story desu


Apr 11, 2001
^-^ eeto mina-sama ohayogozaimasu~

^-^ these stories Kyo-wa write ne m _ _ m
otanoshimi ni kudasai...


"I like you! Would you be my boyfriend?"

Wow... I am quite surprised. To think you are asking me to be your boyfriend... I mean, is not 'chicken' your other name? You know I usually call you, 'chicken, chicken~ har har har!' in front of your friends, to see your face turn red with embarrassment. Nah... I guess I should stop that from this moment, after all, it takes lots of courage to say 'I like you' to the person you like.

"... urgh... what? What did you just say?"

Okay, I think I messed up again. Okay, so I am Mr. Lame! King of All Lamers in da Universe, so what? A cute girl is telling me she 'likes' me! Hold on a second... you, cute? Mwa-ha-ha-ha! ... not cute at all. I do not think you are cute at all! ... okay, that is a lie. I think you are not that cute but cute in a way. I mean scary and cute.

"... I-I like you a lot. I-I want to be your girlfriend..."

Wow, look at her blush! I thought I have never seen you blush like that, except the time when you saw that pretty boy bands called 'SMAP' or something from the tv. Me, jealous? Do not make me laugh! I am not jealous of some PRETTY boys who look like girls, hn.

The last thing I am going to do is wear a pink tutu and dance swanlake! Oh, look at me dance~ I am dancing I am dancing~! NOT!
... Hold on a second. I thought we are just friends, no more, no less than that! Come on, we grew up together in this neighborhood remember? Hey, you remember that old rabbit doll you used to love? Remember you and I searched for it when you lost it? Well, to tell the truth, I buried it in my backyard. Oh, yeah... I was jealous of that white fuffy thing! You never played with me when that thing was around! So I buried that evil rabbit mwa-ha-ha! ... sorry... you are not going to kill me, right?

"... Hisashi?"

I see how nervous you are. You are afraid of my rejection, are not you? I see your eyes are brimming with tears, your parted lips are trembling as if you feel cold wind is smacking your body.

But you know what? I am nervous too. Just look at me! Do I look handsome? No way. Am I tall? I guess not. Am I popular among people? You make me laugh, har har har! Am I genius? I do not think so. I barely passed the last exam, remember?

Why do you like me? I heard Sasuke in class C asked you out two weeks ago. I heard how furious Sasuke was when you rejected him. Either you are stupid enough to reject a nice guy like Sasuke or you really care for me a lot.

"... okay... you sure?"

Okay, I admit it. I am the king of lamers! Anything that comes out from me sounds either lame or too stupid. So what? On my list of 'girls who are possibly in love with me', you are the last person on the list! Does this mean Miki-chan is not in love with me? OH GEEZ that's just... great! I thought she likes me a lot! I spent most of my allowance on her! Wait until I get my
hand on that little elf! "GIVE ME BACK MY MONEY YOU LITTLE ELF!!!" I am going to chase after her until she gives me back all the things I gave to her! Yeah, I am evil, so what? I need my money back...

But I see you standing in front of me. I mean, look at you. You look so nervous, looking at me with those puppy eyes... you DO know I am weak against your puppy eyes! If you want something you show them puppy eyes and... oh geez!!! You know your puppy eyes get on my nerve a lot?

"Okay, okay! I like you too! Are you happy?"

You smile. I thought I am going to faint from shock when you hugged me. Okay... you better keep some distance away from...

... hey this is not that bad...

Your hair smells like strawberry... strawberry pie... strawberry ice cream... strawberry soda... strawberry... hey, want to go eat strawberry ice cream?

How did you know I love strawberries? Oh, right. We are friends. We have been friends for long time.

Hey, maybe I should give it a try. As long as you are not going to change me into one of those SMAP guys, and mind you I do not want to look like SMAP, I think it should not be that bad.

At least, I hope so... You're not going to kick my butt again, are you? Who cares? I know I am weak against your puppy eyes.


Apr 11, 2001
eeto ^-^ this is counterpart story of 'suki' desu~ m _ _ m


"Natsume-kun know what happened to Sakuya-kun and Akiko-chan?"

