Oficial Super SD System 3 RGB Statement


War Room Troll
Mar 26, 2016
Nothing could be further from the truth. It's amazing the things people will convince themselves of in order to create an irrational hatred of someone. I've known Bob for a couple years now and he's been one of the most helpful and unbiased type of persons I've met in retro gaming fandom. The fact that he won't talk shit on Darksoft doesn't make him a fanboy. He reports would they post, and will not make an opinion of their product until he gets a copy shipped to him and he puts it through rigorous testing. If the product passes his tests, he will report that. If it fails miserably, he will report that also. He's already said this much multiple times.

Also, if you watch what Bob said in the video, he merely reports what the complaints have been, he does not trash Terra Onion AT ALL, and in fact goes out of his way SEVERAL times to praise their work on the NeoSD. Did you not see that or did we watch a different video?

He wanted a review copy FOR FREE, cuz he thinks he's special. They said no so he retaliated with a hit piece in his video. NeoSD team works hard they don't need additional bullshit from fat fags like Bob.

If you disagree with the fatty at all he either bans you or calls you a "fanboy", then complains when people insult him. :tickled:

He's a douchebag who produces no products, insulting the people who actually do. Plain and simple.


Fu'un-Ken Master
10 Year Member
May 25, 2011
So who’s dick are you going to ride tomorrow?
tusecsy said:
I even saw you guys go after bob from retrorgb because he "supports darksoft". Ya, he supports the guy who makes vastly superior products than you that actually work. Shocker!


There can be only one.
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2009
Honestly, opt's home with nothing to prove. He's just giving us a heads up.


War Room Troll
Jan 24, 2018
Hi all, I registered in this forum so I could join this conversation and I’m glad I did because this seems like an awesome community to be a part of.

Ever since I found out about the Super SD System 3 I’ve been really excited to be able to purchase one for myself. So, it’s very reassuring to see the TerraOnion dealing with this difficult situation so well.

Beyond expressing my appreciation and gratitude for this project, and the people behind it, I also wanted to express my view on the RetroRGB situation.

It is my sincere opinion that this whole situation has been a big misunderstanding, which is why I’m writing this. I’m going to make an effort to explain my point while maintaining a respectful and productive attitude towards all parties.

I believe the origin of the problem has something to do with the claim that RetroRGB “asked us for a free review”. It’s not clear to me what this means. Did he want a unit to keep for himself or did he want to borrow one for the review? As far as I’ve seen on the emails RetroRGB posted, he asked to borrow the unit for review. It doesn’t seem like he wanted anything for free. I might be wrong so please feel free to provide any evidence of the contrary. You can see the screenshot posted by RetroRGB here https://twitter.com/retrorgb/status/956252056980983808 This is where I think the misunderstanding occurred.

I’ve been following RetroRGB’s work for more than a year and I think I have a clear idea of what kind of where his moral compass points to. I know he values the classic gaming community more than he does his subscriber count. He’s proven this many times. Don’t take my word for it, you can watch the 2-hour+ discussions posted on The Retro Roundtable channel, or his weekly roundups on the RetroRGB channel, and make up your own mind.

I particularly suggest watching his latest video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOLV9N50sC0 where you can watch him talk about the situation with the Super SD System 3. He explains all the possible reasons for the problems, mentions that he wouldn’t fault the TerraOnion team and he talks openly about the problems with the product and possibly how they are going to be addressed. He even mentions that a lot of people started behaving unproductively and negatively to the TO team and how he disapproves of this behavior.

If you disagree with what I just said and still think RetroRGB is in the wrong, please provide evidence to support your claims. It’s one thing accuse someone of something, and another to prove it. Do you think he was “dishonest”? Do you think he’s not “neutral” or “reputable”? When did he “moan” about not receiving a review unit? When did he say the product was a “disaster”? These are big claims, I’m not saying they’re false but "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”.

Finally, I’d like to add that if it wasn’t for RetroRGB and his work me and a lot of other people who follow him wouldn’t even know about the existence of your product; and regardless of the outcome of this situation, I will be buying a Super SD System 3 (provided I can get my hands on one, and the technical issues have been sorted). I sincerely hope that this gets sorted out since I believe this has all been a big misunderstanding and nothing else. For this reason I’m writing this same message in Spanish below, that way there won’t be any possibility for language mixup.

