Whats the first arcade machine or game you ever got?


20 Year Member
Mar 9, 2001
I've gone through two eras of arcade gaming. I had one of those HGA super guns in the early 2000s, and my first board for it was either an MV-1 or Aliens. I got back into arcade stuff in 2015 I think with a Blast City. My first board for that was a black, all-in-one Mars Matrix. In-between I had an AES with a converter to play MVS carts, but that doesn't really count to me.


Gandalf Of Gibberish,
10 Year Member
Mar 8, 2010
pacman or combat on atari

oh ok, Arcade_ game is infered...ssvs before I could play it.

and then I get a twoslutcmvs machine
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15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
First arcade machine was a Sega NAC and the first game was DoubleDragon on the Gameboy.


Give an Azn, A Break Here!,
May 17, 2012
First cab was technically a completely gutted 90s midway cab. Made a tastefully done Mame cab and enjoyed it for a few months. Cabs were obtainable for cheap prices in 2010 so then I picked up several others dedicated cabs and would clean up and sell and trade with friends till I had no more room in my basement. I started trying to list them all the other day and the ones I remember are:
Neogeo 2 slot
Neogeo 2 slot
Neogeo 4 slot
Playchoice 10
Thunder blade
Sky curser
Pacman cocktail
Ms Pacman cocktail
Forgotten worlds
Ikari warriors
Pacman battle royale
Nintendo super system
Rush The Rock
Crazy Taxi
Jambo Safari
Operation wolf 3
Street fighter 2
Guitar Hero
Bad Dudes

Space got away from me so I switched to almost all candy cabs for a few years and have slowly let them go to make space for pinball.
I was 2 when Intellivision came out so always had games to play since my dad had one but the first game that was technically mine since it was a gift to me was Gradius on NES, got that Christmas of 86.


Mr. Big's Thug
Oct 29, 2012
My very 1st cab was a shinobi - $50 garage sale w/free delivery. Spent $100 to restore it. Such an awesome cab..


King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
My first cab was a 4 slot big red in 2013.


Mar 16, 2015
SF2 turbo was my first PCB back in 2005 or 2006. My first cab was a cocktail cab built from a kit I got from Arcade Depot, which sadly closed after hurricane Sandy. Still have both too.


Tung's Hair Stylist
Jan 31, 2011
About ten years ago, first cab was a Cute and PCB was Donpachi which was like $ 100,- at that time .
I still have both .


Ace Ghost Pilot
10 Year Member
Aug 23, 2010
My first cab was an X-Men vs. Street Fighter Capcom "big blue" that I got at a Philly area arcade auction. The cab was originally the official dedicated SFIICE cab with the over-sized marquee that was upgraded to XvSF via the CPS2 kit. The fucking thing was so heavy and tough to move around that I had to sell it and went the candy route, never looking back. It was a baller cab though.
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Gentle Ben

NAM-75 Vet
Nov 30, 2009
My first cab was an X-Men vs. Street Fighter Capcom "big blue" that I got at a Philly area arcade auction. The cab was originally the official dedicated SFIICE cab with the over-sized marquee that was upgraded to XvSF via the CPS2 kit. The fucking thing was so heavy and tough to move around that I had to sell it and went the candy route, never looking back. It was a baller cab though.
Aw man, I loved my Big Blues. Had one with MvC2, and the other had an 18-in-1 board. Those and my Big Red are the ones I miss the most.


May 11, 2015
Aw man, I loved my Big Blues. Had one with MvC2, and the other had an 18-in-1 board. Those and my Big Red are the ones I miss the most.

Love the Big Blues. My first cab was one of the Q-Sound Big Blues with X-Men COTA. The serial number tag showed that it was originally a SFA2, but when I got it I converted it into a Super Turbo. I still have it, and it's the very first cabinet I see when going down the basement.


Bao's Babysitter
20 Year Member
Jan 19, 2002
My first cab was a Ms Pac-Man from a thrift store for $75. It wasn't working... but it didn't take but readjusting the switch for the back panel to get it going again.

ChuChu Flamingo

We have purposely, trained him wrong, ...as a joke
10 Year Member
Nov 23, 2010
First arcade machine I got was an Egret 2 in 2012 from Matsu.

First game was Street fighter II Hyper Fighting.

I wish I would've got into arcade shit sooner as its been a blast playing arcade stuff. Best purchase I've made for something recreational.
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Pope Sazae

Known Scammer, DO NOT DEAL WITH!, The Management.,
Dec 9, 2007
About 15 years ago my first cab was a Centipede in horrible condition that I spent weeks cleaning up and making good again. Within a year I had a Galaga standup and Ms Pac cocktail. All of these were bought from a movie theatre going out of business. I wanted their Killer Instinct 2 and Discs of Tron but somebody got those first.


Professional College Dropout
10 Year Member
Jan 7, 2013
It was gonna be a Mars Matrix... Buckle up boys.

Some years back I lived near a mall with an arcade I frequented. When namco ditched that arcade, another dude moved in his machines and it was great. DDR, Mars matrix, initial D 3. Good times. And this was long after most arcades with those games were gone.

