ViewPoint: One of my Favorite Neo Geo Games


Obsessed Neo-Fan
15 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
The more I play this game the more I like it. It looks good, controls good, and maybe the best soundtrack on the Neo Geo. All my opinion of course.

I think we don't hear it mentioned much on the forums because of the difficulty, and it's overshadowed by the great fighters on the console.

I personally think it deserves a spot in the top neo geo games though. Much better than TSS, and pretty much every other SHMUP on the console except Pulstar, even that I would argue though, and I do love Pulstar quite a bit. I definitely like it more than Blazing Star, but I think I'm in the minority on that one.

What you all think? One of the greats on the console? Pure shit? Average? Or too hard to determine?

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Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
It was a big player in the earlier days, but it was later overshadowed and forgotten. Ports to other systems only made the Neo version more enticing. When I play now though, it's too hard. I only remember the music from the first couple stages. I'm sure I'd appreciate it more if I'd spent more time with it.


Cheng's Errand Boy
Nov 23, 2004
I really like Viewpoint because of the challenge and the smooth controls. The game controls so well that when you die it really is your fault. I think that is why it is so great. It gets addicting because you want to memorize and navigate that ship through some pretty crazy obstacles. The only problem with the game is that some of the boss battles are close to impossible to beat, especially on the MVS setting.


General Morden's Aide
Feb 3, 2013
It looks good, controls good, and maybe the best soundtrack on the Neo Geo. All my opinion of course.

Well, it's a pretty generic opinion. Could you be more specific? Pulstar and Blazing Star offer great looks, controls and soundtracks, too. TSS is incomparable to Viewpoint. The former offers a unique gameplay concept, the latter a unique graphic design. They're not in competition.

I like Viewpoint first and foremost, because of its instant accessibility.

Pulstar is not accessible because of its flawed power-up concept, which doesn't allow the player to come back after loosing a life. It simply takes too long, till you are reasonably powered up again, because there are too many things that require enhancement and you get no smart bombs after your demise, to help you survive the waiting period for the next power-ups to come.

Blazing Star dismissed all this lengthy power-up process, but instead, it destroys accessibility with rank. Collect all extras, destroy all enemies and you'll end up dead as a reward. You're forced to play rank-controlled and, on top of that, to use auto-fire, or else you won't get far.

Viewpoint has no rank, you don't need auto-fire, if you die, you can always come back into play again, because there's only one important power-up, your options. Viewpoint also offers a three (!) hit shield, three new bombs upon continuing and it doesn't set you back at the beginning of a stage with a new credit.

Further, you get extends, either through points or in form of hidden extra-lives. Since loosing a life doesn't end the game on the spot, like it does in Pulstar, this is another boost to accessibility. There are no extends in Blazing Star.

It seems that every other STG on the Neo pressures you to do something, in order to have fun with it. Pulstar forces you to deliver a 1-life-clear, Blazing Star needs rank-control and auto, TSS needs another player to be a blast, ASO II requires economy in handling the cost/benefit ratio of your armors, Last Resort has its bulky force and rank, too... and VP? It's just a good game. Enjoy.


20 Year Member
Jan 30, 2002
Well, it's a pretty generic opinion. Could you be more specific? Pulstar and Blazing Star offer great looks, controls and soundtracks, too. TSS is incomparable to Viewpoint. The former offers a unique gameplay concept, the latter a unique graphic design. They're not in competition.

I like Viewpoint first and foremost, because of its instant accessibility.

Pulstar is not accessible because of its flawed power-up concept, which doesn't allow the player to come back after loosing a life. It simply takes too long, till you are reasonably powered up again, because there are too many things that require enhancement and you get no smart bombs after your demise, to help you survive the waiting period for the next power-ups to come.

Blazing Star dismissed all this lengthy power-up process, but instead, it destroys accessibility with rank. Collect all extras, destroy all enemies and you'll end up dead as a reward. You're forced to play rank-controlled and, on top of that, to use auto-fire, or else you won't get far.

Viewpoint has no rank, you don't need auto-fire, if you die, you can always come back into play again, because there's only one important power-up, your options. Viewpoint also offers a three (!) hit shield, three new bombs upon continuing and it doesn't set you back at the beginning of a stage with a new credit.

Further, you get extends, either through points or in form of hidden extra-lives. Since loosing a life doesn't end the game on the spot, like it does in Pulstar, this is another boost to accessibility. There are no extends in Blazing Star.

It seems that every other STG on the Neo pressures you to do something, in order to have fun with it. Pulstar forces you to deliver a 1-life-clear, Blazing Star needs rank-control and auto, TSS needs another player to be a blast, ASO II requires economy in handling the cost/benefit ratio of your armors, Last Resort has its bulky force and rank, too... and VP? It's just a good game. Enjoy.

When I clicked on the link, I immediatelly knew I was once again about to read a sophisticated, constructive, LOOOOONG post of yours.

