Xeno Crisis coming to Neo Geo


Ace Ghost Pilot
Sep 27, 2013
I've bit the bullet and ordered the CE MVS version. Could have done without the expense at this time of year, but it does look and sound good on the Megadrive so far.
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Zero's Secretary
Mar 13, 2008
As far I know, the Neo Geo and other versions will be the same as Mega Drive version, with no extras like new chapters or an enhanced items.

Am I wrong?


King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
I am still concerned the controls are going to suck balls. And how about you release the game first before working on 10 different ports and collector bullshit.


I have earned the, right to PM Rot.,
Sep 18, 2003
I am still concerned the controls are going to suck balls. And how about you release the game first before working on 10 different ports and collector bullshit.

I feel the same. The game looks cool and all, but I think I’ll wait for reviews before laying down the cash for a Neo version.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
I am still concerned the controls are going to suck balls. And how about you release the game first before working on 10 different ports and collector bullshit.

So how many copies are you buying?


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
How's the view from madman's nuts?

How's it feel to still be butthurt about a guy who's not even here?

This has nothing to do with mads. But come on dude, we all know you're buying this game.
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Mature's Make-up Artist
Jan 15, 2003
I am still concerned the controls are going to suck balls. And how about you release the game first before working on 10 different ports and collector bullshit.

Here's what thr contol scheme will look like;

We were determined to nail the gameplay and controls early on, and the Mega Drive's 3 button pad just doesn't work well for twin-stick shooters, so we needed to come up with an alternative. The 'lock' method in Granada (and Smash TV for that matter) worked really nicely though, and it also turned out that Shock Troopers used this method, so that gave us a lot more confidence that we were going down the right route. Smash TV was obviously designed as a twin-stick shooter, but we've designed Xeno Crisis to use the lock method from the outset and it works great. We also added the ability to alter your shot angle by 45 degrees by pushing 'A' or 'C' whilst firing - Skeleton Krew uses this system too, but you can comfortably play the game without using this system.


General Morden's Aide
Feb 3, 2013
Metal Stoker on the PCE worked with two buttons one for shooting, one for locking your direction, plus the Select button for a bomb. Capcom's Mercs was even simpler. Forgotten Worlds or DECO's Midnight Resistance and Chelnov managed to to rotate directions by pressing buttons very efficiently. No need to to reinvent the wheel.


Ace Ghost Pilot
Sep 27, 2013
Personally I would hope they look at Shock Troopers and how the controls work there. I would be happy if they replicated that I think - ie. hold a button to lock firing direction based on which direction you were facing before holding it down.
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A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
The Neo version better look and sound dramatically better than the MD version.
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Aug 24, 2018
Hey guys, thought I'd better stop lurking and say 'hello' - I used to hang around here back when I was an AES collector but now I'm here as a developer of Xeno Crisis, which we are of course very excited about bringing to the Neo Geo. :)

I see there's been some talk about the controls - I can tell you that the the game plays great with every input device, from keyboards through to twin stick setups such as the XBox One controller. The controls actually mimic those of Shock Troopers, which I hope you'll agree are excellent. On top of this though you can also rotate your shot direction whilst shooting by tapping 'A' or 'C', as seen in Skeleton Krew on the Mega Drive. Personally, I play using keyboard with a 3 button configuration to mimic the Mega Drive's, but we've got the luxury of an extra button on the Neo Geo - we might assign this to either the melee attack or the 'discard weapon' action.

Anyway, it's been interesting to read the comments so far, and if you have any questions at all then I'll do my best to answer them.




Mature's Make-up Artist
Jan 15, 2003
Hey guys, thought I'd better stop lurking and say 'hello' - I used to hang around here back when I was an AES collector but now I'm here as a developer of Xeno Crisis, which we are of course very excited about bringing to the Neo Geo. :)

I see there's been some talk about the controls - I can tell you that the the game plays great with every input device, from keyboards through to twin stick setups such as the XBox One controller. The controls actually mimic those of Shock Troopers, which I hope you'll agree are excellent. On top of this though you can also rotate your shot direction whilst shooting by tapping 'A' or 'C', as seen in Skeleton Krew on the Mega Drive. Personally, I play using keyboard with a 3 button configuration to mimic the Mega Drive's, but we've got the luxury of an extra button on the Neo Geo - we might assign this to either the melee attack or the 'discard weapon' action.

Anyway, it's been interesting to read the comments so far, and if you have any questions at all then I'll do my best to answer them.



NGDEV take note, this is how it's done!

@Mike, the q2 release window seems extremely optimistic - are you seriously gunning for summer 2019? How realistic is this?
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Aug 24, 2018
NGDEV take note, this is how it's done!

@Mike, the q2 release window seems extremely optimistic - are you seriously gunning for summer 2019? How realistic is this?

Yes it's an aggressive target and it does depend somewhat on plastic molding and PCB manufacturing, but we publish updates on our Kickstarter page every month where you can keep informed of progress right up until release.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Hey guys, thought I'd better stop lurking and say 'hello' - I used to hang around here back when I was an AES collector but now I'm here as a developer of Xeno Crisis, which we are of course very excited about bringing to the Neo Geo. :)

I see there's been some talk about the controls - I can tell you that the the game plays great with every input device, from keyboards through to twin stick setups such as the XBox One controller. The controls actually mimic those of Shock Troopers, which I hope you'll agree are excellent. On top of this though you can also rotate your shot direction whilst shooting by tapping 'A' or 'C', as seen in Skeleton Krew on the Mega Drive. Personally, I play using keyboard with a 3 button configuration to mimic the Mega Drive's, but we've got the luxury of an extra button on the Neo Geo - we might assign this to either the melee attack or the 'discard weapon' action.

Anyway, it's been interesting to read the comments so far, and if you have any questions at all then I'll do my best to answer them.



How long and frequent are the loads on the Neo Geo CD version?

Is the Dreamcast version at all different from the Genesis version?
Aug 24, 2018
Yeah ! Bitmap Bureau is here !!

Hello! Actually it's just Mike on here, although Matt is in the same office - he's the brains behind the Neo Geo and Mega Drive coding. ;) The other team members are Henk Nieborg (pixel art) in Holland, Savaged Regime (music / sounds) in Sweden, and Catherine Menabde (additional art) in Slovakia - I doubt you'll see them on here, but I'm happy to pass on any questions you might have for them. :)
Aug 24, 2018
How long and frequent are the loads on the Neo Geo CD version?

Is the Dreamcast version at all different from the Genesis version?

We're looking at employing some of the tricks we've used on the Mega Drive to keep load times down to an absolute minimum on the Neo Geo CD - we need to finish the Mega Drive and Dreamcast versions and get them shipped before we can return to Neo Geo development though. The main differences between those versions are the addition of bullet cases, point notifications, saving of settings and scores, higher quality samples and more of them too.