Movie opinions thread (what have you seen, what did you think?)


Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
Bummer...I was looking forward to this one...and I'm a Shannon fanboi...

I think it largely depends on how you feel about Del Toro's penchant for the weird. If you can get past a lady fucking a fishman (admittedly a tough ask though if you watch carefully, there's slightly more to it than that), it's a really well-crafted fairy tale. Michael Shannon is at peak Michael Shannon in this movie (perhaps only outdone by him eating whole chunks of scenery in Man of Steel).

I can definitely understand people bouncing off of it... the main conceit is one that makes people uncomfortable with good reason and there's a sequence towards the end (you'll know it when you see it) that borders on the ridiculous. However, if you look at it as a cold war fairy tale not unlike Pan's Labyrinth, it works super well. Frankly, I'm shocked it won Best Picture as it's not the prototypical Oscar bait movie (apart from perhaps that aforementioned ridiculous scene).


King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
Death Wish remake - I think this movie got a lot of negative reviews due to the subject matter and questionable ideology but I really enjoyed it. Certainly far better than the last Die Hard movie and similar efforts from other aging action stars that aren't named Liam Neeson.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
Watched this one with my wife and really enjoyed it until it started to get weird. The music and visual asthetics were all great and the creature looked really good but once it got to the

that is a spoiler..... just saying....


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
-Black Panther-
Wakanda, an advanced society with technology and altruistic morals.

....except we still have a Monarchy that is based exclusively on royal blood , and leadership is determined by primitive fighting rituals.

In all seriousness, I was intrigued by the setting of Wakanda. A society that works together to achieve more. It's very Star Trek-like in that respect. On the other hand, the plot was more dull than Iron Man 3. Black Panther has a real villian , and just a boring movie otherwise.
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Whilst Drunk., I Found God., Booze = Bad.,
20 Year Member
Dec 12, 2003
Watched this one with my wife and really enjoyed it until it started to get weird. The music and visual asthetics were all great and the creature looked really good but once it got to the
"sex with fish creature"
it just turned us off. Him eating the cat like Dart from Stranger Things got a good laugh out of us however.

So, going into a Guillermo Del Toro film...and you were turned off when it got weird? This makes no sense to me whatsoever. Also, I'm not sure I could classify anything in that film as even "weird". It was shot-for-shot old school fairy tales and classic monster movies. Implied sex has always been a recurring theme in these types of tales. I thought the film was damn near perfect and in my top three Del Toro films.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
In all seriousness, I was intrigued by the setting of Wakanda. A society that works together to achieve more. It's very Star Trek-like in that respect. On the other hand, the plot was more dull than Iron Man 3.

Iron Man 3 had the worst villains of all the Marvel movies I've seen. Fire breathing jocks? Really? The best thing about that movie was the retro-style outro credits sequence. I do love the line, "Dad's leave. It's what they do. You don't have to be a pussy about it."


20 Year Member
Feb 27, 2004
Saw Annihilation last night. It was good, and I really like how almost all of the visuals - even the color correction - related back to the main theme.


Saw it last week, solid for most of the time

the ending was complete BS though... the director took inspiration from the book but eventually made the conclusion worth of a silly Hollywood blockbuster...I'd have appreciated something more on the lines of "Picnic at hanging rock" but I will likely watch it again, at least for the rest.
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Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
Saw it last week, solid for most of the time

the ending was complete BS though... the director took inspiration from the book but eventually made the conclusion worth of a silly Hollywood blockbuster...I'd have appreciated something more on the lines of "Picnic at hanging rock" but I will likely watch it again, at least for the rest.

I agree, the end was a little weak. I wish it ended with an "oh shit" moment. But I think it was at least alright, since it wasn't exactly a happy ending; she didn't really get her husband back.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
Jeepers Creepers 3 - you don't get movies with acting this bad too often. It's so awful it feels like a parody much of the time. Between that and Victor Salva, yeah, not recommended.

Thor: Ragnarok - the final fight (well, the last one that doesn't involve any goofy critters) in this reminded me of the final fight in Wonder Woman, just with the genders reversed.

Ip Man

15 Year Member
Aug 14, 2006
thor ragnarok

really enjoyed this movie. it was long and epic and felt more like a conan the barbarian in space than a super hero movie.

the only problem i had with it was that there definitely was a guardians of the galaxy thing going on with led zeppelin playing in big action scenes and the humour all through the movie which kind of ruins the serious moments. but still one of the best super hero movies i've seen in a long while.


6400|!!|Kyo Clone
20 Year Member
Oct 23, 2001
Watched this one with my wife and really enjoyed it until it started to get weird. The music and visual asthetics were all great and the creature looked really good but once it got to the
"sex with fish creature"
it just turned us off. Him eating the cat like Dart from Stranger Things got a good laugh out of us however.

Eh - Correction: Fish creatures. Sex in a movie that starts off with her masturbating (under water, no less) - bound to happen.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
thor ragnarok

really enjoyed this movie. it was long and epic and felt more like a conan the barbarian in space than a super hero movie.

the only problem i had with it was that there definitely was a guardians of the galaxy thing going on with led zeppelin playing in big action scenes and the humour all through the movie which kind of ruins the serious moments. but still one of the best super hero movies i've seen in a long while.

It did Guardians better than Guardians V. 2, IMO. The jokes were funnier and paced better, the action was better, the villain was better. The ensemble-ish cast of Guardians works out okay as a whole, but Hemsworth, Hiddleston, and hell, Idris Elba are all far more charismatic than Chris Pratt is.

