabenuchi           |@
(Sake bottle hit)     | As name implies, he shatters sake bottle on opponent.
|  / O- + C           |
O O                   |
Gouretsunage          |
(throw person far)    |
  -O | \  + C         |
     O  O             |
Desperation           |@
Tenrafuushinzan       |
  -O | \  + BC        |
     O  O             |

Entrance pose:
Ending Pose 1:
Ending Pose 2:
A Pattern: Black clothes, white belt
B Pattern: Red clothes, white belt
Kogetsuzan            |!@#
(arc moon cutting)    |
----------------------+ Haohmaru spins sword around in an arc as he jumps
  -O | \  + A/B       |
     O  O             |
senpuretzusan         |!@#
(wind tearing slice)  |
----------------------+ Haohmaru slashes air sending out a small tornado.
  | \ -O + A/B        |
  O  O                |
Resshinzan            |@
(big quake slash)     |
----------------------+ Haohmaru jumps hign up and slams his sword flat on ground or opponent :)
O- |  / + A/B         |
   O O                |
Sakabenuchi           |@
(Sake bottle hit)     | As name implies, he shatters sake bottle on opponent.
|  / O- + C           |
O O                   |
Dotodan               |
(Anger stop)          |
O-/|\-O + C           |
 O O O                |
Gouha                 |@#
(hard crash)          | Haohmaru shoulder charges opponent.
  -O | \  + C         |
     O  O             |
Honagi                |
(rice grain)          |
(during gouha)        |
 | \ -O + A           |
 O  O                 |
Hatou                 |
(??? breaks)          |
(during honagi)       |
  | \ -O + B          |
  O  O                |
Tenhaseiouzan         |
(during pow Max)      |
|  / O- + AB          |
O O                   |
Desperation           |@
Tenhashinmetsuzan     | Begins with a short Reshinzan, which if connects he immediately initates
----------------------+ a long series of driving sword slashes, ended by a Senpuretsuzan.
O- |  / + BC          |
   O O                |
Reasons to play as Haohmaru:
1. You never learned how to play as anyone else in the series.
2. You don't feel the importance of showering
3. He's always strong

Shindara iina -- "It's good to die."
Konna monoka -- "I was that easy."
Jo-butsu shina -- "Die in peace, baby."
Ikuze -- "I'll go."
Koredemo kurae! -- "Eat this sh*t!"
mada da -- "Not done yet."
(while dying) Yaru jane ke... -- "You were good..."



Something happened to his pants in which they now have a beautiful pattern on them.  His moves
are not that great now, and actually, he doesn't have many great command moves.  Although the
forward + B in Rasetsu is a bit more powerful than most other characters, there isn't much to
work with and I think his learning curve is higher than that of other characters because of
this.  Anyone else out there wonder why Genjuro just ins't loud anymore?  Not counting him in
the pocket neogeo games :)

Attack Chart |
command      | where | Cancels |
A            | Hi    | O       |
B            | Hi    | O       |
C            | Mid   | X       |
cA           | Low   | X       |
cB           | Low   | O       |
cC           | Low   | X       |
jA           | Mid   | X       |
jB           | Mid   | X       |
jC           | Mid   | X       |
nA           | Hi    | O       |
nB           | Hi    | O       |
nC           | Mid   | X       |
ncA          | Low   | O       |
ncB          | Low   | O       |
ncC          | Low   | X       |
f + A        | Hi    | O       |
f + B        | Hi    | X       |
f + C        | Hi    | X       |
df + A       | Mid   | X       |
df + B       | Mid   | X       |
df + C       | Mid   | X       |
d + A        | Low   | X       |
d + C        | Low   | X       |
f,f + A      | Low   | X       |
f,f + B      | Hi    | X       |
f,f + C      | Mid   | X       |
df,df + A    | Hi    | X       |
df,df + B    | Mid   | X       |
mid c,df + B | Mid   | X       |

Routes: |
|Ukyo    |Morosumi|Galford |Kazuki  |Rimururu|Hanzo   |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |
|Morosumi|Galford |Ukyo    |Kazuki  |Rimururu|Hanzo   |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |

Entrance pose:
Ending Pose 1:
Ending Pose 2:
A Pattern: Black pants and crimson hair/ shirt
B Pattern: Black pants and crimson hair, but black shirt
Kouyakujin            |!@#
(Light wing knife)    | Rising uppercut
  -O | \  + A/B       |
     O  O             |
Ou ka zan             |@#
(Cherryblossom slice) | Card projectile.
----------------------+ A - one card
                      | B - two cards
|  / O- + A/B         |
O O                   |
Sanrensatsu           |!@ (kiba)
(three continue kill) | Same move from SS2-4 where he slides back and forth slicing.
  kiba (tusk)         |
  | \ -O + A/B        |
  O  O                |
  Tsuno (corn)        |
  (during Chiba)      |
  | \ -O + A/B        |
  O  O                |
  Rin                 |
  (during Tsuno)      |
  | \ -O + A/B        |
  O  O                |
Shizukujin            |
(waterdrop sword)     | Tosses opponent high up in air, jumps up and slashes them down, card
----------------------+ appears (moon over silvergrass)
  (close)             |
  -O | \  + C         |
     O  O             |
Sakazukiwari          |
(Sake cup breaking)   |
  | \ -O + C          |
  O  O                |
Desperation           |@
Gokouzan              | Same old great super from SS2-4 where Genjuro launches foe into air and
(five lights)         | performs a series of five slashes, each one with a hanafuda card.
----------------------+ The cards are those of the highest point ranking hand:
                      | Phoenix, Cherry Blossom and Big Curtain, Man with Umbrella in Willow,
  -O | \  + BC        | Crane and Pine, Moon over Silvergrass, and Sake cup and Chrysanthemum.
     O  O             |
Entrance pose:
Ending Pose 1:
Ending Pose 2:
A Pattern: Light blue pants, dark blue hair.
B Pattern: Yellow pants, orange shirt, dark blue hair
Hyakuchisatsu         |!@#
(hundred demon kill)  |
----------------------+Genjuro lunges forward, blade first in one hand.  If connects, he drives
                      | his blade into and through the stomach of opponent, and moves the blade
  | \ -O + A/B        | up and down as he draws it free.
  O  O                |
Hikizurimawashi       |
(drag person around)  | Pulls person and drags around ground by shoulder 360 degrees, then he
----------------------+ knees them in the face.
  -O | \  + C         |
     O  O             |
Gashintotsu           |@
(fang god lunge)      |
----------------------+ Genjuro draws his sword back and charges enegy for an unblockable
                      | stright lunge.  The holding the button used to initiate longer
   -O \  |  / O- +A/B | results in more damage.
       O O O          |
Shigure               |@#
(twilight time)       | Pulls sword back over head, if opponent steps in this they get caught
----------------------+ by swords afterimage, he then slashes sword downwards.
O- |  / + A/B         |
   O O                |
Sakazukiwari          |
(break split in two)  |
  | \ -O + C          |
  O  O                |
Sakazukikudaki        |
(shatter)             | Grabs opponent and headbutts them.
   -O \  |  / O- + C  |
       O O O          |
Toba Arashi           |
(gambling type of     |
person that goes into |
casino, wins all the  |
money and splits      |
before anyone can win |
if back)              |
O- |  / + C           |
   O O                |
Desperation           |@
Yakushibari           |
(person in a situation|
where they can't do   |
anything)             |
                      | Genjuro sends out a single card, which travels at medium speed full
----------------------+ length acros the screen.  If it connects, opponent will be stunned
                      | and gradually lose energy for 7 seconds, during which time Genjuro
  | \ -O + BC         | is freed to do just about anything (Gashintotsu good idea here)
  O  O                |
Reasons to play as Genjuro
1. You hate Haohmaru.
2. You hate everyone else
3. You like hanafuda cards

(Prefight) mazuwa keikizukeda. tanoshimasetemoraou -- "First it's only to beef us up.  Let me
enjoy myself."

Kono ahou-ga! -- "You dumb-ass!"

shini sarase

nanisamanotsumorida!? -- "Who the f**k you think you are!?"



Sports a new hair-do in rasetsu.  As in SS4, she uses either the bird, Mamahaha, or
the wolf, Shikuruu.  She is cheap, and fights dirtier than a bloodthirsty rat.  Her applications
of the Lela Mutsube are evil and she will repeatedly trample you with them before you can even
get up.  Ok, off the record- you can cut her arm off.  Good!
Attack Chart |
command      | where | Cancels |
A            | Hi    | O       |
B            | Hi    | O       |
C            | Mid   | X       |
cA           | Low   | X       |
cB           | Low   | O       |
cC           | Low   | X       |
jA           | Mid   | X       |
jB           | Mid   | X       |
jC           | Mid   | X       |
nA           | Hi    | O       |
nB           | Hi    | O       |
nC           | Mid   | X       |
ncA          | Low   | O       |
ncB          | Low   | O       |
ncC          | Mid   | X       |
f + A        | Hi    | O       |
f + B        | Hi    | X       |
f + C        | Hi    | X       |
df + A       | Mid   | X       |
df + C       | Mid   | X       |
ub + C       | Mid   | X       |
f,f + A      | Mid   | X       |
f,f + B      | Hi    | X       |
f,f + C(Bust)| Mid   | X       |
df,df + A    |Hi,Low | X       |
df,df + B    |Mid,Mid| X       |
df,df + C    | Mid   | X       |
j(mid) f + C | Mid   | X       |
j(mid) d + C | Mid   | X       |

Routes: |
|Karakuri|Morosumi|Ukyo    |Kazuki  |Rimururu|Sogetsu |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Rasetsu |Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |
|Morosumi|Ukyo    |Karakuri|Asura   |Rimururu|Sogetsu |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |

