Hey guys (and gals?) Glad to be aboard!


Mr. Big's Thug
Aug 19, 2016
So I just hop onto the forum for a sec and I see this neat little button that's never been there before. What a nice surprise :glee:

So anyway, hey guys! I'm Tim from southern Wisconsin. I joined up to the forum a little bit ago to just kinda lurk and learn. Kinda thought that I would still have some newbie questions to ask by the time I was able to start threads, but.... I kinda figured a lot of it out myself during that time. Crazy what a little research can do huh?

Little bit about me, I grew up in the 90's and absolute love the 16-bit era. I was always an SNES kid but always remembered playing those cool games in the red cabinets at the bowling ally and at the Pizza Hut in town. To a younger kid, the games seemed just a little different and a little cooler than what I could play at home. I always remember the one at Pizza Hut that had the robots and people playing baseball together in the future. Then of course there were those fighting games that were kinda like Street Fighter II except wherever I tried to play, I would just get fucking annihilated.

Which brings me to today. I'm a software dev, got 3 kids and a brand new wife (this past Saturday, in Cabo on the honeymoon right now), a house, and a couple bucks extra every month to pursue stuff that I love. The "new" wife (6 years together) is always supportive as hell of my hobbies, which is great because none of them are ever cheap.

For a while now I've been looking into those "other" 16-bit games that I never had access to. I knew all the big names but not anything about how they came from SNK and all that. After learning a bunch about the Neo platform, I'm finally able to start getting set up at home.

Well that's my life story for now. The Misses is giving me the eye because she wants to go to dinner.

Later guys!


ng.com SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2012
Welcome dude, that's a solid intro.


Mr. Big's Thug
Aug 19, 2016
Thanks for the welcome. And sorry, not sure she'd take too kindly to posting her picture like that. But she is kind of a fan of watching people eat paint, so maybe we have some wiggle room....

So yeah, like I mentioned, I'm just getting started and grabbing some low hanging fruit carts on eBay. Ones I can get for $20-30. I've talked everything up so much with my oldest kid (11yo) so I really want to be able to have a few ready to go once I get my setup up and running. He was watching YouTube playthroughs of Metal Slug and commenting on how smooth and sharp everything looked for a game so old and how he really wants to play. Of course, MS1 isn't all that cheap, so we're gonna wait a bit on that one.

Speaking of which, figure I'll share kind of a funny story. So I've got AoF in the mail right now which I also had downloaded a while ago from the Wii store. The morning I started playing it, I got up early and couldn't help but yelling and bitching about not being able to get past Jack. My wife (fiancée at the time) comes downstairs find out what all the cussing was that woke her up. I calmly explained to her how the collision boxes for Jack's attacks were utter bullshit and how much I hate the game but had to keep playing.

That afternoon, we hear yelling coming from downstairs (minus the swearing). "Yeah, that's your kid," she says shaking her head.

He was stuck on Jack too.


General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Feb 25, 2004
Introducing these games to your kids is great fun.



Thou Shalt Not, Question Rot.,
Jan 17, 2013
goes to Cabo on honeymoon, keeps posting on forums...

you seem to be alright (other than that), so: welcome.

what are those other hobbies you spoke of?


War Room Troll
Jan 12, 2015
Thanks for the welcome. And sorry, not sure she'd take too kindly to posting her picture like that. But she is kind of a fan of watching people eat paint, so maybe we have some wiggle room....

OK boys .. move on .. nothing to see here obviously. Otherwise he will be spamming them pictures.


Mr. Big's Thug
Aug 19, 2016
goes to Cabo on honeymoon, keeps posting on forums...

you seem to be alright (other than that)

Hey, I got some downtime here and there. Besides, we just had a little hurricane roll through here. We actually just got back from swimming with whale sharks today.

I'm also pretty big into tabletop, Warmachine in particular. Got a motorcycle that I don't ride enough. Smoking meat, drinking Scotch, playing D&D and Fantasy Football. So a couple of those aren't that expensive.


Mr. Big's Thug
Aug 19, 2016
I buttered up a lonely old rich uncle then poisoned him.

