Ghost experiences


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
I wonder if monkeys ask these questions? probably not considering very few animals can recognise themselves in a mirror I'd say it would be radio silence on that subject.

Great apes recognize themselves in mirrors. Elephants, dolphins, and certain birds too. But I don't think certain levels of cognition are directly related to whatever is or isn't happening regarding the "spiritual" world. Edit: I think that this list will only get longer. There was a very short list of animals who we knew to use tools, even just 10 or 15 years ago. It's getting pretty long now.

I did have a friend growing up who used to always mention a ghost dog that he'd hear walking with him to school. I never understood what he was talking about until we were about 17 and were walking around. I heard a growl, looked around, didn't see a dog, and mentioned it. He said "See? Ghost dog."

Also, I'd say that if there really is a spiritual world, unless you believe in god and whatever, I don't see why there would be a delineation between humans and other animals.

On topic - Several years ago I live in a very old building that was renovated into a loft apartment. Everything started out fine....but the longer I was there stuff got more and more strange.

I remember this story. Creepy stuff.
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MS Paint Master.
10 Year Member
Sep 4, 2011
He sure did say "dicked" around a lot.:keke:

On topic - Several years ago I live in a very old building that was renovated into a loft apartment. Everything started out fine....but the longer I was there stuff got more and more strange.

Yeah, that story creeped me out...I had chills after reading it. Wasn't there a butter knife or a spoon balancing on the outside doorknob to your bedroom or something to that effect?


Mr Bakaboy

Beast Buster
Aug 27, 2006
Yeah, that story creeped me out...I had chills after reading it. Wasn't there a butter knife or a spoon balancing on the outside doorknob to your bedroom or something to that effect?


Are you talking about mine? Nope awake both times. Though the 2nd I just woke up. The 1st though wide awake with the lights on and could see it plain as day. All I was really doing was seeing with the outer part of my eyes since you mostly see with the inner portion. Over the years the inner portion gets damaged by light in general where the outer portion hardly gets used so whatever you're able to see should be available if you can do this. At least that's how the theory to seeing aura goes. So, it's a glorified version of staring at a picture until you see something inside of it. Except this is staring at a fixed point and looking outward rather then a picture looking inward. Though in all honesty I never was able to see those images in a pic. Really felt for the guy in Mallrats.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
Are you talking about mine? Nope awake both times. Though the 2nd I just woke up. The 1st though wide awake with the lights on and could see it plain as day. All I was really doing was seeing with the outer part of my eyes since you mostly see with the inner portion. Over the years the inner portion gets damaged by light in general where the outer portion hardly gets used so whatever you're able to see should be available if you can do this. At least that's how the theory to seeing aura goes. So, it's a glorified version of staring at a picture until you see something inside of it. Except this is staring at a fixed point and looking outward rather then a picture looking inward. Though in all honesty I never was able to see those images in a pic. Really felt for the guy in Mallrats.

What else did you get into? I'm interested in hearing the stories.

Mr Bakaboy

Beast Buster
Aug 27, 2006
Fuck it. Death's been on my mind of late and I think someone might get a kick out of the story though it's a tad long on the set up.

I had a childhood that was relatively messed up. Mom went through a mental breakdown. Dad did what he could, but eventually like most marraiges it ended in divorce. I went with my mom which ended more f'ed up with her going further down the rabbit hole on insanity. A lot of times with me taking abuse, but I loved her. Eventually the rabbit hole went deep enough that dad had to step in and I lived with him. My mom ended up in jail then the state mental instution.

Well after she got out she started to get her life together. I couldn't help myself in trying once again to help. She found a new husband he made sure she kept taking her medicene and eventually she celebrated the news of being pregnant. At 42 it was quite risky but she was looking forward to bringing a new life into this world. Maybe a new start. Maybe to have the family she basically lost over the years. I can't really state for her. Just my thought.

Anyways she was I think 6-7 months pregnant when I got a call when in school. She was in the emergency room passed out. I rushed right there and waited 36 hours in a waiting room to hear she had a blood clot go straight to her brain and kill her. I had to watch as the plug was pulled on my mother and unborn sister.

After that I quit giving a shit. Devoting your life to someone. Putting up with abuse after abuse. And when you finally feel something you have taken all this pain and suffering for is turning towards the better. All of that is taken away from you in a flash. Why give a fuck..... Why?

I was a sophmore when this happened. My senior year I was a mess. I laid in bed one night and had no desire for anything. I just didn't want to deal. So I felt my breathing slowing down. I didn't care to breathe anymore so I just stopped.

