Ban/lock Hitlerson aka Hewitson


Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
This is the fucked up thing we need to pay attention to.
Hewitson posted his messed up shit in the warroom. If racism is to taboo for this site, just put a disclaimer on the warroom. Draw some lines

If it happens outside of that do a 3 day suspension. No big thing. We still have the ability to suspend members here.

Hewitson said he'd tone it down, I think he got the message.

Its definitely not right to hate people for things they don't choose or can't control, that's plain fucked up and we all know it.I do feel as a society we need to confront the reasons its such a problem and not push these people out the door with a 'null and void' sign strapped to their forheads...
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Dr Shroom

made it in japan
15 Year Member
Dec 19, 2005
I like how all the dumb noobs stick together like a retarded family.
Like the family from "The Hills have Eyes" :-J


The Portuguese Chop
15 Year Member
Nov 20, 2007
Well, Hewitson is no stranger to the temp ban. I agree with Abs as Hewitson seems to be trying to push his limits here on this board.

Overall, his racist rants are getting old.


Metal Slug Mechanic
Mar 6, 2008
How the fuck is the pic racist?

Some of you really need to get a sense of humour..


Heartlessness is a virtue
Sep 16, 2005
After reading this, I wonder, "why the fuck should I be expected to respect someone's religion?"... especially if it holds ideals I'm completely opposed to?

I don't have to respect your religion any more than I respect your favorite fucking sports team, political affiliation, views on a particular piece of legislation, or any other learned and subjective thoughts or behavior. That should not give me carte blanche to go and harass, intimdate, or otherwise deprive people based on the above, but repsect? Ignore maybe, but fuck respecting it.

As for Hewiston, he has helped me out in the past, and I'm not privy to many of his exchanges. I was a bit shocked and disappointed to see a banner he made which linked to some pr0n, but based on just my experience with him, I'd have to vote no on the banning.

You know, some of Hitler's paintings were pretty good. So clearly, he wasn't such a bad guy after all. Clearly misunderstood. Besides, I only just now heard about this 'holocaust' thing! I say no ban.


Heartlessness is a virtue
Sep 16, 2005
Overall, his racist rants are getting old.

Fuck that, that shit was old a picosecond after it was uttered.

I mean, come on. To say it's gotten old implies there was a point in time where it was relevant, and that's just fucking bullshit.

Dr Shroom

made it in japan
15 Year Member
Dec 19, 2005
You know, some of Hitler's paintings were pretty good. So clearly, he wasn't such a bad guy after all. Clearly misunderstood. Besides, I only just now heard about this 'holocaust' thing! I say no ban.


I like the soft composition of the greens and the rather "silent" blue of the sky. In combination with the man pulling some sort of cart, possibly filled with delicious apples for his hungry family, this picture is like a memory from distant times.

Edit: I was joking there morons, its just a subpar painting.
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Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977

I like the soft composition of the greens and the rather "silent" blue of the sky. In combination with the man pulling some sort of cart, possibly filled with delicious apples for his hungry family, this picture is like a memory from distant times.

I had a professor who said he hesitate flunking students because, if only a few art professors in Vienna had been a little more tolerant, Hitler would've been nothing more than a forgotten painter.


Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
You know, some of Hitler's paintings were pretty good. So clearly, he wasn't such a bad guy after all. Clearly misunderstood. Besides, I only just now heard about this 'holocaust' thing! I say no ban.



Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
I had a professor who said he hesitate flunking students because, if only a few art professors in Vienna had been a little more tolerant, Hitler would've been nothing more than a forgotten painter.

The bottom line of the judgement of Hitler's professor was: "Not enough heads". :)

Young Adolf was decent at painting postcards but he sucked at depicting hands and faces, that's why they rejected his application. Originally he wanted to become an architect, so consequently, he mostly drew buildings and streets. Studying arts was just plan B.

