Yo Bonus Kun man, is it workin?


Art of Typing Wiz, , ,
20 Year Member
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by Wolferaizer:

Dude, I TOTALLY forgot about this!!! I'm going ahead and firing this up now...


Art of Typing Wiz, , ,
20 Year Member
Aug 15, 2000
Fatal Fury 3
1-1 Infinity time & instant time over (press Start during fight).
1-2 Both players are invincible.
1-3 Stage select enable.
1-4 ?
1-5 Display Dot positon?
1-6 Press ABCD on either player to decrease your opponent's Health bar.
1-7 Display sprite's frame.
1-8 Display sprite's frame.
2-1 Enable "Easy Super moves". For SDM just do: down, down +A, and for Hidden SDM do: down, down +C. Shadow mode: down, down +CD.
2-2 View all story sequence.
2-3 View ending.
2-4 ?
2-5 Enable secret bosses.
2-6 Display position?
2-7 ?
2-8 ?

These codes work on the Home cart version of Fatal Fury 3 with the Debug Bios. I have to admit this set was actually pretty nifty and more well done than some of the last few codes I saw. Where did you get this list? I want to post it but I also want to give credit due to whomever got this done. <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">


Gal Ageise's Demon
Apr 12, 2001
Originally posted by BonusKun:
These codes work on the Home cart version of Fatal Fury 3 with the Debug Bios. I have to admit this set was actually pretty nifty and more well done than some of the last few codes I saw. Where did you get this list? I want to post it but I also want to give credit due to whomever got this done. <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0"></STRONG>

i made them myself, believe it or not <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">

i experimented on NeorageX emu, coz i making trainer (cheat tools) for some NeoGeo games on emu. there are heaps more function in dipsw u can imagine. btw, try that FF3 dip on other RB series & Garou. they all work da same!!

for those "Easy Super moves", actually i found those codes exist when i was playin Real Bout (i forgot where da cheat came from). some1 did manage to change our local Arcade's dipsw by holding both Start on both players & press all ABCD at da same time during NeoGeo logo screen. it gives u that easy super (dip 2-1).

dipsw also exist in NeoCD system (tested on NeoCD emu) but i couldnt find da link for dipsw in real unit yet.

i still try to update my own list on: http://neogiga.vze.com/dipsw.htm

hopefully, more soon.


Art of Typing Wiz, , ,
20 Year Member
Aug 15, 2000
Yeah I had decided to on a guess after I read this post and tried these codes on Real Bout, RBS, and RB2. It was interesting to say the least. I'll probably post your codes up giving you credit for this and the other Real Bouts. I also recently found out Billkwando has originally done a set of Dip codes for this about 2 years before so he deserves some credit also. Thanks again for these codes and I'll see what I can hopfully come up with in the future. With thre support I've been getting I hoep to make this list as best complete as I can. <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">


Gal Ageise's Demon
Apr 12, 2001
credit is not needed. we both on da same boat: to found out da complete list, as what u said. <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">