Wii U - Questions: Gamepad range, storage solutions, other

Pretty Amy

Loyal Neo-Disciple
10 Year Member
Sep 15, 2013
Yeah, those high capacity batteries are pretty good. It feels silly when you open the battery compartment on the gamepad to realize how poorly the original battery fills the available space.


New Challenger
Jan 9, 2018
For the first point, that depends. Some games need the gamepad for all inputs, some for auxiliary information or uses. It varies from game to game if it's an absolute requirement (like Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker) or not, but if it isn't, you might be able to use a pro classic controller, instead (like Bayonetta). Auxiliary can be as little as knowing what dice sides have been thrown in Mario Party 10.

As for the usb hard drive and seeking, the people have it, again. No solid state drives like a standard usb stick ("plug and play") because the Wii U will read/write so many times, it'll kill the stick because solid state drives have limits (not a small amount, mind you, but not intended to be constantly "seeking"). The usb y-cable is to supply enough power to a device, such as a portable hard drive, without using another power source.

Thank you that is good to know that solid drives are no good. I assume SD cards are also not ideal? Or what do you recommend when you want to store wii games and wii u games. I believe you can't have both on the same drive. Would love to hear back from you.


I survived Secret Santa, It wasn't Easy.,
Feb 19, 2016
Thank you that is good to know that solid drives are no good. I assume SD cards are also not ideal? Or what do you recommend when you want to store wii games and wii u games. I believe you can't have both on the same drive. Would love to hear back from you.

SD cards are fine for saves, and likely required for Wii saves and game downloads. I haven't played many Wii games on my Wii U, but if vWii is the same as the actual Wii, then this should still be correct.

A USB hard drive would be needed separately for the WiiU saves and game downloads.


My poontang misses Lenn Yang's wang
10 Year Member
Apr 3, 2011
Most Wii saves are stored on the internal flash, only some can be moved to the SD card. Brawl does not allow you to move its save file to SD card.


I survived Secret Santa, It wasn't Easy.,
Feb 19, 2016
Most Wii saves are stored on the internal flash, only some can be moved to the SD card. Brawl does not allow you to move its save file to SD card.

True. I haven't seen if they limited the amount of "blocks" for internal memory on the vWii, but I'd bet it's not a higher amount than what was on the Wii.


New Challenger
Jan 9, 2018
The great thing about the Wii U is that you can connect the wii’s this allows you to also connect it to a pvm bvm or a sd crt. Does anyone have experience with this? What resolutions does the Wii U display?


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
The Wii U isn't great on a CRT. You can set it for 480i with component video and it will work, but everything is widescreen and there's no option for 4:3, so if you are playing 4:3 content like VC games it gets windowboxed. Also no 240p mode in Wii mode for Wii VC games. Leave it on a HDTV and connect the regular Wii to the SDTV.


New Challenger
Jan 9, 2018
The pal Wii seems to be very good with crts. You can get the rgb cable and go from there. I understand that the virtual console on Wii U are not so good.