the price of a mvs cabinet?


Sultan of Slugs
Feb 23, 2001
I recently bought a 4 slot MVS cabinet for about $800 dollars and was in very good shape over all. tYPCIALLY A SIX SLOT WILL BRING THE VALUE UP A FEW MORE HUNDRED DOLLARS. i DID A GREAT DEAL OF PRICE CHECKING AND DISCOVERED THAT alot of companies aren;t giving up the MVS cabinets much because they still bring in revenue. If they do sell them, depending on where you live, they seem to go around $1500 or more. Expensive but worth it.

There can be only one, Why can't it be me...


Mayor of Southtown, ,
20 Year Member
Dec 26, 2000
I have seen 4 and 6 slots go for as little as $350 on ebay, but you have to pay the hefty shipping. So your best bet might be to go to an arcade and try to buy one. You may pay a little more, but you can see it and check it out first. Also, check out that will give you details on the next superauction near you... they always have good deals on arcade stuff.


Big Bruno

20 Year Member
Aug 18, 2000
well I see them very from $200-$900 at auction. Depending on games and shape of course.

since you live in Albq. If i recall there is a game shop there that has a 4 slot in it. I do not remember the name but it is one of the 5 I went to when I was down thier in some strip center. It looked like it was in good shape you may ask how much they want for it. they also had some Misc neo item like keychains, resins and some pocket stuff. But that was 8 months ago when I was there.