Once I've read a (not 100% serious) dissertation of someone who researched Hitler's early years in Vienna, it was entitled "Art Award or Holocaust"... it's interesting to think about what would have happened if his application had been successful.

I bet membership in the NSDAP came with an obligation to buy 10 postcards a month. "We have ways of making you appreciate the Führer's art!"...
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Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
Regarding the rcaido guy, I'd downgrade him to a three day suspension. He contacted me totally separate on srk like a man and apoligized for his behavior towards me. I have to respect that, because not everyone can do that.

When I originally joined ng, I spammed and got deleted. I rejoined this site and i've been here ever since. I say give the dude a second chance on this site. Despite his beef with others, he was showing off his cabinet he worked on and such.
I think he'd be willing to tone it down, and nothing was huge. I can mediate this if you wanna give it another go.

Hey LWK,

Looks like i got banned from Neo-geo...I read your last post & i couldn't get a chance to reply to it.

Anyway, yeah i just wanted to say that all my trash talking was just trying to build hype for HDR...There was really no disrespect towards you cuz i dont even know you at all. You seem like a stand up guy for the fighting community who seems willing to help others. Just keep doing what you do, maybe someday we can play some HDR.

Im not sure if the other guys on there have SRK handles but can you let Orochi know that i still want his dick pics...


Average Joe

Be water, my friend.
20 Year Member
Sep 30, 2002
apologies are easier after the fact than not acting like a twat the first time around

Dr Shroom

made it in japan
15 Year Member
Dec 19, 2005
Once I've read a (not 100% serious) dissertation of someone who researched Hitler's early years in Vienna, it was entitled "Art Award or Holocaust"... it's interesting to think about what would have happened if his application had been successful.

Hmm. Somehow I doubt that would have changed anything. Him just dying in WWI would've been better but who knows? This is stuff for SciFi story writers, parallel universes and such.


Robert Garcia's Butler
Aug 21, 2010
You know, some of Hitler's paintings were pretty good. So clearly, he wasn't such a bad guy after all. Clearly misunderstood. Besides, I only just now heard about this 'holocaust' thing! I say no ban.

I never said that Hewiston wasn't a bad guy. But even so, it's a fucking stupid analogy because obviously actions are not the same as perspectives. By your logic, if being a racist is comparable to Hitler then I suppose being opposed to racism makes one a Stalinist.

And Hitler's paintings were terrible.


Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
The bottom line of the judgement of Hitler's professor was: "Not enough heads". :)

Young Adolf was decent at painting postcards but he sucked at depicting hands and faces, that's why they rejected his application. Originally he wanted to become an architect, so consequently, he mostly drew buildings and streets. Studying arts was just plan B.

Once I've read a (not 100% serious) dissertation of someone who researched Hitler's early years in Vienna, it was entitled "Art Award or Holocaust"... it's interesting to think about what would have happened if his application had been successful.

Perhaps he would've gone into experimental film... something like "I am Führerious... Yellow" before going mainstream with "The Fast and the Führerious: Bavarian Drift"


The Portuguese Chop
15 Year Member
Nov 20, 2007
Fuck that, that shit was old a picosecond after it was uttered.

I mean, come on. To say it's gotten old implies there was a point in time where it was relevant, and that's just fucking bullshit.

It just shows how much I care about Hewitson. I really don't care if he gets banned/locked/disappears/stops breathing, etc. The fact that he's trying to push member's buttons on here is apparent. This board has had worse trolls than him before in the past and I'm sure more will stumble on this site trying to shake someone's tree all over again. Trash takes itself out eventually.


Heartlessness is a virtue
Sep 16, 2005

Wow, talk about missing the point.

I never said that Hewiston wasn't a bad guy.

Yeah, you kinda did. And then you said, "Well, I didn't know about all this racism, and he helped me personally, so let's keep him around."

That's tantamount to saying this guy is all right. Don't you think this shit is beneath you? So the guy helped you out one time. Who the fuck cares. That doesn't make him any less of a piece of shit. If a guy helps an old lady across the street and robs another at gunpoint, those two things don't cancel each other out. Why the fuck do I need to explain this to people.

