PS2/Wii, etc to PVM


Viewpoint Vigilante
Jul 20, 2007
Hi everyone,

I have tried searching for the answer on this one, but I think the issue is that I don't know the best way to phrase this so please bear with me:

For the Wii, my HDTV does not handle the virtual console games properly I am assuming due to switching between 'legacy' signals depending on the titles.

So, I want to try hooking the WIi up to my PVM with component cables. Problem is, my PVM only has the RGB w/ separate sync cable BNC input. I was wondering if there was a 'universal' converter that had a component input with an out put of the 4 leads for RGB w/ sync. This way, I can also utilize the thing for my PS2.

The alternative would be buying one of these for each of the consoles, which would be expensive:
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15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
You could try using a CSY-2100 or similar component to RGB scart converter and then use a scart to bnc cable to your PVM.

It really sucks your PVM doesn't support component, I use the PS3 via component and the PS1/2 games look great. The internal upscaler is rubbish on a hdtv.


Edo Express Delivery Guy
Mar 25, 2017
Extron CVC 200 or 300 will convert Component to RGBS. The only problem with those (overall) is you have to switch a dial if you're going from 480p to 240p, which if your PVM doesn't take Component it's probably not the type which can do 480p anyway so this is a moot point.

Audio Authority 9A65 can convert Component to RGBS as well. Problem with ALL of these is finding one - they're old, have been discontinued for years if not a decade+, and don't come up on eBay all that frequently.

For PS2 you want to use a regular RGBS SCART cable and be done with it (that'll go natively to your PVM in the same or better quality as Component).

There might be some devices meant for arcade cabs which do the same, but they're usually non-enclosed boards (some need to be built/soldered-together even). Probably some chinese-made junk ones as well, but if you want quality (especially if going to a PVM), the above are the only ones I know of.
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Edo Express Delivery Guy
Mar 25, 2017
Thanks Dochartaigh,

I found one of these, do you think it will also do the job?

No, don't think that will work. That says the only inputs it takes is "RGBHV, RGBS, RsGsBs, or RGsB", none of which are YPbPr/Component. The CVC are the only non-scaling Extron's I know of which do what you want. It's taken me over 2 years to find all the models I previously mentioned (well, without paying like $200+/each for them), so they can be hard to find (CVC 300's were up a month or so ago for cheap, but gone by now).


Viewpoint Vigilante
Jul 20, 2007
Thanks Wyo,

The only thing with this, is that I believe this article is outdated, the most recent firmware which I have does not seem to have this capability to switch between progressive and interlaced. its weird, the virtual console games launch and play fine, but when I want to exit them and switch games I get a black screen and the only solution is to turn the console off, then on again to reboot

The other side of it is that the use of component cables vs composite on the HDTV seems to complicate this issue further
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King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
Thanks Wyo,

The only thing with this, is that I believe this article is outdated, the most recent firmware which I have does not seem to have this capability to switch between progressive and interlaced. its weird, the virtual console games launch and play fine, but when I weant to exit them and switch games I get a black screen and the only solution is to turn the console off, then on again to reboot

Hmm...I have to admit I haven't played Wii VC for a long time. That's annoying!

What model PVM do you have? Typically those that can accept component will use the RGB inputs via RCA to BNC adapters with sync left open and you switch over via menu or button.


Viewpoint Vigilante
Jul 20, 2007
Hmm...I have to admit I haven't played Wii VC for a long time. That's annoying!

What model PVM do you have? Typically those that can accept component will use the RGB inputs via RCA to BNC adapters with sync left open and you switch over via menu or button.

I don't have the model # off hand but I'm afraid I tried the simple RCA to BNC plug adapter idea without success - all green wavy screen :(

I think for now I'm going to get a cheap S-Video cable for the wii - I have some virtual console games that I don't have the carts for... the idea was that they would be able to run in 240p in the future. I had no idea TVs at this point would be the problem.


Viewpoint Vigilante
Jul 20, 2007
My bad, I completely missed the fact that its the opposite of what you need.

No worries, I really appreciated the reply anyway. I tried it just for shits - I have a box like that for when I used to have a Trinitron w/ component in. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way


NEST Puppet
10 Year Member
Sep 26, 2008
I use an Altinex TR6102HD to connect systems with component video to my NEC XM29 via RGB. The transcoder handles standard NTSC up to 480p from the PS2/Wii/GC/PSP/Nuon with no dial needed to change resolution setting. It also doesn't trigger copy protection during DVD playback. Output is via 15-pin vga or 5 BNCs.

Might be hard to find one since I don't see any listed on ebay right now, but at least wanted to give another option to search for.
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Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
The only thing with this, is that I believe this article is outdated, the most recent firmware which I have does not seem to have this capability to switch between progressive and interlaced. its weird, the virtual console games launch and play fine, but when I want to exit them and switch games I get a black screen and the only solution is to turn the console off, then on again to reboot

It's not an option in Virtual Console, it's in the main Wii settings. The TV settings are either 480i or 480p resolutions and widescreen or 4:3 TV. This must be set to 480i 4:3 to get 240p out of VC games, if it's set to 480p then VC games will line double and put out 480p.

Really though, on the HDTV just use a Wii U. Even with everything set properly Wii mode on a Wii U looks 10 times better than a regular Wii connected to an HDTV through any method. Even with the use of scalers the regular Wii always looked bad on my HD set while looking really good on SDTVs or EDTVs.