For real though I'm a software/game dev. Not your traditional video games though. Not yet anyway. I work for a company that makes interactive games for hotels and family amusement places. Kinda like electronic scavenger hunts. Some with minigames and story but we also branch out to some clients to make custom stuff. For example, if you go to Kennedy Space Center in Florida, they have a newer game called Cosmic Quest.

I WAS actually making a more traditional type of game. A mobile RPG game using our IP, but a new CEO came in and that project has been tabled for now. I really hope we can pick it back up. We had most of the core systems built. I did the quest system, overworld map system, equipment system and the UI stuff to go along with it. Like 3 months of work that's just sitting right now.... :(


Thou Shalt Not, Question Rot.,
Jan 17, 2013
still, that sounds pretty cool.


Rugal's Secretary
20 Year Member
Sep 20, 2004
Welcome man, I'm in northern IL like 5 min south of WI. Good to have another Midwest guy around. The key to AOF is to drain your opponents spirit energy as fast as possible so you can bait them into doing weak special moves, then punishing it with a throw.
Try it for that piece of garbage Jack.


Mr. Big's Thug
Aug 19, 2016
Welcome man, I'm in northern IL like 5 min south of WI. Good to have another Midwest guy around. The key to AOF is to drain your opponents spirit energy as fast as possible so you can bait them into doing weak special moves, then punishing it with a throw.
Try it for that piece of garbage Jack.

Hey, great to hear! I actually grew up in LaSalle-Peru and the wife in North Aurora. I've been up in WI since 03.

Have you ever made it to the Midwest Gaming Classic? I was thinking about taking my kid next year. Trying to get feedback from people that have gone since I might make a weekend out of it.


Rugal's Secretary
20 Year Member
Sep 20, 2004
Yeah mgc is pretty good but it's also expensive. I think it would be great for the kids though, there's plenty to see and do.


Mr. Big's Thug
Aug 19, 2016
still, that sounds pretty cool.

Yeah, I really enjoy it. Like, a lot. I don't make quite as much as some devs in big companies, but the work is so much better. Like Raven, the Activision developer. They're in my area too. All you do is crank out work for the next Call of Duty constantly. Fuck that. My boss actually came from there. She worked on Marvel Ultimate Alliance, so that's kinda cool.

But yeah, from what I hear about working in AAA development. No thank you. I'll stick with a small place where I can do everything my way, my input gets heard, and my boss like NEVER checks in on me lol.


Mr. Big's Thug
Aug 19, 2016
Yeah mgc is pretty good but it's also expensive. I think it would be great for the kids though, there's plenty to see and do.

Right on, I'll probably just get a one day pass since it's only like an hour away.

Speaking of shit that's close, have you been over to Galloping Ghost Arcade in Brookfield? We're heading there in October. I'm pretty stoked.


Aero Fighters Flyboy
Jun 7, 2012
Just want to jump in and say congrats on the marriage and welcome!


Mr. Big's Thug
Aug 19, 2016
Thanks a lot Montatez, really appreciate it!

I'm having a great time here so far. Hope I'm able to give a little knowledge back if anyone has any questions about game dev or programming.


Mr. Big's Thug
Aug 19, 2016
would you like to cause a racket with me

How do you mean? Sure, probably. Why not? I'm having a hard time getting motivated to get any work done today anyway. I have to fix a mess that an intern made and I just found out that I don't need it done right away.

Seems like I already caused a racket in the War Room this morning with my stupid post. :keke: Damn, people get that bent out of shape of they don't like your posts?
Last edited:


I survived Secret Santa, It wasn't Easy.,
Feb 19, 2016
How do you mean? Sure, probably. Why not? I'm having a hard time getting motivated to get any work done today anyway. I have to fix a mess that an intern made and I just found out that I don't need it done right away.

Seems like I already caused a racket in the War Room this morning with my stupid post. :keke: Damn, people get that bent out of shape of they don't like your posts?

Some friendly advice is to stay out of the War Room if you don't have thick skin, and don't post ebay prices if you plan on selling something.

Oh, and welcome, of course.