Hello I am Valier


Sho's Rival
Feb 3, 2004
I'm sorry...um...what did u say your name was? *roll* :lol:



20 Year Member
Jan 30, 2002
Amano Jacu said:
I already have TEH ROMZ of the black girls...

Can't be. We all know you prefer your SUPERIOR MVS SETUP version ! :tickled: :tickled: :tickled:


Just buy my shit. Seriously. You can call me Susan
10 Year Member
Jan 20, 2009
How is this thread not in Best Of?


Just buy my shit. Seriously. You can call me Susan
10 Year Member
Jan 20, 2009
Necromancing from a noob = Epic

'twas intentional. It's not like I bumped a 5-year-old thread in the for-sale section, or one on a subject that's been covered many times. Thread necromancy is intentional, in hopes of getting it moved to best-of. I can't imagine there are many better threads than this, or many members better than Valier.


Most Prominent Member of Chat
20 Year Member
Dec 1, 2002
Valier, I hope you found Neo Geo.


Jan 25, 2004
Hello I am Valier

Zsezednevsky milina treliyev nonska Samym bolwim dokazatelstvom zhizni vo vselennoi yavljaetsja tot fakt, chto s nami do sih por nikto ne popytalsja svjazat'sja?

Must I telling you my history it is good yes?
In years 2006 I finding malfunctions neo geo machine in vlodovostock open market owned by kriezyetsnev gypsies.I take train night journey from 3 days 12 hours 42 minutes to make purchasing.I selling 2 black sea goats and uncle vladislav old afghanistan war medal to make purchase contractually bindings.
Uncle Vladislav and me we finding ways of make powerful operative state the machine by connecting to bycycle makes energy supply manual operations in neo geo machine. when I am operating machine, uncle vladislav riding bycycle making neo geo machine powerful in operative state. In October 2008s I am playings last levels of cyberlips....Uncle vladislav his bycyclings going slow I worries I lose my destinies make game complete...I begging uncle vladislav keeps bycyclings make opportunity finish game and get my respect....uncle vladislav screamings take your respect....So I kill final boss and complete gaming....than when i looking up uncle vladislav he make noises like dog enduring Krasa'vitsa;
cutting season than he fallings off bycicyle to floor holding heart....he cursings me than foaming of the mouths and die of heart attack...aunt petrakova she wailings like dog she tellings i kill him... in 2009 my mother she stop working nights cos she complaining of burning in urine systems and 3 months later she dyings of doctor say occupational hazards ...I think he telling me this is disease from industrial plant pollution because she workings many years in night time factory she sayings......since than I am live alone in soursodszka province, I am most eligible batchelor in soursodszka because I makings senior inspector in used toilet seat recycling manafacturing facility....one day it is my dream make sufficient coins purchasing 5 black sea goats I take America buy black woman..in my country is very special thing pay 5 goats for woman.I speaking her 4 years on telephone number 0800-1-3-6-EATBLACKPUSSYYOUCOCKSUCKER Hotline, she saying this she mothers house where she workings from..her name LaKeisha Bershawn she livings in Harlem and tellings me she is virgin wait for me?.It is good yes? I am how you say...the lucky devils! Sdelat' zhenshinu schastlivoi .I will feed her.I make her my little Ne'zhnaja de'vushka
.i will give her kartoushka soup but if she making eyes other man.....I crush her......it is good yes


MS Paint Master.
10 Year Member
Sep 4, 2011
My god, this thread is fantastic! Never know what you'll find when roaming around bored.

'Yes, it is good' :lolz: