What's America's temperature for another war?


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Letting Iran get nukes would be fucking crazy. They would end up being the next North Korea.

Better to take them down now, why we still have the chance.

Can't tell if sarcasm/trolling.


15 Year Member
Sep 14, 2004
what we need is an invasion from Klandathu to bring us all together

"the only good bug is a dead bug!"


Orgy Hosting Mod
15 Year Member
May 26, 2004
Letting Iran get nukes would be fucking crazy. They would end up being the next North Korea.

Better to take them down now, why we still have the chance.

How about you take them down ?

Wait, your military sucks.


15 Year Member
Sep 14, 2004
you know, it's really just the corrupt iranian government that's psychotic and starts all this b.s.

the actual people there are 'hip' and think america & american culture is cool.

they aren't even allowed to have parties there and end up having all these secret 'hush hush' parties while having someone on the lookout for police.

just need to get rid of those in power and iran would be a cool place.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Ultimately my point was that it's not "Iran who started it" - both sides are at equal fault.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
Iran does look pretty probable at times, but I think a lot of it is similar to the exchanges b/w the Korea's.

I think Israel starting something with our backing is more likely...but not necessarily with Iran.

Either way, we really can't afford another war.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
Apr 11, 2002
Looks like the discourse is moving. NPR's affiliate station WBUR 90.9 will be covering Israel's false flag operation on its program Here and Now.
Boston's WBUR said:
Memos Reveal Israeli Spies Posing As CIA Agents

President Obama touted the U.S. commitment to Israel’s security in his State of the Union speech, saying, “Our iron clad commitment, and I mean ironclad to Israel’s security has meant the closest military cooperation between our two countries in history.”

But an article in Foreign Policy raises some questions about that relationship when it comes to intelligence gathering and Iran.

The article says officers from Israel’s spy agency, Mossad, posed as American CIA agents to recruit members of the terrorist group Jundallah to fight in Israel’s covert war against Iran.

In the intelligence business this is called a false flag operation.

It happened during the last years of the George W. Bush Administration and it apparently affected cooperation between the U.S. and Israel when President Barack Obama assumed office.

According to intelligence officers who have seen CIA memos about the operation, President Bush went ballistic when he found out.

But author and historian Mark Perry says that the rift caused between the U.S. and Israel has largely been healed now that Barack Obama is president.

Looking forward to hearing another instance of Israel's lobby losing its considerable clout through accusations of anti-Semitism. (Though Center for American Progress has been taking a bit of a beating the past few days by self-censoring all instances of Israeli involvement in whipping up Islamophobia and pushing for war with Iran.)
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Iori's Flame
20 Year Member
Feb 7, 2002
Fuck Israel.

They are like the kid who bullies all the other kids on the bus and the moment someone stands up to him, he starts threatening to have his big brother kick everyones ass. In this case that big brother is the US.

Sorry about what happened to your people in WW2 and this whole Palestinian conflict mess, but fuck me if they don't need to stand on their own two feet and fight their own battles.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
Iran does look pretty probable at times, but I think a lot of it is similar to the exchanges b/w the Korea's.

I think Israel starting something with our backing is more likely...but not necessarily with Iran.

Either way, we really can't afford another war.

I wonder if Americans think Iran is like North Korea.

Because it's not. Iranians have everything. They have loads of food, and it's good food.

They have the same cars as people have here, but they have to pay 2x as much to buy them bc tariffs are so high.

They have the same speed internet and the same computers as people have the US, but with filters put in place by the government, which smart Iranians know how to bypass.

An of course they all have cell phones. They don't have the infrastructure for 3G I guess, but some people have smartphones there too.

It's basically not Korea at all.

Iran's problem is that America's little brothers hate on Iran. There are problems there with civil rights, but that's not the reason why Iran would get attacked. If that was the reason to attack someone, Iran would have been "liberated" a long time ago.


Jan 26, 2012
I'm sick of fucking wars... and I'm not even a hippy. we need to cut this shit out.

Agreed but what if Iran closing strait of Hormuz? They would be holding the worlds oil supply hostage. War sucks indeed but you can’t have a nation make a power play to squeeze the world. That and Israel is a close ally that Iran wants nothing more than to make a smoking crater. The U.S. is constantly involved in wars and military actions because the world is a fuct up place. People constantly like to take control and power and the U.S. has people all over the world to try to keep some order. World Police? Yes, but someone has to do it. Imagine what would happen if the U.S. pulled back everyone? I can guarantee more lives would be lost if the U.S. did that Vs. being in everyone’s business. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


20 Year Member
Sep 24, 2003
Letting Iran get nukes would be fucking crazy. They would end up being the next North Korea.

Whom has North Korea nuked? Or are you raising the specter of another country being able to resist American hegemony?

EDIT: Didn't notice the thread had moved on.
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20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Agreed but what if Iran closing strait of Hormuz? They would be holding the worlds oil supply hostage. War sucks indeed but you can’t have a nation make a power play to squeeze the world. That and Israel is a close ally that Iran wants nothing more than to make a smoking crater. The U.S. is constantly involved in wars and military actions because the world is a fuct up place. People constantly like to take control and power and the U.S. has people all over the world to try to keep some order. World Police? Yes, but someone has to do it. Imagine what would happen if the U.S. pulled back everyone? I can guarantee more lives would be lost if the U.S. did that Vs. being in everyone’s business. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

Why would Iran close the strait...? Because of sanctions and embargoes against her brought on by the US and her allies.

