Thief, Scammer, Liar: The Dion Dakis Story – The Definitive Retrospective

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Comrade Porn King Mikhail

TЗh ЯussiaИs Дre CФm
Oct 11, 2000
Ladies and Gents,

Not a week goes by that another thread regarding NGF, Dion Dakis or KOF2K pops up in these forums. By this virtue alone, Dion has succeeded in having his name immortalized in the annals of Neo Geo history. After all, who else has created more scams or spread more deceit in this community. As years go by, Dion’s name will continue to circulate in association with Neo Geo, just as Hitler’s name continues to associate with the Holocaust. In both instances, there have been and will continue to be deniers of any wrongdoing and purveyors of misinformation. Time has come for an unbiased retrospective from someone who has actually purchased from, met with, and talked extensively to the infamous thief.

THE FACTS: I have purchased from Dion, sold to Dion and have been fair and honest in all of my dealings with him. I have met Dion in Vegas twice, visited his garage, and hung out with him on a personal level. I have always strived to maintain an unbiased perspective on the criticism levied upon Dion/NGF and have always attempted to provide information from a central and unskewed viewpoint. The information presented within this post continues along the same principles and guidelines, presenting nothing but the true facts. I have never lied, nor intend to lie in any way and can provide references to my credibility ranging from long-time standing members of this community, to members of other Neo lists and boards.

I originally heard of Dion shortly after joining the DHP list sometime in 1999. After several months of lurking, I could not help but join the flaming fray regarding his absurd claims of “rare Euro” versions of Shocktroopers 2 and Metal Slug X, both featuring orange stripes on the spines. It was around this time that Dion made his first attempt to con me by offering to trade me an authentic rare Euro orange Metal Slug X insert, for my errored US Metal Slug X insert. I was fortunate to avoid this mistake. Scott Wozniak and others, were not. For further information, the below reading resources are recommended to all interested parties.

DHP list archives viewable by specific month and author: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Neo Geo Freak Blue Bible detailing incidents more specifically: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

More than a year later, Dion came out with preliminary reports of the upcoming US exclusive KOF2000 US home cart. In his private e-mail and IM conversations with me, he was quite adamant in attempting to have me preorder this rare release. He specifically told me that the item was printed in Japan and limited to 100 pieces. He produced a FAQ to explain the pricing of this release (

Shortly after I received my KOF2000 US home cart in the late December of 2000, I made a report analyzing the discrepancies between this version and the other recent SNK-Japan releases of the same era (KOF2000 Jpn, Metal Slug 3 JPN, Garou:MOTW US, and KOF99 US). My conclusions specifically determined that KOF2000 US WAS NOT printed at the same facility as the other releases of the same time. Dion continued to state that the game arrived “as is” from Japan and could not account for the printing discrepancies other than to state that other printers may have been used. For the next year and a half, Dion attempted to use my report as conclusive proof that the KOF2000 was authentic, an obvious mistaken assumption. On numerous occasions, he would contact me about the report and offer to bribe me with KOF2000 printing plates or other flyers/bonuses so that I would create a more up-to-date version of the report putting the KOF2000 in a more positive light and officially authenticating it.

A few months later, my curiosity piqued as to the quality of Dion’s “corrected” inserts, I order his alternate NGF version insert of the KOF2000 US. This homebrew insert was extremely inferior in quality and prompted a series of debates on how Dion could justify flooding the market with “corrected” insert versions produced at a far more inferior quality than original SNK materials. Dion failed to directly respond, instead holding true to his statements of having obtained permission for reproduction of this copyright material and owning all of the original electronic files for SNK inserts of numerous games.

By June 2002, I relented to obtaining a Zupapa! cartridge with the intention of doing another report similar to KOF2000. I saw no purpose in such a report, since the game was of obvious inferior quality and certainly printed in the US (another in-depth report was later performed by Tarma/Richard, showing the game to be a bootleg constructed from World Heroes 2 carts and EPROMs with NGF sharpie markings). No amount of other examination could verify the veracity (or lack thereof) of Dion’s claims that this was an official release per the documentation he had. I was hoping that all matters would be cleared up at the CGE 2002, but I was wrong. Despite my requests for visual proof of documentation for the authenticity of Zupapa!, much less KOF2000, Dion could not oblige.