**SHURA  |
Entrance pose:
Ending Pose 1:
Ending Pose 2:
A Pattern: White clothes with red trim, brown Mamahaha
B Pattern: White clothes with orange trim, blue grey Mamahaha
Kamui Rimuse          |!@
----------------------+ Nakoruru flips her cape in a vertical circular motion.  1 flip for A
                      | and 2 flips for B
O- |  / + A/B         |
   O O                |
Annu Mutsube          |!@
----------------------+ Nakoruru slides straight across the ground, blade first.  Hits low, and
                      | can hit fallen opponents.  Very comboable.
O- / |  + A/B         |
  O  O                |
Lela Mutsube          |!@
----------------------+ Nakoruru rises at a 45 degree angle, blade first.  Good priority
                      | against airborn attacks
  -O | \  + A/B       |
     O  O             |
Shichikapu etu        |@
  | \ -O + A/B        |
  O  O                |
Shichikapu Amu        |@
  | \ -O + B          |
  O  O                |
Lela o chikiri        |
  -O | \  + C         |
     O  O             |
Mamahaha nitsukamoru  |@
|  / O- + D           |
O O                   |
Kamui Mutsube         |
(after Mamahaha       |
    nitsukamoru)      |
    /                 |
   O + C or           |
    |                 |
    O + C or          |
     \                |
      O + C           |
Desperation           |@
Irusuka Yatoro Rimuse |
  | \ -O + BC         |
  O  O                |

Entrance pose:
Ending Pose 1:
Ending Pose 2:
A Pattern: White clothes and purple trim, light grey Shikuruu
B Pattern: Navy clothes and orange trim, dark grey Shikuruu
Kamui Rimuse          |!@
O- |  / + A/B         |
   O O                |
Annu Mutsube          |!@
O- / |  + A/B         |
  O  O                |
Lela Mutsube          |!@
  -O | \  + A/B       |
     O  O             |
Kamui shikite         |@
  | \ -O + A/B        |
  O  O                |
Shissou               |@
Rutenkyougekiha       |
   | \ -O + C         |
   O  O               |
Shikuruu ninoru       |@
(get on Shikuruu)     |
|  / O- + D           |
O O                   |
Meru Shikite          |!@
    while on Shikuruu |
  |  / O- + A/B       |
  O O                 |
Kanto Shikite         |!@
  -O | \  + A/B       |
     O  O             |
Imeru Shikite         |
  | \ -O + A/B        |
  O  O                |
Kamui Mutsube         |
  (while riding       |
   Shikuruu)          |
    b/Ub/U/UF/F + C   |
  (while jumping      |
   with Shikuruu)     |
    b/db/d/dF/F + C   |
Enbukoukyaku(?)       |
  [Enbusoshou]        |
  -O | \  + C         |
     O  O             |
Desperation           |@
Irusuka Emutsu Newa   | Nakoruru hops on Shikuruu, and rides into opponent, hitting multiple
Shikite               | times for high damage.
  |  / O- + BC        |
  O O                 |
Reasons to play as Nakoruru:
She's an idol in Japan (really) with many companies competing to make crummy Nakoruru dolls.
She has a better selection of animals than anione else.


(Prefight) Anataga tatakattewa gyakuko-ka desu -- "It will give negative effect if you try to

"Annu mutsube"

"Lela mutsube"

"Kamui rimuse"

"Ike, Mamahaha!"


Not much change from the previous episodes.  She is still annoyingly cute and ridiculously
strong.  I actually play her sometimes and think that there are definitely cool parts.  Like her
different winning poses with the flute... eh?  you didn't know that?
Attack Chart |
command      | where | Cancels |
A            | Hi    | O       |
B            | Hi    | O       |
C            | Mid   | X       |
cA           | Low   | X       |
cB           | Low   | O       |
cC           | Low   | X       |
jA           | Mid   | X       |
jB           | Mid   | X       |
jC           | Mid   | X       |
nA           | Hi    | O       |
nB           | Hi    | O       |
nC           | Mid   | X       |
ncA          | Low   | O       |
ncB          | Low   | O       |
ncC          | Low   | X       |
f + A        | Hi    | O       |
f + B        | Hi    | X       |
f + C        | Hi    | X       |
df + C       | Mid   | X       |
d + C        | Low   | X       |
ub + C       | Mid   | X       |
f,f + A      | Mid   | X       |
f,f + B      | Hi    | X       |
f,f + C      | Low   | X       |
f,f + D      | Mid   | O       |
df,df + C    | Low   | X       |
b,b + A      | Hi    | X       |
b,b + D      | Mid   | O       |
C,(mid)D     | Low   | X       |
c(mid)df + B | Hi    | X       |
cC,(mid)D    | Low   | X       |
c(mid)df + C | Mid   | X       |
n, u + C     | Hi    | X       |
nc,df + C    | Low   | X       |
nc,db + C    | Mid   | X       |
             | Mid   | X       |
             | Mid   | X       |
             | Mid   | X       |
             | Mid   | X       |
             | Hi    | X       |
             | ---   | X       |
             | Mid   | X       |
             | Mid   | X       |

Routes: |
|Karakuri|Morosumi|Genjuro |Kazuki  |Nakoruru|Sogetsu |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Rasetsu |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |
|Morosumi|Genjuro |Karakuri|Kazuki  |Nakoruru|Sogetsu |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |

**SHURA  |
Entrance pose:
Ending Pose 1:
Ending Pose 2:
A Pattern: Blue clothes
B Pattern: Light purple clothes
Rupushi Kuale         |!@
----------------------+ Rimmy tosses an ice ball in an arc.  If it hits, oppent will he
                      | momentarily stunned
  | \ -O + A/B        |
  O  O                |
Konril Nonno          |@#
Upon opu              |@#

Konril Shiralu        | Rimmy jumps up and creates a patch of ice beneath her to sit on.  Good
----------------------+ for avoiding nasty things that shoot across the ground (like the
                      | bakuenryuu)
jumping?              |
 | + C                |
 O                    |
Etaie Shinotsu        |
  -O | \  + C         |
     O  O             |
Setouru Yaitoupare    | Grabs opponent and spins them around a few times.  After she releases
----------------------+ she trips the opponent (very cute)
Close behind opponent |
  -O | \  + C         |
     O  O             |
Teruke Pon Onkamikiru | Rimmy charges opponent with arms outstretched.  If she catches opponent
----------------------+ she will drive opponent backwards into the ground (very cute)
  | \ -O + C          |
  O  O                |
KaruKaruse            |@
  (shinu)             |
  | \ -O + D          |
  O  O                |
  or                  |
  \  + D              |
   O                  |
  (Enka)              |
  |  / -O + D         |
  O O                 |
  or                  |
   / + D              |
  O                   |
Desperation           |@
Rupushi Kamui Emushi  | Rimmy makes a huge ice mass above her head.  Hold BC to delay attack.
----------------------+ Does massive damage.
  | \ -O + BC         |
  O  O                |

Entrance pose:
Ending Pose 1:
Ending Pose 2:
A Pattern: blue shorts and shirt
B Pattern: pink shorts and shirt
Rupushi Toumu         |@
Rupushi Teku numu     |#
Konril numu           |!@#
Konril Shiralu        |!
Kamui Shitouki        |@
Epunkine Konril       |
When hit              |
ABCD                  |
Konril Sotou          |@
Araka Araka           |
  -O | \  + C         |
     O  O             |
Pilicano on yan       |
from behind opponent  |
  -O | \  + C         |
     O  O             |
Teruke Pon Onkamikaru |
  | \ -O + C          |
  O  O                |
KaruKaruse            |@
  (shinu)             |
  | \ -O + D          |
  O  O                |
  or                  |
  \  + D              |
   O                  |
  (Enka)              |
  |  / -O + D         |
  O O                 |
  or                  |
   / + D              |
  O                   |
Desperation           |@
Ruyanbe Konril Nochu  |
  | \ -O + BC         |
  O  O                |
Reasons to play as Rimururu:
1. You think you're cute
2. You like tiny girls


Has a new look where he covers his mouth with his muffler.  His shura costume displays a
funny kanji on the back.  His Rasetsu mode is basically the same as in from SS3 & SS4, as is his
Shura mode.  Although his super, TBC, is dull looking, it homes in on the enemy and ticks off a
good amount of damage if blocked.  DDD is actually really fun to watch, as Poppy attacks the
enemy repeatedly (like in SS2) while Galford cheers her on.
Attack Chart |
command      | where | Cancels |
A            | Hi    | O       |
B            | Hi    | O       |
C            | Mid   | X       |
cA           | Low   | X       |
cB           | Low   | O       |
cC           | Low   | X       |
jA           | Mid   | X       |
jB           | Mid   | X       |
jC           | Mid   | X       |
nA           | Hi    | O       |
nB           | Hi    | O       |
nC           | Mid   | X       |
ncA          | Low   | O       |
ncB          | Low   | O       |
ncC          | Low   | X       |
f + A        | Hi    | O       |
f + B        | Hi    | X       |
f + C        | Hi    | X       |
df + A(bust) | Mid   | X       |
df + B(bust) | Mid   | X       |
df + C       | Mid   | X       |
d + C        | Low   | X       |
u + C (slash)| Mid   | X       |
uf + C       | Mid   | X       |
f,f + A      | Hi    | X       |
f,f + B      | Low   | X       |
f,f + C(Slsh)| Mid   | X       |
df,df + C    | Low   | X       |
b,b + D      | ---   | X       |