Thank you to the TerraOnion team for coming up with a product straight out of my dreams.


Hola a todos, me he registrado para poder unirme a esta conversación pero estoy contento de haberlo hecho porque esta parece una comunidad de la cual vale la pena ser parte.

Desde que supe de la existencia de Super SD System 3 he estado muy emocionado por conseguir uno para mí. Me ha reconfortado mucho ver que el equipo de TerraOnion viene manejando esta situación difícil tan bien.

Además de expresar my aprecio y gratitud por este proyecto, y la gente responsable, también quiero expresar mi postura en cuanto a la situación con RetroRGB.

Es mi sincera opinión que todo esto ha sido nada más que un gran malentendido (posiblemente potenciado por barreras lingüísticas), razón por la cual escribo esto. Voy a esforzarme por explicar mi punto manteniendo el mayor respeto posible por todas las partes interesadas.

Creo que el origen del problema tiene que ver con el momento en el que RetroRGB pidió una unidad para review. Estoy casi seguro que su intención era pedir uno prestado para el review, no para quedárselo. RetroRGB publicó una captura de pantalla en Twitter que confirma que estaba pidiendo la unidad prestada. https://twitter.com/retrorgb/status/956252056980983808 Si me equivoco por favor presentar evidencia de lo contrario.

Hace más de un año que sigo a RetroRGB y su trabajo y creo tener una idea clara de a dónde apunta su brújula moral. Puedo decir sin duda que RetroRGB valora más la honestidad en la comunidad que la cantidad de subscriptores que tiene. Ha demostrado esto contadas veces. No se queden con mi palabra solamente, hay horas de charlas en el canal The Retro Roundtable y más en el canal RetroRGB para que cualquiera que tenga la voluntad pueda formarse una opinión concreta.

Sugiero particularmente mirar el último video en el canal de RetroRGB (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOLV9N50sC0) donde lo pueden ver hablando directamente sobre el Super SD System 3. Explica todas las posibles causas del problema, menciona que no culparía al equipo de TerraOnion de ninguna forma y habla abiertamente de los problemas del equipo y cómo van a solucionarse posiblemente. Hasta menciona que mucha gente empezó a dejar comentarios negativos en el foro a raíz de esta situación y cómo él desaprueba de esa actitud.

Si les parece que lo que digo no tiene sentido y RetroRGB debe ser culpado de todas formas, les pido por favor que acompañen sus acusaciones con evidencia. Una cosa es acusar a alguien de algo y otra distinta es probarlo. Creen que fue deshonesto? Creen que no es neutral o no tiene buena reputación? Dónde se ve la queja que supuestamente hizo cuando se le negó una unidad para review? Dónde se ve que dice que el producto es un desastre? No digo que estas acusaciones sean falsas, pero sin evidencia carecen de valor para cualquier persona razonable.

Finalmente quisiera agregar que si no fuera por RetroRGB y su trabajo ni yo ni un montón de gamers sabríamos siquiera de la existencia de su producto; y sea como sea que siga esta situación voy a comprar un Super SD System 3 si tengo oportunidad y los problemas técnicos son resueltos. Sinceramente espero que todo esto se arregle por a mi entender no ha sido más que un malentendido y nada más. Por eso me tomé el trabajo de escribir esto en dos idiomas.

Muchas gracias al equipo de TerraOnion por crear un producto con el que sueño hace rato.


War Room Troll
Jan 24, 2018
I’ve seen a couple of RetroRGB’s videos before and he seems quite far up DarkSoft’s arse the way he gushes about his MVS flash cart, yet seems to ignore NeoSD. Today’s video was out of order though...the guy is full of shit.

Ridin' that Bob dick I see. Probably hard to find considering his weight class, so kudos bub!


It's posts like this that make me wonder if we're even on the same planet...

...People with such a narrow vision of the scene...

PS. Huge ASS_et... yes... I agree...

