Portland Retro Gaming Expo 2017


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
Hey nooblet, if you had been paying attention you'd know that cdamm's business was spawned from this forum, and with him it's always community first. He's not offering a space to try to sell anything, everyone around here already knows what he sells and how to get in touch with him. He just knows that he has a space, and would like to hang out with some Neo dudes.

Okay, back to retirement. :keke:

Yah... This...


PS. You're still gay... but I miss you...


If I could have, My time back, I'd keep it in ma'
10 Year Member
Jul 8, 2012
dude. for years now, i have always offered up my spot as a central meetup spot. At every convention i do. all over the country. why? because i get a kick out of meeting the other neo guys. maybe next time, dont assume the worst from a regular contributing member. you think i was sales pitching you? you have a lot to learn.

It's incredibly shitty that you want free liquor and drugs from me for the privilege of your company. I'm not trying to drive sales to my booth. again- get fucked. you've just let me know all i need to know about you. nice "do-over".

anyone else that isn't connor- y'all are more than welcome to use our area as a central meetup hub. no strings attached. if you were there last year of have met me at another con, you know what i'm all about. it will be great seeing (the vast majority of) y'all.

I concede that I jumped the gun on this. I also apologize to cdamm and anyone else I've offended with this thread. I was overzealous in my attempt to protect the community, while at the same time being uninformed about the whole thing.


Mickey's Coach
10 Year Member
Jun 10, 2011
Last year was the best! Meet at the booths, then go somewhere together was the plan previously. Time for more post expo night adventures!


Cinema Ninja!,
Sep 24, 2013
I was quite surprised this thread blew up and wondered "WTF is going on to blow up the PRGE thread, it's never this busy"

Was certainly not expecting wat it turned into...

I concede that I jumped the gun on this.

Understatement of the fucking year.

I also apologize to cdamm and anyone else I've offended with this thread.

I'd say you've offended pretty much anyone here that goes to the show.

I was overzealous in my attempt to protect the community

And oh so severely misguided...

while at the same time being uninformed about the whole thing.

'nother one o them big understatements right there.

You need to understand this connor. Arcadeworks & Windy aren't trying to hard sell you anything. If you wanna pick up anything they've got with em, fine. But most of the time I've been TALKED OUT of spending my $ with either of em. Seriously, if you had any idea how hard I've tried to hand cdamm $ for stuff before and he was repeatedly trying to talk me out of it you'd WTF.

You think trying to find some random person at the show is easier than stopping by a forum member's booth? lolyeahright

cdamm (windy) & shadowkn55 (arcadeworks) are a couple of the best guys on this board. Stoppin by/hangin out at their booths is how it's done at shows for the N-G.com crowd when the show is open. Then we usually meet up at heir booths right at the end of the day to figure out where we're going to go afterwards. To think that they're trying to sell you and ruin the community is so lolz i have no words...

Last year was the best! Meet at the booths, then go somewhere together was the plan previously. Time for more post expo night adventures!

Damn straight!

Last year for me the actual "show" sucked (my personal opinion). But the socializing both at the show and during the after show adventures was the best yet. Looking forward to that and hoping we have even more entertaining times this year. And also hope to not be visiting the urgent care at the hospital like I did during MGC... Thanks again cdamm for teh ride to the hospital! Still disappoint ya never posted up the pics of the bloody aftermath.


Trust the French?
10 Year Member
Apr 1, 2011
Still disappoint ya never posted up the pics of the bloody aftermath.

glad i could get you to the hospital safely and not leech off the community longer.




yer number 1 in my book!




Trust the French?
10 Year Member
Apr 1, 2011
you had the quote of the convention.

"uh. i think i need a band aid"


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
Tell ya what. You can host a party at your sales desk with a nice sign and sales pitches, but no beer, weed, or freeplay arcade games. I'll be the guy hosting the party with a shitty sign, beer, weed, and arcade games on freeplay.

In all seriousness though, don't you think it's a bit uncouth to attempt to insert your business into a by-community, for-community meetup? If you had something to offer us as a host then sure, but come on man. If you want to officially sponsor the neo-geo.com PRGE meetup then that's another story, but let's do it right so that we maximize the fun for the forum members! eg. you could offer us all a cool sticker or t-shirt or whatever. Any gesture of goodwill makes for a better community and increases the fun.

Fuck you noob


Trust the French?
10 Year Member
Apr 1, 2011
Little does he know that I travel with arcade games set to free play to demo my warez.

That's how I get ya.



Blame madman, You Know You Want To.,
Jun 1, 2007
cdamm also offers unlimited salad and breadsticks at his booth. When you're at cdamm's booth you're family.


Cinema Ninja!,
Sep 24, 2013
you had the quote of the convention.

"uh. i think i need a band aid"


Well, I didn't exactly know wat else to say at the moment. Little bit o shock at filleting my finger open like I did. What's funny is that someone did go grab a band aid and then quickly found out that wasn't gonna cut it when they say how badly I was bleedin all over the place. Too bad my shitty phone pics don't quite convey the carnage...

The cut is on the wrong finger.

Uhhh, wat's the "right" finger loli? Also note that's how you deal with injuries during a con loli. Git yer ass to a hospital or such, get fixed up real quick, and go back and enjoy the festivities. None of this "I cut my hand and can't go" shit.


I survived Secret Santa, It wasn't Easy.,
Feb 19, 2016
cdamm also offers unlimited salad and breadsticks at his booth. When you're at cdamm's booth you're family.

"Unlimited" you say? It's not HnRs, but it'll do.

bubs, that shit looked painful.
Last edited:


Before you sell me something, ask how well my baby
10 Year Member
Mar 30, 2010
How hard is it to get tickets to these? Are they like conventions where i have to wait hours to just pick up my badge.


Cinema Ninja!,
Sep 24, 2013
Could have had middle finger mighty flips.

True. But i had some good dion finger goin on w/that.

take note- immediately after cutting his finger to the bone, bubs went out with myself and the mgc crew to get hot wings.

Yessir. Shit, hadn't even washed the blood off yet. Did that when we got there.

bubs, that shit looked painful.

A bit painful. But I'd just put a new blade in my knife so it was verr sharp. Super sharp doesn't hurt as bad, but cuts the fuck outta ya. Lots o blood was poured that's for sure.

How hard is it to get tickets to these? Are they like conventions where i have to wait hours to just pick up my badge.

Tickets haven't sold out any year I've been there. And since I've always had pre-bought weekend passes the line to pick those up has been non-existant. Like has taken 20-30 seconds to grab my badge every year. There is usually a line for buying tickets at the show though.


New Challenger
Jul 14, 2008
Definitely pre-buy your tickets if you can. The line/location to do so during the show is always ridiculous.
I'll be there, still undecided if I'm volunteering or not again. This would be year 7 as a show volunteer, but there's a part of me that just wants to relax and enjoy the expo.


Kabuki Klasher
Apr 13, 2008
PRGE is great fun. This will be my third year there, but I am afraid of interactions with new peoples. :<


Frenzy Football Player
10 Year Member
Jul 1, 2012
Wasn't able to make it last year, but definitely going this year! Will be there the whole weekend with a friend of mine, but I'll try and stop by the Windy booth and say what's up.


Trust the French?
10 Year Member
Apr 1, 2011
Wasn't able to make it last year, but definitely going this year! Will be there the whole weekend with a friend of mine, but I'll try and stop by the Windy booth and say what's up.

i will be sure to bog you down with endless sales pitches ensuring you do not have a good time.