Sine Mora EX strategy - Stage 1 Score Attack


Bolt Thrower.,
Mar 21, 2014
Hi folks - as there are quite some shooter experts out there I'd like to ask who of you plays Sine Mora EX?

I picked this up a month ago and have to say I haven't been enjoying a shooter that much since Deathsmiles.

Different modes, different options, unlocks, unique twists like the slowing of time.

In January I'm having an own "stage of the month" competition with a friend, but I seem to be stuck at about 55 million.

I ponder this is because of the score multiplier, because I just can't manage to evade the star pattern on the first mid boss without using Reflect or getting hit.
(following the first bullets in an arc outside and then in again seemed to work, but is pretty hard to pull off and too unreliable)

Any strategies for your personal score attack attempts you can share?
(I have yet to find a no hit/no reflect video on the first mid boss too)