Your obsession with me is definitely unhealthy.

Bob is just a fat retard, as neosd and the mods here can attest...

He wanted a review copy FOR FREE, cuz he thinks he's special. They said no so he retaliated with a hit piece in his video. NeoSD team works hard they don't need additional bullshit from fat fags like Bob.

If you disagree with the fatty at all he either bans you or calls you a "fanboy", then complains when people insult him. :tickled:

He's a douchebag who produces no products, insulting the people who actually do. Plain and simple.

I see a lot of animosity towards Bob. Can anyone provide anything besides baseless accusations? I have a good impression of him but I'm willing to change my mind if someone can produce a single piece of evidence that justifies this kind of behavior.


There can be only one.
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2009
You have broken an unwritten rule. May the force be with you.


Apr 16, 2013
Team NeoSD made a new thread detailing exactly what they did to fix the problems and they should receive our thanks for putting in a lot of effort, work and money. But here we go derailing again, jesus christ leave it alone already.....


Neosd Developer
Oct 18, 2016
The fact that he won't talk shit on Darksoft doesn't make him a fanboy.

Bob bought a NEOSD AES last year.
He never did a review of it, he was doing videos of how great darksoft cart would be instead.

He could have done a video of the glitches seen on darksofts cart twich asswel, this is what i call a dissaster, but he did not. He did a video about the dissaster he thinks the RGB on SSDS3 is, yesterday instead.

Last summer he sent an email asking for his email removed from our downloads section cause he was waiting for a MVS cab so we wanted to sell his NEOSD AES and purchase a NEOSD MVS (this is what he said).
We did his request but we saw a video from two weeks before when he said he was going to get a darksoft MVS to review.

So when he came back asking for a SSDS3 review unit i said NO, for the previous reasons (never did a review of NEOSD AES, lied us telling that he wanted to sell his NEOSD AES to purchase a NEOSD MVS while telling on his video from 2 weeks before that he was going to review darsof MVS cart)

There is no way we send a "review" unit to someone and we ask for it back, casue what we would do with this unit ? sell it as new to another customer ? would you like to receive an used unit ?

This is not a car that has a high cost.

Have you ever seen a graphics card, or any elctronic device sent as review unit to be returned back ?

We get a lot of review units requests just to get a free unit, i don´t know what intentions Bob had, but he asked for a review unit and i refushed it for the previous stated reasons.

My own taste is he is one of those guys that pretend to be your friend but stabs you in the back as soon as he has the oportunity. I had this feeling when he sent this email to get his email removed from the database and i got the confirmation with yesterdays video.

If he would care a bit about our situation, he could have contacted us before making this video asking what we were going to do. He could have told on his video : i talked with them and they SAID they already have a solution, lets wait and see this solution. Or anything like this.

He could have waited 1 week aswel, this is what a guy that wants to help would do. Instead of tell something that is not true on his video to rise the preasure on our cutomers.

What happened yesterday was him to take the oportunity to get a revenge, telling on his videos coment that we had a leson to lernt.

Yes Bob, we learnt the kind of people you are, and that your videos are more opinion videos than analysis videos.

I would strongly recomend you to start your sentences with : "i my opinion, without havent seen the product"

Hope this clarifies the whole thing, i didn´t wanted to go so deep on the issue
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Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
I see a lot of animosity towards Bob. Can anyone provide anything besides baseless accusations? I have a good impression of him but I'm willing to change my mind if someone can produce a single piece of evidence that justifies this kind of behavior.

LOOK man...

We're all grown ups here... let's face some facts...

RetroRGB asked for a free copy of the SD 3... He called it a "Review Copy"... Semantics aside... the question is... would The Terraonion team sell that same copy that had been used to a customer? Would YOU accept a second hand unit when you have paid FULL price for an item?

Is it worth their time to get the item back... and then re-list it as second hand?

The reason he's getting this much hate is because quite frankly... we do not like freeloaders on the forum or the scene in general...

YOU might personally "know' Bob... but here's the deal... we aint here to stroke his ego... The members here will tell you how it is...

Bob is NOT peoples favourite person due to a lot of factors and quite frankly I aint in the mood to play...