3:50 pm, ten more minutes, then a bus should get here. Today is monday, third week of April. We are waiting for a bus at the buss stop. Sure, I've heard that Sakuya and Akiko are an item now.

"Yeah, I talked to Sakuya yesterday. He says he's happy. I am not sure he meant it or not."

I see you giggle, tucking away stray hairs behind your right ear. Come to think of it, I am still amazed at the nerve of Akiko. I mean, this is Akiko we know? Sakuya often call her 'chicken' in front of her friends, and they end up with each other? Life is full of surprises.

"Sakuya-kun should be happy! I mean, Akiko-chan is a cute, nice girl," My eyes rest on a tip of my shoes. Great, I just polished these yesterday and look how dirty they look! "... and so lucky too! Sakuya-kun not rejected her, you know."

Yeah. Sakuya always talk big, but he cannot say 'no' to a pretty girl. Everyone knows he has spent lots of money on a girl who does not even like him in the first hand. Oh, we all had a good laugh to see Sakuya mourning over the money. Maybe it is a good thing Sakuya ended up with Akiko.

"Hey, the bus should be here anytime now!"

You ignore me. I see you crack your knuckles. Well, I know you hold a grudge against me. No, I do not blame you, I might have done the same too. Sometimes, I hate myself for it too. I am an idiot, you know? I still wonder what could have happen if I did not say 'no' to you back then. Forgive me, I am a harsh person. I know I made you cry back then. I still hate myself for it.

"When a girl tells a boy that she likes him, it's almost like taking a huge risk...," I dare not meet your eyes. Your beautiful eyes are filled with scorn and resentment, and I am the one responsible for your tears, "oh well... I guess you are more insterested in playing soccer. I am starting to think you never understand anything about love at all."

Hey, I know it takes lots of courage to say those words; many of us know there are only two possible outcomes for it as well- either your crush accepts you, or your crush rejects you. We take risks even though many of us gain nothing more than crushed hearts in their hands.

And I made you cry back then. So, you can hate me as much as you want.

"Guess who~?"

I heard you shriek. Turning my head around, I see him standing behind of you, covering your eyes with his hands. I see you placing your own hands over his, "unn... Yamato-san?" I see a smile on his face.

"Guess again~!"

Yeah, I know you are teasing him. You just want to see him smile at you, "who else? Aida-senpai!"

You and Aida-san are busy with each other, teasing and laughing happily. Forgive me, I made you cry back then. Well, I hope you are happy with Aida-san. As long as you are happy with him, I feel less guilty to make you cry an year ago.

"Hey, the bus is here!" The bus pulled over in front of us, "are not you going home?"

I shake my head, "I feel like walking today, you two go ahead."

You shrug. Aida-san gently tuck your sleeve, so eager to leave me behind. I do not blame him. If I were in his place, I might not have wanted to see you talk to a guy who crushed your heart ruthlessly.

"See you tomorrow!" I flash a smile at you, but you do not look back. The bus disappears, and I am the only one standing here.

Hey, you know what? You think I hated you back then, right? Wrong, I liked you too. Nobody has ever told me 'I like you' before. Nobody has risked their hearts to tell me those words.

I am sorry I hurted you. I wish you are going to be happy with Aida-san. If he ever mistreats you, I will be the one beating him to death for it. If he ever makes you cry, I will make him cry too.

... good bye, my love. I love you too...


Apr 14, 2001
Kyo-wa, you are the Queen of WAFFy scenes. The way a small bit of dialogue followed by introspective paragraph is a really nice mood setter. Enocre! ^^


Krauser's Shoe Shiner
20 Year Member
Apr 12, 2001
hey ppl here are really creative...

great work! kyo-wa
<---You meant that, right? ~Emmy


[This message has been edited by EvilMattMUN (edited April 18, 2001).]
Apr 12, 2001
Sorry I didn't read this one sooner.

It's lovey-dovey sweetness, and it's well written and equally executed just as nicely. I can sort of feel for the guy in the first one, though... heh.