Through all of this time, I had managed and struggled to keep friendly ties with Dion for the purpose of gaining access to information about the prototypes supposedly in his possession. Time and time I failed, as Dion could never take a moment to justify his claims by simply posting the names of but a few people who are the mysterious owners of Ghostlop, Last Odyssey and Neo Pool Master. Dion could not even have the decency of offering screenshots or NGH numbers for these prototypes in his possession as a mere showing of support for spreading information to the community. These friendly ties must now come to an end as Dion has betrayed my trust and my attempts at gaining friendship with his childish behavior.

THE SCAM – Not hearsay, not supposed, but an actual scam by Dion that he has no possible way to justify or explain, other than to admit to being a thief and a liar

While selling off some mediocre condition titles from a bundle of home carts I had acquired, I was contacted by Dion in September 2001 and asked to purchase the following carts: !Arcade! Ganryu conversion (NM), NAM-1975 US complete (EX/EX+), Riding Hero JPN complete (EX+/NM), and Robo Army US loose (EX/EX+). Pictures of these items were posted publicly in my sales thread and the prices were more than reasonable. Again, trying to be friendly and hoping to acquire either some protos or original artwork from Dion, I agreed to sell him the above four items for a total of $245 ($150 for Ganryu, and $95 for the other three games). Dion specifically admitted to me in an e-mail that should I not find anything desirable in his possession in exchange, or should I not find anything worthy of trade value, that I would be paid in full in cash for this purchase.

I sent him the games ahead of payment via UPS 2-Day not even charging him for shipping. After two months of trying to get information from him regarding original artwork or protos, I was finally given the answer that he would not sell the protos to anyone outside the “Freak” club and that he “would never part” with his original penciled artwork. At this point, realizing that Dion and all of his rarities were useless to me, I requested to be paid for my items. Dion replied stating that the three common games were not in the condition he expected and that he would like to send them back. Bear in mind that this is after TWO MONTHS of having these games in his possession. When he originally received them, he voiced nothing about the condition, other than a slight blurb that the Robo Army had some scratches on it, but NOTHING otherwise. He saw the pictures, he was told about the condition of the items being suitable for a “gamer” and yet he was satisfied with the items received, mentioning nothing about condition nor any possible return.

Being the nice guy and the reputable seller that I am, I agreed to let him return any items he was not satisfied with as long as they were returned in the original and unaltered condition. Dion subsequently sent me the three games, but not before he defaced them with the NGF-USA stamps and stickers, making them worthless and tainted, as I have no desire to deal with any altered or “freaked” items. Not only that, but he mistakenly sent me a US Riding Hero (worth less than the JPN counterpart) and put the stickers on all of the carts, even the loose Robo Army the condition of which he was originally unhappy with. Upon my questioning him about how he could possibly expect a refund after two months of having the games and then returning them in altered and defaced condition, Dion could offer nothing but stating that I could return the games to him for an exchange. Dion, you have to be one dumb mother fucker to offer me an exchange for games that I am selling you without receiving payment upfront.

I immediately requested to be paid the remaining $150 for my Ganryu, concerned that Dion still had not sent the money for this nor included it in the package. Dion paid two weeks later after numerous e-mail from me, and three PayPal money requests. This was on March 2, 2003. Afterwards, I continued to ask for my original JPN Riding Hero and unaltered/unmarred inserts and manuals to replace the ones he purposefully defaced. Instead of rectifying the situation, Dion said that I should be grateful that he did not “report me to the courts” for sending him a conversion bootleg (notice the irony coming from a purveyor of converted bootlegs) and instead initiated a PayPal chargeback on me claiming that if I “was going to be a dick about some stupid stamps” that he would reply in kind. So, he has the game, he keeps the game, probably sells the game or has it seized in the Playmore raid, and then initiates a PayPal chargeback to spite me because I want reparations for the other games I sold him (prior to receiving payment) that were altered prior to being returned to me. Needless to say, I could care less about a measly $150 scam, but I do care about being explicitly lied to and scammed just for spite.