Routes: |
|Karakuri|Morosumi|Ukyo    |Kazuki  |Rimururu|Sogetsu |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Rasetsu |Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |
|Morosumi|Ukyo    |Karakuri|Asura   |Rimururu|Sogetsu |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |

Entrance pose:
Ending Pose 1:
Ending Pose 2:
A Pattern: Blue clothes, red muffler
B Pattern: Orange clothes, blue muffler
Replica Attack        |@
----------------------+ Galford disappears in a poof of smoke, and reappears above opponent
                      | with sword drawn for a strike. Button pressed determines which side of
   -O \  |  / O- + A/B| opponent he will land on.
       O O O          |
Shadow Copy           |@
----------------------+ Galford disappears in a poof of smoke, and reapears at the left side
                      | of the screen if you used A, right side if B.
  -O O- / | \ -O + A/B|
       O  O  O        |
Rush Dog              |!@#
----------------------+ Poppy runs forward immediately and headbutts opponent.
  | \ -O + A          |
  O  O                |
Machine Gun Dog       |@#
----------------------+ Poppy waits a second, and then charges opponent, if connects, he does a
                      | series of bites, while which Galford can do his thing.
  | \ -O + B          |
  O  O                |
Strike Dog            |@#
----------------------+ Poppy performs a spinning pile driver.
  | \ -O + C          |
  O  O                |
Replica Dog           |!@
----------------------+ Poppy disappears in a poof of smoke, and reappears over opponent's head
  |  / O- + A         |
  O O                 |
Overhead Crush        |@
----------------------+ Poppy and galford jump back and Poppy springs off Galford at a 45 degree
                      | angle down to hit opponent
  |  / O- + B         |
  O O                 |
Poppy ni esa wo ageru |@
(feeding the poppy)   |
----------------------+ Galford tosses food to poppy.  This will bring up poppy's damage level
  |  / O- +  C        |
  O O                 |
M.S.D.                |@
At MAX pow,           |
  O- / | \ -O + AB    |
    O  O  O           |
Desperation           |@
D.D.D.                | Poppy attacks opponent in a seires of wild attacks, during which,
Triple D              | Galford can't really do much other than cheer.  Maybe the mroe cheering
----------------------+ you do, the more attacks Poppy will lay?  I just realized that this
                      | move in no way uses the D button... wierd.
  | \ -O + BC         |
  O  O                |
Entrance pose:
Ending Pose 1:
Ending Pose 2:
A Pattern: Dark blue clothes, light blue trim
B Pattern: Dark blue clothes, yellow trim
Replica Attack        |@
----------------------+ Disappears and reappears above opp. to drop on top with swod for damage.
                      | button pressed determines if you fall on left or right side.
   -O \  |  / O- + A/B|
       O O O          |
Shadow Copy           |@
----------------------+ Teleports to either left or right side of screen.  Very vulnerable in
                      | first few frames of attack.
  -O O- / | \ -O + A/B|
       O  O  O        |
Plasma Blade          |!@#
----------------------+ Same old lightning projectile from SS1-4
  | \ -O + A/B        |
  O  O                |
Plasma Spark          |
during plasma blade   |
A/B/C/D               |
Plasma Break          |!@#
----------------------+ Surrounds his body with lightning for a split second for defensive
                      | measures.
  -O | \  + A/B       |
     O  O             |
Plasma Factor         |
----------------------+ Temporarily charges up all moves with lightning.
                      | But this move makes his life gradually disappear, so remember to turn
O- |  / + D           | off when you don't need it (this is done by doing Plasma Factor again)
   O O                |
HLK                   |
----------------------+ Galford charges for a while, if charges all the way, he will jump kick
                      | across screen (unbockable)
  |  / O- + C         |
  O O                 |
HLU                   |
----------------------+ Interrupts HLK with an unblockable punch
during HLK, C         |
HLF                   |
during HLK, D         |
Rising Sama           |
----------------------+ Lightning enhanced flip kick.
during plasma factor  |
  O  + C              |
   \                  |
Plasma Fist           |
during plasma factor  |
  -O -O + C           |
Plasma Flash          |
----------------------+ Sends out a surge of electricity, good way to turn off plasma factor
during plasma factor  |
  O- + C              |
Lightning Slash       |@
----------------------+ Runs forward and grabs the opponent, kicks leg around neck and flips
                      | opp. over, then sharges falling foe with a forward arching slash.
  | \ -O + C          |
  O  O                |
Strike Heads          |
----------------------+ Basic old spinning piledriver, lightning enhanced.
  -O | \  + C         |
     O  O             |
L.S.T                 |@
Lightning Strike Three| This is just like his old super from SS3/4.  He charges forward much
----------------------+ faster than in Lightning Slash, and performs the first two motions
                      | of lightning slash, but after slashing the opponent, he does a flip
At MAX pow,           | kick to launch opponent back up in air, where he teleport next to
                      | falling oppnent and spinning piledrivers him into ground.
  O- / | \ -O + AB    |
    O  O  O           |
T.B.C.                |@
----------------------+ Charges up like in plasma factor and yells "Kill You!" as a big
                      | bold of lightning streams down right on you (auto homing)
  -O | \  + BC        |
     O  O             |

"Kill you"

"plasma Blade!"

"One... two... three... yeah!"

"Strike heads!"

"Go poppy!"

"Oh... I'm so sorry."

"What... happened?"

"Justice wins!"

"Woo hoo!"

"Oh no!"

"Let's more sight!" (let's see more?)


Like his brother, Sogetsu is being possessed by the water god.  Looks pretty stupid.  Sorry,
that's just my single opinion.  I don't like his tatooes as much as Kazuki's.  His moves are
all boring or too difficult to connect.  The fact that he relies so much on kicks as opposed
to his brother with punches is a silly application of yin/yang that should have been avoided.
Once again, this is just one man's opinion.  His Shura version is okay, but the super has no
range now and so when you are desperate, the desperation is going to help like poop.  But when
you play him for a while in Rasetsu mode, and connect with every part of his super, you know
that Sogetsu is the man.  Even with thoses stupid tattoos...
Attack Chart |
command      | where | Cancels |
A            | Hi    | O       |
B            | Hi    | O       |
C            | Mid   | X       |
cA           | Low   | X       |
cB           | Low   | O       |
cC           | Low   | X       |
jA           | Mid   | X       |
jB           | Mid   | X       |
jC           | Mid   | X       |
nA           | Hi    | O       |
nB           | Hi    | O       |
nC           | Mid   | X       |
ncA          | Low   | O       |
ncB (slash)  | Low   | O       |
ncB  (bust)  | Mid   | O       |
ncC          | Low   | X       |
f + A        | Hi    | O       |
f + B        | Hi    | X       |
f + C        | Hi    | X       |
df + A       | Mid   | X       |
df + B       | Mid   | X       |
df + C       | Mid   | X       |
d + A (bust) | Low   | X       |
d + B (slash)| Hi    | X       |
d + C        | Low   | X       |
f,f + A      | Hi    | X       |
f,f + B(slsh)| Low   | X       |
f,f + B(bust)| Mid   | X       |
f,f + C(Slsh)| Mid   | X       |
b,b + D      | ---   | X       |
AD(slash)    | hi    | X       |
BD(Slash)    | hi    | X       |
(near) d + C | Low   | X       |

Routes: |
|Ukyo    |Morosumi|Galford |Kazuki  |Rimururu|Hanzo   |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |
|Morosumi|Galford |Ukyo    |Kazuki  |Rimururu|Hanzo   |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |

Entrance pose:
Ending Pose 1:
Ending Pose 2:
A Pattern: light blue clothes
B Pattern: off-white clothes
Shigetsu              |
(dead moon)           | Flies down from peak of jump to flip opponent.
  while jumping       |
  |  / O- + C         |
  O O                 |
Gekkou                |@#
(moonlight)           | Slams sword into ground as a water pillar shoots up.  Button pressed
----------------------+ determines distance of pillar.
  -O | \  + A/B/C     |
     O  O             |
fuzuki                |@#
(floating moon)       |
  | \ -O + C          |
  O  O                |
Getsurinha            |!@
(moon ring wave)      | Waterball projectile.
  | \ -O + A/B        |
  O  O                |
Shoukan               |@
(invitation)          |
  |  / O- + D         |
  O O                 |
Tsukigakure           |@
(hiding moon)         | Teleport
O- |  / + A/B/C/D     |
   O O                |
Desperation           |@
Gesshousuichouha      | Turns around and strikes sword into ground.  A huge geyser forms around
(rising moon water    | him.  This super sucks for range and not really too comboable from
pillar wave )         | my personal observance.  This may change as I get bored enough to use
----------------------+ him more.
   -O \  |  / O- + BC |
       O O O          |

Entrance pose:
Ending Pose 1:
Ending Pose 2:
A Pattern:Blue hair/tatooes, light blue pants
B Pattern:White everything
Shigetsu              |
----------------------+ Flies down from peak of jump and grabs the opponent and knees opp.
 While Jumping        |
  |  / O- + C         |
  O O                 |
Rengesuipu            |
(Lotus water dance)   |
----------------------+ @# (aorenge)
[Aorenge](blue lotus) |
  | \ -O + C,         |
  O  O                |
[Benirenge](red lotus)|
  | \ -O + A,         |
  O  O                |
[Shirorenge]          |
(white lotus)         |
  | \ -O + B,         |
  O  O                |
Shougetsu             |!@#
(flying moon?)        |
  -O | \  + A/B       |
     O  O             |
Suigetsu              |!@
(water moon)          |
  |  / O- + A/B       |
  O O                 |
Hazuki                |
(breaking moon)       |
while "dameji"        |
(getting hit)         |
ABCD                  |
Engetsu               |
(round moon)          |
O- |  / + C           |
   O O                |
Suioutenshin          |
(changing into water  | This gives Sogetsu temporary "super armor" such that he can do powerful
emperor)              | attacks through your attacks.
O- |  / + D           |
   O O                |
 or by BD only!       |
Desperation           |@
Tenshorenge           |
(sky rising lotus)    |
  | \ -O + BC,        |
  O  O                |
  | \ -O + A,         |
  O  O                |
  | \ -O + B,         |
  O  O                |
  | \ -O + C,         |
  O  O                |
  Finally,            |
  ABCD                |
Suioutenshin section:
ok, there are so many things you can do here.  Read and memorize, because these are all cooler
than anything else he has.  Remember, he has super armor in the mode, so eat a punch.  You'll
give the other guy a lot more in return if he doesn't land you on yer ass.
fBA df+B
HCF+C (throw)


(Prefight) Jamadate suruna -- "Get out of the way."

