MVS Converter


Cham Cham's Banana,
20 Year Member
Jun 9, 2001
Hi. I am new to MVS. I have a home japanese cart system with serial 140K. Will the MVS converter work with it? What should I look for when dealing with this? Where is the best place to buy a converter? MVS is not for collectors right?

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
MVS converter is supposed to work on all systems no matter what the serial number is,the reason it doesnt work on older machines is because of the wear and tear the cartridge slot may have taken over the years,providing your machine is fairly new and moderatly used the converter is supposed to work,BTW your machine is very new so itll work fine.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
You can get a converter from shawn hes selling them in this site,and no mvs is not a collector thing as is alot cheaper than home cart in most cases.


Cham Cham's Banana,
20 Year Member
Jun 9, 2001
Thanks for the info. I just want to play the games, and MVS is a cheaper means. Why didn't SNK just make the AES compatible with the MVS? They would have sold millions! MVS carts are identical to the AES carts except the look of the cart (barebones) right? Everything looks the same graphically right?

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
Ahhh no you see MVS is exactly the same as home cart except for one thing price,MVS games used to be released for around $£1000 each when first released while the homecart of the same game got released months later at £$300,naturaly SNK did not want arcade operators buying the cheaper home versions of there games so they made them incompatable,
yes they are exactly the same game there even using the same rom chips,this is going back a bit though,these days the situation on new mvs games can be the same its only when arcade operators get rid of the game or there is old stock that the price drops especially after the home release.
Also home carts price goes up cos of collectors,no one really collects mvs its all second hand gear you buy mainly ,and there were more mvs games produced a lot more common.

[ July 07, 2001: Message edited by: snknutball ]