offical wwe thread

Hot Chocolate

No Longer Yung, No Longer Raoul,
20 Year Member
Sep 11, 2002

and why the hell is vince not using ultimo dragon
Cause he's to damn busy taking up tv time for himself, what is this like son-in-law like father-in-law now?

<small>[ August 02, 2003, 07:48 PM: Message edited by: Yung Burnout ]</small>


Ghost of Captain Kidd
Jun 13, 2001
yeah she's in OVW working her way back to the wwe/f.

and why the hell is vince not using ultimo dragon, probably the best wrestler the organization has!! man vince is stupid for not putting this guy on SD, he has made no impact after his amazing debut. looks like the journey aint going nowhere.
I thought he was on Smack Down. What the hell happened? Is he on Raw or was he cut?
Well, he's still on the Smackdown brand, but they haven't really been using him that much. The last time I remember seeing him, he was in a match against Jamie Noble. Which brings me to my next point: They need to bring back Kaz Hayashi. He rules. Whether he was part of the Jung Dragons (along with Noble, btw) or masquerading (heh) as a masked jobber named "El Gringo," (he was supposed to take a dive for Sonny Onoo, but he had other ideas) that guy was always bringing his A-game. I can appreciate me some good flippity-floppity, I tell you whut. wink

Hot Chocolate

No Longer Yung, No Longer Raoul,
20 Year Member
Sep 11, 2002
Which brings me to my next point: They need to bring back Kaz Hayashi. He rules. Whether he was part of the Jung Dragons (along with Noble, btw) or masquerading (heh) as a masked jobber named "El Gringo," (he was supposed to take a dive for Sonny Onoo, but he had other ideas) that guy was always bringing his A-game. I can appreciate me some good flippity-floppity, I tell you whut. wink
Next to 3 Count the Jung Dragons where my all-time fav team, liked them so much "Yung" use to be spelled "Jung". But after many post of "you spelled young wrong" i changed it, which is funny since no one mentions I still spelled it wrong now.

Maury V.

Lucky Glauber's #1 Fan,
Jan 4, 2002
Let's face it, the WWE sucks. WWF was much much better. Better story lines, better wrestlers, and better drama. The wrestlers in the WWE are better but Vince is wasting their talent with all of this recycled WCW drama crap. One thing I really want to know is where the hell is the hardcore championship? I miss seeing those matches.


Ninja Combat Warrior
Jul 18, 2002
yeah she's in OVW working her way back to the wwe/f.

and why the hell is vince not using ultimo dragon, probably the best wrestler the organization has!! man vince is stupid for not putting this guy on SD, he has made no impact after his amazing debut. looks like the journey aint going nowhere.
Ultimo Dragon is not being used as much because apparently Vince does not like his "style" (Vince perfers big guys who can't do shit like Nathan Jones and A-Train). I guess Vince must not like fast paced entertaining matches.


Andy's Clothess,
May 23, 2001
yeah she's in OVW working her way back to the wwe/f.

and why the hell is vince not using ultimo dragon, probably the best wrestler the organization has!! man vince is stupid for not putting this guy on SD, he has made no impact after his amazing debut. looks like the journey aint going nowhere.
Ultimo Dragon is not being used as much because apparently Vince does not like his "style" (Vince perfers big guys who can't do shit like Nathan Jones and A-Train). I guess Vince must not like fast paced entertaining matches.
the last thing i want to hear is that they sent him down to OVW!! very_ang

well blame good ol JR for trying to bring in nathan jones. he tried so hard to push this guy into the organization.

if vince doesnt like fast pace entertaining matches he might as well get rid of rey mysterio, kidman, tajiri, and the guerreros (both chavo and eddie). thank god i get mexican stations, VIVA LUCHA LIBRE!!


Ultimo Dragon consistently gets some of the best POP of the night, and they have him wrestling fucking dark matches oh_no

WWE writers and Vince McMahon have no clue, and they don't give a fuck about us fans. Watch NWA-TNA, better product all-around at the moment.

Matt Hardy ownz joo!



Sho's Rival
May 15, 2003
do you like your wrestling raw, cus your getting it raw tonight.

stupid question: what is the ovw and what does it stand for.

no piper too. damn. but i agree. and if the lightweight (cruiserweight) championship is smackdown only, then that show should have more of the "lightweight" contenders. what happenend to crash by the way?

as before, i strongly urge free speech here wink :D

Maury V.

Lucky Glauber's #1 Fan,
Jan 4, 2002
OVW: Ohio Valley Wrestling

It would have been good if someone else could run the WWE and turn it back into the WWF (W/0 the name change) everything will be back to normal. It's a shame the Vince is throwing away good talent.


Andy's Clothess,
May 23, 2001
do you like your wrestling raw, cus your getting it raw tonight.

stupid question: what is the ovw and what does it stand for.

no piper too. damn. but i agree. and if the lightweight (cruiserweight) championship is smackdown only, then that show should have more of the "lightweight" contenders. what happenend to crash by the way?

as before, i strongly urge free speech here wink :D
crash got released cuz he sucks balls.

i got really angry that vince broke up the nWo before it can make an impact onto the organization.

one last thing, BRING BACK TAZZ!!