It just shows how much I care about Hewitson. I really don't care if he gets banned/locked/disappears/stops breathing, etc. The fact that he's trying to push member's buttons on here is apparent. This board has had worse trolls than him before in the past and I'm sure more will stumble on this site trying to shake someone's tree all over again. Trash takes itself out eventually.

I suppose you have a point, but all I'm saying is I find it rather infuriating that guys like Dinkins and Drifty are gone while this asshole walks free. Those guys were trolls, and I don't think anyone would say they weren't fucking good at it, whether you loved or hated them. Hewitson is not entertaining, he adds nothing to the dialogue, he isn't going to melt down in a comical manner — he's just a racist piece of shit who needs to go away. I'd like to think there's a difference between trademark drama and some guy basically saying "I hate niggers" over and over and over and over and over and over without more than me and Shroom admonishing him.


Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
Wow, talk about missing the point.

Yeah, you kinda did. And then you said, "Well, I didn't know about all this racism, and he helped me personally, so let's keep him around."

That's tantamount to saying this guy is all right. Don't you think this shit is beneath you? So the guy helped you out one time. Who the fuck cares. That doesn't make him any less of a piece of shit. If a guy helps an old lady across the street and robs another at gunpoint, those two things don't cancel each other out. Why the fuck do I need to explain this to people.

I suppose you have a point, but all I'm saying is I find it rather infuriating that guys like Dinkins and Drifty are gone while this asshole walks free. Those guys were trolls, and I don't think anyone would say they weren't fucking good at it, whether you loved or hated them. Hewitson is not entertaining, he adds nothing to the dialogue, he isn't going to melt down in a comical manner — he's just a racist piece of shit who needs to go away. I'd like to think there's a difference between trademark drama and some guy basically saying "I hate niggers" over and over and over and over and over and over without more than me and Shroom admonishing him.

No, you missed it actually.

Who are you to judge what does and what doesn't cancel things out? How about we look at your actions here, why aren't you banned then? All you do is jump on peoples backs when they are down and stir shit because of some personal vendetta style hatred you can't stop latching onto. You're a troll also for doing that shit. You did it to me before and then five minutes later you were kissing my ass like we were cool.
You remind me of chimpmeister to be entirely honest.

I don't know any other member on this site with as much hatred as you seem to have. I mean its ridiculous how much you seem to hate people.

You need to stop pushing these mafia style expectation on others. Seriously, stop that group mentality bullshit.

Dr Shroom

made it in japan
15 Year Member
Dec 19, 2005
Ninny always had his reasons to do that.
At least most of the time.


Heartlessness is a virtue
Sep 16, 2005
No, you missed it actually.

Who are you to judge what does and what doesn't cancel things out? How about we look at your actions here, why aren't you banned then? All you do is jump on peoples backs when they are down and stir shit because of some personal vendetta style hatred you can't stop latching onto. You're a troll also for doing that shit. You did it to me before and then five minutes later you were kissing my ass like we were cool.
You remind me of chimpmeister to be entirely honest.

I don't know any other member on this site with as much hatred as you seem to have. I mean its ridiculous how much you seem to hate people.

You need to stop pushing these mafia style expectation on others. Seriously, stop that group mentality bullshit.

Seriously. I'm a troll and a guy who hates people because I find racism offensive? Uh, okay. As for kissing your ass, I call that admitting when I thought I was wrong. If I remember right, I was giving you a hard time about something, realized I was being an asshole, and apologized. But hey, if you want to throw that in my face to try and make me look bad, that's fine. I don't care. I'm still willing to admit when I'm wrong.

This is the point you missed, which surprises me, since I said it already: If you defend Hewitson, you're defending racism.

So. Carry on and defend him, if you like. Just know that when you do, all I hear coming from you is "Hey, I hate niggers too!"