Sadly one day I went to play ID3 and saw dude packing up. I knew it was game over for that spot in the mall (nice/full mall so rent was probably very high). I got his name and number, and he said he'd sell me the mars matrix cab for 400 bucks.

Fast forward a couple weeks when I'm ready to pick up a cab, I call the number. A lady answers, and I ask for Phil regarding an arcade game. She starts crying and informs me that Phil has passed away. I didn't feel it appropriate to pursue the machine at that time out of respect, gave my condolences, and hung up.

I started trolling craigslist on the regular. Within a week a 1 slot converted neo cab with a few games popped up. I called the dude right away, we agreed on 300 bucks (a steal) and I scooped the cab.

So my first cab was a neo geo. I made some good friends and acquaintances here as a result. Tyranix fixed my strikers cart, Gabe and I have exchanged several items and such, and I got a mars matrix from Adderall if I remember right.

Some years later I did see that mars matrix pop up when a member here bought it, I can't remember who. It was cool to see it.


Mickey's Coach
Jul 2, 2011
$35 4P Sunset Riders. bustedstr8 was awesome and burned me a 2P rom so I could choose any characer on my supergun.


Dec 5, 2016
When I heard about NeoSD I decided to buy a Supergun + MVS board, but before it arrived I bought my most played arcade game in my teenage years.

Libero Grande, by Namco. Amazing game, you can only control the captain of your team, like in the NES / Famicom Kunio Kun soccer games.

It has a PSX version, but is not as good as the original arcade. It's emulated by MAME and fully playable, with some minor graphical glitches.






May 14, 2016
played mame since 1997 decided to build my own cab in 2012



running an i3 with GTX 460, Hyperspin front end.


Astra Superstar
10 Year Member
Dec 24, 2012
For the longest time it never dawned on me to look into Arcade machines. I was distracted by home consoles; and the inner kid in me still saw arcade hardware as unattainable.

Then out of the blue a buddy started buying pinball machines. We played them regularly and they are a ton of fun and I started to want my own piece of that pie.

I don't have a lot of room so I started considering getting just one arcade cabinet. At first I wanted something like Golden Axe or Altered Beast but I couldn't find them.

As I was reading about hardware I discovered that the MVS took cartridges and I would be able to easily swap games.

So I went looking for a Neo Geo and I got really lucky and found one right away.

In 2014 I bought this 4-slot with four common games for $650 CAD:


At the time it felt like a ton of money but it was totally worth it.

And thanks to these neo-geo forums I've be able to get a lot of great games for my Big Red.


If I could have, My time back, I'd keep it in ma'
10 Year Member
Jul 8, 2012
For the longest time it never dawned on me to look into Arcade machines. I was distracted by home consoles; and the inner kid in me still saw arcade hardware as unattainable.

Then out of the blue a buddy started buying pinball machines. We played them regularly and they are a ton of fun and I started to want my own piece of that pie.

I don't have a lot of room so I started considering getting just one arcade cabinet. At first I wanted something like Golden Axe or Altered Beast but I couldn't find them.

As I was reading about hardware I discovered that the MVS took cartridges and I would be able to easily swap games.

So I went looking for a Neo Geo and I got really lucky and found one right away.

In 2014 I bought this 4-slot with four common games for $650 CAD:


At the time it felt like a ton of money but it was totally worth it.

And thanks to these neo-geo forums I've be able to get a lot of great games for my Big Red.

Nice grab dude. Especially at that price. Do you think you will get any more cabinets or PCBs?


Astra Superstar
10 Year Member
Dec 24, 2012
Nice grab dude. Especially at that price. Do you think you will get any more cabinets or PCBs?

I'd love to have more but I don't have the space right now. Maybe someday.

I do have an Atomiswave board and a few games. I also bought a harness to hook it up to my Big Red but I haven't tried sorting that out yet.

I kind of did the opposite of what you did. After buying a ton of real MVS carts over the years I recently picked-up the 120-in-1 multi cart to fill out those games that I don't have. Pulstar is awesome! I had no idea what I was missing out on.

If you could pick one arcade cabinet to add to your collection what would you get?


Jan 12, 2018
First Arcade PCB technically was an MV1FZ, and the first game was KoF ‘98.

It’s what I have as a Supergun now for my MVS games.


Sakura's Bank Manager
Aug 14, 2003
First one I got was a brand new MV-1C, together with a Sigma Raijin Supergun and Fatal Fury 3. It was sold as a pack for 30.000 Yen in a shop that no longer exists in Akiba (Setup Japan if I recall correctly) when I was working there as an intern.

That was in 2003. Found and joined this site a few days before, precisely to ask about the MV-1C, different boards and Unibios compatibility IIRC. Even if it was not directly compatible, I bought the pack since it was a much better deal than I could find in Funtom, Mak or GFront.

Still have all of those, but eventually I picked up a cab and a 4 slot. It's too bad we don't have many official cabs around here... most of them are horrible clones with atrocious button layouts. Still dreaming about picking up a decently priced candy.