Maury V.

Lucky Glauber's #1 Fan,
Jan 4, 2002
do you like your wrestling raw, cus your getting it raw tonight.

stupid question: what is the ovw and what does it stand for.

no piper too. damn. but i agree. and if the lightweight (cruiserweight) championship is smackdown only, then that show should have more of the "lightweight" contenders. what happenend to crash by the way?

as before, i strongly urge free speech here wink :D
crash got released cuz he sucks balls.

i got really angry that vince broke up the nWo before it can make an impact onto the organization.

one last thing, BRING BACK TAZZ!!
Yeah Tazz needs to get his lazy ass off the announers table and fight.


Yeah Tazz needs to get his lazy ass off the announers table and fight.
As a long time Tazz fan, I would love to see him make a ring return. He is not lazy, he has a permanent neck injury crying

What is funny to think about though is this. In 30 years, almost every single one of the guys we watch today will probably be gone. Tazz won't wink

Shows who really knows what's up!

Tazz 4 LIFE! buttrock


Maury V.

Lucky Glauber's #1 Fan,
Jan 4, 2002
Raw needs to change. It wasn't too bad last night w/ Shane O Mac, but it was Eric Bishop that was annoying. He's a little punk azz cry baby.


Andy's Clothess,
May 23, 2001
has anyone seen how raw is going right now? the first hour is crap while the second hour is one good match and one iffy main event, the main event can be good or crap.

the rvd and jericho match is a good candidate for match of the year. just when you thought they pinned them after a crushing move, they just pop out. since it was in canada, i knew that some would boo at rvd.


Sho's Rival
May 15, 2003
i agree. and im sure yung got to see his fav guy triple H. what about the women's title? and the elimination challenge for the belt for raw? your thoughts?


Zantetsu's Blade Sharpener
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2000
IMO, raw last night wasn't too bad. It did a good job of progressing all angles, and the wrestling wasn't too bad (for raw anyways). First raw in a while where I didn't turn if off wishing I had 2 hours of my life back.



SouthTown StreetSweeper
Jan 9, 2002
I felt the ending to RAW last night was yet another great way to end the show. I love the direction Kane is going in except for the fact that he seems to be controlled by Eric and Vince. I mean, isn't he supposed to be the uncontrollable monster?

Anyway, the tombstone to Shane on the steel steps looked sick as hell (as it should have) thanks to that great camera angle. Unlike the tombstone he did to Linda, you couldn't see that his head was a foot from the steps. I feel that after Shane's tombstone, Kane should have went in the ring and choke slammed Eric to prove that no one controls him.

BTW, is anyone else pissed that the HHH Vs Goldberg match for Summerslam has now become an elimination chamber match? Damn, this has HHH's name all over it. I mean, it's pretty obvious what's going to happen now. Goldberg will end up pinning someone other than HHH so The Game's ego can stay a mile high since he won't actually be pinned by Goldberg.

Then, his feud with Goldberg will continue instead of elevating someone like RVD or Kane to the world title. This makes me sick! Only in the WWE can we have a bald, no talent ego maniac who only knows 2 moves as the world champion.

very_ang very_ang very_ang blow_top


Zantetsu's Blade Sharpener
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2000
Actually, the change in the HHH/goldberg match was made by uppermanagement who felt that goldberg wasn't a good enough worker, and HHH has a groin injury aso he won't be at 100% for the match either. We all wanted to see HHH job clean to SOMEONE (goldberg or otherwise) but face it, this match was stacking up to be a real dud.



Ninja Combat Warrior
Jul 18, 2002
I think the elimination change is a good idea. Goldberg has enough trouble putting on a decent match, even when the other wrestler is at 100%. And I personally find HHH to be pretty boring, though his match with RVD recently was good. If you saw the last elimination chamber match in november, you know it is going to be one hell of a match, no matter who they put in there. Now the real question is, who is going to win that 6 way match up??

Personally my money would be on HHH


Sho's Rival
May 15, 2003
i cant remember who is suppose to be in that elimination match again?

so how is the layout for summerslam right now?

and just curious, in the first xmen moive who played sabertooth? i thought it was kane


Ninja Combat Warrior
Jul 18, 2002
You have got:

Kevin Nash
Randy Orton

Right now you have that match up and the RVD vs Kane. More will probably be announced on Smackdown this week.


Andy's Clothess,
May 23, 2001
ah what is up with the brands having their own ppvs? that blows!! cant we just have one ppv like summerslam or wrestlemania? heck that would be cool if royal rumble was the only time that both raw and SD came together in one ring and eliminate each other.

btw, none of those guys are going to win because the rock is going to come out of nowhere and take the title from those six chumps. otherwise, i say HBK will take it or diesel.


Ninja Combat Warrior
Jul 18, 2002
I think the chances of the Big Sexy or Randy Orton winning the titile at summer slam are about as good as Bert Hart coming back and winning the title. :D :D :D