Kazuki Kazama

Now he (Rasetsu version) is possessed by a fire god Sojaku (sp?) who is gradually taking over
his entire being.  Very interesting...  He has some extremely powerful moves in Rasetsu.  In
Shura, he is basically the same as he was in SS4, which is very good, since that was a fun
character to use.
Attack Chart |
command      | where | Cancels |
A            | Hi    | O       |
B            | Hi    | O       |
C            | Mid   | X       |
cA           | Low   | X       |
cB           | Low   | O       |
cC           | Low   | X       |
jA           | Mid   | X       |
jB           | Mid   | X       |
jC           | Mid   | X       |
nA           | Hi    | O       |
nB           | Hi    | O       |
nC           | Mid   | X       |
ncA          | Low   | O       |
ncB (slash)  | Hi    | O       |
ncB  (bust)  | Mid   | O       |
ncC          | Low   | X       |
f + A        | Hi    | O       |
f + B        | Hi    | X       |
f + C        | Hi    | X       |
df + A       | Mid   | X       |
df + B(bust) | Mid   | X       |
df + C       | Mid   | X       |
d + A        | Low   | X       |
ub + B(slash)| Mid   | X *     |(guard cancel)
f,f + A(bust)| Mid   | X       |
f,f + B(slsh)| Hi,Hi | X       |
f,f + B(bust)| Mid   | X       |
f,f + C      | Mid   | X       |
b,b + D      | ---   | X       |

Routes: |
|Genjuro |Karakuri|Galford |Asura   |Nakoruru|Hanzo   |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |
|Galford |Karakuri|Genjuro |Kazuki  |Nakoruru|Hanzo   |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |

Entrance pose:
Ending Pose 1:
Ending Pose 2:
A Pattern: Red clothes, yellow trim
B Pattern: Olive green clothes, white trim
Fudougeki             |!@#
(not moving punch)    | Fireball
 | \ -O + A/B         |
 O  O                 |
Daibakusatsu          |!@
(big bomb kill)       |
  -O | \  + A/B       |
     O  O             |
Saien                 |@
(fire damage)         |
  |  / O- + D         |
  O O                 |
Enmetsu               |@
(fire damage)         |
O- |  / + A/B         |
   O O                |
Chiryuuen             |@#
(ground fire dragon)  |
   -O \  |  / O-      |
       O O O   +A/B/C |
Chuudaenjinshou       |
  -O | \  + C         |
     O  O             |
Desperation           |@
Daiensho              | Same super that bust Kazuki had in SS4, where a huge column of fire
(big fire rising)     | burst through him and he can only be seen as a dark shadow from within
----------------------+ the fire column.
   -O \  |  / O- + BC |
       O O O          |

Entrance pose: A mound of earth burns like lava, and Kazuki rises form it
Ending Pose 1: Bends back and growls
Ending Pose 2: Takes does some stances, at each step, the ground shakes
A Pattern: Grey pants, white hair/tattoos, tan skin
B Pattern: Black pants/tattoos, red hair, white skin.
Kaenkeki              |!@#
(gunpowder punch)     | Kazuki charges forward covered in flames.  Button pressed determines
----------------------+ distance/delay.
O- |  / + A/B         |
   O O                |
Rikudourekka          |@#(futsu)
(six ways fire)       |
  [futsu]             | Slides forward with a flaming foot.
  | \ -O + C          |
  O  O                |
then                  | Uppercuts opponent high up into air.
  [Baku](explode)     |
  | \ -O + A          |
  O  O                |
then                  | Jumps up to opponent and crosses arms. kicks opponent to ground.
  [metsu](destroying) |
  | \ -O + B          |
  O  O                |
(while in Max)        |
[jigokudou]           |
(way to hell)         |
[gakidou]             |
(way to demon)        |
  | \ -O + AB         | Slide forweard even further than futsu.
  O  O                |
then                  |
[chikushoudou]        |
(way to jerk/asshole) |
  | \ -O + A          | Grabs opponent and rams them with fist.
  O  O                |
then                  |
[shuradou]            |
  | \ -O + B          | Launches opponent up like in Baku
  O  O                |
then                  |
[Jindou](way of human)|
  | \ -O + C          | Jumps up and punches opponent down into ground (dragon ball z style)
  O  O                |
then                  |
[Tendou](way of sky)  |
-O \  |  / O- + D     | Presses opponent into ground as the ground heats up like in Enretsugoku
    O O O             |
Enretsugoku           |!@
(hot fire prison)     | Kazuki bends his chest back and spreads out his arms, the ground
----------------------+ beneath him heats up.  Button pressed decides burning radius.
  -O | \  + A/B       |
     O  O             |
Enoutenshin           |@
(fire king transform) | Gains a "super armor" and can do really damaging combos through your
----------------------+ attacks.
O- |  / + D           |
   O O                |
Zetsushoukibashiki    |@
funko                 | (translation note: zetsushoukibashiki is a horseman's way of burning
----------------------+ everything.  funko is an angry tiger.)
                      | Very slow moving charge of fire.  Kazuki slowly steps forward and says
   -O \  |  / O- + C  | "shi~~ne."  If this connects, it will take off 75% damage!  But like
       O O O          | I said, it is too slow to relly be useful (except against Gandara)
Chuudaenjinshou       |
----------------------+ Kazuki ducks into opponent and dips shoulder into chest.  If connects
                      | Kazuki will burst twice into the enemy, second burst sends the opp.
                      | flying off.
  -O | \  + C         |
     O  O             |
Desperation           |@
Chougakusei           | Kazuki reels back momentarily to charge up some fire power, then you can
(crazy spark)         | choose his next move: (A, B, or C can be followed by A, B, or C)
----------------------+ A - A series of medium hitting fire punches
                      | B - A series of low hitting fire punches
O- |  / + BC          | C - A series of overhead fire elbow drops
   O O                |
                      | The following can only be done once per desperation
                      | D - just stands still, if attacked, he'll explode
                      | After which he will pause, and you can choose once more from above.
                      | From Joey Hongchuta:
                      | C+D = pauses, then falls back and then whooom fly forwards and hits the
                      |  opponent in the face with his body (very cool)
                      | B+D = same as C+D, but this fly upwards first and then down hitting the
                      |  opponent with his shoulder (also very cool)
                      | B+C = starts walking towards the opponent, if he catches the opponent
                      |  before running out of energy, he will grab the foes neck and boom
                      |  explodes (the 2nd coolest move)
                      | A+C = he will sort of bend his back down and chasing the opponent, when
                      |  he walks the ground shakes, but I haven't figured out happens if it
                      |  connects (keep running out of strength all the time)
                      | A+B = he'll do a more powerful version of the standard A move.
                      | A+D = he'll stand still and watch the opponent, if attacked, he'll will
                      |  begin to chase the opp. (cool soundfx, sound like a train :) and he
                      |  finally reaches the opp. he'll explode and fly up in the air. doing
                      |  major damage. (the coolest move, according to Joey)
Enoutenshin section:
Not to forget the super armor, but Kazuki also has a slew of new moves and sequences available
in this mode.  Read and remember all the golden apple of knowledge has to offer here.  These
are the coolest...
db or d or df CBB
db or d or df A
db or d or df AC
db or d or df B
db or d or df CC
db or d or df BA
ub or u or uf A
db or d or df BB
ub or u or uf B
db or d or df BBB
ub or u or uf BB
db or d or df C
db or d or df CB
ub or u or uf C
ub or u or uf D (does not hit)
ffB  flying shoulder slam
QCF (shifts him forward)
during QCF: A
during QCF: C
QCB (shifts him back)
during QCB: A
during QCB: B
during QCB: C
and according to Joey Hongchuta
reverse DP + D (turns off Enoutenshin mode)
CBC (makes him turn around and walk backwards into opponent, before he delivers a gut punch)


waruina kokode aite shitemorauze -- "Sorry, but I have to make you play with me"

ho-rayo -- "here..."

konoyarou -- "You bitch."

moechimae -- "burn!"

enmetsu -- "burning fire."

(win line 1) zama-miro -- "You deserved it."

(win line 2) oreno hiwa kesene-ze -- "You can't put out my fire."


Shine -- "Die..."


