Lets Play Some Street Fighter Alpha 2 and 3 For Fucks Sake!!!!


Bub & Bob's Bubble Buddy
Jun 13, 2009
Both of these games deserve more appreciation and play. So let's try to get some games in on fightcade this week. I'm actually free now for about 3 hours. So hmu. I won't be in the room until I have a challenge.


Robot Master., Master Tasuke, Eat Your, Heart Out
10 Year Member
Secret Santa Veteran
Mar 5, 2013
I'm down to play Ultra Street Fighter 2 on Switch, Tekken 7, KOF14 on PS4.


Bub & Bob's Bubble Buddy
Jun 13, 2009
No switch or ps4 right now. Have fightcade. Or I have SF2HD, ultra and third strike on ps3 and 3s on 360


Bub & Bob's Bubble Buddy
Jun 13, 2009
I know there has to be some SFA players in here. Im off this Thurs and Fri. Let get some games


Bub & Bob's Bubble Buddy
Jun 13, 2009
Lol, I was making all kinds of comebacks.

Sometimes I got lucky. But I wasn't activating and landing those custom combos on accident lol

Bring that anger to our next set sucka

Electric Grave

So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
Those custom combos were last resort desperation BS, give me a fucking break, lol.


Bub & Bob's Bubble Buddy
Jun 13, 2009
I'm free tonight. Just changing buttons/sticks on my cab.

Electric- LMK if you wanna run it back on A2


Bolt Thrower.,
Mar 21, 2014
Actually SFA2 Gold is my most played Saturn game, it's just that I don't have the setup for fightcade atm (PC got moved to the office and I didn't setup the laptop yet) - with timezones this would be hard to schedule anyways I guess.

In former times we had this "I challenge you to play with character X" monthly thread going though - that was quite entertaining.
Personally I most often play Ryu style characters but did 1CC the game with Birdy recently (standard difficulty) - needless to say apart from Akuma the game is much easier to beat than SNK bosses ;)

I'd like to see some ng.com matches though - so if you find is possible/it isn't too much of a hassle post a video of one of the fights some time.


Bub & Bob's Bubble Buddy
Jun 13, 2009
I used to like Alpha 2 gold more. But after playing the 2 back to back the last week in a half i have to say Alpha 2 is the better/more fun game. The "balancing" they did with the custom combo activation and alpha counter really takes away from the game.

Ill have to see if my friend recorded our last session we played if not, once you get fightcade on your laptop you can watch my player replays on the fightcade site.
Just have to search for user MountainDewFKR


Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
I used to like Alpha 2 gold more. But after playing the 2 back to back the last week in a half i have to say Alpha 2 is the better/more fun game. The "balancing" they did with the custom combo activation and alpha counter really takes away from the game.

That was the opinion of the fighting game community back in the day almost word for word. Congrats, I guess? :)

Big damage CCs (including blowout/Valle CCs) and powerful Alpha Counters are among the only things that make that game interesting mechanically. Sure, nerfing the crap out of them makes the top tiers less frustrating but it's also way less interesting. Plus Ken, Chun, Ryu and Rose are still the best characters even without that crap. Most of the extra characters are worthless palette swaps and the few things they added for pre-existing characters don't change the game at all.

Zero 3 Upper is kind of the same situation.

Anyway... sorry I keep promising to set up Fightcade but I'm a lazy fuck. Getting my old man games fix on cab and more recent games on PS4. Plus I've been tinkering with getting all of that NESICA shit working. In any case, I'll post when I finally get around to it.


Bub & Bob's Bubble Buddy
Jun 13, 2009
I had alot of love for gold cause me and my bro used to play it alot on console. Before I started to get good at fighting games. So i was stubborn for the longest when it came to the 2 versions. We have a small fun tournament series thats on a monthly basis called Poverty Maniacs. They run old school fighters. SFA2 might be on the bill as one of the games for season 2. But even if it doesnt make it, there is a small group of us that want to do a local revival of the game. At the very least we will have fun. Im very used to Alpha 3 when it comes to the alpha series. I REALLy miss 2 major things from SFA3. Guard Break and Command normal Throws. Well i guess 3 things, hitboxes are so much better in 3 also.
Im by no means a great player at the game, but im learning and having fun.

For sure dude, hope you get it setup this year lol.

Mr Bakaboy

Beast Buster
Aug 27, 2006
I would say lets play, but I barely play during normal times. Life has a way of fucking shit up f you know what I mean. Though there is a really good player in the morning I run into a lot in SFA2. Young something I forget the rest. He bodies me every time.


The Fatal Fury Disciple
15 Year Member
Aug 30, 2016
...sorry I keep promising to set up Fightcade but I'm a lazy fuck. Getting my old man games fix on cab and more recent games on PS4.

Same here. I really need to put some time aside to properly set up FC. AJ was awesome enough to get me everything I need, now I just need to do it.

Would love to play some kof, fatal fury special, breakers, samurai shodown, marvel super heroes, etc etc
Last edited:


Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
Well i guess 3 things, hitboxes are so much better in 3 also.

As a Sodom player, those are fighting words. I love SFA3 but the hitboxes are BROKEN in that game. It's like the one thing that's objectively worse in Alpha 3.

For sure dude, hope you get it setup this year lol.

You certainly have lofty expectations for me. ;) I've actually put it on my to-do list for this weekend. Cross your fingers.


Bub & Bob's Bubble Buddy
Jun 13, 2009
My work schedule and everything is getting back on track and am able to play some games

Baka- You gotta hit me up with your schedule sometime man. Lets get some games going

blackanese- once you get setup on FC im down for all those. Been wanting to play some SS2 and A2 alot lately.

100- I like Sodom, he is pretty decent still in A3, but he def isnt anywhere as good as his A2 counter part.
Its not hitboxes so much as i like how for example standing Fierce punch up close is a different animation from standing fierce punch further away. It messes me up alot when switching between the two games.
And maybe not hit box so much but the flow and positioning of the characters in A2 can get alittle funky sometimes.
Hopefully you were able to get it done on your list lol


Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
My work schedule and everything is getting back on track and am able to play some games

100- I like Sodom, he is pretty decent still in A3, but he def isnt anywhere as good as his A2 counter part.

V-Sodom is actually an upper mid-tier character in A3. He has great ground pokes, pretty solid midscreen VCs and one of the easier crouch cancel infinites. His jump normals just have garbage hitboxes (particularly j. fierce and j. mk).

Hopefully you were able to get it done on your list lol

Shock of all shocks, I actually did! I then proceeded to go to Vegas for the better part of a week. However, I'm back now. Don't know what times work best for you fuckers but just let me know. I screwed around with A2 and A3 in the emulator and was dropping EVERYTHING so it's gonna take me a while to get used to the input lag and brush the rust off. No excuses though... I'll take my beatings like a man.


Bub & Bob's Bubble Buddy
Jun 13, 2009
Awesome dude, ill be free tonight since im skipping the fighting game meetup this friday. So tonight or during the weekend works for me man. Im central time zone btw.

edit- Im pretty sure even with the rust you will still beat me, never played these games when they being played competitively


New Challenger
Jan 9, 2018
These two titles definitely deserve more love. Even the first one was cool when you could the ken ryu dictator boss battle. When Alpha 2/ Zero 2 came into the arcade, I felt this was already a perfect fighter. The new old characters just rocked. Sodom, Birdie, Rolento, Adon, Guy and of course Sakura. I guess all character belonged to the capcom canon. I feel Street Fighter 5 is trying just too hard, why is there so much fuzz with adding new/old characters. What is this all about. Sorry. Zero 3 is awesome. Saturn? or Arcade?