Who again is at fault for that? All because Iran may have nukes? Where are the sanctions against Israeli and Pakistani nukes?


Jan 26, 2012
Why would Iran close the strait...? Because of sanctions and embargoes against her brought on by the US and her allies.

Who again is at fault for that? All because Iran may have nukes? Where are the sanctions against Israeli and Pakistani nukes?

One war at a time. The U.S. is trying to get nations to stop from getting Nukes. Once Iran has them they may just fire one at Israel to end an issue. Iran has a huge likely hood of firing a Nuke. Israel and the U.S. have been doing a LOT of counter intelligence and attacks, (Physical and Technological) to prevent another hostile nation from having them. Once they have them it’ll be close to impossible to remove them.

Pakistan is an issue and more so after the Osama incident but India has more than enough resources and know how to take them out. Israel has them because we gave them to Israel.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
One war at a time. The U.S. is trying to get nations to stop from getting Nukes. Once Iran has them they may just fire one at Israel to end an issue. Iran has a huge likely hood of firing a Nuke. Israel and the U.S. have been doing a LOT of counter intelligence and attacks, (Physical and Technological) to prevent another hostile nation from having them. Once they have them it’ll be close to impossible to remove them.

Pakistan is an issue and more so after the Osama incident but India has more than enough resources and know how to take them out. Israel has them because we gave them to Israel.

The US and other countries have done a terrible job at selling us on their efforts to stop other countries from getting nuclear weapons. Remember when India and Pakistan suddenly had nukes? Where was the effort to stop them?

And those guys actually have enmity to each other. Israel and Iran aren't shit compared to Pakistan vs India, or even Saudi vs Iran. Israel's only real problems would be Palestinians.

People gotta stop eating the HFCS drenched bullshit that the US media is shoveling into their gobs.


15 Year Member
Jul 29, 2004
Once Iran has them they may just fire one at Israel to end an issue.

Israel has Americas congress by the balls, it's army on a leash and unlimited access to her resources....plus over 300 nukes of their own to retaliate with.

Part of me wishes you get your way with Iran and they bring back the draft....then you can have your chance to protect Israel (home of the 2nd most advanced military in the world) from the rest of the middle east.


Jan 26, 2012
Israel has Americas congress by the balls, it's army on a leash and unlimited access to her resources....plus over 300 nukes of their own to retaliate with.

Part of me wishes you get your way with Iran and they bring back the draft....then you can have your chance to protect Israel (home of the 2nd most advanced military in the world) from the rest of the middle east.

Draft would be tough but everything else you stated above could happen. I bet Iran backs down though.

Igniz v2

whinny little kid, why r teens so angry, needs sec
Jul 26, 2004
Bok, you might be interested in checking out STRATFOR's free newletter, I heard about that Jundullah/Mossad mess about 2 weeks ago, plus they give great, straightforward geopolitical analysis that most media outlets are either late on or don't report at all.

Also, completely agree with what wasabi posted. War with Iran is not comparable to invading a dilapidated mess of a country like Saddam-era Iraq or an even more poorly equipped country like Afghanistan circa 2001. Their infrastructure and capability is easily that of the two put together and more, the geographical size is as well, with the exception of some Turkmen in the northwest of the country it's religiously and ethnically homogenous for the most part, we haven't even finished the job or really completed our goals in Afghanistan yet, and these hawks are talking about ANOTHER war? Ridiculous. Add to that that America's force is diluted and exhausted and it's young are at all time high levels of complacency for the most part, I really don't think it would go down like some Fox news viewers believe it would. Instant disaster should America or Israel decide to embark on this.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
Bok, you might be interested in checking out STRATFOR's free newletter, I heard about that Jundullah/Mossad mess about 2 weeks ago, plus they give great, straightforward geopolitical analysis that most media outlets are either late on or don't report at all.

Also, completely agree with what wasabi posted. War with Iran is not comparable to invading a dilapidated mess of a country like Saddam-era Iraq or an even more poorly equipped country like Afghanistan circa 2001. Their infrastructure and capability is easily that of the two put together and more, the geographical size is as well, with the exception of some Turkmen in the northwest of the country it's religiously and ethnically homogenous for the most part, we haven't even finished the job or really completed our goals in Afghanistan yet, and these hawks are talking about ANOTHER war? Ridiculous. Add to that that America's force is diluted and exhausted and it's young are at all time high levels of complacency for the most part, I really don't think it would go down like some Fox news viewers believe it would. Instant disaster should America or Israel decide to embark on this.

It's possible that Americans may only want war because it's the only profit generating division of the US government. Taxes are purely domestic, and don't really help the US economy. But selling weapons to foreigners brings cash into the US government, which was the basic tenet of governments a few centuries back: mercantilism. The US is one of a few countries that can fully supply a war. Even its own wars. And either a foreign government will pay to keep those military businesses running, or or future tax payers will. As long as a conflict can fabricated, money can be made.

It's an archaic economic strategy. That's the problem when you allow your country to be run by people without creative vision: they fall back on primitive means to achieve national security.