Still sick, and looking for flowers in dangerous places.  His moves are not that interesting
anymore, but he is a skill character now more than ever, and takes some time to master, unlike
on SS2 & SS3.  His mousouzankoka has changed so much.  Now he runs across and hits twice only.
Then he reads a poem which I will write at the end of the section.
Attack Chart |
command      | where | Cancels |
A            | Hi    | O       |
B            | Hi    | O       |
C            | Mid   | X       |
cA           | Low   | X       |
cB           | Low   | O       |
cC           | Low   | X       |
jA           | Mid   | X       |
jB           | Mid   | X       |
jC           | Mid   | X       |
nA           | Hi    | O       |
nB           | Hi    | O       |
nC           | Mid   | X       |
ncA          | Low   | O       |
ncB          | Low   | O       |
ncC          | Low   | X       |
f + A        | Hi    | O       |
f + B        | Hi    | X       |
f + C        | Hi    | X       |
df + C       | Mid   | X       |
d + C        | Low   | X       |
uf + B       | Mid   | X       |
f,f + A      | Low   | X       |
f,f + B      | hi,hi | X       |
f,f + C      | Hi    | X       |
df,df + C    | Low   | X       |

Routes: |
|Karakuri|Morosumi|Genjuro |Kazuki  |Nakoruru|Sogetsu |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Rasetsu |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |
|Morosumi|Genjuro |Karakuri|Kazuki  |Nakoruru|Sogetsu |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |

Entrance pose:
Ending Pose 1: Slowly sheeths sword.
Ending Pose 2: Spins sword around and then sheeths it.
A Pattern: Blue pants/hair
B Pattern: Red pants, dark blue hair
Tsubame Gaeshi        |!@
(swallow slash)       |
----------------------+ In the air, Ukyo flipsand unsheaths sword onto opponent's head.
(while in air)        |
  | \ -O + A/B        |
  O  O                |
Hiken Sasame Yuki     |!@#
(concealed Snowfall   |
Slash)                | Ukyo tosses an apple,then unsheaths and repeatedly slashes back and
----------------------+ forth while moving forward.  Can juggle, so try using this after
                      | a CD, BBB combo.  Apple splits in neat pieces after Ukyo resheaths.
  |  / O- + A/B       |
  O O                 |
Hiken Sasame Yuki     |@#
(fake snowfall slash) |
----------------------+ Ukyo tosses an apple.  Apple does not split as in real Sasame Yuki.
  |  / O- + D         |
  O O                 |
Tenso no Kamae        |@
(sky frost stance)    |
----------------------+ Ukyo crouches in preparation for either high or low attack.
                      | Slow to get going, I recommend practicing this for timing, so that you
   -O \  |  / O- + C  | can get people as they start to stand up.
       O O O          |
Amatsu Kaze           |
(heaven wind)         |
----------------------+ Ukyo jumps up and attacks from the air
(after tensonokaze) A |
Shimo Kaze            |
(frost wind)          |
----------------------+ Ukyo slides across and attacks from below.
                      | I find this move more reliable than the Amatsu Kaze.
(after tensonokaze) B |
Nadare                |@
(avalanche)           |
----------------------+ Ukyo draws sword and charges for an unblockable two hit attack.
                      | Slow.  Do this if you have a death wish.
  -O | \  + C         |
     O  O             |
Shunmunirenge         |@
(spring dream lotus)  |
   -O \  |  / O- + B  |
       O O O          |
Desperation           |@
Tsubame Roku Ren      |
(Swallow six slash)   | 6 tsubame gaeshi slashes.
  -O | \  + BC        |
     O  O             |

Entrance pose:
Ending Pose 1:
Ending Pose 2:
A Pattern: Green pants/hair
B Pattern: Grey pants/hair
Tsubame Gaeshi        |!@
(while in air)        | In the air, Ukyo flipsand unsheaths sword onto opponent's head.
 | \ -O + A/B         |
 O  O                 |
Asanagi               |@
(morning breeze)      |
----------------------+ mid level sword catch - upon catching opponent's sword, Ukyo steps
                      | around opponent and slashes him from behind.
O- |  / + A           |
   O O                |
Yuunagi               |@
(evening breeze)      | Low level sword catch - catches sword and slashes
O- |  / + B           |
   O O                |
Oboru Gatana          |@#
(wavy moon sword)     |
----------------------+ Slow and difficult to connect all parts.  Result leaves you wondering
                      | why you even tried this move.
 | \ -O + A/B (x 3)   |
 O  O                 |
Nadare                |
  -O | \  + C         |
     O  O             |
Musou Kasumi          |!#(Rage Max/@)
(daydream mist)       |
----------------------+ A - hits high (head hit, most damage)
                      | B - Hits mid level (medium damage)
  |  / O- + A/B/C     | C - hits low (feet, low damage) can also hit fallen opponents on
  O O                 |     ground
Shunmunirenge         |@
   -O \  |  / O- + B  |
       O O O          |
Desperation           |@
Musouzankouka         |
(dream leftover light |
in the mist)          |
O-/|\-O + BC          |
 O O O                |
Reasons to play as Ukyo:
He's the strong silent type.
He lost the throng of chicks that used to follow him, but he's still cool.
I can't stop playing as him...  been 8 years and I still play Ukyo all the time...


Tsubame Gaeshi -- "Swallow slash!"

Yarusan -- "You bastard!"

Gomen -- "excuse me." (not "I'm sorry" if said during this period in history)

Orukana -- "stupid!"

Madaka -- "not yet..."

Suman -- "sorry."

(desperation Haiku) Shimpuni / Chirishi sakurano /Hakanasaiyo
"In spring breeze
 Falling cherry petals
 how fragile and sad."


Shiki was introduced in SS64 1 as well, and has since been in both of the SS pocket fighting
games.  She has one red eye and one blue eye.  She is a slave of Yuga, and she is  supposed
to be great with child (maybe it is Asura's...)
Attack Chart |
command      | where | Cancels |
A            | Hi    | O       |
B            | Hi,Hi | O       |
C (Slash)    |Mid,Mid| X       |
C (Bust)     | Mid   | X       |
cA           | Low   | X       |
cB(Slash)    |Low,Low| O       |
cB(Bust)     | Hi,Hi | O       |
cC           | Low   | X       |
jA           | Mid   | X       |
jB           | Mid   | X       |
jC           | Mid   | X       |
nA           | Hi    | O       |
nB           | Hi    | O       |
nC           | Mid   | X       |
ncA          | Low   | O       |
ncB          |Low,Low| O       |
ncC (Slash)  |Low,Low| X       |
ncC (Bust)   | Low   | X       |
f + A        | Hi    | O       |
f + B (Slash)| Hi,Hi | X       |
f + B (Bust) | Hi    | X       |
f + C        | Hi    | X       |
df + B(Slash)| Mid   | X       |
df + B(Bust) |Low,Hi | X       |
df + C       |Mid,Hi | X       |
d + B        | Mid   | X       |
d + C(Slash) |Low,Hi | X       |
d + C (Bust) |Low,Low| X       |
f,f + B      | Hi    | X       |
f,f + C(slsh)| G?    | O       |
f,f + C(bust)|Hi,Mid | X       |
df,df + C    |Hi,Low | X       |
b,b + B(Slsh)| Hi    | X       |
b,b + C(Bust)| Hi    | X       |

Routes: |
|Genjuro |Karakuri|Galford |Asura   |Nakoruru|Hanzo   |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |
|Galford |Karakuri|Genjuro |Kazuki  |Nakoruru|Hanzo   |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |

Entrance pose:
Ending Pose 1:
Ending Pose 2: Kneels down and asks if she has just died.
A Pattern: Blue clothes
B Pattern: Purple clothes
Tenhourin             |!@#
(heavenly ring)       |
  -O | \  + A/B       |
     O  O             |
Tsuyubarai            |!@#
(Dew)                 |
 | \ -O + A/B         |
 O  O                 |
Kuuge                 |@
(Sky flower)          | "a" and "un" are a symbol of perfect balance of breathing, demonstated
----------------------+ in shrines by two demons, one with a mouth open like "a"
   [a]                | the other with mouth close like "un"
  | \ -O + D          |
  O  O                |
   [un]               |
  |  / O- + D         |
  O O                 |
kubigatana            |
(neck sword)          |
O- |  / + C           |
   O O                |
Yomiotoshi            |
----------------------+ performs a scissor takedown
  -O | \  + C         |
     O  O             |
Narakuotoshi          |
----------------------+ drives sword though opponents chest
during Yumiotoshi     |
O- -O + B             |
Kagefumi              |
(stepping shadow)     | digs heel into downed opponent
during                |
Narakuotoshi          |
  | | + A             |
  O O                 |
Agito                 |
(heel)                |
during yumiotoshi     |
O- -O + A             |
Rengemai              |
kekkafusa             |
(lotus dance)         |
during jump           |
 | \ -O + C, then     |
 O  O                 |
 kuugea + C           |
Shouka                |
(going to heaven)     | takes blades and slashes an 'X' into their neck
during kekkafusa A    |
Sange                 | takes blades and slashes opponent's back.  looks cool as they stumble
----------------------+ backwards, clutching their back
during kekkafusa B    |
Desperation           |@
Tenmahajun            |
(sky demon wave       |
 season)              |
  -O | \  + BC        |
     O  O             |
Entrance pose:
Ending Pose 1:
Ending Pose 2:Sits down and looks over her knees at camera.
A Pattern: Grey hair and white clothes
B Pattern: Black hair and red clothes
Darma Chakra          |!@#
Puravarutana          | Makes a wheel appear in thin air.
[tenpourin]           |
 | \ -O + A/B/C       |
 O  O                 |
Kushana [Setsuna]     |@
----------------------+ Teleport
  |  / O- + A/B/C/D   |
  O O                 |
Ashoka [muyuuka]      |@
(melancholy)          |
O- |  / + C           |
   O O                |
Abidoya [mumyo-u]     |
(no light)            | Grabs opponent and kisses them, causes confusion in the opponent
  -O | \  + C         |
     O  O             |
Paradika [harai]      |
----------------------+ Knocks down oppenent and climbs on top of them, sensually, and then
while at MAX pow      | lifts their head and kisses them.  Causes confusion and drains their
                      | life.
  -O | \  + AB        |
     O  O             |
Anitoya [mujo]        |@#
(abnormal)            |
O- |  / + A/B         |
   O O                |
Karuna [jihi]         |@
(sympathy)            |
O- |  / + D           |
   O O                |
Varuna                |#
[Soukoujin]           | temporary flight
(goddess of blue sky) |
  -O | \  + D         |
     O  O             |
Spateika[hari]        |
----------------------+ shoots a downward fireball
after Soukoujin       |
 | \ -O + A           |
 O  O                 |
Mani[mani]            |
(some buddist word)   |
after soukoujin       |
 | \ -O + B           |
 O  O                 |
Arugua [aka]          |
while at MAX pow      |
after soukoujin       |
 | \ -O + AB          |
 O  O                 |
Purakuteisan-         |@
kuhiya~niro~da        |
[takumetsu]           |
(nihilistic)          |
  |  / O- + C         |
  O O                 |
Desperation           |
Lupa Socanda          | six fireballs shoot at opponent
[Shikiu'un]           |
while doing sokujin   |
(varuna)              |
 | \ -O + BC          |
 O  O                 |
Desperation           |@
Lupa [Shiki-Shu]      |
 | \ -O + BC          |
 O  O                 |
Reasons to play as Shiki:
1. She's hot.
2. She's tormented.
3. She's easy (kisses just about anyone).