It delivered ;)
Viewpoint is just too good and at some point - unique.

FilthyRear's, Top Rated Bully.,
15 Year Member
Jan 24, 2007
I loved Zaxxon as a kid, and VP gives off that vibe. Tough as nails, but satisfying.


Sieger's Squire
10 Year Member
Apr 16, 2011
I love this game and when playing - I'm addicted to beating the end boss of each level. I can't get past level 4 I think. The boss seems impossible to beat. I've been so close, kept my 3 bombs until the end, setting them off at strategic points against the boss but get hit at the last minute.

The game is addictive, frustrating, challenging and I keep coming back to it. I will complete it one day...


Blame madman, You Know You Want To.,
Jun 1, 2007
This game definitely requires serious time investment to enjoy. When I had it on the MVS years ago I was pretty decent at it, picked it up last year on NGCD and realized I now suck. It's not a quick pick up and play for a bit game like AF2, but with practice it pays off. I think it gets a bad rap due to its difficulty, but I'd put it in the classic category. Graphics still look great today, which is amazing considering the age of the game. The soundtrack? One of the best. I've seen some people complain about the controls and how they can't tell where the ship is relative to enemies/obstacles but I've never found that to be the case.


General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Oct 2, 2003
. . It's not a quick pick up and play for a bit game like AF2, but with practice it pays off.

You're just name dropping a random game. What makes AF2 "pick up and play" vs. viewpoint or anything else?

Obviously viewpoint is memorization heavy...but your random comment implies that AF2 is some lightweight romp haha


Blame madman, You Know You Want To.,
Jun 1, 2007
You're just name dropping a random game. What makes AF2 "pick up and play" vs. viewpoint or anything else?

Obviously viewpoint is memorization heavy...but your random comment implies that AF2 is some lightweight romp haha

I knew you'd be around the second I posted that comment.


General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Oct 2, 2003
I knew you'd be around the second I posted that comment.

Hmm, I doubt that crossed your mind.

You don't come across as sad/paranoid/fixated or anything.

Seriously though, AF2 does involve a good deal of memorization and planning from around stage 4 and on.

I spent the past month and a half playing this game exclusively (and I cleared the first loop). So naturally, seeing AF2 made my ears perk up, not the madman post.


Blame madman, You Know You Want To.,
Jun 1, 2007
I clearly rustled your millennial jimmies at some point in the past which is why you are fixated on me.


General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Oct 2, 2003
I clearly rustled your millennial jimmies at some point in the past which is why you are fixated on me.

I mean, when people say dumb/misinformed shit about games, I point it out when I see it.


General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Oct 2, 2003
Hahaha. Did someone in chat tell you I'm in my early 30's?


That's crazy AF


They call him Mr. Windy
15 Year Member
Sep 29, 2007
I'm going to be honest, I used to loathe this game until I played the NG version. Until then all I had played with the Genny version and ugh. The NG version, I can't really explain it, but to me its one of those games you sit and play and just can't get enough of. Years ago when BigTinz had me play the NG version I understood why people liked it. Was the Ps1 port any better?


Formerly the Drunk, known as Tyrandom.,
Feb 28, 2013
Was the Ps1 port any better?

Unfortunally no.
Nice graphics, but with framerate issues and (mostly) fucked up ost.

I suppose that EA would have incurred in some copyright infringiment, expecially in US territories...
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General Morden's Aide
Feb 3, 2013
When I clicked on the link, I immediatelly knew I was once again about to read a sophisticated, constructive, LOOOOONG post of yours.

Thanks Atro, for a game like Viewpoint I gladly do the predictable tl;dr clown ;).


15 Year Member
May 20, 2004
Damn good soundtrack to viewpoint.Still i find it to be one of the most difficult shooters to play with it's isometric view.Which throws me off for how to avoid enemy fire,any time i do play it.


New Challenger
Nov 27, 2016
I really dig this game and it gets the most play of any game in my 6 slot. It is pretty difficult, but very rewarding.


Obsessed Neo-Fan
15 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
Damn good soundtrack to viewpoint.Still i find it to be one of the most difficult shooters to play with it's isometric view.Which throws me off for how to avoid enemy fire,any time i do play it.

I never found this to be an issue, but I grew up playing Landstalker, Baldurs Gate, Diablo, and other isometric games. I can't see this game in any other perspective other than isometric. I understand where you're coming from though.


Armored Scrum Object
Nov 26, 2013
I loved Zaxxon as a kid, and VP gives off that vibe. Tough as nails, but satisfying.

Same for me. I had it on neo CD in the mid/ late 90s, and have played it pretty regularly since. When i got my mvs copy, i credit fed just to see the end. From that i found out i will most likely never beat it in a respectable amount of credits. On a good day, i can make it to level four on one credit. Great ost, awesome game


Crossed Swords Squire
Nov 27, 2011
I had zaxxon on my colecovision so as this is the spiritual successor it was a must. Love the simultaneous 2P mode as well.