Why does Google think these forums are a dangerous site?


War Room Troll
May 24, 2016
I didn't post for quite a few days and crap rolled on despite the fact so don't give me that shit I kept it coming. Had it stopped when I stopped posting there would be no argument.

I bought that game here, it wasn't listed as a bootleg either. I went into my paypal/records and it was bought in February. It was listed as a conversion by pixeljunkie along with Ironclad. So when I sold it off I sold it as it was listed.

And what does it matter to you if I keep an inventory of my games and since when is knowing I have 6 games for that system a problem?

I tried when started to share what I knew and got abuse back for it, so no I haven't tried to get respect here as I knew even then earning it was pointless.

Your savage as your truth is only in your mind and your followers. I used your word savage because keeping shit going when there's no reason to. You know at this rate had the trolling quit weeks ago after I stopped posting it would have been done and over.


Neo-Geo.com's, Top Rated Bully.,
15 Year Member
Jan 24, 2007

You're a fucking idiot.

I'm done with you, horse-puncher.


Blame madman, You Know You Want To.,
Jun 1, 2007
Not sorry to break it to you but I did sell it very quickly after your childish ranting here and there over a month ago now. It's gone so you don't have to worry about it anymore since you were so fixated on it.

I wouldn't sell on this forum because of the consistent trolling. I have no reason to open myself up to more of it let alone do any favors. This site isn't entitled to have stuff posted here if it is elsewhere.

As far this place, behavior like yours and others that goes unchecked, any complaining on or off site is entirely justified. To get all angry and defensive droning on about it after a year makes that clear.

The fact that you don't see why you're being treated the way you are blows my mind. You're basically saying, "this place is full of assholes, they don't deserve to be able to buy my games....but I will happily leech the market." It doesn't take long around here to realize the market isn't the same as you may be used to on other sites, so when you basically shit on this site but talk up how you're happy to scoop, you're gonna get treated the way you are. Playing the innocent victim isn't helping your case either as it's plain to see you've brought all of this on yourself.


Art of Typing Wiz, , ,
20 Year Member
Aug 15, 2000
I didn't post for quite a few days and crap rolled on despite the fact so don't give me that shit I kept it coming. Had it stopped when I stopped posting there would be no argument.

I bought that game here, it wasn't listed as a bootleg either. I went into my paypal/records and it was bought in February. It was listed as a conversion by pixeljunkie along with Ironclad. So when I sold it off I sold it as it was listed.

And what does it matter to you if I keep an inventory of my games and since when is knowing I have 6 games for that system a problem?

I tried when started to share what I knew and got abuse back for it, so no I haven't tried to get respect here as I knew even then earning it was pointless.

Your savage as your truth is only in your mind and your followers. I used your word savage because keeping shit going when there's no reason to. You know at this rate had the trolling quit weeks ago after I stopped posting it would have been done and over.

If you weren't so abrasive here, you could have become a welcome member but you fighting all the time just makes everyone want to distance themselves from you. :(
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