anatagaitsuyo-nano -- "I need you."
Otakuno -- "This is yours"
Owaine -- "This is the end."
Yokattawa -- "It was good..." (maybe "It was good for you." if "yokattawa-ne")
(win pose 1) Ah... shindano -- "Ah... am I dead?"
(win pose 2) Madatsuzukeruno? -- "Are you still going to continue?"

(Prefight) anatano inochi koremade desu -- "Your life was only up to now."
kite -- "come to me"
minasai -- "Eat this..."
Amaiwa -- "You aren't prepared enough."
(getting hit) Iya.. Iya.. -- "No... no..." (saying as if being raped)
Kakugoshinasai -- "Prepare for yourself."
(before kiss) Kowashite ageru -- "I'll break it for you."
(After kiss) Yokkatawa -- "It was good"
Tsukamate -- "hold on to me."
(win pose 1) Ara hayaine -- "Oh you're fast."
(win pose 2) Sugokattawa -- "You were so powerful..."
(Before stage 8) Anatano inochyo, kokomade kitanowa -- "It's for you I came this far."

Hattori Hanzo

My favorite.  Bust has a high learning curve, but really really fun when you take the
time to understand his moves.  Slash Hanzo has some nice moves too, but honestly, Bust
is where it's at.

Attack Chart |
command      | where | Cancels |
A            | Hi    | O       |
B            | Hi    | O       |
C            | Mid   | X       |
cA           | Low   | X       |
cB           | Low   | O       |
cC           | Low   | X       |
jA           | Mid   | X       |
jB           | Mid   | X       |
jC           | Mid   | X       |
nA           | Hi    | O       |
nB           | Hi    | O       |
nC           | Mid   | X       |
ncA          | Low   | O       |
ncB          | Low   | O       |
ncC          | Low   | X       |
f + A        | Hi    | O       |
f + B        | Hi    | X       |
f + C        | Hi    | X       |
df + A       | Mid   | X       |
df + B       | Mid   | X       |
df + C(Slsh) |Mid,Mid| X       |
d + A (Bust) | Low   | X       |
d + B        | Mid   | X       |
d + C        | Low   | X       |
uf + C(Slash)| Mid   | X       |
f,f + A(Bust)| Hi    | X       |
f,f + B      | Mid   | X       |
f,f + C(slsh)| G?    | O       |
f,f + D(bust)| ---   | X       |
b,b + D      | Mid   | X       |
Routes: |
|Karakuri|Morosumi|Ukyo    |Kazuki  |Rimururu|Sogetsu |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Rasetsu |Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |
|Morosumi|Ukyo    |Karakuri|Asura   |Rimururu|Sogetsu |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |

Entrance pose:
Ending Pose 1:
Ending Pose 2:
A Pattern: Black suit, red muffler
B Pattern: White suit, purple muffler
Kagebunshin           |@
(shadow copy)         | Disappear and reappear at side of screen depending on button pushed.
-O O-/|\-O + A/B      |
    O O O             |
Reppu shuriken        |!@
----------------------+ Tosses throwing stars.
 | \ -O + A/B         |
 O  O                 |
  (can be done        |
  in air)             |
Bakuenryuu            |!@
(fire dragon)         | Sends ground snake.  Similar to old Bakuenryu from SS1-4.
  |  / O- + A/B       |
  O O                 |
Bakuenmijingakure     |@
(hidden bomb shrapnel)| Explodes, like in his Shura desperation from SS4.
  -O | \  + C         |
     O  O             |
Bakuenjin             |@
(bomb place)          | Grabs opponent and sticks a bomb on their chest as his flips over them.
  |  / O- + C         |
  O O                 |
Utsusemi              |@
(secada)              | Using A will make him drop from above. B will make him strike from
----------------------+ below.
  (Tenbu)             |
   -O \  |  / O- + A  |
       O O O          |
  (chi(?)gin)         |
   -O \  |  / O- + B  |
       O O O          |
Kagemai               |@
(Shadow dance)        |
O- |  / + D           |
   O O                |
Desperation           | Hanzo throws a huge shuriken, if it connects, he deposits 20+ more stars
Midare reppu          | into the opponent, and then rushes in with a cross cutting slash,
shuriken              | coupled with him planting a bomb on the chest of the opponent.  when
----------------------+ the opponent falls over from the slash, the bomb goes off, launching him
                      | again.  Very nice, but needs more shurikens :)
 | \ -O + BC          |
 O  O                 |

Entrance pose:
Ending Pose 1: Turns back to camera, holds hand up like her was going to crack knuckles in SS4
Ending Pose 2: Enters a back stance and holds out his hand
A Pattern: Brown suit
B Pattern: Crimson suit
Kagebunshin           |@
(shadow copy)         | Disappear and reappear at side of screen depending on button pushed.
-O O-/|\-O + A/B      |
    O O O             |
Shizune               |@
(quiet sound)         |
----------------------+ Feints a teleport, lasts only a split second.
    | | +C            |
    O O               |
Sarumai               |@
(monkey dance)        |
----------------------+ Teleports around screen.
                      | A: Left corner
O- |  / + A/B/C/D     | B: Right corner
   O O                | C: Left in mid-air
                      | D: Right in mid-air
Kumobashiri           |@#
(running spider)      | Quick and very low dash toward opponent
 | \ -O + D           |
 O  O                 |
Bakuin                |
(bomb fire)           |
  during hit          |
    ABCD              |
Mozu otoshi           |!#
(falling ???)         |
----------------------+ The reliable spinning pile driver
  -O | \  + C,        |
     O  O             | This can be done after Sen, which makes for a long throw sequence...
  or during Sen       | [from behind] HCF+c... bc,a,d... abc,b,bcd,c... a,c,b,d,ab,cd,abcd...
  A,C,B,D,            | like I said, long.  Lots of button hitting.  Is it worth it? Yeaaahh. :p
  AB,CD,ABCD          |
  or if at MAX        |
  and during Sen      |
  A,C,B,D,AB,CD,      |
  ABCD, F,QCF+AB      |
Joudanatemi           |@
(upper attacking)     |
----------------------+ Upper counter trap
  -O | \  + A         |
     O  O             |
Gedanatemi            |@
(Lower attacking)     |
----------------------+ Lower counter trap
  -O | \  + B         |
     O  O             |
Shoku                 |
(Engulf)              | Tackles opponent - out of kumobashiri
(during               |
kumobashiri)          |
              C       |
Ritsu                 |
(In order)            |
(during shoku)        |
    CD, AB            |
Batsu                 |
(Punishment)          | grabs arm and twists behind back, allows a couple of choices for
----------------------+ follow ups.
O-/|\-O + C           |
 O O O                |
Rai                   |
(lightning)           | grabs opponent's arm, flips over his shoulder into ground
   -O \  |  / O- + C  |
       O O O          |
Saii                  |
(shatter)             | grabs opponent's arm and wraps legs around, spinning opponent to ground
 O- + C               |
Rin                   |
(straight forward)    | Grabs arm and pull opponent into his knee, then pulls arm back to
----------------------+ dislocate shoulder
    /  + C,           |
   O                  |
against crouching opp.|
or while in Batsu     |
  A, B, C, D          |
Ryo                   |
----------------------+ flips over neck and snap
Against crouching opp.|
   \ + C              |
    O                 |
Mei                   |
----------------------+ Hanzo mounts opponent lying down and snaps their neck.
   \   + C            |
    O                 |
  opponent down       |
  or during Rai and   |
  then D, C, B, A     |
  or shoku then       |
  D, C, B, A...       |
Goku                  |
(prison)              | Hanzo climbs on opponent like in Mei, but dislocates shoulder instead
----------------------+ of neck.
    /  + C            |
   O                  |
 opponent down        |
 or during Rai        |
 AB, CD, BC           |
 or Shoku and         |
 AB, CD, BC           |
Ren                   |
----------------------+ Grabs arm and kicks back of opponent's knee to force him down, then
 from behind          | dislocates shoulder
 -O + C               |
In                    |@
----------------------+ Hanzo performs a mid-level spin kick which takes down opponent, in
                      | doing so, he locks their arm and dislocates the shoulder
-O -O + C             |
Kasumi                |@
(mist)                |
----------------------+ Frankensteiner like move that snaps neck
      O + C           |
     /                |
Oboro                 |
(wavy/unfocused)      | after Batsu, sends hand into rib cage and then dislocates shoulder
(during Batsu)        |
    B, C, BC          |
Kai                   |
(punishment)          | pulls opponent back by hair and slits their throat
(during oboro)        |
   A, C, B, D, BC     |
Ban                   |
(Forbidden)           | Flips opponent over shoulder and then jumps up, flips a few times and
----------------------+ than lands with his feet on opponent
(during Rin)          |
   AD, BC, ABCD       |
Gou                   |
(work)                | Grabs legs, pulls body over him as hanzo lies down and pins knees down
----------------------+ with his legs
(during Mei)          |
   ABCD, CD, AB       |
Mukuro                |
(corpse)              | Right after Ren - Disengages both of opponent's arms from shoulders
(during Ren)          |
   BC, A, D           |
Sen                   |
----------------------+ Right after Mukuro - Drives sword through chest from behind
(during Mukuro)       |
   ABC, B, BCD, C     |
Desperation           |
Shin Mozu Otoshi      | Drives fingers into opponent's chest twice - can tack on a
----------------------+ spinning pile driver for good measure
  O- /|\ -O + BC,     |
    O O O             |
    then              |
  -O | \  + C         |
     O  O             |
Reasons to play as Hanzo
1. You like to win
2. You like to make people leave the arcade crying