I remember a light. Enveloping. Hard to really explain it. I was being pulled upwards my what felt like something attached to me right below my chest. I got to where it was and was met by someone I know. I couldn't tell you who because I have no idea who. Just someone I know. They scolded me for being there and said it wasn't my time. The next thing I know I was released and went flying back downwards. I woke up and gasped for air. My skin was a different color. I didn't have any lights on at the time, but it looked blue. I looked at the clock and it was 30 minutes past when I decided to quit altogether.

It took me 10 years to get rid of my depression. The only reason why I never gave up again was the conversation I had.

100% truth. Again all I can say is how I saw and interpret what I saw.


Divine Hand of the UniBIOS,
Staff member
20 Year Member
Nov 12, 2002
Thanks for sharing, not the first time I have heard an experiance like that.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
Wow intense. Thanks for sharing.

I don't know why this reminded me of this memory - and it's not even paranormal - just really weird... A few years ago, I had a dream where I was in the back seat of a car. I looked and there was no one in either of the front seats. The car was going 80ish MPH and went over a cliff. It started to angle downward and I felt that inertiatic weightlessness. I looked through the windshields and saw huge trees. The car was pointing nearly straight down at this point and it occurred to me that there was no way I was going to live. Right as the car hit, I woke up and shot upwards. My heart was pumping faster than I thought possible; something like 8 times per second. At first I was relieved I wasn't in a car crash, but I quickly realized who fast my heartbeat was. It slowed down after about 20 seconds, but I still don't know how I didn't have a heart attack. I'm not overweight and I go to the gym and whatnot, so I'm not really at risk for a real heart attack, but I just figure my heart working overtime like that, it would have given out or something.

Mr Bakaboy

Beast Buster
Aug 27, 2006
Thanks for the kind words. The story isn't something I like bringing up because of the trauma that goes with it.

fakexsound: I did have a very similar dream once. I died in my dreams twice. Once by car wreck and the other a lightning strike. Except I had the opposite effect. My heart slowed down. The only time I can ever recall it sped up was seeing the hooded spectre and that landed me in the hospital. I'm glad your heart is better then mine.

Razoola: Well I do have the ghost attack stories that sort of tie in with this last one.

In '07 I went to visit my father to buy his truck off of him. When I talked to him he seemed slightly down, but thought nothing of it. I took the train down and stayed with my best friend so we can have some fun on my birthday and I would see dad the next day.

round noon I went to my dad's house and found him passed out on the couch dead. After allerting everyone I could think of including my sister we delt with what to do initally. The 1st thing on anyone's mind was secure the valuables by gutting the house of anything worth it. I sternly protested, but gave in.

About the 2nd day of this I was about to call it a day and phoned my best friend. We were talking about nothing and I decided to sit down in my dad's lazy boy chair for a second.

As soon as I did it felt like something passed right through me right below my chest. It was extremely painful, but passed quickly. I was still on the phone. Told my friend I'll be right there and hung up.

As I did I asked if anyone wanted me to leave certain lights on. Nothing happened until I reached my dad's bedroom when the light flickered. Which was the one room we hardly touched. I took that as a sign and left that light on for the night.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
I rented Demon House this weekend. It's pretty scary. If you're not familiar, the people who make Ghost Adventures bought a house that was supposedly super haunted. The people living there had three kids who began doing weird things like chanting. Then one of the kids walked up a wall, backwards. This happened in a hospital and was observed by the psychologist, CPS case worker, and the kid's family. Throughout the documentary, they show how the police, and just about anyone in the town, would refuse to go near the house. They find what looks like the remnants of a ritual in the basement. Long story short, most of the people who entered the house for the investigation had some weird stuff happen afterwards. For example, a second CPS case worker broker her ribs, her wrist, and her ankle, all within 30 days of entering the house, and all three of these were on separate occasions. A home inspector got cancer. An investigator's organs shut down. One kid tried to kill herself. One videographer had a psychological breakdown. And the main investigator developed a permanent vision disorder during his one overnight stay in the house.

The documentary itself is worth a watch but is a little anticlimactic. I was expecting some major evidence of the paranormal. But really there are only a handful of visual and audio captures. The ones that they do get, though, are pretty scary.


Unrelated, I forgot to mention when I got bitch-slapped by a fitness ghost.

I was on the elliptical machine at the gym. All of a sudden something hit my face - hard. It knocked my glasses off, sent my iPod flying, and popped my ear buds out of my ear. I looked around thinking that some building material had fallen from the ceiling, but I couldn't find anything. I expected the other people at the gym to be looking at me or something, but no one noticed anything. I felt around for my glasses and found the iPod under the machine. I never figured out what happened.