Manga Fans: What You Reading?


Obsessed Neo-Fan
15 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
Has anyone published Ushijima-kun in English yet? That's a very good comic. It's the story of a loan shark that's filled with truly awful people, and you get to watch as assorted idiots self destruct through debt.

Just a heads-up, but the comic was adapted into a couple live-action tv series and a couple live-action movies that tie into the tv series. Do NOT watch those; they're fucking terrible, although the lead actor is not bad. But they lighten the tone of the story considerably, turning it into a semi-comedy, which is not what Ushijima-kun is. The comic is often fucking bleak. But interesting.

Sounds cool. I looked and dont see an english release.

Anyone read Ubel Blatt? Saw this at Barnes but it's shrinkwrapped. Amazon reviews are saying berserk meets zelda, but also say unnecessary nudity. I don't care if a manga has some nudity, but it's not a selling point at all. Looking more for a deep story and good art. Some reviewers compared it to Game of Thrones. I'm curious about it.


The Fatal Fury Disciple
15 Year Member
Aug 30, 2016
I still keep up with Black Lagoon and it’s always been an awesome read imho. The manga just resumed and the collected volume 11 just came out about a month or so ago in japan. The action is non-stop and Revy and the gang are one of the few ongoing modern mangas that I still read.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
Picked up the first five volumes of Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Arc. Naturally in both English and Japanese :tickled:


Camel Slug
May 10, 2016
Not a manga as such, but I finally got hold of a copy of Shirow’s Intron Depot 1 after all these years... absolutely fantastic art book. Dual English/Japanese language too, which is great as it’s full of interesting information.


Obsessed Neo-Fan
15 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
Thought I would give this guy a bump, as I have kind of been on a manga obsession since my initial post. Been reading at least a few chapters a night before bed. Sometimes several hours. Currently reading like 4 different series.

Would like to hear what everyone has been reading, and turn this into a manga thread, where everyone posts anything manga related. Especially cool stuff coming out.


Taking Berserk super slow on purpose, since I'm getting up there. Nothing really compares to Berserk so far. It's just about perfect in every way.

Speaking of Berserk, these coming out soon.
Not sure if this is actually a novel, like a traditional book, or a manga side story. Either way, I will be snagging this.
The really cool thing about this hardcover edition, is that it has all the covers for the included volumes. Which is my main gripe with Omnibus format stuff. Pretty much makes this a mandatory upgrade. Just has me wondering if Dark Horse will continue to release the paperbacks. I hope so.

Now, onto what I have been reading.

1. Read the first 3 volumes of Vagabond Vizbig. It's pretty fucking epic. Another one I am taking slow.

2. Read the entire 1st series of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood. Never knew JoJo was so cool. Now I know who the characters were in the Dreamcast game I played back in the day. Will definitely be finishing this series. The production quality of this manga is outstanding. Very Similar to Gundam Origin.

3. On volume 3 of Banana Fish. This one is seriously good. Takes place in Vice City, about gangs and drugs. Not your typical anime art style. A must read.

4. Read the first 2 Gundam Origin Collections. Also picked up Thunderbolt one, and have been resisting not to read until I finish origin. Man... I'm really blown away by the origin collection. Not only is the story great, the quality of the book is the best I have seen ever. Not just manga, like any book ever.

5. Delicious in Dungeon - Read the first 2, and was pleasantly surprised. I will be continuing this series for sure. Think a manga about a dungeon crawler video game, like Shining in the Darkness, but hilarious, and about cooking monsters to eat them.

6. Wolfsmund - Read the first one and liked it, but not sure if I want to continue the series anytime soon. It does seem solid though for sure. First edition is out of print, and $60.00 on eBay. Thanks to the guy that recommended it last year.

7. Eden: It's an Endless World by Hiroki Endo... this has got to be one of the greatest Manga ever. Unfortunately I am stuck trying to locate volume 6, 7, 8, and 9.

Stuff I picked up that I will be working on soon:

1. Nausicaa: Of the Valley of the Wind. - Beautiful hardcover edition, and super cheap on Rightstuf, especially if you are a member.

2. Tekkon Kinkreet

3. 20th Century Boys

4. Golden Kamuy

5. Planetes Omnibus 1 & 2 - I recommend picking up vol 2 now. It's out of print. I had to get it on Barnes & Noble website, becasue it's being peddled on eBay for $60.00-$100.00. Better try and get it ASAP if it looks interesting!

On my radar: (if you all read it, LMK what you think)

1. Akira box set... (I know this is a must own)
2. A Drifting Classroom
3. Dorohedoro
4. Gyo
5. Uzumaki
6. Monster
7. Lone Wolf & Cub
8. Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service
9. Blame!
10. All you need is kill
11. Vinland Saga ( I know it's good, just haven't got there)
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