We are not going to discuss that Dion has lied numerous times regarding having official rights to SNK copyrighted material, to putting out official SNK-approved corrected inserts, to producing official converted cartridges. We are not going to discuss that Dion has on several occasions sent people converted and/or marked cartridges without previously telling them of this. We are not going to discuss Dion’s continuous wordplay whether it’s from the word “official”, to the term “print press”, to the term “debut/see the protos”. Only the facts are present in these conclusions:

1) Dion received the game prior to paying for it, Ganryu conversion, was happy with it. He paid for it after incessant haggling and then reversed the transaction via PayPal without returning the item to me. RESULT: Theft of $150.

2) Dion returned the other three items in a marked/altered condition and has failed to compensate for depreciation. RESULT: Theft of ~$20-40 based on market depreciation of “freaked” items.

3) Dion sold me the Zupapa! under explicit understanding that he held the official release rights for this title. As seen by Playmore’s seizure list, this game is not official. RESULT: awaiting Playmore case resolution, but for the time being it is Theft of $180 (difference between converted Zupapa! cost and official MVS kit cost) and Deceit about origins of cart and printing location.

4) Dion sold me the KOF2000 US under explicit understanding that the game came as-is from Japan, was printed in Japan by SNK-Japan or their suppliers, and was limited to 100 copies. RESULT: pending public authentication by a couple of the MOST HIGHLY placed sources in this community, Theft of $280 (difference between original KOF2000 US and KOF2000 JPN home cart costs) and Deceit about origins or cart and printing location.

Thus you have it, definitive proof of how Dion Dakis is a thief and a liar. There is not much more to be said. We all know what a manipulative person Dion is, especially with his great sense of verbiage and ability to twist any sentence he utters to his desire. From just the simple conclusions I have illustrated above, as they are complete and utter facts that I have personally experienced, you can see how Dion Dakis is untrustworthy and a scammer. Now you take this information, apply it to the numerous other instances of complaints against Dion registered on these bulletin boards including Shawn (Neo-Store), Keith (Mouse_Master), Mike D. (TonK), and then wonder about who is really telling the truth, Dion or the NGF Bible.

I do not care about the money I lost. I request no pity or condolences, as I played with the fire, was able to control it and manipulate it for a time, but got burned in the end because of my own carelessness. All I care about is the immediate end to all NGF related threads or posts on this site. I care about every single person out there never experiencing a single doubt again as to the fact that Dion Dakis is a proven and verified thief, scammer, and liar.

Dion's current explanation when asked about the origins of KOF2000: "Playmore has authenticated it in their court documents and I have no further comments. It does not matter where it was printed." Dion's current explanation for selling 500 Zupapa! carts as official: "Playmore returned the seized inventory to us and we will soon win this trial."

Dion's current explanation to why he has taken back the $150 from me via PayPal for a cart he has received: "You want to be a dick, I'll play along."

Case closed, fuck you scammer. I've never trusted you and only wanted to use you to get the protos and original artwork. Now that I can't get either, you're about as useless as a diseased tranny. It's just a shame that you have to drag Chris Ray's name along with you, since at least Chris is decent and reliable as a salesman. And since I know that there is no way in hell you'll give me back the $150 you definitely stole from me (much less the rest), here is a big FUCK YOU lol to you and a reminder that what goes around, comes around.




Hardened Shock Trooper
Feb 20, 2003
Wow, that must have taken some time.

Good post, especially for guys like me that don't know the whole story.

Daisuke Jigen

R.I.P.,, Dear Friend,
Sep 18, 2000
This thread is being bookmarked.

Mikhail, this is a wonderful reference of Dions garbage business ethics and deserves to be read by everyone who ever holds doubts about his credibility as a seller, buyer, trader, or human being.


Yes, a good read, this should be permanately bumped to the top.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
Aug 18, 2001

So yeah, when do you call the Russian mafia over to Vegas to pull out fingernails and shit?
Dec 27, 2000
You could always report Dion to the local police for mail fraud, I think. I don't know if it's worth your time, but it would probably be a pain in the ass for Dion. :)


Global Moderator, Voice of Reason, Member #13
Aug 14, 2000
That, my friend, is Sig. worthy. See below.