(prefight) Onushikoreijo kakawarundenai -- "I recommend you not to be part of this."

(Win 1) - Kantan - "Easy"

Yagyu Hanma

I'm not sure about this, but here is what I see.  Hanma is actually two people.  One (shura) is
a human and the other (rasetsu) is a robot made of wood and metal (like clockwork smurf).  Their
stage from SS 64 1 was inside of a huge working clock (very nice too I must add).  They actually
have different names.  The robot is named "Karakuri," which is a kind of trick doll.  The
human's name, "Tetsuban," means "steel plate."  So I think that the Shura version is actually a
mechanic or steelworker of some sort.  Both of them rely heavily on their guns.  Despite his
silly design with a moronic huge grin, this guy has some really nice moves and is definitely
smiling for a reason.
Attack Chart |
command      | where | Cancels |
A            | Hi    | O       |
B            | Hi    | O       |
C            | Mid   | X       |
cA           | Low   | X       |
cB (Slash)   | Low   | O       |
cB (Bust)    | Low   | X       |
cC           | Low   | X       |
jA           | Mid   | X       |
jB           | Mid   | X       |
jC           | Mid   | X       |
nA           | Hi    | O       |
nB           | Hi    | O       |
nC           | Mid   | X       |
ncA          | Low   | O       |
ncB          | Low   | O       |
ncC          | Low   | X       |
f + A        | Hi    | O       |
f + B        | Hi    | X       |
f + C        | Hi    | X       |
df + A       | Mid   | X       |
df + B       | Mid   | X       |
df + C       | Mid   | X       |
d + C(Slash) | Low   | X       |
f,f + A(Bust)| Mid   | X       |
f,f + B(Slsh)| Mid   | X       |
f,f + B(bust)| Hi    | X       |
f,f + C(Slsh)| Mid   | X       |
f,f + C(Bust)| Hi    | X       |
df,df + C(B) | Mid   | X       |
(mid)c + C(B)| Hi    | X       |

Routes: |
|Ukyo    |Morosumi|Galford |Kazuki  |Rimururu|Hanzo   |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |
|Morosumi|Galford |Ukyo    |Kazuki  |Rimururu|Hanzo   |Haohmaru|Shiki   |Asura   |Yuga    |
|Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Shura   |Shura   |Rasetsu |Rasetsu |Rasetsu | ---    |

**SHURA | Tetsuban Hanma
Entrance pose:
Ending Pose 1:
Ending Pose 2:
A Pattern: Green shirt, orange pants, white hair, gold gun
B Pattern: Green shirt, green pants, bald, silver gun
Tetsusaigan           |!@
----------------------+ Launches a cannonball.  If you hold the button after performing move,
                      | not only will you delay the attack, but you can aim up and down as well.
 | \ -O + A/B         | A. automatically starts at 45 degree angle
 O  O                 | B. automatically starts at zero degree angle
Wandaenshinnage       |#
----------------------+ Swings arm in circular motion as he slides forward.  If he grabs
                      | opponent, he will launch them high up in air.
  O-/|\-O + C         |
   O O O              |
Shishihakaigata       |
                      | Jumps up and brings down the opponent from Wadaenshinnage attack a la
  during wanda        | Seiger's "elephant drop" from Samurai Spirits 2.
  enshinnage          |
  O-/|\-O + A         |
   O O O              |
Funsaigeirakka        |
----------------------+ Cracks opponents body on the way down
  during wanda        |
  enshinnage          |
  O-/|\-O + B         |
   O O O              |
Yama Arashi           |
----------------------+ German suplex
During Pow at MAX,    |
and also while in     |
common throw          |
AB                    |
Oosotogari            |
during common throw,  |
A                     |
Tomoenage             |
during common throw,  |
B                     |
Daisetsukan           |
  -O | \  + C         |
     O  O             |
Gansaisenbuuda        |!@#
----------------------+ Lifts opponent from feet and slams them over his should on the ground
                      | a few times
   -O \  |  / O- + C  |
       O O O          |
Keisuifunsai          |
while opponent is     |
crouching             |
  \  + C              |
   O                  |
Hourinage             |
----------------------+ Slides forward
  \  + C              |
   O                  |
   |  + C             |
   O                  |
    /  + C            |
   O                  |
Kenbakugatame         |
----------------------+ Suplex
From behind opponent  |
  -O | \  + C         |
     O  O             |
!Desperation          |
Tenchitairaku         | This is a three part throw super that must be done close to the
----------------------+ opponent.  Timing is crucial, so you might need to practice it.
  -O | \  + BC, then  | First part, Hanma grabs the opponent and slam his face in the ground.
     O  O             |
  -O | \  + A, then   | Second part, he lifes the opponent off the ground and beats them up for
     O  O             | a bit before launching them in orbit.
  -O | \  + B         | perform final part .5 seconds after opponent is launched, so that you
     O  O             | catch them on the way down.  He'll gram them out of the air and toss
                      | them aside, and then pear himself into falling opponent.
**RASETSU | Karakuri Hanma
Entrance pose:
Ending Pose 1: Spins chest and arms around while maintaining position of head.
Ending Pose 2: Spins chest and arms and flies off (sort of like Gun Jack in Tekken 3)
A Pattern: Grey iron chest plate/trim
B Pattern: Gold chest plate/ trim
Karakuri              |!@
Ichibankidou          |
Tetsusaigan           |
 | \ -O + A/B         |
 O  O                 |
Karakuri              |@
Gobankidou Dream      | Spins like a drill and sinks into ground.  Shoots up near opponent.
----------------------+ Both sink and rise do damage.  Button use determines which side he
                      | will rise from.
   -O \  |  / O- +A/B |
       O O O          |
Karakuri              |@#
[Tabankidou Shiro]    | Spins arms around for a while, does decent damage
  O-/|\-O + C         |
   O O O              |
Karakuri              |!@#
Shuunanabankidou      |
Atsu Atsu burner      |
  O- |  / + A/B       |
     O O              |
Karakuri              |@
Chuubankidou          |
Touton Rush           |
  -O | \  + A/B       |
     O  O             |
  then A/B again      |
Karakuri              |@
Yonbankidou           |
Shishitou             |
  O- |  / + C         |
     O O              |
!Desperation          |@
Karakuri              | Spins arms for a bit and then launches two cannon balls.  If any of this
Yonjusanbankidou      | hits, he will unload a great deal more into the opponent from his two
Machine Gun           | gun arms.  He will finish off the opponent with a massive ball that he
----------------------+ launches from his back pack.
 | \ -O + BC          |
 O  O                 |
Reasons to play as Hanma:
1. You like people with big grins.
2. You bleed oil.
3. He's big, and yet plays more like Seiger than Zangief (rare these days)

The S-C-S Combo System, in detail

The SCS was derived from SS4, where you iitiate a long chain combo, beginning with CD.  So for
example, every character has CD, A,A,B,B,C,C,A,B,C which will set your rage guage (POW) at max.
There is also CD, A,A,A, which does a good amount of damage but knocks the opponent right on
the ground.  And there is a launching combo, CD, B,B,B, which will launch the oppenent high
enough into the air to tack on additional combos and mayhem.

Examples of how the SCS can be used to initiate infinites
CD, B, B, B, slash, ice freeze, run forward, slash, ice freeze, repeat...
CD, B, B, B, slash, qfc + A/B, run forward, slash, QCF +A/B
(above two comboes recieved from

Of course there are probably more characters that have these.  If you find others, let me know.
Also keep in mind that when you do connect with the SCS combo (CD, AABBCCABC) your opponent will
also have a maxed gauge just from blocking your combo.

Mid-Boss : Gandara

[[Gandara]] is an interesting non-playable character.  Gandara is huge.  Gandara is purple.
Gandara is a really scary looking freak that is also immensely overpowered.  However, what
some people don't know (excluding the many who will never play Asura Zanmaden), is that
Gandara can be avoided.  You meet Gandara only between matches 3 through 6 if you meet the
following conditions (taken from site):

1. You have passed the second match
2. You have won one round, and lost one to the CPU within:
   if lost in 3rd match : 36 seconds
   if lost in 4th match : 32 seconds
   if lost in 5th match : 28 seconds
   if lost in 6th match : anytime

I don't think that the time noted dismisses the time lost during a rage explosion or
desperation.  However, I kind of wonder if what really matters in avoiding Gandara is the time
you take to pass each scene.  For example, I bet that if you take 2 minutes to get ot the 3rd
scene, then losing a round in the 3rd scene will bring in Gandara, and so on.

