Mega SG no sound except through headphones


15 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
I can't get sound through my Acer Predator monitor when using my Mega SG. The headphone port works fine.

I recently upgraded to the most recent smokemonster jailbreak firmware. I've poured through the GUI settings to no avail. My monitor appears to have no settings that effect the sound. The volume on the monitor is up. .

Roms on SD, official carts, and the GUI splash screen all produce no sound.

Any ideas???

ChuChu Flamingo

We have purposely, trained him wrong, a joke
10 Year Member
Nov 23, 2010
Have you tried outputting to a different tv or speakers over hdmi?

Might be slightly related but my built in speakers for my ASUS drops audio/ has no audio a lot of times with a OSSC+NESRGB/SNES at 3x/4x. Good thing I use separate speakers and game on a crt primarily or else that would kinda suck. The built in speakers suck ass anyhow.

Not sure why it happens exactly but I can guess why. From a quick google search the nonstandard refresh rate must throw off whatever audio synchronization these monitors have over hdmi. Keep in mind genesis is 59.92274 Hz not 59.94. Seems to be an extremely common problem with SNES/NES since their refresh rate is so wacky.

Maybe changing it to 59.94 might fix your audio problems?Here is what I got from the manual on how to do that.

The buffering modes on Mega Sg address the issue
that the Genesis/Mega Drive’s native NTSC frame
rate is 59.92275fps and the PAL rate is 49.70146fps.
A CRT can display these frame rates with ease but
modern displays and HDMI interfaces expect either
60fps, 59.94fps or 50fps and are generally not
tolerant of refresh rates that vary from too far from
the official frame rates. Mega Sg has three modes
that deal with the frame rate differential in different
Fully Buffered Mode buffers full frames to maintain
the timing of a 59.92 frame rate using only 60fps.
This mode avoids tearing at the cost of latency.
Mega Sg must render at least 1 frame ahead
of the game’s internal rendering to stay ahead.
The Zero Delay speeds the simulated Genesis/
Mega Drive up to achieve a true 60fps frame rate,
a speed difference of 0.13% There is no latency
penalty with this method but this method causes V1.2 February 2020 13 / 30
Mega Sg to jump ahead by about 1 second every
10 minutes compared to an original Genesis/Mega
Drive running the same software.
Finally, the Single Buffer option is something of a
compromise between the two methods described
above. Like the Full Buffer option, the correct
timing is being generated within Mega Sg. Unlike
the Full Buffer, only a portion of the next frame is
being pre-rendered, giving latency of no more than
1 frame depending on when the player activates an
input. The drawback is a recurring retrace line that
is visible once per every several seconds.
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15 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
Have you tried outputting to a different tv or speakers over hdmi?

Might be slightly related but my built in speakers for my ASUS drops audio/ has no audio a lot of times with a OSSC+NESRGB/SNES at 3x/4x. Good thing I use separate speakers and game on a crt primarily or else that would kinda suck. The built in speakers suck ass anyhow.

Not sure why it happens exactly but I can guess why. From a quick google search the nonstandard refresh rate must throw off whatever audio synchronization these monitors have over hdmi. Keep in mind genesis is 59.92274 Hz not 59.94. Seems to be an extremely common problem with SNES/NES since their refresh rate is so wacky.

Maybe changing it to 59.94 might fix your audio problems?Here is what I got from the manual on how to do that.

I appreciate the in depth info. I havent tried another monitor yet, but did try a different HDMI cable. Mainly because all the power ports by my television are full and its a pain in the ass to hook anything up. I know I'm going to have to do it though. I'll try what you mentioned when I get home about changing the audio.