Well done.

<small>[ April 11, 2003, 05:03 PM: Message edited by: RyoGeo ]</small>


noble trader
Dec 6, 2002

Sorry to hear about the situation you went through with Dion. I wonder if he got rid of the rest of his KOF2000 US carts for the $900 per piece he tried to sell to me. What a loser he is. oh_no


Comrade Porn King Mikhail

T&#1047;h &#1071;ussia&#1048;s &#1044;re C&#1060;m
Oct 11, 2000
That, my friend, is Sig. worthy. See below.

Well done.
Thanks, bro. I appreciate the compliment.

The beauty of this website is that we can all debate things in a professional manner. We can be pro-war/anti-war, pro anal/pro missionary, and anything else you can think of while still retaining respect for each other. Sure, sometimes we go overboard and decide to have a bit of fun, heck, I like to jab people myself.

But the above post (which was only written in about 20 minutes or so as I can write/talk for hours when I know what's going on) is the most unbiased perspective you will see anywhere. There can be NO DISCUSSION in defense of Dion on this issue. I have always been on the fence regarding Dion and have always strived to maintain as central position as possible to prevent contamination from people simply trying to fit it by voicing their opinions without any substantiated basis.

Dion has had excuses for the NGF Bible references. He put the fault on Lee for failing to place delivery confirmation on the Ninja Master's package. He blamed Scott Wozniak for misinterpreting his words about the "official orange" Slug X insert. He defended himself against the entire community by pulling out the Merriam-Webster on the entire "debut of protos" issue. But he has no possible way of explaining himself out of this mess, thus it is THE TRUTH.

I don't plan on doing anything about this in the meantime, however. Revenge is a dish best served cold and I am a calculating mother fucker.

EDIT FOR PHIL: Decided to edit instead of adding another one to the post count.

Phil, funny you mention that issue. Dion himself explicitly told me on the phone that he instantaneously sold out of the last six KOF2000 US games he had at $900 a pop. Guess what, now we know that Richard/Tarma bought them. And Richard personally confirmed that he would have to be "crazy" to have paid $900 a pop, especially when he is willing to sell them for as low as $600 each. Thus, Dion has been caught in another lie. But then this is really a miniscule lie compared to the 500 Zupapa! carts he sold out of within two months of pre-ordering. oh_no

<small>[ April 11, 2003, 05:19 PM: Message edited by: Kiselgof ]</small>


Genjuro's Frog
20 Year Member
Mar 28, 2002
Very intereseting post and a good WARNING.


SHOCKbox Developer,
20 Year Member
Dec 14, 2001


There was a lady taking a walk through the woods one day. As she walked along she saw a poisonous snake who was very ill. The snake begged the lady to take him home and nurse him back to health.

The lady told the snake that she was afraid because he was poisonous. The snake assured her that if she would help him he would do her no harm.

The lady took him to her home and wrapped him in a warm towel and fed him broth and nursed his wounds. The days passed and the snake grew stronger and stronger, thanks to the ladys tender care of him.

The day finally came when the snake was strong enough to leave the ladys home. He thanked her for all she had done for him. The lady, weary, but happy from her caretaking of the snake, reached out to say goodbye.

As the lady stretched out her hand in friendship to the snake, he coiled back and bit her. The lady lay dying from the poison the snake had transmitted to her.

With her last breath she asked the snake how he could have done this to her after all she had done for him.

The snake replied,"You knew what I was when you picked me up."

That about sums it up for NGF and STOP IT
with Chris Ray too,he is just as guilty if not more.
Chris Ray put NGF on the map with his bootlegging skills and once excellent repuation.
With the reputation he had,NGF propaganda was DAMN AFFECTIVE Nobody ever really took Dion seriously until Chris backed his claims...and why would we question Chris Ray in the beginning??

<img src="" alt=" - " />


Apr 7, 2003
Good post, thanks for the heads up. Glad to see there's people watching out for eachother here.

Zeekade Zarathos

Krizalids Fashion Designer
Apr 4, 2001
pro anal/pro missionary
Woah! How'd I miss that debate?

