Will either of the two main next gen systems have hard copies of games?


J. M Club, ,
20 Year Member
Jul 20, 2002
I recently saw a video saying the ps5 will not have a cd drive and will just stream games. I don't keep up on gaming, so i could be wrong,but i do like hard copies of games. Not for shelf purposes, but just the feeling of buying something and taking it home. If it is true, are both systems doing it?


Guerilla Warrior
May 31, 2018
I recently saw a video saying the ps5 will not have a cd drive and will just stream games. I don't keep up on gaming, so i could be wrong,but i do like hard copies of games. Not for shelf purposes, but just the feeling of buying something and taking it home. If it is true, are both systems doing it?

Not sure how true it is but it would be of no surprise.
My problem with this though is that its bad for the consumer/gamer.

Firstly not everyone has decent internet access which is a must for streaming and downloading large games.

Secondly it takes the competition out of the market, I mean have you seen the price of new games on PSN (and I am sure XBL is prob the same?)
Its always more expensive on PSN than it is to buy a physical copy of the same game from Amazon or my local game shop.

Thirdly is the colectard POV, Yeah I like having something physical I can look at and touch etc. I even buy the occasional collectors editions of games I really love.

TBH I have been loosing interest in modern consoles since the last gen, Not sure I will make the next gen....


J. M Club, ,
20 Year Member
Jul 20, 2002
Id only really buy it to play it with my son. I have a ps4 and we play sports games together and that's about it. 8k gaming sounds cool, but I'm not even on 4k for my tv yet. Lol. Not sure uhh be able to afford an 8k set. The internet speed concerns me, even though we have blast plus, i was thinking off switching cable companies and would have to downgrade to a slower at&t signal.

I haven't heard anything about xbox 2. Don't own an xbox 1. But if they go hard copies and the ps5 doesn't, it's an easy choice of i buy a next gen system. I like going to the game store and buying something, lol


20 Year Member
Nov 22, 2001
Non-issue for me, since I just realized that the current gen of consoles is the last one I will probably bother with.


20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
I doubt very much next gen will be streaming onyl, probably hybrid. Doing away with drives sounds feasible though.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
I recently saw a video saying the ps5 will not have a cd drive and will just stream games. I don't keep up on gaming, so i could be wrong,but i do like hard copies of games. Not for shelf purposes, but just the feeling of buying something and taking it home. If it is true, are both systems doing it?

I've said this before, so I guess it's OK if I say it again... I've worked with a few Sony dev teams on merchandising. And what one of them told me was that the PS5 A) wouldn't have a disc drive B) would be easily integrated into Sony TVs. This was about three years ago though, and I think they overestimated the adoption rate of broadband. I'd be surprised if the PS5 didn't have a disc drive. The big thing the dev was getting at is that the longterm strategy is for the Playstation brand to be a service (i.e., subscriptions) - possibly with cloud computing, so that consumers would only need a dedicated streaming box or a Sony-branded TV with the PS streaming hardware built in. I doubt this will show up within the next 10 years though.


General Morden's Aide
Feb 3, 2013
...but i do like hard copies of games.

What about movies? Series? Music? If you stream/download them, then you'll be fine with disembodied games, too.

Besides, if the demand for physical copies still remains, then there will be a reaction by the market. Limited editions, Amiibo, posters, dolls or art books are all part of making it easier to adapt. Hey, they may even make a symbolic disc version, because a lot of people buy retail, leave it sealed and play digital.

It sucks, yeah, but those modern games aren't really designed to be physical releases anymore with all their patches, DLCs, open betas and what not, and for everything else you'll always have Nintendo. I could imagine, they'll fill this market niche with pleasure and you'll still have your indie games as retail version ready to buy.


If I could have, My time back, I'd keep it in ma'
10 Year Member
Jul 8, 2012
just stream games.

Streaming games? I imagine people would download the games. Most games work this way. Only a few services actually stream game data.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
I have no problem with them going all out digital. Like some mentioned, games require a crap load of updates before it actually hits the final version.

I've been using Steam, PSN, XBL, since the beginning and really can't complain much. I would like them to focus more on backwards compatibility since I dont want to keep my ps3/ps4, xb360/1 consoles around when new consoles come out.

I would like like PSN and XBL to be more like Steam. Whatever you download in the past, you could play on future hardware.
Last edited:


J. M Club, ,
20 Year Member
Jul 20, 2002
Streaming games? I imagine people would download the games. Most games work this way. Only a few services actually stream game data.

The article i read said game streaming like with movies was rumored.

"It’s already rumoured that the PS5 will feature game-streaming tech, letting you stream video games over the internet like a TV show or movie."

What about movies? Series? Music? If you stream/download them, then you'll be fine with disembodied games, too.

I like owning movies too. Mostly for my kids to be able to watch in their rooms before bed or taking to work. Music I'm ok with a flash drive for my car.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
The article i read said game streaming like with movies was rumored.