Now if you do have to fight Gandara, somethings to think about are:
If he puts his hand on the ground, he is preparing to toss a chunk of earth at you.  He is also
a sitting duck.  Use your most powerful strikes (Bust Kazuki or Genjuro can really lay him flat
in this moment).  If he ducks low with his face to the ground and both arms stretched back,
prepare to block, because he will drive forward and low twice.  If you get hit by the first
drive, you will get trampled on the second.When he begins swinging his arms, he'll swing left,
then right, then he'll lauch up high in the air and try to land on you, and then he will

Boss : Yuga

In Samurai Spirits 1, [[Yuga]] had one real form, but two stages.  In the first stage, Yuga was
sitting down and floating.  After knocking out the first form, Yuga stands and floats,
revealing his full stature.  This time around, Yuga doesn't toy with you.  He comes in standing,
but that doesn't mean he won't reveal anything interesting.

Yuga has three forms in Asura Zanmaden.  Yuga's first form is a male, which looks just like his
final form in SS1, so that would mean his second is... female?  Yeah, actually, Yuga is a
hemaphrodite of some sort.  After you beat his first form, he transforms into a female with tiny
black angel wings.  During the second phase (after you take off around 10-50% of her life)
she'll rise up in the air surrounded by lightning.  This is where she transforms again, and her
wings grow to full size.

Some things that I have learned from hours of playing against Yuga's first form:
The first form is pretty simple and you can easily beat him 90% understanding that he constantly
over commits on his attacks.  Try to keep distance at half screen, to avoid his throw attack.
He will do either a massive energy wave attack or do a 2 hit mid-level attack.  Just Block
either of these two and follow immediately by tapping forward and pressing the B button.  This
is usually your longest attack, and although it is your most risky, Yuga will not counter this
well if you only use it as a counter attack.  Don't jump.  Only time you should even consider
jumping is when he creates a fire circle around himself, at which point he is a sitting duck
for a mice jumping attack.  Otherwise, be patient and wait for him to make a move.  If he
doesn't move close enough for you to counter attack, duck for a few seconds and he'll approach
you.  If you see him ready for the big energy wave, stop crouching, because it hits high.

Playing against the second form:
This is where I usually end up dying.  I have figured out everyone but this bitch.  The female
Yuga has so much at her disposal that you really can't predict her too well.  But I am stupid
and stick to a routine that works sometimes if I am lucky.  Basically, at the start of the
match, I immediately jump at her and attack with B, or any heavy attack.  Follow with a standing
A, or whatever you can combo in.  Then try to crossover and attack her from behind.  Repeat
crossovers and hopefull you can win.  But somethings to really keep an eye out for are her
double ground fire balls, whice do great damage, and her fire circle.  In the final forms of
Yuga, the fire circle is too high to attack through, and it does massive damage.  The good thing
is that the final forms of Yuga are more open to air attacks, unlike the first.  Also keep in
mind that midway through her second form, she will transform into the third.  When this happens,
watch out for the lightning bolts, which have the annoying effect of making you slow or dead
(slow if you still live that is...)

If she knocks you down, she will still keep attacking your fallen body, and mutilate it so bad
that if you can get up, you will not live much longer.  For example, after getting knocked down,
she does her double ground fireballs, followed by her sweeping wing, followed by her fire ring,
after which I am pressing the start button to continue.  Definitely a true SNK end boss with
regard to how cheap she is.

small points:
*low block to make Yuga come after you.
*If you are blocking a lightning attack, retaliate with an SCS combo or standing B (nothing too
slow please).
*If you see Yuga rise beyond upper limit of the screen, run forward as fast you can (her
desperation move is unblockable)
*teleporting behind her is a smart thing
*Avoid moves with lag or wind up (Galfords machine gun dog for example, or Kazuki's
zetsushoukibashiki move).

Endings (in progress)

His passion for the emporer waning and the magic power of Yuga is leaving Kamen no Asura, and
Asura is leaving for another world.  He touches Shiki's belly where she lies, crying in tears.
The woman, trying to say something with the tremble lips of Shiki.  But Asura puts his own lips
on hers to stop her from speaking anything.  He then says, "I am going to the future world.  I
will wait for you."

There was a woman walking on the stone steps toward the temple where a man was standing.  Shiki
saw Haohmaru.  He nodded as she stares at his eyes, and a monk comes out to whom Shiki
approaches, with a baby in her arms.  She hands the baby to the monk and turns around to walk
away.  The monk says "You woman, why are you leaving the baby?" She says "Because the baby says
it wants to.  It is for the baby's future."  The monk asks how the baby can speak.  She responds
saying, "The baby doesn't want to be with a cold woman like me, where you only see the early
winter, and dead leaves floating in the air.

His long fat sword was splitting Yuga in two.  He was in shock and awe, now that he realized the
meaning of living life.  The man and the woman (shiki) never spoke words for the rest of their
lives, but they understood more than ever of their beings.  Afterwards, walking on the road he
found an abandoned baby.  HE wasn't surprised.  Nothing could surprise him anymore.  He picked
up the baby and says to himself,  "This guy will be a drinker..."

They were looking over the clear water and Nakoruru is standing there.  He asks her, "are you
going?" and she says, "yes, I have to."Galford looks at her and says, "don't go."  Nakoruru
looks back and says, "what?"  They stare into each others eyes...  Rimururu runs in with
Shikuruu and Mamahaha, and Galford walks away from Nakoruru, looking back he says "I always
love you," then he looks at Poppy and says, "Let's go!"

Ukyo: (Warning, this is a very rough translation)
Ok, here I got really confused because after the battle, it says that Ukyo passes out from his
sickness and is on the brink of death.  However, he wakes up in a weakened state and see a man
who he has never seen before, and they talk about this flower that the man gave him to heal him,
and then they talk about Kei and Obari(sp?).  Didn't make much sense as far as translating goes...


The celtic words in the intro:
I took the time to capture a video of the intro and pause over the words flashing across
the screen.  To me, it's just english upside down and backwards.  Here's what I got:

Picking who fights in the demo match:
I think the fight is normally between Haohmaru and Genjuro, but the character you earn the
title for most wins with takes over the left side character, and the character you earn fastest
clear time with gets to be the right side character in the demo fight.  During this fight, they
display the title holder's initials.

Rimmy can't play the flute worth crap:
after she(slash Rimururu) wins the whole match (2nd round won in most cases) keep pressing the D
button over and over.  She'll mess up her tune 9 times out of 10.

Seeing the staff roll:
Get a straight victory (no losses) agaist Yuga.  You can lose rounds against anyone else but
Yuga for this to work.

This was an interview with one of the game designers in the January 1999 issue of NeoGeoFreak.

Q. What is SS 64 II's basic concept and sales point?
A. Fighting for spirit and spirit.  This time we set damage for parts as parts and body as body,
so the damage level is much greater for body hits.  The idea is to make players to fear the body
hits, and take the match more seriously.  The sales point is simple control and many characters.

Q. This is the continued version of Samurai Tamashi.  Is there a point you pay attention to in
the continuation?
A. We took the good and the bad of the last one, and reworked them into something easy to play
and understand.

Q. What was the point that the developers had the most problem with?
A. Everything.  But it would be mean to just tell you that...  In particular, the S-C-S system.
We couldn't decide on this and it gave trouble to the programmers.

Q. Compared to this work and the last work there seems to be a change in camera work, especially
freezes.  Is there any reason behind it?
A. In 3D we wanted to give a more serious expression of the splitting in half idea.  And during
the game we did our best to make it flow smoothly.

Q. This time you separated Shura and Rasetsu into completely different characters.  Why?
A. We couldn't make the difference clear in Samurai Tamashi, so now we not only changed part of
the moves but also the way they look and their personality.

Q. As a part of 3D expression, are there and secret stories behind the 3D characters?
A. That sword that Asura has now is very long, but in his first drawings the sword was longer,
and when he moved it a little, it would take the entire screen, so we made it smaller.

Q. For Yuga characters, there are many garments that expose skin.  Why?
A. Since Samurai Tamashi design, the director told us to differentiate the Yuga characters, such
as Shiki, Deku, Dekuina and Gandara, clearly from the others.  And so this time Shiki and Asura
are scantily clad.  By the way, the fact that they are half exposed is the director's taste.

Q. Why is Asura still wearing bondage clothes?
A. This is because Asura's clothes have the magic power from Yuga, and after Yuga's power is
released, the curse stays.  And so Asura cannot take off the clothes.

Contacting the Author | If you find a cool trick or glitch or something neat in
----------------------+ this game, let me know, and I'll credit you in my next
update.  you can reach me through neo as wasabi.

Final Note:
Special Thanks:
Yuko: for translating so much of this stuff for me - gave me the SCS inifinite combos for rimururu and morosumi

Joey Hongchuta: much info on bust kazuki's not so obvious desperation commands

To the people hosting their fan sites for the Samurai Spirits series:
People like you made the first sites on the net I was ever interested in.  Not really the
"neogeo" pages or "kof" pages, but the Samurai Spirits pages.  Ed Ju comes to mind, as well as
the "Drying Pole" Ukyo Shrine.  Nowadays, the SS fan sites are few and far between.  If you
presently run a site, and you don't hate me for writing this faq :), let me know your URL so I
can check it out.