Great work, by the way. I'm glad we now have a definitive thread to point to when someone wants to know why, exactly, there is such Dion/NGF hatred here. Well done.

Phoenix Down

Flagstaff Up,
20 Year Member
Apr 20, 2002
This could possibly be the most well-thought-out post I have ever read here. Very well done.

One can only hope that in this country Dion Dakis will get the ending he so rightfully deserves.


Art of Typing Wiz, , ,
20 Year Member
Aug 15, 2000
It's just a shame that you have to drag Chris Ray's name along with you, since at least Chris is decent and reliable as a salesman.
The fuck Chris ray is. He still owes Billkwando for that freaked Sengoku Chris Ray sent him in a trade for a Cardboard box version of the same game.

Chris sent him fake shit and had the balls to play it off like he didn't know bill wanted the original.

Chris is as much as a cocksucker as Dion only his shit don't stink because he covers his bullshit better than Dion's obvious ones.

He also stated that Zupapa was official along right with Dion. Did some people just get a case of memory loss or what?


This is the absolute best post about NGF that I have ever read. No slandering or name calling outside of what was neccessary. Just FACTS!

Thank you for this Mikhail


Comrade Porn King Mikhail

T&#1047;h &#1071;ussia&#1048;s &#1044;re C&#1060;m
Oct 11, 2000

Chris is as much as a cocksucker as Dion only his shit don't stink because he covers his bullshit better than Dion's obvious ones.
I can write a 200 page book about NGF, but I don't have the hours to waste.

You are obviously correct, Derek. Chris did perpetrate certain lies right along Dion and has indeed conducted some questionable deals (according to DHP archives and certain accounts). However, this post is about providing positive first hand proof about how Dion is a thieving scammer. It is not about NGF as a whole, Chris Ray, Chris Mullins, Joshua Clifton, or anyone else who has been associated with Dion and/or lied for him in the past. Additionally, this post is about facts provided by my personal association with Dion. I have never communicated much with Chris, and have not been scammed nor been tricked into a scam by him. The last few sentences of my diatribe turned into an opinion-based comment directed at Dion personally, and as such should not be taken as fact.

In fact, if you would like to contribute to a master list of all scammed by Dion, Chris, or NGF, I would look upon it as a positive and would help out in whatever way I could. We take first-person accounts and then detail them in something more coherent and argumentative than the NGF Bible alone.




Too sad to be true, but at least Dion is finally getting his just deserts.

Excellent post.


Holy shit, it's a ninja!,
Jun 30, 2002
Dion subsequently sent me the three games, but not before he defaced them with the NGF-USA stamps and stickers, making them worthless and tainted, as I have no desire to deal with any altered or “freaked” items. Not only that, but he mistakenly sent me a US Riding Hero (worth less than the JPN counterpart) and put the stickers on all of the carts, even the loose Robo Army the condition of which he was originally unhappy with. Upon my questioning him about how he could possibly expect a refund after two months of having the games and then returning them in altered and defaced condition, Dion could offer nothing but stating that I could return the games to him for an exchange.
It takes a lot of chutzpah to order something from someone without paying first, deface it, then demand a refund.

Doing something like that is like shooting yourself in the foot. Dion might have made a little money in the short term, but he's loosing out on the long term, 'cause no one will ever deal with him again.


Rotterdam Nation Resident,
20 Year Member
Jan 12, 2001
sorry to hear about it
especially that riding hero.
its a pain in the ass to track down old jp NEO games.
its sad when you give people a chance and they
just show you that they havent changed.
the only remedy is to avoid them regardless.


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy,
Oct 12, 2000
I personally think the saddest thing of all is that people could see through all of the shenanigans without ever purchasing a thing from the dynamic duds, and despite all of their warnings nobody really listened to them. The majority of the Neo Geo Community isn't out to scam people... I would like to believe that. If people were that vocal about something being awry, that should have been a big of enough warning to stay away.