"It’s already rumoured that the PS5 will feature game-streaming tech, letting you stream video games over the internet like a TV show or movie."

I like owning movies too. Mostly for my kids to be able to watch in their rooms before bed or taking to work. Music I'm ok with a flash drive for my car.

I doubt they will just stream games. They still haven't perfected that tech yet and not everyone has a super fast Internet connection that could handle it. I think they will offer both the Streaming Service like PSNOW and the Playstation Store for downloads.


15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
Streaming is too heavy of a data requirement to be seamless for a wide range of consumers, I see digital distribution only being much more likely.

Honestly the way things are going you'll be buying a micro gaming PC and buying games from the 'Playstation Store' or the 'Xbox Store' etc. They could essentially sell you just the controller and you're responsible for the rest.


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
On a personal note I hope not. In the current generation I prefer digital but I usually buy physical due to stores' sales making things cheaper. I kinda hope in the next gen it does go all digital though and push these whiny faget collectards out of the hobby. You know the kind, that refuse to buy a good game that's digital (even though it's only $20) but will jump in line to buy a shit game that's physical for $40 to sit on their shelf and post on FB.


rare's hero,
Jul 13, 2007
Imagine the hard drive space you'd have to have if everything was full digital. Games like Doom take up massive hard drive space, and you'd have to have more than just 1TB standard drive on the console. If they went with the "streaming" style service, I'm sure there are still some size-on-drive requirements. I feel like Sony has numbers from PS Now to tell whether or not streaming is remotely viable.

The main thing for me with physical media is that I can put the physical media in the physical media player, and it will play it. Games like Scott Pilgrim vs the World and PT got delisted from their respective marketplaces, and now you can't even redownload them (despite having purchased SPvtW). They choose at any point whether they want to take a game away from you, and I disagree with that based on the initial agreement on which I purchased the game.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
Imagine the hard drive space you'd have to have if everything was full digital. Games like Doom take up massive hard drive space, and you'd have to have more than just 1TB standard drive on the console. If they went with the "streaming" style service, I'm sure there are still some size-on-drive requirements. I feel like Sony has numbers from PS Now to tell whether or not streaming is remotely viable.

The main thing for me with physical media is that I can put the physical media in the physical media player, and it will play it. Games like Scott Pilgrim vs the World and PT got delisted from their respective marketplaces, and now you can't even redownload them (despite having purchased SPvtW). They choose at any point whether they want to take a game away from you, and I disagree with that based on the initial agreement on which I purchased the game.

Yes, that has happened were Digital Content gets De-listed but are you sure you can't go into your download list and download it again? I thought you could but I may be wrong.

The Problem with even physical media now in days, this current gen, is you can't even play the games until they are installed or at least 50%. Games like God of War or Horizon Zero Dawn, the heavy hitters, all require installs because they are just too big to run off a disc. Smaller Games like Dragons Crown Pro Run off the Disc.


rare's hero,
Jul 13, 2007
Yes, that has happened were Digital Content gets De-listed but are you sure you can't go into your download list and download it again? I thought you could but I may be wrong.

The Problem with even physical media now in days, this current gen, is you can't even play the games until they are installed or at least 50%. Games like God of War or Horizon Zero Dawn, the heavy hitters, all require installs because they are just too big to run off a disc. Smaller Games like Dragons Crown Pro Run off the Disc.

For things like PT to try to download again: https://www.polygon.com/2015/5/5/8557807/pt-silent-hills-demo-pulled

But yeah, I do know what you're talking about with installs, too. Still, if I delete a game's app data from my PS4, it doesn't delete my save files and I can always reinstall the game later since I have the disc around.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
For things like PT to try to download again: https://www.polygon.com/2015/5/5/8557807/pt-silent-hills-demo-pulled

But yeah, I do know what you're talking about with installs, too. Still, if I delete a game's app data from my PS4, it doesn't delete my save files and I can always reinstall the game later since I have the disc around.

This is True. You could also upload the save files to the cloud as well. Not sure what happens to the Updates though. Do they stay on the HD or do they go away once you delete the game?


rare's hero,
Jul 13, 2007
I think the updates are tied to the "app data" in the settings. So you can revert a game that has had updates to the initial 1.00 if you wanted. Many folks have done that with games like Bloodborne to get access to duping glitches that have since been patched out.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
I think the updates are tied to the "app data" in the settings. So you can revert a game that has had updates to the initial 1.00 if you wanted. Many folks have done that with games like Bloodborne to get access to duping glitches that have since been patched out.

Ok Got it. Thanks


Rasputin's Rose Gardener
Feb 19, 2015
I don't think we will eliminate physical media yet, at least for gaming. Already game sizes are getting bigger and bigger as technology gets more advanced. I can easily see games passing the 100gb size limit more often than not and hard drives still not being cheap enough for larger storage. I haven't experience streaming yet for gaming so i can't comment how smooth it is but i can predict it wont be 100% smooth experience all the time.