SO... if you wanna go play dick holding sessions with him... then fine... no issues here... BUT... if you wanna stick around... i'd suggest you stay and start becoming a part of the community and maybe... just maybe... you'll learn a thing or two...

Syn' said you just broke an unwritten rule... this refers to the fact that you quoted me in a post which is not the best idea you're going to have...


PS. Your initial post was too tl;dr... best learn that the amount of words used does not necessarily mean signs of intelligence...

ChuChu Flamingo

We have purposely, trained him wrong, ...as a joke
10 Year Member
Nov 23, 2010
Nice to see a good solution came.
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Sakura's Bank Manager
Aug 14, 2003
Nice to read about this, I think it's a perfect solution and very professionally handled. I'd like to add that, as an early adopter, not only I wasn't worried about future fixes that may have to be done, but I've been also having a great time using the SDSystem3 so far. This things happen all the time with new products and there's always a solution.


Quiz Detective
Aug 7, 2017
He could have done a video of the glitches seen on darksofts cart twich asswel, this is what i call a dissaster, but he did not. He did a video about the dissaster he thinks the RGB on SSDS3 is, yesterday instead.

Two points in Bob's defense:

1. Bob has in fact posted references in his weekly updates about issues with Darksofts cart that were documented in test videos. He's obviously not going to bag on a product that hasn't been officially released to the public yet. It's still a wait-and-see situation at this point.

2. He didn't call your SSDS3 a 'disaster' and actually was highly optimistic about the product. He reported the issues that came out from the public release, which he would do the EXACT same thing if Darksoft's cart came out tomorrow and had issues. It's just retro gaming news like any other product he posts about.

Last summer he sent an email asking for his email removed from our downloads section cause he was waiting for a MVS cab so we wanted to sell his NEOSD AES and purchase a NEOSD MVS (this is what he said).
We did his request but we saw a video from two weeks before when he said he was going to get a darksoft MVS to review.

He requested the removal because I bought the NeoSD off of him, and I wanted proper access to the firmware updates. And yes, he was intending to use the money to pay for the MVS version. However, he lost his job and instead had to completely change plans as a result. He's been having to sell off all his video game equipment, even his RGB monitors. That just life getting in the way, and there was nothing sinister about it.

So when he came back asking for a SSDS3 review unit i said NO, for the previous reasons (never did a review of NEOSD AES, lied us telling that he wanted to sell his NEOSD AES to purchase a NEOSD MVS while telling on his video from 2 weeks before that he was going to review darsof MVS cart)

See my comment above. He wasn't lying to you at all. He lost his job and all plans changed.
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Neosd Developer
Oct 18, 2016
Two points in Bob's defense:

1. Bob has in fact posted references in his weekly updates about issues with Darksofts cart that were documented in test videos. He's obviously not going to bag on a product that hasn't been officially released to the public yet. It's still a wait-and-see situation at this point.

2. He didn't call your SSDS3 a 'disaster' and actually was highly optimistic about the product. He reported the issues that came out from the public release, which he would do the EXACT same thing if Darksoft's cart came out tomorrow and had issues. It's just retro gaming news like any other product he posts about.

He requested the removal because I bought the NeoSD off of him, and I wanted proper access to the firmware updates. And yes, he was intending to use the money to pay for the MVS version. However, he lost his job and instead had to completely change plans as a result. He's been having to sell off all his video game equipment, even his RGB monitors. That just life getting in the way, and there was nothing sinister about it.

See my comment above. He wasn't lying to you at all. He lost his job and all plans changed.


I think he is not impartial, i decide to not ship him a review unit.

I think he could sent an email before make his last video, as he did before, cause he has my own personal email.
And i explain he asked for a review unit but i refushed to ship it, for the previous reasons.

I think no one has to "learn a leason" if he dosen´t asks for that.
If we need to learn a lesson, we will go to someone to teach us that, we will ask for that. Save your lessons for your friends and familly

See the videos on the first post, do you think the issue is how he has presented it ? i don´t think so

Do you know the damage his video has done ?
No, you don´t

Could he has saved us this damage ? i think so, if he wanted, but he preffered to submit this video instead of asking us.

