Naomi 2 Wont Display after reboot?


Edo Express Delivery Guy
10 Year Member
Oct 4, 2011
I finally got my Naomi 2 all up and running in my NNC cab, sort of. Tested Virtua Fighter 4 on cart and that works just fine.

When I hook up my GD ROM with CvS2, the Naomi starts up, loads the game data, then says its about to reboot, which is evidently normal and should begin the game after a reboot I presume. With mine however, after the reboot, nothing happens, the VGA monitor just displays the "no signal" text, as if the Naomi werent even on. I can hear the Naomi and GD Rom fan noises still working, so its still on, just wont display anything. Has this happened to anyone else? I feel like Im so close to finally enjoying CvS2 lol Any help is greatly appreciated!


Kyokughen Trainee
10 Year Member
Jan 28, 2009
Sounds like maybe a sync issue. Like your monitor isn’t picking the signal back up. Odd it works until the reset...change the input on the monitor back and forth and see if that helps. Sounds simplistic but it’s a good thing to rule out.

Weird it works fine on cart and only exhibits the issue on GD


Edo Express Delivery Guy
10 Year Member
Oct 4, 2011
here are some pics of my setup and what Im working with. Gameplay footage is of the VF4 Cart. I tried messing around with the monitor chassis control board and for whatever reason none of the buttons do anything at all. I removed the rear cowl of the machine to access the chassis, and plugged and re-plugged the control board in multiple times to no avail. A separate issue, at least I assume. The monitor was a NOS Sanwa PFX installed hastily by the previous owner. Upon taking delivery I finished up the install by hooking up power and VGA to the chassis, as well as the daughter control board.

As far as the PSU goes, can any of you identify that? I would assume its the one that came with the cab.



Kyokughen Trainee
10 Year Member
Jan 28, 2009
Nothing looks “wrong” from the photos. Sorry I thought this was an actual VGA monitor, like a computer lol

I’d try a second power supply to be safe, and disconnect / reconnect all the harnesses. Work on the easiest stuff first before I got more complex


I survived Secret Santa, It wasn't Easy.,
Feb 19, 2016
It's a SUN PSU, so I wonder if the voltage is dropping with the GD-ROM drive. Can you hear sound from the speakers when CvS2 is loading up?


Edo Express Delivery Guy
10 Year Member
Oct 4, 2011
I do have sound when the startup plays. Only from one speaker though. Perhaps the other is just blown though? I think I may have a lead. Since getting the Naomi mobo a few months back off of another forum. I barely looked at it, never scrutinzed it. However, in giing the machine a thorough once over yesterday, I decided to take a look at the exposed mobo when a game cart is not inserted. Sure enough, LOTS of the caps are leaking, it seems pretty recent too, as the board itself doesnt seem to be damaged, just yellow goop around a lot of caps. Im no electrical savant, but I do know caps have caused all kinds of issues in other consoles for me before. Could this the issue? Ive also read where naomi games are supposedly very picky about voltages. Is it possible that due to busted caps, the game cart (in this case netdimm) isnt getting enough juice to power the GDROM upon (re)bootup? Perhaps VF4 though does still get enough power for its specific requirements? Just a hypothesis I cooked up over the past day. Let me know if that sounds reasonable and Ill either work on recapping that mobo or getting a new one.


Kyokughen Trainee
10 Year Member
Jan 28, 2009
I do have sound when the startup plays. Only from one speaker though. Perhaps the other is just blown though? I think I may have a lead. Since getting the Naomi mobo a few months back off of another forum. I barely looked at it, never scrutinzed it. However, in giing the machine a thorough once over yesterday, I decided to take a look at the exposed mobo when a game cart is not inserted. Sure enough, LOTS of the caps are leaking, it seems pretty recent too, as the board itself doesnt seem to be damaged, just yellow goop around a lot of caps. Im no electrical savant, but I do know caps have caused all kinds of issues in other consoles for me before. Could this the issue? Ive also read where naomi games are supposedly very picky about voltages. Is it possible that due to busted caps, the game cart (in this case netdimm) isnt getting enough juice to power the GDROM upon (re)bootup? Perhaps VF4 though does still get enough power for its specific requirements? Just a hypothesis I cooked up over the past day. Let me know if that sounds reasonable and Ill either work on recapping that mobo or getting a new one.

Definitely. If the caps are leaking I'd do the following. A) take the boards out of the plastic housing b) cut the caps free. May need to desolder, depending on the height, but sometimes you can get some flat snippers under and c) use some 91% of higher IPA to clean the electrolytic fluid (what leaked from the caps) off the board. It's corrosive and the sooner you clean it, the better the odds of it not eating away at the traces


20 Year Member
Nov 27, 2002
Some of the “goop” can be glue used at the factories. Are the caps bulging? Pics would help.


15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
Get a multimeter, measure the 5,3.3 and 12 volt output of the PSU while trying to boot VF4, that will rule out the PSU or not.

The super capacitor near the bios is prone to leakage, you can safely remove it and clean the area without affecting operation.

When desoldering capacitors, if you are to replace them, it would be easier to leave the cap intact as it will make it easier to remove. Just be careful as too much force can tear up the solder pads, some small lead caps can be a real cunt to remove unless completely desoldered.


Mr. Big's Thug
Nov 14, 2010
I don't think it's been mentioned but Naomi's will not run unless both fans on the inside are running.