Mikhail, sorry to hear that you still continued to deal with them and got burned. But I hope that this is the LAST time we ever see something about NGF on these forums again... we all know they're scammers and nothing else should be said or dealt with on the subject. Nobody should buy from them, and if they do then they shouldn't own a Neo Geo or ANY video game system.


SHOCKbox Developer,
20 Year Member
Dec 14, 2001
However, this post is about providing positive first hand proof about how Dion is a thieving scammer. It is not about NGF as a whole, Chris Ray, Chris Mullins, Joshua Clifton, or anyone else who has been associated with Dion and/or lied for him in the past. Additionally, this post is about facts provided by my personal association with Dion. I have never communicated much with Chris, and have not been scammed nor been tricked into a scam by him. The last few sentences of my diatribe turned into an opinion-based comment directed at Dion personally, and as such should not be taken as fact.


It's just a shame that you have to drag Chris Ray's name along with you, since at least Chris is decent and reliable as a salesman.

Could you please help us understand what you meant by this above as an opinion??
Chris Ray is a grown damn man in his early thirties and knew FULL WELL what he has done..
I would'nt sit with my back to Chris Ray if I was paid one million dollars because the chances are I would'nt be around to spend it.
The difference between the two are Chris Ray will burn you and pretend it never happened dismissing you as being crazy or mistaken knowing he is wrong,knowing that the whole NGF philosophy is wrong but was very profitable.
Dion believes what he was doing was %110 right in his mind.He has never tried to hide what he does,he's proud of what he did eek!
The GREED of Chris Ray and customers who supported NGF after it was made public what they were all about MADE NGF into the menace they became.

Kid Aphex

samus' love slave,
Nov 23, 2001
Great post man.
This should go into an "ARCHIVED" section of the forum, where threads cannot be replied to, or deleted, just read.

Michael Yagami

I was wondering if I might get a rank with a Castl
May 1, 2002
Great post. How anyone could continue to buy from Dion after reading that is beyond me.
Once again, great post.


Comrade Porn King Mikhail

T&#1047;h &#1071;ussia&#1048;s &#1044;re C&#1060;m
Oct 11, 2000
It's just a shame that you have to drag Chris Ray's name along with you, since at least Chris is decent and reliable as a salesman.

Could you please help us understand what you meant by this above as an opinion??
Well, Robert, it is exactly as I stated, my opinion of Chris Ray. My opinion about Dion Dakis is that he is a scamming thief and a liar, and I back up that opinion with facts that make my opinion a fact in itself. However, I have no facts from my personal dealings with Chris Ray to indicate that he is a scammer, thus I can not include him in my post.

This post is directed at Dion. Anyone contributing with their personal experiences about Dion is welcome to post as I would like nothing better than to add to this thread with personal accounts from the likes of Bill Smallwood, Scott Wozniak, Lee (sorry forgot your last last), Mike D. (I ain't even gonna spell your name homeboy much like you don't want to spell mine), and anyone else ripped off by Dion. If anyone has a personal account of being scammed by Chris, please feel free to add that as well. NO HEARSAY, NO RUMORS, NO "my friend was ripped off" TALK. The only reason I posted this thread is because I had concrete proof and evidence to support my claims and I decided to share this with others who may be unaware of Dion's dealings.

As for Chris, I trusted him with a very risky $500 transaction and it came through fine (at least by my careful examination), so I can not and will not label him a thief or scammer as I do not have personal experience to justify such claims. This is why my "opinion" is that Chris is a better salesman than Dion and that Dion is dragging Chris' name through the dirt with his actions.

To Curtis, I appreciate your concern and you are correct in evaluating that people should be able to stay clear of scams by merely paying attention to the public. However, certain situations demand certain risks. If it was not for John Thacker, Billy Pitt and myself, it would have been another half a year of speculation about KOF2000 US before somebody came forward with an unbiased evaluation of the cart. If it was not for Richard/Tarma cracking open his Zupapa!, it would have been lord knows how long before the truth about that cart was revealed. The point being, I realize that I danced with the devil, but the risk was worth taking in the hopes of attaining the holy grails of the Neo Geo. I can only hope that if GhostLop and Neo PoolMasters exist within the NGF circle, that they will make it out into public domain and not end up lost to the gaming community.


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