I still quite like GotG V. 1, and I don't care for either of the first two Thor movies. But Ragnarok thoroughly outclasses Guardians V. 2, for me.

Ip Man

15 Year Member
Aug 14, 2006
yeah, i thought the jokes in ragnarok was hilarious, which i guess helped the movie considering it was a long sit. and the cast was fantastic.

idris almba and tessa thompson as valkyrie was awesome. and i thought all the returning cast played their roles much better this time around including loki and thor himself.

thor was much more like a god in this, where as in the other movies he was just another super hero.


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
The first avengers, civil war, Thor 3, Guardians 1/2 were great. And yes, the reviews are very skewed.

It's like people are afraid of saying it was just an average film because a certain community will label them as intolerant and racist.
It was my second favorite Marvel movie so far after Cap 2. But I'm a fan of the character, especially the Christopher Priest series, so this was aimed at me.

Also, the first Avengers movie is fucking shit.

What I don't get though, is the cast was clearly intended to be all black people, but one of the linchpin black characters in the MCU didn't even make an appearance and wasn't even referred to. The fuck..
Here's an idiotic comment. I hope you have people around you who can let you know when you're being stupid, or life is going to be rough.


Rasputin's Rose Gardener
Feb 19, 2015
Saw Coco last week and it almost had me in tears. The movie just hit me right in the feelings.


Time? Astonishing!
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Jungle- From the director of The Belko Experiment and Rogue comes a movie that's actually pretty damn good. Based on true events about a group of 3 backpackers in 1981 who hire a dubious guide to take them through the uncharted Bolivian jungle. What could go wrong?

Had zero expectations going in aside from knowing the director and that Daniel Radcliffe was in it, I was pretty positively surprised. Well paced, well acted and very well shot, though a bit predictable. I'd liken it to something along the lines of The Beach meets Fitzcarraldo.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
Watched Outsider on Netflix, and thought it was good filler. Kind of a Last Samurai, where Jared Leto earns a yakuza’s debt, and finds himself rising within a dying family. There was a scene in the movie where the families meet at a sumo wrestling match, which was a great metaphor for the territorial warfare between families. Leto slowly gains more Japanese vocabulary as he spends more time with the yakuza. Overall, the movie is the most watchable nflx movie of the past year.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Black Panther

I really enjoyed it. There are people being overly analytical about the practicality and improbability of Wakanda's prosperity. "How can a country be so advanced but still fight with spears and determine rule through trial by combat?"

Here's my answer: It's a comic book movie. Just go with it.

I feel it's a bit overrated and is most definitely NOT 'a perfect film' but it's a good flick and is significant in a number of ways.

The Winter Soldier is still a better movie, and not by a little bit in my opinion.


I really liked it. I know it was based on a series of novels so I'm not sure what liberties were taken and I don't care. This was a provocative movie that didn't pander and didn't beg for attention. In fact, the studio did just about everything they could to bury it but it is a very interesting film about the very idea of life. I feel it's a big screen movie but it is also a bit too cerebral for general audiences. Good performances all around, good effects and some legit eerie moments that were unsettling. A good example of the plot and characters informing the tension at just the right moments rather than demanding action beats every ten minutes. It's a shame that this was marketed like an Aliens style survival horror-action hybrid. It's not.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
Black Panther

I really enjoyed it. There are people being overly analytical about the practicality and improbability of Wakanda's prosperity. "How can a country be so advanced but still fight with spears and determine rule through trial by combat?"

Here's my answer: It's a comic book movie. Just go with it.

I feel it's a bit overrated and is most definitely NOT 'a perfect film' but it's a good flick and is significant in a number of ways.

The Winter Soldier is still a better movie, and not by a little bit in my opinion.


I really liked it. I know it was based on a series of novels so I'm not sure what liberties were taken and I don't care. This was a provocative movie that didn't pander and didn't beg for attention. In fact, the studio did just about everything they could to bury it but it is a very interesting film about the very idea of life. I feel it's a big screen movie but it is also a bit too cerebral for general audiences. Good performances all around, good effects and some legit eerie moments that were unsettling. A good example of the plot and characters informing the tension at just the right moments rather than demanding action beats every ten minutes. It's a shame that this was marketed like an Aliens style survival horror-action hybrid. It's not.

I haven't seen Black Panther (not interested in comic book superhero movies anymore, at all), but Wakanda is geographically fictionally situated between Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda

so basically Rwanda? Rwanda... wRanda... waRanda.. Wakanda. ok.

Yeah, that's not a great country, but I guess they didn't want to name it Rubundi or Jabouti.


General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Feb 25, 2004
Mike Myers as The Cat in the Hat. Cheesy, bad, really shit. Kids love it though. It’s been on repeat for a couple of weeks now...


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
Justice League - it was alright, if flawed. Mamoa and Miller are the clear standouts, IMO. Affleck is okay as Batman, maybe even pretty good, but this version of Batman is also incredibly boring. The Bale version had heart because of the way Nolan wrote him, I think, and that's what's missing now (looking back on it, I'd suggest that Bale himself was actually kind of overrated in the role).

Dumb villain. But then that's the case in 90% of superhero movies, so whatever. Bad/non-existent character arcs for Cyborg and Aquaman, in particular. Poor use of Wonder Woman, another character that Snyder/Whedon don't write well.

Better than Suicide Squad (not saying much).