You may understand why i feel sick about that.

Want to help me ? don´t tell me you want to help me, help me not doing such things.
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Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
On a side note here... it's nothing important...

But this aint Schmups... the mods there have given up trying to mod that site... that's why I suggest that it's become the morally bare site it is atm...

I'm just suggesting that here on NG.com... the forum self-regulates... HOWEVER... seeing as I'm just relaxing... I'm going to let you guys discuss shit...


PS. I will re-iterate... this is NOT schmups... and I aint a pussy Schmups mod who has given up on their own site...


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
I didn't even know who this RetroRBV guy was till you guys posted links lol. When he mentioned the Retro Round Table I lol'd.


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
You see... I always say the forum self-regulates... and in the main it does... BUT the questions need to be asked:

1. Does a free loader who asks for a device... and then starts dissing it because he didn't get one... be allowed on any site..
2. Does that particular individual... (I am going to start calling him Retro_RectalGrabBoy...) have the right to make uninformed videos that damage a fellow member of the communities business...
... seeing as Retro_RectalGrabBoy... has a track record for doing this...
3. Does he deserve space on any forum?

My view is no... but hell.. I'm old school and I Care for the community...

IF you Schmups guys wanna start bringing your morally offensive views here... your stay be very short lived...


PS. So.. he lost his job... meh.... if he aint found one... tell him Subway are hiring...


War Room Troll
Jan 24, 2018
Last summer he sent an email asking for his email removed from our downloads section cause he was waiting for a MVS cab so we wanted to sell his NEOSD AES and purchase a NEOSD MVS (this is what he said).
We did his request but we saw a video from two weeks before when he said he was going to get a darksoft MVS to review.

I don’t see a problem here. What are you implying? Bob saying he will get a DarkSoft cart to review doesn’t mean he prefers their product over yours. He has a youtube channel where he reviews a lot of products. Why wouldn’t he review the DarkSoft cart? This seems like more misunderstanding to me.

So when he came back asking for a SSDS3 review unit i said NO, for the previous reasons (never did a review of NEOSD AES, lied us telling that he wanted to sell his NEOSD AES to purchase a NEOSD MVS while telling on his video from 2 weeks before that he was going to review darsof MVS cart)

Again, why would you think that he lied to you? What he buys for himself and what he gets to review are 2 totally different things.

There is no way we send a "review" unit to someone and we ask for it back, casue what we would do with this unit ? sell it as new to another customer ? would you like to receive an used unit ?

Did you ask or did you just assume? Seems to me like you assumed and didn’t give him the benefit of the doubt. If I’m wrong please feel free to prove me so.

Have you ever seen a graphics card, or any elctronic device sent as review unit to be returned back ?

Yes, many times. I’ve also seen RetroRGB send back stuff that’s way cheaper than your product. You can see for yourself in RetroRGB’s latest video.

We get a lot of review units requests just to get a free unit, i don´t know what intentions Bob had, but he asked for a review unit and i refushed it for the previous stated reasons.

You’re clearly admitting you didn’t know RetroRGB’s intentions.

My own taste is he is one of those guys that pretend to be your friend but stabs you in the back as soon as he has the oportunity. I had this feeling when he sent this email to get his email removed from the database and i got the confirmation with yesterdays video.

Where in the video did he stab you in the back? Have you even watched the video? I feel like you didn’t. At all. He’s defending your product in spite of the design errors. He even defends the TerraOnion team by saying they are not to blame for this.

If he would care a bit about our situation, he could have contacted us before making this video asking what we were going to do. He could have told on his video : i talked with them and they SAID they already have a solution, lets wait and see this solution. Or anything like this.

Apparently he did because he said exactly what you were going to do, which is what you ended up doing.

He could have waited 1 week aswel, this is what a guy that wants to help would do. Instead of tell something that is not true on his video to rise the preasure on our cutomers.

How did he rise the pressure on your customers? I would argue his video did exactly the opposite, and I’m a potential customer.

What happened yesterday was him to take the oportunity to get a revenge, telling on his videos coment that we had a leson to lernt.

Yes Bob, we learnt the kind of people you are, and that your videos are more opinion videos than analysis videos.

I would strongly recomend you to start your sentences with : "i my opinion, without havent seen the product"

Hope this clarifies the whole thing, i didn´t wanted to go so deep on the issue

Revenge? What? Did you even watch the video? He defends you multiple times! Why do you insist on something that didn’t happen at all?


Whilst Drunk., I Found God., Booze = Bad.,
20 Year Member
Dec 12, 2003
If you are trying to debate all of this iCach0, this is not the place.


Neosd Developer
Oct 18, 2016

If i have to explain you this, you are lacking of comon sense, but i am willing to explain you that anyways :

You buy a 250 euros device by preorder.
You see a video of someone telling its shit.

What would you do ?

I will give yout two options :

a) buy another unit
b) send an email asking for a refund.

advice : a) is not the right answer

Sometimes i think you guys live in a different world than i do.

The lack of comon sense amazes me

I don´t think Bob lacks of comon senses, i think he has been playing his game with me and i don´t like his game.

I don´t like people telling me by email : i want to help you, and then doing those videos without a clue about what he is talking about.
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War Room Troll
Jan 24, 2018
RetroRGB asked for a free copy of the SD 3... He called it a "Review Copy"... Semantics aside... the question is... would The Terraonion team sell that same copy that had been used to a customer? Would YOU accept a second hand unit when you have paid FULL price for an item?

Again, you say RetroRGB asked for a “free copy” which didn’t happen. He asked to borrow a unit to review which is a completely different thing, not just semantics. Don’t take my word, go look at his twitter post where he uploaded a screenshot of the emails. He’s the only one dealing with facts and reality here. Anyone can make claims of anything. Proof/evidence is what separates reality from BS.

Is it worth their time to get the item back... and then re-list it as second hand?

This is a very legitimate question, and one that I think the team should answer however in the way that suits their best interests. If that’s the case they could have said no and listed that as the reason instead of making so many baseless personal accusations and attacks.

The reason he's getting this much hate is because quite frankly... we do not like freeloaders on the forum or the scene in general...

I don’t like freeloaders either. I’ve unsubbed from a lot of youtube channels for that same reason. I don’t think RetroRGB is a freeloader. You haven’t provided a single piece of evidence to support your claim.

YOU might personally "know' Bob... but here's the deal... we aint here to stroke his ego... The members here will tell you how it is...

I’m not asking for anyone to stroke Bob’s ego, just for people to be fair, that’s all.

Bob is NOT peoples favourite person due to a lot of factors and quite frankly I aint in the mood to play...

So you’re in the mood to slander Bob nut not explain why? Do you realize how weak that makes your argument seem?

SO... if you wanna go play dick holding sessions with him... then fine... no issues here... BUT... if you wanna stick around... i'd suggest you stay and start becoming a part of the community and maybe... just maybe... you'll learn a thing or two...

I am ready to learn whatever lessons I can from this community. Unfortunately it seems people here are more interested in drama, slandering and protecting egos than addressing issues like mature people.

Syn' said you just broke an unwritten rule... this refers to the fact that you quoted me in a post which is not the best idea you're going to have...

What is that supposed to mean? If I quote you because I want to engage you in an honest, productive conversation, and you disagree, you will silence and ban me? Feel free to do so if that’s what you feel it’s best. I guess power trips can have a really nasty effect on some people.

PS. Your initial post was too tl;dr... best learn that the amount of words used does not necessarily mean signs of intelligence...

It’s OK if you didn’t read it. No one claimed anything regarding word-count relating to intelligence. It seems you’re quite happy not listening to others and locking yourself in an echo-chamber.


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
Blah de fuckin... Blah...

Well done... any Uruguayan IP's will now be deleted with extreme prejudice... Good on you for fuckin' up your countrymen...:keke:

Did you not read my statements... I was relaxing...

But there's a fuckin' good reason why I am effective....

Thierry Henry

Tung's Hair Stylist
Apr 3, 2013
Just came to say I spilled my beer when I read the renaming to Retro_RectalGrabBoy. :lolz: